Sunday 30 June 2013

Day 6 of The Three Weeks

Well yesterday was pretty well incident-free the football tipping results notwithstanding!!!!! But it was because I didn't go anywhere nor did anything yesterday aside from lamenting my football tipping fate!! I wish every day of The Three Weeks was like that (except the football bit!! haha!!) but as they say life goes on. And today was more busy, went to the shops, to Dog Swamp for the groceries, avoiding Mirrabooka for the duration of The Three Weeks due to the high crime rate and no car alarm. No major incidence at Dog Swamp. Then went to mow the back lawn, no incidence there, and did the laundry and other chores, no incidence there. So up to now had a reasonably OK weekend, the football tipping results being the only major incidence and even then it wasn't as bad as I first thought, no one else in our office comp fared so well either, so still have a chance of getting into the top six which is where the prize monies are. Perhaps Julie is bringing me good luck!!

Speaking of Julie, well she finally found that group she has been wanting for us to attend. It sounds like a most fascinating group, the philosophy is most interesting and pretty well fits in with what I feel to be so from my point of view. Basically we are one with the universe, well without going into detail. The group format itself is most interesting and am rather excited about it, reminds me of them hippies, and I am a hippie at heart. If I was born 10 years earlier I would have been a hippie. That is why I visited San Francisco first and last when I went to America, it is my favorite city, I just love the vibes of the city. Anyway the group - we all sit or stand in a circle, depending on the afternoon's activity. Apparently it changes from week to week, or the different groups has different emphasis. But sometimes they just meditate, will be a challenge for me with ADHD but not impossible, I have done meditation before at the Buddhist Center back in the days of Barbara so I can do it, just a matter of practice I suppose. But other things too, just sharing our spiritual insights, sometimes having spiritual teachers coming for a chat, or even spiritual dancing - that I would enjoy very much, me a dancer at heart and my guardian angel is a dancer. Of course it was mother who went to dancing school, and it kinda rubbed off on me, I loved it, but spiritual dancing I love most of all. But whatever we do it is always in a circle, sorta dates back to Paganism and indeed most forms of spirituality. The philosophy behind that is that in a circle we are all equal, there is none running the show, like a traditional setting of a preacher lecturing the audience who basically not allowed to say anything. In a circle we all get to share our piece of wisdom on an equal basis. I am really excited about it, this suits my philosophy down to a T.

There are several groups who meets around Perth, but I think the one Julie is wanting us to go to is located in Winthrop, a small environmental building located in a lovely not-so-little park much of it being natural bushland. Not far from one of my former neck of the woods, near to Murdoch University and mother's house. A most lovely spot indeed, almost like being in the country from the building's viewpoint. Sorta like Kings Park though not quite as big as Kings Park.

The meetings are 2 hours on a Saturday afternoon on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. This makes the next meeting to be next Saturday on 6 July. Not sure if I want to start on such a wonderful group during The Three Weeks, starting anything new during The Three Weeks usually ends in catastrophe. However if Julie wants for us to start next Saturday then I will not knock it back. The next meeting after that is 20 July which places it AFTER The Three Weeks. I'd be happier with that date, nevertheless, I will start when Julie wants to start. I think things are going to be different with Julie anyway, with both of us having such understanding about the energies of the universe, just perhaps for the first time such events as The Three Weeks won't affect us so much!!

Anyway yes I am rather excited about this..... hopefully it will be the beginning of positive changes and healings..... I sure hope so.... about time I get a break for a change!!!!

In keeping with this hippie-type theme I won't do a Three Weeks song but rather one of my fav songs to do with hippie culture..... The Rythm of Life by Sammy Davies Jr

Round 14 - Very nice little worm today

Well if I hadn't seen it on TV or more specifically seen it with that little worm on my tablet device I would not  have believed it! Have gotten all three tips today! That worm was being a very nice little worm today, it always went in the right direction today, towards the team I picked! Yesterday it was a nasty worm, very nasty worm, often going in the wrong direction. But not today, the worm was very nice to me today!!

So ended up with six points, better than I thought I would get after yesterday!! But yes them top 3 tipsters gotten equal worse score of six points, well except for the one who picked against the Suns, he got seven points, should have gone with him! Uh well hindsight is good but it doesn't come with a Tardis!!

Now look to the very sorry state of my ranking..... OMG!!!! I still managed to hold onto 7th spot!!! Seems like no one else did much good either, and indeed a few of them forgot about there being a Thursday match so didn't make any picks for Thursday therefore effectively losing a point there. So no one had gotten better than 7 points, so was only one off the best performers, and still out of the top six only on variance. There is now four on 89, then the next six including me on 87! Hmnmmmm interesting spread of points. So now two points between the top 4 and the bottom 6. Sheeze there is hope yet in spite of The Three Weeks.

However there are two more rounds to go within The Three Weeks so won't count my chickens just yet. And there's no Thursday matches next round so no one likely to forget to submit tips. Uhhh the first match is a Maggies match!!!! I hope them aliens let them go and don't send any more hybrid clone teams that are programmed to lose!!!!!

Saturday 29 June 2013

Round 14 - The Three Weeks and Three Nails

Hmmmm a day of 3's... A 3-3 result, the first round of The Three Weeks and three nails into the top-6 coffin, and with three more matches tomorrow I wonder how many more nails there shall be with two more rounds to go.

The Maggies.... looks like they were abducted by aliens again and got replaced by hybrids who were programmed to lose. The other two results were not unexpected, the Crows and the Demons were not surprises, just matches that could have gone either way, must have jinxed those top 3 tipsters who like me are looking down the barrel of the worst ever round thus far unless in the unlikely scenario of managing to pick all three winners tomorrow.

Hawthorn and the Lions.... well the odds are fairly short on the Hawks, all indications are that they should win. So hopefully at least one point. Kangaroos and the Giants, well could be closer than expected, the Giants could very well win, though on probability theory we go with the Skippies. Tigers against the Saints, that one could go either way, going with the Tigers, it remains to be seen whether this will be another nail.

It goes to show that regardless of what strategy we employ, the curse of The Three Weeks always finds a way. Last year it was the points variance that proved to be the nails of the top 6 coffin, this year it seems it will be the tipping points, scoring only three so far with perhaps another two tomorrow being the most likely scenario leaving me with just five for this 1st of The Three Weeks.

Friday 28 June 2013

Round 14 - The Sun sets on my chances of a top six finish

Oooops.... forgot to include one more match for today.... tonight rather.... Bulldogs and the Demons. Sheeze I am scatterbrained.... that one is actually hard to pick cos them Demons could very well get up and win, amazing what a new coach could do for the team. But being The Three Weeks I am playing it safe and going with the unanimous opinions of the top 3, they all tip the Bulldogs.

And well it seems my luck had run out. The Suns did play well and were in fact in the lead for a fair portion of the match and within striking distance for another good portion of the match. But in the end, like adolescents that runs out of steam towards the end cos they didn't have enough Weeties for brekkie, them Suns just couldn't sustain it. Uh well it was worth a punt. Perhaps not as bad as it seems, probably most of our biased tipsters on our top 10 probably picked the Weavils so I was ahead of them, and the Suns results probably put me back to where I started. Nevertheless there are still a few more matches of even odds to go, so depending on which way the cookie falls, my seasons hangs very much in the balance..... this first round of The Three Weeks.

