Friday 21 June 2013

Round 13 - them Weavils

Ok let's see if I can take my mind off J-J-J-Ju.... long enough to get at least a reasonably decent discussion on football from me.... um.... yes the last Round before The Three Weeks my task is to get back into the top six. Being Round 13 well I do not think 13 is unlucky, indeed it is a good number according to Kaballah. There were actually 13 tribes of Israel, and originally 13 signs of the Zodiac, and on the Hebrew calendar there are sometimes 13 months when they needed a leap year - they add a whole month during leap years, and I think next year will be one such year.... Anyway..... the round might be unlucky in other ways but it won't be because it is Round 13.... And with five of the six matches hosting favorites at short odds it seems any jump into the top six will depend on one match and points variance.... so.... who is playing tonight....

Uhhhhh them bloody Weavils!!!! They always bring me undone and this is a points variance match too!!! Arrrgh what sins have I committed to deserve such a fate in a round that I really need to get into the top six. Must have been that Chinaman I killed!! haha!! Ya know the story, if you get bad luck in this life it means you must have killed a Chinaman in a past life... haha.... Anyway.....

Well they are playing against the high flying hot Hawks, and even many of the biased sports writers here are conceding that the Hawks has at least a slightly better chance at winning the match and have tipped accordingly, but not all of them. There are still some deluded souls who insists on tipping the Weavils and I am not just talking about the politicians, they are deluded to begin with!! haha!! Well I have nothing to lose really, if I don't get into the top six, than that will be it for the season due to The Three Weeks happening for the next three rounds!! So might as well go with probability theory and posted odds, the Hawks with a reasonably high points variance. It remains to be seen if this gamble pays off.

I will try not to forget to post my football musings for tomorrow's matches tomorrow morning but I am not making any promises..... being ditzy, scatter-brained, ever forgetful, even on a high without the presence of drugs.... ooohhhhh....... hahaha.......

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