Wednesday 5 June 2013

Rough Seas Ahead

Here my mid-week non-football musings on dealing with life after Sally.....

In case for those who doesn't read my football musings, both the lunar calendar and astrological patterns predicts rough times ahead. I am referring to the dreaded curse of "The Three Weeks", stemming from the destruction of the two Jewish Temples in our history, the curse of this time affects Jews - which prompts me to ask the question of why does it affect me so much!!! In last years' blogs on this site (all are accessible now for verification of these facts) it is on record that during this Three Weeks last year Sally's sores took a serious turn for the worse, which it turned out was the beginning of the end for Sally. Her frequency of hospital admissions increased since then, her mobility reduced markedly to the point where she could no longer walk out of the living room, and in the last weeks before her death she could not even get up from her chair except for brief times when I changed her sheets and pads on the chair. It was the infections from those sores that ultimately killed her. Just prior to her death Sally had investigated her ancestral data and discovered that on her mother's side she had Jewish blood - Sally was indeed Jewish on mother's side while Lebanese on her father's side. In Israel she would have been accepted as a genuine Jew as is the criteria in Israel - Jewish blood on mother's side deems one to be Jewish, it is not enough to have Jewish blood on the father's side, it must be at least on mother's side. And although Sally didn't believe in the curse of The Three Weeks it quite clearly cost her life!!!! This leads to the question of why The Three Weeks affects me so much, and why it has affected me from long before I met Sally...... that question will be addressed in a later blog. Suffice to say for now, more information on this cursed period of time, which begins 25 June this year in 2013, is found at the link below....


The above link saves me from having to explain this all over again. However as I do every year I will address the common charge taken from the handbook of Shrinks 101 - calamities happens to us because we expect them to happen, known as self fulfilling prophecy. And so as I do each year I present proof positive that this is a false charge!!

It was only around 2005, near the time of my spiritual awakening, first stemming from at least the soul aspects of my Jewish roots, that I first became aware of this phenomenon of The Three Weeks. Prior to 2005 I have had no awareness whatsoever of this phenomenon. I only knew that the Temples were destroyed but I didn't know the exact dates of their destruction nor that they were destroyed on the same day some six centuries apart!!! However there were different points in my life where I kept records of my life, and the most detailed of these records were my North America trip in 1998 from May through to November, therefore The Three Weeks of 1998 occurred during my trip. I have kept virtually a daily record of this trip and it is documented. And by using my Hebrew Lunar Calendar software I can easily correlate between the dates of our Roman calendar (what we all use in the western world) and the Hebrew calendar.

And by such simple correlation matching with my documentations, I have discovered much to my amazement that the infamous car rental fiasco coincided EXACTLY with The Three Weeks. This car rental fiasco where the company charged me three times the quoted prices and omitting vital information resulted in my bankruptcy early in 1999 and the resultant financial problems for many years to come. Indeed it was only in more recent times, coinciding with Sally's increased medical costs, that I was finally able to secure credit once again. So for over 10 years I have been without even a credit card because of this car rental fiasco. And it is on record that I collected the rental car exactly on Tzom Tammuz the first day of  The Three Weeks, and spent these next three weeks driving through the USA and into Canada, finally dropping off the car in Chicago just a day prior to Tisha B'Av the end of The Three Weeks, so they would have charged my credit card on Tisha B'Av which essentially sealed my financial fate for the next ten years. I must emphasis I did not plan this, I knew absolutely nothing about The Three Weeks. It was it seems by sheer coincidence that this car rental fiasco happened EXACTLY during The Three Weeks - and I learned from a young age that there is no such creature as "coincidence", it is not found in any biology text book not even on Wikipedia!!!!! So if this doesn't convince you of the genuine phenomenon of The Three Weeks then nothing will!!!

Anyway back to last year's blog, the worst of the calamities occurring during The Three Weeks were of Sally's sores flaring up and taking a nasty turn for the worse, this which ultimately killed her. However various other things happened during this time. My football tipping which has been reasonable up until that time took a turn for the worse sealing my fate for that year - being the first year since mother's death that I failed to win any prizes. Ironically it could happen again this year as currently my football tipping results is that I still have a chance to get into prize money contention. The other fairly major incidences occurred during the last week of The Three Weeks when the council decided to install a footpath down my side of the street, and the delays in the project meant some inconvenience in regards to being able to use my car, delays which ended up costing me more money than I had planned due to the necessity of taking a taxi and waiting longer than expected to pick up Sally's bandages order meaning the taxi meter was ticking away unmercifully while I twiddled my thumbs waiting to be served - normally I don't have to wait so long to be served.

So with The Three Weeks looming on 25 June I wonder what will happen this time! I am afraid to speculate!!

There is another phenomena that will come into play this year during The Three Weeks. I am referring to the planet Mercury's retrograde. This year is one of the rare occasion that Mercury's retrograde, which in itself occurs over a little more than three weeks, actually coincides with The Three Weeks. Mercury's retrograde is due to being 26 June just a day after Tzom Tammuz. I will explain more about this phenomenon the next non-football blog.

Now to my day to day  issues. Well it turned out that today would have been Sally's birthday, she would have been just 57. She was certainly not old when she died. Like with mother who died at a relatively young age of 68, Sally was not to live to old age. These days "old age" is referred to over about 75. It was a sad day today as Sally didn't really have a chance to celebrate her birthday in the last few years of her life due to her health issues and the stressful day-to-day issues of her intense care needs. There was simply no time for any celebrations.

Anyway, as usual, the Telstra changeover hit a snag or two. I did received mail from Telstra in my box last Friday but it was that I had forgotten to include a third device that Sally had - a prepaid phone. So they sent me another form and had to fill it out all over again with this 3rd phone - in this instance I decided to cancel it as I already have one cell phone, I don't need another. Now to figure out what to do with her phone, probably just send it in to be recycle as it wouldn't be worth much, she had it for a while and is rather obsolete. But it means I am still without an online phone account, though both my phones, tablet and wi-fi device still works, but without the online account I can't keep track of the data usage on the wi-fi device!!!! It is fortunately a pre-paid device so I won't end up with any rude bill surprises, it is just a matter when my data allocation runs out and I have to pay another $50 to top up the device which usually lasts for about a month!! So it looks like I will have to get onto Telstra over the weekend if I don't hear from them when I go to the mailbox this Friday.

However I think I will start googling for a JP this weekend to try figure out when during the next week I can go see him to get the death certificate copied and certified. This will start my next step of having the banking details changed over, I was hoping to get that done before the start of The Three Weeks. I guess if I hurry and get the ball rolling by the end of next week then it should be done by before The Three Weeks. I will not do anything else until after the end of The Three Weeks, actually until after the end of Mercury's retrograde which is a little after the end of The Three Weeks.

I think that's about it for this week..... nothing more to report on my currently mundane life......

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