Round 14 - Two from Two but will the good luck last??

Oh I better get started on today's football musings before I forget and become pre-occupied with J-J-J-J's.... there's no football team in the AFL that begins with J huh.... the G in Geelong sounds like a J, as does Giants.... but that is about it..... *sigh*... anyway.....

Good result last night, so far a perfect start, 2-0 score in my tips as the Swans scores a good win in the end. But will this good luck last, well given I was just going with the top 3 tipsters in the paper who are not Jewish therefore not affected by The Three Weeks.

The Suns and the Crows. Will there be sunshine on my fortunes? Two of the top 3 picked the Suns and well even if it wasn't The Three Weeks I'd probably picked them anyway. Gone are the days when the Suns were considered easy beats and it was a no brainer to tip teams playing against the Suns. They are now more like adolescents of the competition, still have a bit to go yet but they can sure mix it with the big guys, just depends if they can get it altogether on the day. And with Adelaide having to travel all the way to the land of the banana benders, I reckon the Suns can pull off this one. Well lets hope so anyway or there will be another nail in my top-six coffin.

The next match..... Port Power against the..... ohhhhh.... Maggies!!!! Oh yes the Maggies!!!! My other beloveds!! haha!!! My Maggies forever!! The top 3 all went for the Maggies but I would have picked  them anyway. Always pick the Maggies!! That is my saying! You should always pick the Maggies. And so I have done so this round.

Last but not least for this Saturday..... The Puddy Cats and them Dockers. Yeah them Puddy Cats would like to go to where the dockers are, plenty of fish down there..... haha..... The top 3 agrees that the Dockers winning run is fixin to come to an end, the Puddy Cats will have more than them fishes for dinner. Yes the Puddy Cats for me.

Now I can wander off into my dreamlands with my angel from Heaven..... oooohhhhhh...... *sigh*

Day 4 of The Three Weeks

Yet more incidences today, not really calamities as such, just major inconveniences that doesn't usually happen at any other time so can be put down to either The Three Weeks and/or Mercury's retrograde.

This morning as I left for work at 6:30AM as I usually do.... one of the primary reasons for leaving this early is to beat the traffic, usually not much traffic at this time of day, so am there in about 15 minutes. But this morning, as I headed towards Wanneroo Road from Nollamara Avenue, this route due to the fact that I get the paper from the only Newsagent that opens at 6AM, the one at the Nollamara shops.... well I saw traffic banked up to way past Nollamara Ave! By the time I realised this it was too late for me to turn around and take the ratlines!! Well I EVENTUALLY gotten onto Wanneroo Rd, and it was too late to head back to the ratlines, so I took the next best option, take the first turn and head towards Main St. So this is what I did, as well half of the commuters on Wanneroo Road, so Main St was just as bad!! Getting to work on time rapidly became an exercise of futility, so might as well crank up my CD player and try to at least tolerate the ride. Me and the commute does not get on well, which was why I leave early to avoid the traffic. Back in the days of Sally when I had to leave late for work due to her needs, well I'd always take the ratlines, a set route through the back streets that avoids most of the traffic. I knew the ratlines off by heart, taking me almost all the way to my work place with a minimum of travel on the main roads. Anyway the reason for this mornings gridlock? Them idiots at Main Roads deciding to commence construction during peak period!!!  Well they used to be called "Main Roads", these govt depts changes their names more than they change their underwear!!! So I never know what they are called now!! But the entity that used to be Main Roads, well they usually leave any construction work until AFTER the peak periods! But not this time, they decided to do it DURING peak period!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... so I was late for work, not an issue since I do have flexi-time, and since I am no longer taking time off for Sally, I now have plenty of flexi-time up my sleeve. But that is so not the point!!! Point is I was immersed into my most hated part of the working day, the commute involving gridlock!!!!

Then soon after I gotten to work my boss asked me why hadn't I been sending him my job completion notices?? Well I duly told him, I hadn't been getting any jobs in the last four days - incidentally since the start of The Three Weeks!!! I should have known something was up. My boss was rather incredulous until I had him to look at my inbox, as the jobs comes in via email. I had gotten other emails but no job orders!! My boss swears black and blue that he had been sending me jobs!!!! So he suggested clicking the SEND/RECEIVE button.... and lo and behold, a whole load of jobs suddenly fills my inbox!!!!! Arrrrrgh!!!! Now I don't usually need to press that button, the emails usually comes in automatically, and indeed I have been getting other emails. Hmmmmm..... that pesky planet Mercury!!! Computer problems always occurs during Mercury's retrograde, plus it is The Three Weeks, the email problem began the first day of The Three Weeks. So I spent a very busy morning doing basically a week's worth of jobs, the mail goes out at lunchtime so needed to do those jobs before then, and well I did get them done, but it really threw out my day!!!!

A couple of minor incidences..... there was no parking at the Post Office when I went there during my lunch hour to get my mail from my PO box, so had to go around again until a spot came up. This is the first time it happened, I usually find a parking spot before when I come here. Then I go get some KFC or Hungry Jacks and find a shady spot by the river to have my lunch. Yes a shady spot! It is sunny here, it doesn't rain here!! Indeed I am always having to use my air con in the car cos it gets so hot!! This is JUNE!!! This is supposed to be WINTER!!! It is more like the milder summer days!! Nevertheless I usually find a shady spot in the parking lot by the river and eat my lunch. But you guessed it, all the shady spots were taken, so I had to sit in the sun, and it does get hot in the car. Indeed even going outside I find myself back in my summer clothes. It does get very warm in the sun here in our supposedly "winter" month of June!!!

However on a happier note, Julie and I are on the verge of organising our first date! oooohhhh...... *swoon*.... *sigh*.... Yeah she found an event to suit us both, a single seminar on spiritual healing type things, new age stuff, right up my alley these days. So she msg me asking if I wanted to go with her. Silly question! Of course I wanted to go, anywhere with that angel from Heaven...... *sigh*.... so I msg her back, and well am yet to hear if she managed to book a spot for the two of us, hopefully will hear from her tonight..... ooohhhh so excited... besotted.... walking on air.... Me and my weird life, for most people a first date would be to the cinema or a concert, dinner, or even a walk by the river.... but not Julie and I, ours is at a meeting of spiritual/new age things, such as Astrology, chakras, auras, reiki, etc..... So the meeting, if she can get a booking, is set for 9 July a Tuesday evening, still within The Three Weeks but I was not worried......

