Friday 28 June 2013

Day 4 of The Three Weeks

Yet more incidences today, not really calamities as such, just major inconveniences that doesn't usually happen at any other time so can be put down to either The Three Weeks and/or Mercury's retrograde.

This morning as I left for work at 6:30AM as I usually do.... one of the primary reasons for leaving this early is to beat the traffic, usually not much traffic at this time of day, so am there in about 15 minutes. But this morning, as I headed towards Wanneroo Road from Nollamara Avenue, this route due to the fact that I get the paper from the only Newsagent that opens at 6AM, the one at the Nollamara shops.... well I saw traffic banked up to way past Nollamara Ave! By the time I realised this it was too late for me to turn around and take the ratlines!! Well I EVENTUALLY gotten onto Wanneroo Rd, and it was too late to head back to the ratlines, so I took the next best option, take the first turn and head towards Main St. So this is what I did, as well half of the commuters on Wanneroo Road, so Main St was just as bad!! Getting to work on time rapidly became an exercise of futility, so might as well crank up my CD player and try to at least tolerate the ride. Me and the commute does not get on well, which was why I leave early to avoid the traffic. Back in the days of Sally when I had to leave late for work due to her needs, well I'd always take the ratlines, a set route through the back streets that avoids most of the traffic. I knew the ratlines off by heart, taking me almost all the way to my work place with a minimum of travel on the main roads. Anyway the reason for this mornings gridlock? Them idiots at Main Roads deciding to commence construction during peak period!!!  Well they used to be called "Main Roads", these govt depts changes their names more than they change their underwear!!! So I never know what they are called now!! But the entity that used to be Main Roads, well they usually leave any construction work until AFTER the peak periods! But not this time, they decided to do it DURING peak period!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... so I was late for work, not an issue since I do have flexi-time, and since I am no longer taking time off for Sally, I now have plenty of flexi-time up my sleeve. But that is so not the point!!! Point is I was immersed into my most hated part of the working day, the commute involving gridlock!!!!

Then soon after I gotten to work my boss asked me why hadn't I been sending him my job completion notices?? Well I duly told him, I hadn't been getting any jobs in the last four days - incidentally since the start of The Three Weeks!!! I should have known something was up. My boss was rather incredulous until I had him to look at my inbox, as the jobs comes in via email. I had gotten other emails but no job orders!! My boss swears black and blue that he had been sending me jobs!!!! So he suggested clicking the SEND/RECEIVE button.... and lo and behold, a whole load of jobs suddenly fills my inbox!!!!! Arrrrrgh!!!! Now I don't usually need to press that button, the emails usually comes in automatically, and indeed I have been getting other emails. Hmmmmm..... that pesky planet Mercury!!! Computer problems always occurs during Mercury's retrograde, plus it is The Three Weeks, the email problem began the first day of The Three Weeks. So I spent a very busy morning doing basically a week's worth of jobs, the mail goes out at lunchtime so needed to do those jobs before then, and well I did get them done, but it really threw out my day!!!!

A couple of minor incidences..... there was no parking at the Post Office when I went there during my lunch hour to get my mail from my PO box, so had to go around again until a spot came up. This is the first time it happened, I usually find a parking spot before when I come here. Then I go get some KFC or Hungry Jacks and find a shady spot by the river to have my lunch. Yes a shady spot! It is sunny here, it doesn't rain here!! Indeed I am always having to use my air con in the car cos it gets so hot!! This is JUNE!!! This is supposed to be WINTER!!! It is more like the milder summer days!! Nevertheless I usually find a shady spot in the parking lot by the river and eat my lunch. But you guessed it, all the shady spots were taken, so I had to sit in the sun, and it does get hot in the car. Indeed even going outside I find myself back in my summer clothes. It does get very warm in the sun here in our supposedly "winter" month of June!!!

However on a happier note, Julie and I are on the verge of organising our first date! oooohhhh...... *swoon*.... *sigh*.... Yeah she found an event to suit us both, a single seminar on spiritual healing type things, new age stuff, right up my alley these days. So she msg me asking if I wanted to go with her. Silly question! Of course I wanted to go, anywhere with that angel from Heaven...... *sigh*.... so I msg her back, and well am yet to hear if she managed to book a spot for the two of us, hopefully will hear from her tonight..... ooohhhh so excited... besotted.... walking on air.... Me and my weird life, for most people a first date would be to the cinema or a concert, dinner, or even a walk by the river.... but not Julie and I, ours is at a meeting of spiritual/new age things, such as Astrology, chakras, auras, reiki, etc..... So the meeting, if she can get a booking, is set for 9 July a Tuesday evening, still within The Three Weeks but I was not worried......

