Wednesday 19 June 2013

Is history about to repeat itself?

Here my mid-week musings and I am flying.... it feels like walking three feet off the ground..... everything is wonderful..... oooohhhhhh....... scatterbrained..... ever forgetful of things.... so much on my mind and it all starts with a J.... J-J-J-J.....

Back when I was 13 or so, I had just come out of the 8 years of hell with Colin, my scars finally starting to heal, things were looking up.... and Debra's best friend at the time, her younger sister had the hots for me, and her name was Julie. So I went out with her for a bit, and Debra was always teasing me about it with this song which had just come out at the time.....

If the vid doesn't work go to this link -  - oldies like me should know the song anyway.... me as I get my walking stick... hehe.....

Now nearly four decades later.... just coming out of the years of hell, not quite the 8 years of hell, but the hell starting with mother's diagnosis, her death, sally's diabolical health situation and her death..... and now another Julie comes into my life, the lady I talked about in last week's blog.... we have been corresponding regularly since then, me walking three feet off the ground rising to six feet whenever we communicate which is as often as every two days.... the more we share, the more I feel so connected with her.... and she understands me so well..... she is an energy worker too, she understands about the lunar and planetary energies, Astrology and the other things that affects me, even The Three Weeks.... we have so much in common.... and we flow together so well.... And soon we will meet, we will be doing some courses together, such as the Silva Method and Kineisiology..... ooohhhhh this is just so wonderful.... she is so perfect for me, almost like an angel from heaven..... OMG.... ohhhh I know I am just utterly hopeless aren't I.... I am usually cautious about these things, being a typical Virgo, always trying to analyse.... but not this time..... I am throwing caution to the wind.... and I don't care...... Julie is everything I ever dreamed about and it is going to be utterly wonderful when we meet and do those courses together...... *sigh*......

Anyway to the more mundane things of life..... I did finally go and picked up Sally's ashes. The cemetery board were bugging me to come collect them, I was hoping to wait until after The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde, but the govt doesn't allow for these things. Anyway it was a relatively painless process, and so now her ashes is with me, I placed it in her craft room as that was where she liked to work to do her crafts..... I wonder if there is going to be any paranormal activity happening!!! You know me, so sensitive to energies.... but I am pretty sure Sally is elsewhere. Sometimes they stay attached to their ashes and so things happens around it, but I think Sally will have moved on, so probably nothing will happen.... but it is rather weird to have her ashes here, just to think it was Sally!!!!! Ya know what I mean!!!! Pasco still have mother's ashes as his house even after over two years, but he not spirit sensitive like I am..... so.... um.... not sure what to do with Sally's ashes.... perhaps somewhere down the track when I have a spare couple of hundreds dollars I'll get a proper urn for them, I looked at the urns at the cemetery office while I was waiting for them to collect the ashes, so saw how much they usually are...... so will probably get an urn for them, cos at this time they are just in a basic kind of bottle container.....

Well the next non-football blog will be near the start of The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde, beginning 25-June and 26-June respectively, less than a week away. So there will be reports over those next three to four weeks, how often depends on how often the incidences occurs.

My biggest fear about The Three Weeks is it is likely to throw a spanner into our budding friendship between Julie and I. I know what happened with Barbara, we fell in love and entered into a relationship during The Three Weeks of 1988, this neither of us knew about, but it explains why it turned out to be an utter catastrophe!! I felt the same way about Barbara as I do for Julie, I thought Barbara would be perfect for me, she was absolutely wonderful, we seemed to understand each other so well, and I was just utterly in love with her. We did meet at church before The Three Weeks but we began to see each other privately and we fell in love during The Three Weeks, hence the catastrophe and heartache that was to follow.

So am rather concerned that Julie and I are headed for the same fate. But there are differences between her and Barbara. Firstly we both understand about the lunar and planetary energies, it happens Mercury's retrograde coincides with The Three Weeks, and as they say, "forewarned is forearmed". Nevertheless the curse of The Three Weeks always finds a way to sneak in under our guard regardless of how prepared we try to be. It seems to happen each year, something ALWAYS happens during The Three Weeks. Sally's death is a case in point, the sickness that led to her death came upon her during The Three Weeks.

But unlike with Barbara, Julie and I are already quite established in our relationship. We had since moved from the contact site to private emails, and so had been exchanging private emails for a couple of weeks now. We just haven't met yet nor have we started the courses. There is just one weekend before The Three Weeks. She had been down with the flu otherwise we would have met already. She is still getting over the flu so it is unlikely we will meet this weekend. So it seems that it will be within The Three Weeks that we will meet, and that does worry me. Also that she may want to commence at least some of the courses during The Three Weeks. My past experiences shows that anything new started during The Three Weeks is almost certain to end in catastrophe.

This seems to be a pity cos Julie seems so perfect for me...... but then that what I thought about Barbara before we entered into the relationship. But in the end if the universe meant for Julie and I to be together then it will happen regardless of any Three Weeks, Mercury's retrograde or any other planetary interactions. But if by any chance Julie and I are destined for an end, catastrophic or otherwise, well I can go back onto the site and start looking for another - and there will be plenty of time before the next Mercury retrograde or the next Three Weeks period.

My relationship with the Julie at age 13 lasted for only a short time, perhaps a month. I cannot remember when it started, whether it was during The Three Weeks or not. But the brevity of our friendship can probably be put down to the fact that we were only 13 years old. At that age emotions are very fickle, we find the "perfect" partner one week, a week later we get dumped, and find someone else who is more "perfect", and so on....... This time we are a lot older and wiser, and Julie and I are of similar ages, about a year or so difference. This would be my first time with someone near my age, Barbara was 14 years older, and Sally was 7 years older.

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