Until a reality hit me!!! That bloody car with no alarm!!!! As I said the alarm needs to be fixed, well the clicker to the alarm more specifically, and with a possible $200 price tag, it will be a while before I can get it fixed. Certainly not before 9 July!! And well usually I don't go out anywhere, my boring life usually sees my car safely in my locked garage at home, or otherwise in the relatively safe spot outside my office at work, the most risky part being when I go to the mall, and that is always during the day!!! But now I am going to be exposing my car for a 2 to 3 hour period in the darkness of a July evening in the risky neighborhood of Subiaco, that is where the meeting will be. Now Subiaco is not quite as bad as Mirrabooka, but being a major shopping precinct well there is a lot happening, and a lot of the less desirable elements of this society, so still a high crime rate!!! Normally it wouldn't worry me too much, but then this IS The Three Weeks and I did cite car-related problems to be one of the most likely calamities during The Three Weeks. Furthermore 9 July falls within the worst part of The Three Weeks, what Jews call "The Nine Days of Av", that is the first nine days of the lunar month Av leading to the Temples' destruction on 9 Av the end point of The Three Weeks. The worse of the calamities befalling Jews happens during these Nine Days of Av!!!! However I will not cancel the date, my desires for to be with Julie outweighs any of these worries even during The Three Weeks!!! It could cost me but I don't care, I just can't wait any longer to be with Julie..... oooohhhhh..... sheez I am such a tragic basket case... ooohhhh..... my angel from Heaven..... *sigh*

Of course this provided of course I bloody don't get sick!!!! The cold that was threatening to come on me..... well I couldn't find any Vitamin C so I guess Sally had used them all. Then I thought came to me.... HONEY!!!! Oh yes honey is the natural healer, and we had plenty of it cos Sally was always wanting honey at times. So I grilled some crumpets last night with plenty of honey, and well that quenched my cough, better than any cough medicine. Well the cough is starting to come back now so I will have more honey with my dinner this evening, and when I go to the shops I will have to make sure I get a supply of honey. As for the dripping nose, well no difference there, so if it doesn't get any before before I am due to meet Julie, well it will have to be Sudafed or something similar.

Now what song for The Three Weeks..... here's a spooky one from one of my favorite bands - Cradle of Filth. This is "Her Ghost In the Fog", a very spooky song indeed, perfect for The Three Weeks!!!!

The lyrics then the vid....


The moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
And the mid-nightmare trampling of dreams

But oh, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany death
But it is desire that shepherds its certainty
As we shall see

She was divinity's creature that kissed in cold mirrors
A queen of snow, far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry sought her everywhere
Dark liquored eyes, an Arabian nightmare

She shone on watercolors of my pond life as pearl
Until those who couldn't have her, cut her free of this world

That fateful eve when the breeze stank of sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
An inquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue by the light of the moon

Putting reason to flight or to death is their way
They crept through woods mesmerized
By the taffeta ley of her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed save a mist on the rise
A deadly blessing to hide her ghost in the fog
They raped and left, five men of God, her ghost in the fog

Dawn discovered her there beneath the cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, her raven hair flown to gown her beauty bared
Was starred with frost, I knew her lost
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer

She'd sworn me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part, lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"
Then this I screamed ,"Come back to me
For I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand in between?"

And as I drowned her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The church bell tower key

The village mourned her by goodbye
For she'd been a witch, their men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice

A queen of snow, far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry, sought her everywhere
Trappistine eyes, an Arabian nightmare
She was Ursuline possessed of a milky white skin
My porcelain yin, a graceful Angel of sin

And so for her the breeze stank of sunset and camphor
My lantern chased her phantom and blew
Their chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgment that their Bible construed

Putting reason to flight or to flame unashamed, I swept from cries
Mesmerized by the taffeta ley of her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay, save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide, her ghost in the fog
And I embraced where lovers rot, her ghost in the fog
Her ghost in the fog, her ghost in the fog

Round 14 - Them Bombers in my Good Books!!!

OMG!!!! If I hadn't seen it on TV or read it in the paper I would not have believed it!! A Weavils match actually going MY way!!!! Even the points variance is an improvement, still too high for my liking but the week's increase was under half of what it has been more recently. And yet all within The Three Weeks!!!! Wow!!!!! For a while it looked like the Weavils would pull off a win thus continuing my dismal record of Weavils matches, always winning when I don't pick them, or losing when i do pick them!!! But it must have been my threat to turn the Bombers into Weavils and feed them to my piranhas that sparked a greater effort in the last minutes and managed to score a win!! They should have kicked a couple more goals to help with my variance but they are forgiven for that, at least they did win and that was more than I expected!! Definitely in my good books for this week!!!

However I am not out of the woods yet. There are still 8 matches to go, and though I just went with the top three tipsters in the paper, there are still potential for calamities. I assume none of the top three are Jews, well they don't have Jewish sounding names, so they won't be affected by The Three Weeks, and they came up with the goods last night with the Bombers. The rest of the biased media picked the Weavils cos they all think they will win a premiership, but at least the top three are more in reality!! And they usually get at least six points for the round, between six and nine, so I should come up with at least six. Nevertheless the curse of The Three Weeks usually finds a way to throw something into the works! Uh well, what happens happens, there is order and chaos in the universe and fecal matter happens regardless!! LOL!!

So tonight's match, Sydney and Carlton. Could be close, won't be easy but Sydney is who I picked along with the top three tipsters. And I think this is best probability anyway, being a home match for them, Sydney should prevail..... well hopefully anyway......

Thursday 27 June 2013

Day 3 of The Three Weeks - uhhh silly me !!!!!

Uhhhh silly me, allowing myself to get so spooked by The Three Weeks, like a scared little rat, scampering every which way at the slightest sound or disturbance, always expecting the worse to happen. I should have know that Julie was simply having computer problems. Should have been obvious in hindsight, and ordinarily it would have been obvious if not for The Three Weeks. I mean between Mercury's retrograde and them solar flares, those computers had no chance!! I myself have been having computer problems, not being able to get onto certain sites, and having trouble even on this blogger site though I eventually manage to post these weird blogs of mine! haha! So yeah we still all on track for me to meet that beautiful angel from Heaven either this weekend or next weekend, I hope this weekend cos I simply can't wait any longer.... *sigh*.... Yes Julie is an angel from heaven, she has given me hope. Being utterly shattered from the two years of hell with Sally then dealing with her death, being suicidal and self harm, and not quite knowing what the future will hold. But since that beautiful angel from Heaven came into my life there has been no suicide or self harm thoughts, for the first time for a very long time I have hope that things can actually get better. Someone who understands me more than me!! LOL! Julie is the best thing ever to happen to me..... and well hopefully will find out when that wonderful day will occur, this weekend or next weekend.

And it doesn't matter that it will occur during The Three Weeks cos we both agree that we met before in past lives, indeed several past lives, and have been quite close together in those lives, we already know each other, our relationship is already set. So when we meet it will be just like we met again after a long absence.

