Thursday 27 June 2013

Day 3 of The Three Weeks - uhhh silly me !!!!!

Uhhhh silly me, allowing myself to get so spooked by The Three Weeks, like a scared little rat, scampering every which way at the slightest sound or disturbance, always expecting the worse to happen. I should have know that Julie was simply having computer problems. Should have been obvious in hindsight, and ordinarily it would have been obvious if not for The Three Weeks. I mean between Mercury's retrograde and them solar flares, those computers had no chance!! I myself have been having computer problems, not being able to get onto certain sites, and having trouble even on this blogger site though I eventually manage to post these weird blogs of mine! haha! So yeah we still all on track for me to meet that beautiful angel from Heaven either this weekend or next weekend, I hope this weekend cos I simply can't wait any longer.... *sigh*.... Yes Julie is an angel from heaven, she has given me hope. Being utterly shattered from the two years of hell with Sally then dealing with her death, being suicidal and self harm, and not quite knowing what the future will hold. But since that beautiful angel from Heaven came into my life there has been no suicide or self harm thoughts, for the first time for a very long time I have hope that things can actually get better. Someone who understands me more than me!! LOL! Julie is the best thing ever to happen to me..... and well hopefully will find out when that wonderful day will occur, this weekend or next weekend.

And it doesn't matter that it will occur during The Three Weeks cos we both agree that we met before in past lives, indeed several past lives, and have been quite close together in those lives, we already know each other, our relationship is already set. So when we meet it will be just like we met again after a long absence.

And another thought in regards to The Three Weeks. In the past I have tried many things to try nullify the effects of The Three Weeks, trying to visualise positive things, send positive thoughts out each day, trying to set rigid rules so that nothing should go wrong, even reading the Jewish Torah - well I do actually have a Jewish bible. But nothing worked. No matter how hard I try the curse of The Three Weeks always finds a way to sneak in under my guard and wreak havoc. But there is one crucial common thread. I have always been alone. No one had ever understood me about The Three Weeks. Sally didn't really believe in it, and her take on things was from her devoutly Christian viewpoint, that since we "have Jesus" who breaks all curses then the curse of The Three Weeks shouldn't affect us. So essentially I was all alone. And it is on record that The Three Weeks is what led to Sally's death, the proof of that is in the 2012 blogs on this site, located around July and has titles "Day x of The Three Weeks....." Among them are documentary evidence that her sores had taken a turn for the worse and changed color during The Three Weeks. Now I may be a Physicist and not a medical practitioner but even I know that a change of color in the infection can NOT be a good thing!!! And well as proven by the examining doc's own diagnosis as stated on the Death Certificate, Sally's cause of death was essentially the infections from those sores. So obviously relying on a deity to "break" the curse is not the way to go. There is some truth in the saying "God helps those who helps themselves". And this is the strategy of The Three Weeks. It is up to us to deal with the energies of The Three Weeks and try to overcome them in some way.

Now as I said, I have tried many years towards this end, trying many ways to deal with the energies of The Three Weeks. But each time I fail dismally. Something of some calamity ALWAYS happened during The Three Weeks. So I had resigned myself to such a fate..... until now!!!! There is now a beautiful angel from Heaven in my life who understands me, she is also an energy worker like me, and so she understands everything about me with these energy interactions. No one on this planet had ever understood me like Julie does at least in regards to these energies and how it affects me. As far as I know Julie is not Jewish but Mercury's retrograde which is happening at the same time as The Three Weeks is affecting her, so she knows all about it.

So if only we can get together and meet, hopefully soon, then just may be..... if we could COMBINE our energies.... as it is said, TWO is better than ONE when it comes to fighting battles. So if we could just combine our energies to deal with these lunar and planetary interactions which includes The Three Weeks, then may be.... just may be.... we could for the first time ever in my life actually overcome these curses, and I will be spared of at least the worst of the calamities of The Three Weeks. Well it's a thought and it is worth doing and worth hoping for. I have nothing to lose, and a beautiful angel from Heaven to gain!!!!!

But first we have to meet, and there could still be energies conspiring against this, though we WILL meet, it is just a matter of WHEN. Today I have had my first niggles of a cold coming on, an infrequent cough and runny nose!!! Being my first bout for this cold/flu season I would put it down to the curse of The Three Weeks. That's the worst thing that can happen right before I meet my angel from Heaven!!!.... well maybe not quite the worst thing, but getting sick would be in the top 5 of worst things that can happen prior to meeting the woman who is the answer to my every dreams!!!! Hmmmm.... have to raid Sally's old medical supplies to see if perhaps there are some Vitamin C pills hanging around, she did take them at one point but not sure if she finished them. Getting them from the chemist is out of the question, they cost an utter fortune and I am kinda broke as trying to recover from paying off Sally's medical debts. So if no vitamin C then will have to get on the Chemist Warehouse site for some at least slightly cheaper remedies that will at least deal with the symptoms.

Anyway another cold clear long night looms..... it never rains here.... well not very often anyway.... it did rain on the first night but none since then and none in the week's forecast!!!!!

Another song for The Three Weeks, the song I often think of when having suicidal or self harm thoughts..... well thanks to my angel Julie I have no longer such thoughts..... but to remember those bleak days when I did have such thoughts.... well this song gets me.....

Seasons In The Sun - Terry Jacks

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