Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Awakening

Here the continuing story of how I am coping with life after Sally....

The Telstra saga... well it is not completely over yet but I have figured to determine how many gigs I had left on my portable wi fi device, it turned out to be zilch nyet zit, so I was able to top it up for the next month. The transfer of accounts from Sally's to mine is complete. But I will have to wait until I get an account number before I can create an online account to pay my bills and keep track of data usage, and the account number would come with the next bill to be mailed to me. Not a big deal really.

So I embarked on the next step which I wanted to do before the start of The Three Weeks. Changing our joint bank account over to just my name. This was more complicated, first having to obtain a certified copy of the death certificate. So this past weekend I went about the task of tracking down a JP, there are plenty of them around including a few in the city but I decided on one in South Perth for several reasons, mostly to do with ease of access. Parking in the city is expensive then I would have to take the Pussy Cat (our Central Area Transit bus network, otherwise known as CAT buses which we ride free of charge) to either the court house or a couple of other spots. The South Perth JP while slightly further away it is easier to get to, my workplace is at the end of the Freeway onramp, the Freeway taking me straight past the city and into South Perth - it is how I get to my PO box each week. Furthermore parking is plentiful, and most importantly, it is FREE!!!!! Indeed the JP is located in the Library, and I have been there often during my sojourns in South Perth prior to moving north so I knew where it was. Only snag is, the JP was available only on Mondays and Wednesdays, and only for a couple of hours each. The plus side, the couple of hours coincided with my lunch hour!! So in fact today I went to pay the JP a visit, and it was even easier than I thought. Upon entering the Library foyer there was a sign pointing to the JP office, so was able to go straight there. There was someone already with her so I had to wait a bit, but obtaining a certified copy was much more painless than I thought. I would have done it earlier if I knew it was that easy, but me being a Virgo I do get over anxious about these things, trying to plan for any possible mishaps, etc. The last time I needed a JP were back in the days when we were applying for Sally's immigration and residency in Australia, and indeed we went to the South Perth JP back then, it just wasn't so easy to organise!!! I am sure there will be further visits to this JP in the coming weeks as I deal with Sally's other affairs, but I can be more relaxed about it knowing how easy it is to visit this one.

So that is step one!!! Step two is getting a witness to my signature to the indemnity form which effectively authorises me as the next of kin and to have the bank details transferred to me. But finding a witness won't be difficult, I can just ask any of my colleagues at work, will probably ask my manager, he will do it for me for sure. Then I mail in both documents by this weekend, and so hopefully the process will be completed before The Three Weeks. I won't tackle any more of Sally's affairs until after The Three Weeks. I think our internet account will be next, and once I get that transferred to my name, I will remove our landline. Indeed even now the phone is removed, I never use it, I use my cell phone to make calls, I get a certain number of free calls each month as part of our Telstra plan, and I never come close to using it up. And most importantly I don't get any sales calls or calls for donations on my cell phone!! The number is unlisted!! All of my family knows my cell number, or they SHOULD know my cell phone number. Indeed I give only my cell phone number to people whom I want to stay in contact with. My provider Iinet offers a "naked DSL" plan, that is basically we connect to the outside universe through wi fi rather than a phone line, this will cut out the line rental, and cut off sales calls and donations requests forever!! Our landline is currently administered through Iinet so this won't be difficult to arrange.

Last but not least I briefly mentioned in my football musings about Neptune's retrograde and said I would explain it here. Well since Neptune deals with the deep spiritual and soul issues, I take this opportunity to start to explain about my awakening which began around 2005/6 - when mother was first diagnosed with the disease that would take her life. My suffering has increased steadily since that time, and it is said that soul awakenings happens in the midst of suffering. And indeed the last two years has been the worst of my suffering, only the 8 years of hell at the cruel hands of Colin in my childhood has been worst, but the last two years with Sally was when my awakening accelerated.

I haven't spoken much about this up until now because Sally remained a staunch Christian to the very end, and since she reads these blogs, I didn't want to get into any arguments. Only a select few online friends knew about this information that I am about to share. Sally knew bits and pieces of this, what she called my "backsliding" from Christianity, but very little of the full picture.