And another thought in regards to The Three Weeks. In the past I have tried many things to try nullify the effects of The Three Weeks, trying to visualise positive things, send positive thoughts out each day, trying to set rigid rules so that nothing should go wrong, even reading the Jewish Torah - well I do actually have a Jewish bible. But nothing worked. No matter how hard I try the curse of The Three Weeks always finds a way to sneak in under my guard and wreak havoc. But there is one crucial common thread. I have always been alone. No one had ever understood me about The Three Weeks. Sally didn't really believe in it, and her take on things was from her devoutly Christian viewpoint, that since we "have Jesus" who breaks all curses then the curse of The Three Weeks shouldn't affect us. So essentially I was all alone. And it is on record that The Three Weeks is what led to Sally's death, the proof of that is in the 2012 blogs on this site, located around July and has titles "Day x of The Three Weeks....." Among them are documentary evidence that her sores had taken a turn for the worse and changed color during The Three Weeks. Now I may be a Physicist and not a medical practitioner but even I know that a change of color in the infection can NOT be a good thing!!! And well as proven by the examining doc's own diagnosis as stated on the Death Certificate, Sally's cause of death was essentially the infections from those sores. So obviously relying on a deity to "break" the curse is not the way to go. There is some truth in the saying "God helps those who helps themselves". And this is the strategy of The Three Weeks. It is up to us to deal with the energies of The Three Weeks and try to overcome them in some way.

Now as I said, I have tried many years towards this end, trying many ways to deal with the energies of The Three Weeks. But each time I fail dismally. Something of some calamity ALWAYS happened during The Three Weeks. So I had resigned myself to such a fate..... until now!!!! There is now a beautiful angel from Heaven in my life who understands me, she is also an energy worker like me, and so she understands everything about me with these energy interactions. No one on this planet had ever understood me like Julie does at least in regards to these energies and how it affects me. As far as I know Julie is not Jewish but Mercury's retrograde which is happening at the same time as The Three Weeks is affecting her, so she knows all about it.

So if only we can get together and meet, hopefully soon, then just may be..... if we could COMBINE our energies.... as it is said, TWO is better than ONE when it comes to fighting battles. So if we could just combine our energies to deal with these lunar and planetary interactions which includes The Three Weeks, then may be.... just may be.... we could for the first time ever in my life actually overcome these curses, and I will be spared of at least the worst of the calamities of The Three Weeks. Well it's a thought and it is worth doing and worth hoping for. I have nothing to lose, and a beautiful angel from Heaven to gain!!!!!

But first we have to meet, and there could still be energies conspiring against this, though we WILL meet, it is just a matter of WHEN. Today I have had my first niggles of a cold coming on, an infrequent cough and runny nose!!! Being my first bout for this cold/flu season I would put it down to the curse of The Three Weeks. That's the worst thing that can happen right before I meet my angel from Heaven!!!.... well maybe not quite the worst thing, but getting sick would be in the top 5 of worst things that can happen prior to meeting the woman who is the answer to my every dreams!!!! Hmmmm.... have to raid Sally's old medical supplies to see if perhaps there are some Vitamin C pills hanging around, she did take them at one point but not sure if she finished them. Getting them from the chemist is out of the question, they cost an utter fortune and I am kinda broke as trying to recover from paying off Sally's medical debts. So if no vitamin C then will have to get on the Chemist Warehouse site for some at least slightly cheaper remedies that will at least deal with the symptoms.

Anyway another cold clear long night looms..... it never rains here.... well not very often anyway.... it did rain on the first night but none since then and none in the week's forecast!!!!!

Another song for The Three Weeks, the song I often think of when having suicidal or self harm thoughts..... well thanks to my angel Julie I have no longer such thoughts..... but to remember those bleak days when I did have such thoughts.... well this song gets me.....

Seasons In The Sun - Terry Jacks

Round 14 - Must have been that Chinaman !!!!

Round 14, the round that could very well seal my fate beyond redemption on this first week of The Three Weeks, and would you believe it, the first match being a points variance match involves them bloody Weavils!!!! arrrrgh!!! They always mess me up, so unpredictable, and well its against the Bombers this time so I could really BOMB OUT of this comp.... hehe.... ooops apologies for my feeble attempt at humor!! And it is at Pattersons, weather clear as usual, it never rains here *sigh*.... very hard to pick on many counts and that's just the winner let alone that cursed variance!!! Looking at the biased sports writers in the paper, most of them picked the Weavils except the top tipsters, those with the most points, they all picked the Bombers. Hmmmmm...... even the bloody TAB has the Weavils as slight favorites. So what am I going to do...... ooohhhh well I suppose go with the top tipsters, I mean, there is a reason why the top tipsters ARE the top tipsters. And most likely none of them are Jewish so they won't be affected by the curse of The Three Weeks. So Bombers it will be for my tip. It will probably mean the Weavils will win, cos I tend to be jinxed that way, in Weavils matches the team I tip are often the team that loses!!! So may have jinxed the Bombers nevertheless I can only go how I best feel to go given the curse of The Three Weeks. Also the Weavils usually doesn't play well at Patterson's, they're usually pretty useless there, they usually play better when away. Must be that pre-match champagne and caviar get-together with the sponsors!! haha!! And as for the points variance, well since the TAB bookies placed the Weavils as favorites even if slight favorites pretty hard to pick the likely margin based on odds. So just go for a low value, probably won't be a high scoring match. And another thing the Weavils do have a few players out so they can always use that as an excuse like they always do if they do indeed lose. Well to summarise.... all I can say is, them Bombers had better win otherwise I will use my magic powers to turn them into weavils and feed them to my hungry piranhas!! hahaha!!!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Day 2 of The Three Weeks.....

..... and Day 1 of Mercury's retrograde. The two combines to cause me more computer problems for the 2nd day running. It has been a long time since I had so much problems with computers, it is mainly trying to get on some sites that I have accounts with. However my wi fi device is up and going again after I fed it another $50 for 3 gigs. I actually thought you get 5 gigs for $50 but no it was just 3 gigs, which probably explains why I ran out of gigs so soon, I use about 1 gig per week on this thing. But it still doesn't explain the lack of records in my bank statements of any payments to Telstra prepaid since 16 May !!!!!

Anyway after an anxious energy-draining day yesterday I was so tired I went to bed early, about 10pm which is early for me!! Then I woke up at 1am and could not get back to sleep. Just laying in bed and jumping at every sound I hear! My anxiety levels goes through the roof during The Three Weeks, and this is my first time alone at this time. Previously I always had Sally, even if she was so sick the last few years, and though she thought I was a little crazy in regards to The Three Weeks, she was at least there for me. She didn't really believe in it, but it was The Three Weeks that killed her, as proven in last year's entries in this blog, documented evidence that her sores took a nasty turn for the worse and changing color - those blogs are there for all to see for yourselves - it was those infections that ultimately killed her. So you understand why I get so anxious during this time!!!! Over the years I have learned to discern between those "noises in the night". Most of them are the house "just settling", metal pipes contracting after having hot water through them, the wood expanding and contracting, etc..... but not all noises can be explained that way. A small number of them which can't be explained are usually attributed to paranormal activity. And then the noises outside, most are either the wind (though most times there is no wind) or the outside hot water system and other structures expanding and contracting. But occasionally it feels like a prowler outside though even in this high crime district that is relatively rare. But last night at 3AM I jumped up and freaked when I heard THUMP THUMP just outside the front door. I thought OMG someone trying to break in. But a quick peek through the window established that it was just the neighbors across the road, they come and go at all hours of the night, and what I heard was simply the car doors opening and closing. Just the problem is, I sleep only about 4 hours to begin with, so if I go to bed early, I wake up early and can't get back to sleep. So now in a vicious cycle of going to bed early and staying up in the wee small hours, until the weekend when I can at least take a nap during the day and get my sleep patterns back on track!!!! And course as per usual for this part of the universe it is not going to rain at all for the rest of the week, we are destined for the driest June on record!! Rain has this calming influence but that won't be available to me for the foreseeable future. May have to depend on drugs, some codeine, for the same effect, that usually helps me sleep.

