Thursday 27 June 2013

Round 14 - Must have been that Chinaman !!!!

Round 14, the round that could very well seal my fate beyond redemption on this first week of The Three Weeks, and would you believe it, the first match being a points variance match involves them bloody Weavils!!!! arrrrgh!!! They always mess me up, so unpredictable, and well its against the Bombers this time so I could really BOMB OUT of this comp.... hehe.... ooops apologies for my feeble attempt at humor!! And it is at Pattersons, weather clear as usual, it never rains here *sigh*.... very hard to pick on many counts and that's just the winner let alone that cursed variance!!! Looking at the biased sports writers in the paper, most of them picked the Weavils except the top tipsters, those with the most points, they all picked the Bombers. Hmmmmm...... even the bloody TAB has the Weavils as slight favorites. So what am I going to do...... ooohhhh well I suppose go with the top tipsters, I mean, there is a reason why the top tipsters ARE the top tipsters. And most likely none of them are Jewish so they won't be affected by the curse of The Three Weeks. So Bombers it will be for my tip. It will probably mean the Weavils will win, cos I tend to be jinxed that way, in Weavils matches the team I tip are often the team that loses!!! So may have jinxed the Bombers nevertheless I can only go how I best feel to go given the curse of The Three Weeks. Also the Weavils usually doesn't play well at Patterson's, they're usually pretty useless there, they usually play better when away. Must be that pre-match champagne and caviar get-together with the sponsors!! haha!! And as for the points variance, well since the TAB bookies placed the Weavils as favorites even if slight favorites pretty hard to pick the likely margin based on odds. So just go for a low value, probably won't be a high scoring match. And another thing the Weavils do have a few players out so they can always use that as an excuse like they always do if they do indeed lose. Well to summarise.... all I can say is, them Bombers had better win otherwise I will use my magic powers to turn them into weavils and feed them to my hungry piranhas!! hahaha!!!

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