Saturday 15 June 2013

Round 12 - Perfect round thus far

Uhhh OK so it was a good thing I stuck with the Bombers, well the Suns did put up a good fight for a while, but yeah I have to say I didn't regret my decision to stick with the Bombers. And with wins as expected to the Tigers and Dockers it makes for a perfect start, my points currently at 4-0.

Now we just have to see the Power beat the Giants, that one could also be  somewhat of a minor upset if the Giants plays really well or the Power takes it too easy thinking they already have the game in the bag. I wish mother was still here to tell them a thing or two, she always said, There are no certainties in football until that final siren. Well maybe her ghost will turn up and tell the Power that!! But hopefully they will prevail as expected.

Last but not least.... my Maggies.... and well they should win against the Bulldogs, they are hitting their straps at the right time, and are a class professional team if I must say so myself! Unless of course they get abducted by aliens and sends a hybrid team as a replacement who are programmed to lose!!!

Nevertheless a good chance I will have my first perfect round..... but then if I do then probably most if not all of the top 10 will have perfect rounds as well, it will all come down to points variance to decide who wins for the round, cos they also offer prize money for anyone who scores a perfect round, and if there is more than one who scores a perfect round, the person with the least points variance wins, which will probably count me out with my 20 points for this round!!

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