Another thing is I haven't heard from Julie since the weekend, this has been the longest time between contacts with her. Now normally I'd attribute this to possible personal issues with family etc, or falling ill, or some other explanation like that. But this IS The Three Weeks, and unfortunately anything can and often does happen during The Three Weeks and I always expect the worse. History proves that again and again with me. Calamities that normally doesn't occur at any other time occurs during The Three Weeks. EG all of Sally's serious turns for the worse in her health in the last two years have all occurred during The Three Weeks, and well her death is proof of the reality of this phenomenon. And so in regards to Julie..... well I am already planning on getting back onto the contact site, re-initiation of my subscription payments, updating my profile and making plans to find a new companion. Of course none of this will happen until AFTER Mercury's retrograde which ends a few days after The Three Weeks. Acquiring a new companion during The Three Weeks will end in catastrophe as the Barbara experiences proves!! So no looking until AFTER that time!!!! Indeed Tu B'Av the Jewish Valentine falls just after Mercury's retrograde so will probably start on it then. But yes I am bracing for this possibility which I hope won't happen but being The Three Weeks it can happen.

It seems to be in my destiny that I will suffer my first very lonely The Three Weeks period this year in 2013. My ability to look after myself will be severely tested, moreso than usual. In the early days I was good at looking after myself helped by mother. She'd often give me advice on the art of looking after one's self, cultivating a healthy lifestyle, and all those recipes she gave me reflected this. Mother was the perfect example of a healthy lifestyle. She went for 3-mile walks around the lake each morning in virtually all weather, she'd always be going for walks when we go on vacation with her such as down at Augusta, she'd walked the 1-mile to the bakery to get us our daily treats, and we always had rolls for lunch from the bakery during our days in Augusta. She rarely cooked with salt and always made sure I had my 3 veges when we visit her for dinner. She was drinking fresh juice each morning made in a blender from fresh fruits and veges, and would tell me off when I drink too much Coke! LOL! Yet in spite of her almost 100% healthy lifestyle she still died an early and tragic death. It just proved to me that going to all the bother of a healthy lifestyle is no guarantee of a long and healthy life. You can be struck down by any disease whatsoever regardless of what we do. As I have often said since then - "The Christian Bible says it rains on the righteous and unrighteous - it is just a nice way of saying 'shit happens regardless of our beliefs, our morals and our lifestyle'"..... Or putting it another way, "There is order and chaos in the universe, shit happens regardless of what we say, what we do, or what we believe in".

Of course it is a matter of history that mother's death coincided with the worsening condition of Sally's health, and it often became the case that I spent my energies looking after Sally often at my own expense. I had stopped riding my bicycle to work when Sally got sick, our vacations and day trips ceased, and so no walks and no trips into the country. Sally did have special diet requirements due to her condition, such as, being a celiac she couldn't eat any food with gluten which is virtually 95% of all foods at the average supermarket aside from fresh meat, fruits and veges!! Give me any tinned, packaged or otherwise prepared foods or convenience food from any supermarket, there's a 95% chance that it will contain gluten!! It is almost as common as water!! So I often had to prepare special dishes for Sally and seek out "gluten free" foods, and by the time I got through with that, I often had no energy left for my own dishes, so I'd just have convenience foods, or perhaps a piece of prepared chicken such as crumbed chicken kiev, etc, often without vegies cos I simply had no energy for it. A lot of the time I get one of those value meals from KFC, especially when the coupons arrives among our junk mail, and just live off that for the rest of the week. Sally could never have fast foods due to the gluten except Red Rooster. And with no mother to help me, I was left on my own to fend for myself while taking care of Sally. And Sally was too sick to worry about what I am eating, so I could pretty well eat as I pleased.

Now since Sally's death you'd think I'd have more time for looking after myself, but it has been precisely the opposite. And the nagging feeling in the back of my mind, the almost 100% healthy mother who hardly even had a cold let alone anything else due to her healthy lifestyle, being suddenly struck down with that nasty disease seemingly out of nowhere!!!! There are some theories that the disease may have been caused by certain chemicals typically used when gardening, and mother always loved gardening, but it is only just a theory with nothing much to prove otherwise. So for all intensive purpose, the disease struck without reason or rhyme!! So anyway, I just spend my days getting up, going to work, coming back home, having dinner, and going online until I drop dead from exhaustion. And my meals often consisted of convenience foods, such as the prepared chicken dishes from the supermarket, pizza, and KFC value meals which lasts me up to a few days and works out cheaper than fresh foods especially with the coupons. I do occasionally bake my own lasagne or other casseroles from mother's recipes, I divide those up for my lunches at work, freeze them and microwave them at work, and they last me a month, so only need to cook monthly for my lunches. I occasionally give myself vegies for my evening meals but only once per week on average. I have pizza more often than anything, there is always someone who has them on special, either Coles or Woolies, and they are cheap when on special, and I always get extra pepperoni the hot variety cos they never put enough pepperoni on the frozen pizzas and it is never spicy enough - but yeah I have pizza probably four evenings in a typical week, then usually chicken with either hash browns or something similar, and I may be bothered to steam a vegie or two on one evening.

So I guess I need someone to look after me.... Julie or someone else.... I had high hopes with Julie, but with The Three Weeks and me not hearing from her for several days, well I am just bracing myself for the worse, and I will be even less motivated to look after myself until at least after this particular period of time.

Now just don't let me forget that the football begins THURSDAY, that is, tomorrow, and as part of the curse of the Three Weeks the first match involves the Eagles and they always mess me up in my tipping, a very unpredictable team!!!! So looks like being a bad start to my tipping.

So of course there be a blog tomorrow for my football musings, but if there are any other non-football related incidences tomorrow I will put that in a separate blog.

Anyway today's song for The Three Weeks.... don't worry this is an "easy listening" genre type although I am not sure if this one is very easy to listen to for me. Not many songs makes me cry but this one does it every time!!! Especially when you get to the last verse that begins...

No mommy's arms to hold me or soothe me when I cry.
Sometimes it gets so lonely I wish that I could die.

... cos... OMG that is exactly how it feels at times...... well anyway here's the vid while I remain at least slightly composed.....

Nobody's Child - Karen Young

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Day 1 of The Three Weeks

Uhhhh didn't take long for things to happen, mainly on the computer front.....

Well it did actually rain last night, that is a good thing. I always feel better when it rains, it has a calming effect on me. It must be the vibrational energies from the water molecules, they vibrate at a certain frequency, and it just calms me. The same effect happens when I am near water, such as a river, lake or ocean. So due to the rain I slept much better last night, a lot less of the anxieties that the nights brings for me, also usually less paranormal activity. Just that it doesn't rain very often in this part of the universe, indeed we are having the driest June on record, and there is no rain in the forecast for the rest of the week.