Until a reality hit me!!! That bloody car with no alarm!!!! As I said the alarm needs to be fixed, well the clicker to the alarm more specifically, and with a possible $200 price tag, it will be a while before I can get it fixed. Certainly not before 9 July!! And well usually I don't go out anywhere, my boring life usually sees my car safely in my locked garage at home, or otherwise in the relatively safe spot outside my office at work, the most risky part being when I go to the mall, and that is always during the day!!! But now I am going to be exposing my car for a 2 to 3 hour period in the darkness of a July evening in the risky neighborhood of Subiaco, that is where the meeting will be. Now Subiaco is not quite as bad as Mirrabooka, but being a major shopping precinct well there is a lot happening, and a lot of the less desirable elements of this society, so still a high crime rate!!! Normally it wouldn't worry me too much, but then this IS The Three Weeks and I did cite car-related problems to be one of the most likely calamities during The Three Weeks. Furthermore 9 July falls within the worst part of The Three Weeks, what Jews call "The Nine Days of Av", that is the first nine days of the lunar month Av leading to the Temples' destruction on 9 Av the end point of The Three Weeks. The worse of the calamities befalling Jews happens during these Nine Days of Av!!!! However I will not cancel the date, my desires for to be with Julie outweighs any of these worries even during The Three Weeks!!! It could cost me but I don't care, I just can't wait any longer to be with Julie..... oooohhhhh..... sheez I am such a tragic basket case... ooohhhh..... my angel from Heaven..... *sigh*

Of course this provided of course I bloody don't get sick!!!! The cold that was threatening to come on me..... well I couldn't find any Vitamin C so I guess Sally had used them all. Then I thought came to me.... HONEY!!!! Oh yes honey is the natural healer, and we had plenty of it cos Sally was always wanting honey at times. So I grilled some crumpets last night with plenty of honey, and well that quenched my cough, better than any cough medicine. Well the cough is starting to come back now so I will have more honey with my dinner this evening, and when I go to the shops I will have to make sure I get a supply of honey. As for the dripping nose, well no difference there, so if it doesn't get any before before I am due to meet Julie, well it will have to be Sudafed or something similar.

Now what song for The Three Weeks..... here's a spooky one from one of my favorite bands - Cradle of Filth. This is "Her Ghost In the Fog", a very spooky song indeed, perfect for The Three Weeks!!!!

The lyrics then the vid....


The moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
And the mid-nightmare trampling of dreams

But oh, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany death
But it is desire that shepherds its certainty
As we shall see

She was divinity's creature that kissed in cold mirrors
A queen of snow, far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry sought her everywhere
Dark liquored eyes, an Arabian nightmare

She shone on watercolors of my pond life as pearl
Until those who couldn't have her, cut her free of this world

That fateful eve when the breeze stank of sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
An inquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue by the light of the moon

Putting reason to flight or to death is their way
They crept through woods mesmerized
By the taffeta ley of her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed save a mist on the rise
A deadly blessing to hide her ghost in the fog
They raped and left, five men of God, her ghost in the fog

Dawn discovered her there beneath the cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, her raven hair flown to gown her beauty bared
Was starred with frost, I knew her lost
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer

She'd sworn me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part, lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"
Then this I screamed ,"Come back to me
For I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand in between?"

And as I drowned her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The church bell tower key

The village mourned her by goodbye
For she'd been a witch, their men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice

A queen of snow, far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry, sought her everywhere
Trappistine eyes, an Arabian nightmare
She was Ursuline possessed of a milky white skin
My porcelain yin, a graceful Angel of sin

And so for her the breeze stank of sunset and camphor
My lantern chased her phantom and blew
Their chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgment that their Bible construed

Putting reason to flight or to flame unashamed, I swept from cries
Mesmerized by the taffeta ley of her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay, save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide, her ghost in the fog
And I embraced where lovers rot, her ghost in the fog
Her ghost in the fog, her ghost in the fog

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