Sunday 30 June 2013

Day 6 of The Three Weeks

Well yesterday was pretty well incident-free the football tipping results notwithstanding!!!!! But it was because I didn't go anywhere nor did anything yesterday aside from lamenting my football tipping fate!! I wish every day of The Three Weeks was like that (except the football bit!! haha!!) but as they say life goes on. And today was more busy, went to the shops, to Dog Swamp for the groceries, avoiding Mirrabooka for the duration of The Three Weeks due to the high crime rate and no car alarm. No major incidence at Dog Swamp. Then went to mow the back lawn, no incidence there, and did the laundry and other chores, no incidence there. So up to now had a reasonably OK weekend, the football tipping results being the only major incidence and even then it wasn't as bad as I first thought, no one else in our office comp fared so well either, so still have a chance of getting into the top six which is where the prize monies are. Perhaps Julie is bringing me good luck!!

Speaking of Julie, well she finally found that group she has been wanting for us to attend. It sounds like a most fascinating group, the philosophy is most interesting and pretty well fits in with what I feel to be so from my point of view. Basically we are one with the universe, well without going into detail. The group format itself is most interesting and am rather excited about it, reminds me of them hippies, and I am a hippie at heart. If I was born 10 years earlier I would have been a hippie. That is why I visited San Francisco first and last when I went to America, it is my favorite city, I just love the vibes of the city. Anyway the group - we all sit or stand in a circle, depending on the afternoon's activity. Apparently it changes from week to week, or the different groups has different emphasis. But sometimes they just meditate, will be a challenge for me with ADHD but not impossible, I have done meditation before at the Buddhist Center back in the days of Barbara so I can do it, just a matter of practice I suppose. But other things too, just sharing our spiritual insights, sometimes having spiritual teachers coming for a chat, or even spiritual dancing - that I would enjoy very much, me a dancer at heart and my guardian angel is a dancer. Of course it was mother who went to dancing school, and it kinda rubbed off on me, I loved it, but spiritual dancing I love most of all. But whatever we do it is always in a circle, sorta dates back to Paganism and indeed most forms of spirituality. The philosophy behind that is that in a circle we are all equal, there is none running the show, like a traditional setting of a preacher lecturing the audience who basically not allowed to say anything. In a circle we all get to share our piece of wisdom on an equal basis. I am really excited about it, this suits my philosophy down to a T.

There are several groups who meets around Perth, but I think the one Julie is wanting us to go to is located in Winthrop, a small environmental building located in a lovely not-so-little park much of it being natural bushland. Not far from one of my former neck of the woods, near to Murdoch University and mother's house. A most lovely spot indeed, almost like being in the country from the building's viewpoint. Sorta like Kings Park though not quite as big as Kings Park.

The meetings are 2 hours on a Saturday afternoon on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. This makes the next meeting to be next Saturday on 6 July. Not sure if I want to start on such a wonderful group during The Three Weeks, starting anything new during The Three Weeks usually ends in catastrophe. However if Julie wants for us to start next Saturday then I will not knock it back. The next meeting after that is 20 July which places it AFTER The Three Weeks. I'd be happier with that date, nevertheless, I will start when Julie wants to start. I think things are going to be different with Julie anyway, with both of us having such understanding about the energies of the universe, just perhaps for the first time such events as The Three Weeks won't affect us so much!!

Anyway yes I am rather excited about this..... hopefully it will be the beginning of positive changes and healings..... I sure hope so.... about time I get a break for a change!!!!

In keeping with this hippie-type theme I won't do a Three Weeks song but rather one of my fav songs to do with hippie culture..... The Rythm of Life by Sammy Davies Jr

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