However things started to happen almost as soon as I get up. I get online to check emails and my accounts etc, and this time I couldn't get onto a lot of them, had access problems across the board. Since this is the first time it happened for as long as I can remember I will attribute it to The Three Weeks and/or Mercury's retrograde.

Then I got to work, and during my breaks I use my tablet via my portable wi-fi device to access my online accounts. I don't use the office computer for several reasons, one being that in case the boss decides to check our history for "unauthorised" online usage, he has done that before, and also that I am not in a private office, I share the space with three other colleagues and they are far too nosey for my liking. So I just use my portable devices instead to get on my sites while at work during the breaks and quiet periods. Then suddenly I was cut off, I could not get online anywhere. At first I thought it was the particular site, but trying other sites yielded the same results. Uhhhh must have used up my gigs allocation!! But I didn't think I had done so yet, I thought I have gigs remaining, and it seemed I had only recently topped up my gigs. And I hadn't been able to set up my Telstra account yet cos I don't yet have an account number, I will have to wait until I get my first bill in my name to get the account number. Probably will get such a bill by next week but I can't wait that long!!!!

So anyway I used my phone to check my transaction history, my phone is on a plan legacy of Sally, so on a different data usage package and had plenty left on that allocation, that I know via the phone app. However this is really weird. I cannot find any record of any Telstra-prepaid transactions for the past six weeks. I use ONLY either of the two credit cards depending on if I have anything left on either of them. I don't use any other methods, I don't get prepaid coupons from any shops, or anything like that, I do everything online!!! But my last record of any Telstra-prepaid payments according to my transaction history as displayed online was 16 May. This is weird on two counts. Firstly the prepaid allocation lasts for only four weeks regardless of whether we use it or not and it is now 25 June, and secondly I could swear black and blue that I had topped it up only more recently!!! And up until today the devices had been working, I was able to get online so obviously I had the data allocations!!! Hmmmmm I think that Mercury is playing tricks on me together with The Three Weeks!!!! Uh well I will just have to assume that I used up my data allocation and will top it up this evening, but without any means to check my data usage I am really in the dark.

Anyway.... other things.... this morning I sent the form away to the hospital giving of my intention to return the loan items that Sally was using. They had sent me the form asking me if I still needed the items! DUH!!!!!! typical govt depts not making sense!! I mean, unless they know something I don't, I really don't think Sally would be using them any more!!! So anyway.... I sent back the form saying.... Nah definitely don't need them anymore!! LOL!!.... and then adding a note that arrangements will need to be made to pick up the chair and it will have to be after 4pm cos that is when I get home from work. I think I will now wait a while to see if I hear back from them.

Anyway here's a song that I play a lot since mother's death, and play even more during The Three Weeks. The lyrics then the vid.....

Hallowed By Thy Name - Cradle of Filth

I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life, and it doesn't have much time
'Cause at 5 o'clock they take me to The Gallow's Pole
The sands of time for me are running low

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me

Can it be that there's some sort of error?
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream?

Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not so easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying?
After all I am not afraid of dying
Don't believe that there never is an end

As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Someone cries from a cell "God be with you"
If there's a God then why has he let me die?

As I walk all my life drifts before me
Though the end is near I'm not sorry
Catch my soul it's willing to fly away

Mark my words believe my soul lives on
Don't worry now that I have gone
I've gone beyond to see the truth

When you know that your time is close at hand
Maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down there is just a strange illusion.

Oh, hallowed be thy name
Oh, hallowed be thy name

Monday 24 June 2013

Tzom Tammuz

Sundown tonight begins Tzom Tammuz, a translation of  "17 Tammuz", the 17th day of the lunar month Tammuz, the first day of "The Three Weeks". It was on this day when the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem which led to the destruction of the 2nd Temple. The Babylonians took a wee bit longer, they invaded Jerusalem back on 9 Tammuz and Jews had observed a fast on that day thus making it "The FOUR Weeks!!", but after the Roman incident, the sages decided to adopt 17 Tammuz as the fast day commemorating both events. The Roman invasion and subsequent destruction of the Temple was more serious. After the Babylonian destruction in the 6th century BC the Temple was rebuilt about a century later. However after the Romans the Temple was never rebuilt and Judaism changed forever. Back in the days of the Temple the Jews celebrated Passover with the lamb in accordance with Moses' instructions in the Torah. However since the destruction of the Temple the Jews had to adopt a new method of keeping Passover, and to this day they no longer use the lamb, indeed only a single shank bone from the lamb is kept on the Seder plate as some kind of remembrance of past glorious days, indeed they don't even eat lamb during the meal, they eat either chicken or beef. This ties in with the Astrological ages stemming from the procession of the earth's axis over 26000 years - an established fact in Astronomy that can be found in most Astronomy text books, a concept as basic as the Moon's phases and the four seasons. The north end of the axis points to any one of the 12 zodiac sectors, moving backwards through each sector during its procession, thus spending approx 2000 years in each. Back in the time of the Jews as described in the Tanach (or Christian Old Testament) from the birth of Abraham to the final book in the Tanach, this covered the period when the axis was pointing to Aries, hence the Age of Aries the Ram - male sheep. See the connection between Aries and the Passover lamb, Passover being the most important holiday on the Jewish calendar, a turning point in their history, setting off events culminating in finally possessing the Promised Land - present day Israel. This is why Aries is often mentioned first in most horoscope columns in newspapers, it coincides with the 1st month of the Hebrew calendar whose astral sign is Aries, and is when Passover is kept. When the 1st Temple was destroyed we were still in the Age of Aries, hence the 2nd Temple was built. But by the time the 2nd Temple was destroyed in AD70 we were out of the Age of Aries and in the changeover to the Age of Pisces - the age of Christianity. Oh yes there is a reason for those fish symbols you see on the back of cars identifying Christians. That is why the 2nd Temple was never rebuilt, and instead we have the Vatican. For better or for worse, mostly worse, we were into the age of Christianity. Now we are near the end of the Age of Pisces and at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, and I must say the Vatican is headed for the same fate as the 2nd Jewish Temple.

Anyway..... now in Tzom Tammuz commemorating the invasion of Jerusalem and the start of the dreaded The Three Weeks.

As indicated by the diabolical football results this past weekend when we snatched defeat from the very jaws of victory!!!.... we are in for a very torrid Three Weeks period. Mercury's retrograde happening at the same time will not help matters. Both chaotic energies are destined to cause untold catastrophes for the next three weeks and beyond. During the past two years, The Three Weeks marked the worsening condition of Sally's health issues, the 2012 incidents eventually leading to her death. It was on Tzom Tammuz 2011 when Sally woke up and discovered a hole in her leg with clear liquid dribbling out like a dribbling tap, this has never happened before, and she wondered what's the hairy heck was going on. The leak continued day and night, and she had to use towels in the bed, etc, to keep dry. When she finally gotten a doc appt which happened to coincide with Tisha B'Av, the end point of the Three Weeks and the anniversary of the two Temples' destruction, she was diagnosed with Lymphodema. This was the beginning of the end, the start of the two years of hell, culminating in her death arising from complications of this condition.