Well in fact Sally knew of the first part of my awakening, that is my Jewish root. Whether I am part Jewish or was a Jew in a past life remains to be seen, but quite clearly the Jewish lunar cycles affects me - including "The Three Weeks" as I have explained about the car rental fiasco during my 1998 America trip - long before I knew about these The Three Weeks. But my life cycles tends to go with the Jewish cycles, with my life often changing around Passover. As y'all know, Sally died during Passover, that would qualify as a big change in my life!!!! But I started my job in the public sector near Passover, I became a Christian near Passover, and I began living with Barbara near Passover, and of course I gotten my plane ticket to America near Passover, and also of course that very strange UFO encounter happened on Passover, that really started a whole new change in my life!!! Sally didn't mind me about my Jewish awakening, she had also felt connected to Jews, and as I said, she found out that she was Jewish on her mother's side just before Sally's death, and she happily kept the Jewish holidays with me, she saw is as complimentary to the Christian faith.

However my awakening had gone beyond Jewish. I still keep the Jewish holidays but I have also moved onto the mystical sciences, the earth faiths (Paganism), and what many refers to as "new age". In truth I have always believed in such things as astrology and reincarnation even through my Christian years. I never believed in the Heaven/Hell doctrine, I had always believed in reincarnation. The Heaven/Hell doctrine began in ancient Egyptian mythology several thousands of years before Christianity was even thought of. Indeed many of the Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and Immaculate Conception all began in Egyptian mythology. This I will explain in good time. But suffice to say, well I have always been a hippie at heart and would have been a hippie if I was born ten years earlier.

And well as some readers of this blog knows I always had a questioning heart, I never just accepted what any preacher said, I had always questioned it and researched for myself - hence my old website Blessed Bereans. This stems from the story of the Christian believers in the city of Berea back in Biblical times, they would always search the Scriptures for themselves rather than just listen to the preachers, and these people were called "more blessed" than anyone else because of this. And well it is my "questioning" that led to several shocking conclusions about the origins of the Christian religion - it did not originate with Jesus, it actually originated with the 4th century church instituted by the Roman Emporer Constantine.

Anyway I have taken down most of the materials on my Blessed Bereans site, I kept Sally's articles out of respect for her, but the site will soon be offline totally. Our domain subscription will come up due soon - if my memory serves me correctly - not sure if we paid for one year or two years so it might be another year yet, point is, I won't be renewing it. I do own a domain name called - it is currently not being used but I have had it for several years, keeping ownership by paying a small fee each year. When I get myself together I will put it to use. But I DO own a forum called "" - yes that is MY baby, MY creation, MY forum!!!! It has been neglected over the past few years due to my time being taken up with Sally's care and other responsibility, but I have at least posted my "energy reports" on there - the effects of the lunar cycles on me, the New Moon and Full Moon plus other planetary cycles. And hopefully in the next few months I will be able to devote more time to my site. There is a story behind the name "Guided Spirits", that I will share another time.

Well that is enough for now, but will share a little more of this each time on my mid-week non-football musings.

Oh yes just one last thing..... I have joined a contact site online now that I am footloose and fancy free. No I am not looking for another wife, though if the universe moves me in that direction I guess it will happen, but my main purpose is to find someone to share my spiritual pathway with, I suppose you can call it a "soul mate" or at least someone who understands me and will accompany me to various spiritual meetings. With Neptune being in retrograde until November this is the ideal time to do it. I do have several internet friends but they are all in other countries or on the east coast, I don't know anyone in Perth who shares my pathways, hence why I signed up to this site.  I had intended to keep a low profile until after The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde (that ends 20 July), originally was just going to check out this particular site to see if I really like it before making any commitments, but I had already received a contact from one lady and she seemed to be resonant with my quests, she herself wanting to further her spiritual quests. So we have been corresponding online for a little while and are yet to meet in person. I hope this will happen soon. So far it is all going well. I guess we shall see how it all pans out. I do have high hopes with her, she seems so perfect for me, its like we knew each other already!!

Meanwhile it is sunny as usual..... it never rains here LOL..... and it is suppose to be winter!!! It's bloody cold at night but no rain.......

The Age of Aquarius - yes that is a real phenomenon too, stemming from the procession of the earth's axis in a large circle over 26000 years hence a little over 2000 years in each astrological sector - we just coming out of the Age of Pisces, the age of Christianity, yes that is why they have those fish signs on car back windows or bumper bars!!!!! - next is Aquarius, being a backwards procession of the axis -  will explain that in time as well - but suffice to say, this is one of my favorite songs!!!!

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