Friday 28 June 2013

Round 14 - The Sun sets on my chances of a top six finish

Oooops.... forgot to include one more match for today.... tonight rather.... Bulldogs and the Demons. Sheeze I am scatterbrained.... that one is actually hard to pick cos them Demons could very well get up and win, amazing what a new coach could do for the team. But being The Three Weeks I am playing it safe and going with the unanimous opinions of the top 3, they all tip the Bulldogs.

And well it seems my luck had run out. The Suns did play well and were in fact in the lead for a fair portion of the match and within striking distance for another good portion of the match. But in the end, like adolescents that runs out of steam towards the end cos they didn't have enough Weeties for brekkie, them Suns just couldn't sustain it. Uh well it was worth a punt. Perhaps not as bad as it seems, probably most of our biased tipsters on our top 10 probably picked the Weavils so I was ahead of them, and the Suns results probably put me back to where I started. Nevertheless there are still a few more matches of even odds to go, so depending on which way the cookie falls, my seasons hangs very much in the balance..... this first round of The Three Weeks.

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