So what is going to happen this time!!!? Last Round's football results which basically sealed my fate in regards to the office tipping comp shows that we are in for a torrid time, Mercury adding to the chaos by its retrograde. This will be the first time of being on my lonesome during The Three Weeks. I always have had Sally with me, and before that, Barbara. I had never been alone before. Being alone during these long dark nights during The Three Weeks will make for scary moments. I always make sure the house is locked up, we have security grilles and security doors, bolt locks, a lock on my gate, and I leave lights on all night due to paranormal activity. But it won't stop me from being rather anxious during these Three Weeks. Normally I am not bothered so much about being along at night. But The Three Weeks is a very intense time of chaos when anything can and often does happen!! And with no rain in the forecast for at least this week, it will make it worse. I feel safer when it rains, the energies from the water makes me feel better. But no rain makes for even more anxious times.

Here's a list of possible issues that may crop up during The Three Weeks.


Due to the financial and time pressures associated with Sally's care our car has not been serviced since about March 2011. When our next service in September 2011 came up due we were in the middle of the month from hell when Sally needed most intensive care and I needed to use my Long Service Leave to take the month off work. The due date of the car service passed us by and so the warranty became void. I think we had about two years left on it anyway. So far the car is running quite well in spite of the lack of service. It is a late model Nissan Pulsar which is a good little car, the only time we needed to call the RAC since acquiring the car was for a flat battery!! This is in contrast to previous cars when we would be making more than the average use of the RAC, really making them earn the money that we pay them each year!!!! However even the best car will eventually falter due to a lack of service. I am still recovering from needing to pay of Sally's medical debts and still am paying off the ambulance fees so there is little scope for getting the car serviced for at least another two months. I will have my tax check by then but due to govt cutbacks it will be a lot less, they have cut out the spouse offset for this past year, so I will not enjoy the financial benefits of being Sally's carer for the last nine months of her life. Ironically I was denied carer's payment from Centerlink because they deemed Sally's condition to be only "temporary". Well I guess it was "temporary" but not in the way that they expected!!!! So the most I am likely to get back on my taxes would be a couple of hundreds dollars, down from a couple of thousands from being Sally's carer. The only claim avenue I have left is my union dues. This will be barely enough to cover a basic car service, and I am certain there will be other issues cropping up that they will find, perhaps new brakes, or tires, or any of the other issues that we come to expect with cars. In any case I will not be surprised if the car starts playing up during The Three Weeks, it is just a matter of how it will play up. Since I haven't yet gotten my bike serviced, it seems likely that Transperth will once again be possibly enjoying my patronage!!

Furthermore the alarm on the car hasn't been fixed, or more specifically the remote control clicker of the alarm system. It had given up the ghost also a couple of years ago, and having long discounted the obvious, a dead battery, by replacing it with a fresh new battery, it has long been deduced that the problem is something else aside from a dead battery. However I have heard that just to replace this tiny plastic device with cheap electronics inside would cost over $200!! WHY in hell's name it would cost THAT much to replace something so simple is utterly beyond me but I guess they can charge whatever they darn well like. And that is the reason why the car is still without an alarm system. Now fortunately the car spends its nights in a safely locked garage adjacent to my house, and at work it is parked near the rear door of the warehouse where various couriers and delivery persons makes regular visits and my office is just inside the door there, so my car is relatively safe there. It is mostly the trips to the mall that is a worry, and so for at least the duration of The Three Weeks I will take extra precautions. I will avoid the Mirrabooka mall in spite of the fact it is the closest major mall to my house, but it is also where the crime rate is highest. I normally have my wits about me, I never visit the mall at night, and I am very aware of my surroundings, keeping my cell phone on me, and watching for any suspect people and avoiding potential situations. But with The Three Weeks the risks are much higher so I will avoid Mirrabooka altogether, I will instead go to Dog Swamp which is safer, or across to Innaloo which is also relatively safer. My car is insured, but the insurance assumes a working alarm system so should it get stolen and they discover the alarm was not working, they may not cover the theft or at the very least charge me extra. So bar any The Three Weeks calamities, the alarm system will be the first thing that will be attended to as soon as I get caught up financially, this even before getting the car serviced.


I am still trying to catch up after paying off Sally's medical debts, and I still have the ambulance to pay off, that should be another four to six weeks. It is taking my longer than expected to catch up, there are always bills and other expenses to deal with. True enough my bills are less, indeed my utility bill was about half of what it usually is since there is no longer the heating and laundry requirements consequent of Sally's care needs. Nevertheless the bills still come and I am yet to get a sufficient break to catch up with them. And due to the govt cutbacks as explained above, my tax check will be of little help. And in any case I never do my taxes during The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde, so it will be near end of July before I do them, so any refund check as little as it will be won't be in my bank account until well into August.


The Three Weeks coincides with Mercury's retrograde, and computer problems often occurs when this planet goes in reverse relative to the earth. So together with The Three Weeks, there is a high potential for problems with my computers and devices such as the phones and tablets. I have backed up my data today, and will continue to back up my data on a regular basis during The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde.


Well my lease doesn't end until end of October, and the landlord usually leaves us alone, we don't even have rent inspections as we are renting privately. He still have the right to conduct rent inspections, but he has never done so for the duration of our leases. He visited me only once since Sally's death so he knows about that. Perhaps the worse it can happen is if he pays me a visit during The Three Weeks and decides to not renew the lease in October. Of course being single and not having to worry about Sally's special needs it will be easier to move house, but we still have a housing crisis, and many flats are more expensive to rent than this house!! Our rent is cheaper than market rates cos of us renting privately. And there is still a lot of things that needs to be done, sorting out Sally's items which has been an ongoing process, and dealing with other issues attached to the house, such as the oven needing to be cleaned, and the shed cleaned out. So it is going to take a lot longer than four months to sort all these issues out. I really need an extra year, or at the very least, an extra six months here, then I will be ready to move.

Maintenance issues are likely to come up during The Three Weeks, such as blocked drains, leaking taps, etc, necessitating a visit from the landlord, and greater chance of him telling me he is not likely to be renewing the lease!!


My job is pretty well quarantined from our govts plan to abolish 1000 jobs in the public sector, working for a school and they rarely touch the schools as it is too politically sensitive!! So even given The Three Weeks I don't expect any such problems to arise. But it doesn't mean that there won't be any possible issues cropping up at work as it often does during The Three Weeks. The worst of it was a few years ago when I was banned from using the microwave in one kitchen because of "complaints" about smelly food, a blatant case of anti-semitism as I had just adopted the kosher diet. Anyone who suggests there are no racism nor discrimination in the public service has their heads up their own butts!! My boss can be difficult to deal with at times especially when he is in a bad mood. And often the computer systems falls down, and with Mercury's retrograde, it is more likely to fall down in these Three Weeks.


My energy has been very low lately, lethargic, and always tired. I have before suffered health problems during The Three Weeks albeit relatively mild. But something like the flu or gastro seems the most likely to afflict me.


I still have the hospital loan equipment that Sally has been using, the reason I hadn't been able to take them back was because the Equipment Loans dept's opening hours coincides with my working hours!! But I had last week received mail from them wanting their equipment back. I was hoping to have had it done this week but got too busy with the legal hoops hopping involved with changing our bank account from a joint to a single account. That thankfully has been successful and BEFORE The Three Weeks, but it does leave me with the loan equipment issue and I don't think they will wait another three or four weeks for them. The biggest issue is likely to be the electric recliner chair, they will have to come pick it up as it is too big to fit into my car. While Sally was using it she kept the chair protected with towels, sheets and water-proof protection pads. However due to her leaking sores, etc, small amounts of fluids did manage to find its way to the chair causing some slight damage. My main worry is they are likely to charge me for the damage, and being a $6000 chair, the charges are likely to be high. In any case we all know that the charges are always higher than the actual cost of repairs. As it being The Three Weeks this seems to be most likely to occur, that I would be sent an expensive repair bill.


I was hoping to get into the top six before The Three Weeks but due to last week's diabolical results I am still outside the six, albeit just in 7th spot. The top six at the end of the season collects the prize money. I had always won prize money up until mother's death but had won nothing since her death, and it looks like this year will continue this trend. My tipping strategy for The Three Weeks will be, I will go with the top tipsters in the sports pages, they submit their tips the day prior to the round, and the top guys usually get between 6 and 9 points - 9 being the perfect round as there are 9 games each round. Since none of the tipsters (as far as I know) are Jewish, they won't be affected by The Three Weeks, so I will just tip whom they tip. But for matches involving the West Coast Eagles, whom I affectionately (NOT!!!!!) call "Weavils", I will simply go with TAB odds since our sports writers are slightly biased and they all wish for an Eagles premiership!!! So for games involving the Eagles I will tip the team with the shortest odds. And for points variances that one must pick for the first match of the round, that is, basically predicting the winning margin, I will go with the shortest odds on the TAB as they have markets for various winning margins. Where we have equal tipping points in our tipping competition, the variances decides our spots on the ladder, those with the lowest variances being in the highest spots on the ladder, this often means the difference between being in the top six (prize money contention) and being outside the six (getting zilch, zit, nyet prizes!!!)


She is likely to be the reason I will get through this tough The Three Weeks period relatively unscathed with no suicide or self harm issues. She understands me so well, she understands about these energies, and though The Three Weeks doesn't affect her, Mercury's retrograde does affect her, so will be suffering similarly. Each time we communicate the connections and feelings grow deeper, she is indeed my deepest soul mate. However during The Three Weeks, anything can happen and often does. Something unexpected may crop up and she decides to no longer want any contact with me. This is unlikely given the depth of our feelings and connections, but this IS The Three Weeks, so I am prepared for anything, at least as best I can be. Also I am yet to meet her, and with things progressing as apparently are, it is likely the meeting will take place during The Three Weeks. As stated in a previous blog, this is different from the Barbara scenario. Julie and I are already established in our relationship, and we both agree that we have already met and even spend our lives together over several of our past lives. So in the grand scheme of things, our relationship is already established from lives past, and we were just "temporarily" separated during this life time, and the separation is about to end. Any issues that may crop up even during The Three Weeks should not impact on the long term of our relationship, but as I said, being The Three Weeks I have to be prepared for anything. Also we haven't started any courses yet, and I am not real keen to start any courses during The Three Weeks, but will have to take things as it comes. But being with Julie will make it easier for me to cope with The Three Weeks.

I think this covers at least most possible areas of possible calamities that are most likely to occur during these The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde. I will be giving progress reports during this time, the frequency of the reports depending on when the calamities occurs. So "pray" or send energies that will remove the need for me to send frequent reports!!!!!!!

Sunday 23 June 2013

Round 13 - An early start to The Three Weeks

If ever one needs any further proof of the power of the curse that is The Three Weeks, the Geelong/Brisbane match provides this proof. The fact that the curse began early is a very bad sign. This The Three Weeks is shaping up to be the worse yet. When Geelong looked like they would win, Brisbane stage an amazing comeback that only had to be inspired by other dimensional powers. My season is in tatters. My run of dismal luck since mother's death is destined to continue. Yet another year since mother's death that I will be without any prizes. The Three Weeks is not solely to blame. We also have been experiencing solar storms for the past two days, the storms of charged particles from the sun buffeting earth. This can also cause energy ruptures somewhat akin to The Three Weeks even if not quite so severe. But being so close to The Three Weeks, these two phenomena combines to cause catastrophic effects.

Perhaps the only saving grace is that I did manage to hold onto 7th spot. No one else in the top 10 have picked Port Adelaide, and one person did actually pick Brisbane which propelled him into the top 10. I am on 81 points, the same as the one in 6th spot, indeed one of a group of four on 81. However the gap in my points variance between myself and 6th spot have increased, and the person below me in 8th spot is fast closing in on me with only 10 points difference in the variance, it seems likely I will drop to 8th spot by next round, a "perfect" start to The Three Weeks. The first match of the next round involves the Weavils again!!!! and they always mess me up in either the tipping and/or the variance. The "perfect storm" is indeed upon me.

So for at least The Three Weeks period and Mercury's retrograde, which makes it a total of four rounds, the tipping will be based solely on the most popular picks by sports writers, and in Weavil matches based on TAB odds. Furthermore the points variance will be based on TAB odds, the midpoint of the margin spread they deemed to be on the shortest odds.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Round 13 - Hmmmm them Powers

Uhhh better get this musings done before I forget which I am liable to do these days..... *sigh*

Oh them Powers, throwing a spanner into the works. Well hopefully no one else in the top 10 would have picked them so this rather amazing upset is unlikely to affect our current standings. The other two results panned out as expected, the Demons did put up a fight which I thought they would but my choice to go with the Saints have been vindicated. Two points for the day, I did say I would not be surprised to get just two points of the maximum three up for grabs.

Today however could be a more serious spanner thrown into the works. The Freo North Melbourne match is the match that could go either way, it would be expected a mixture of tips among the top 10, so is likely to decide my fate for The Three Weeks. Let's just hope that my pick which is Freo based on the fact that the match is being played at Pattersons falls my way and I can get back into the top six in time for The Three Weeks. A Skippy win will seal my fate for this season.

The other match, Lions and the Puddy Cats, should be a no brainer. An upset there will probably equally affect us in the top 10. We should be hearing the sounds of purrrrrrr-ing by the time the match is over. I don't think Lions actually purrrs ;)

Thus will end the three rounds of byes. Just have to remember the first match of the next round is Thursday, and let's hope it won't be a variance match since it involves them bloody Weavils !!!!!!!

Friday 21 June 2013

Round 13 - those Weavils and my variance!!!!

Ohhhh scatterbrained me.... almost forgot today's musing.... just spent all morning with Julie via email, more utterly amazing synchronicities even in our childhoods..... ooohhh........ *sigh*...

OK... football!!!!.... uuhhh those bloody Weavils.... OK so the Hawks won as expected, my first point on the board.... but as for the variance.... those Weavils always finds a way to spoil the party, just when I thought I'd be close to the variance in the final term those Weavils decided to make a come back and kick those last few late goals, wasn't enough to beat the Hawks, but my variance out the window once again..... looks like being outside the top six will be my destiny..... uh well.....

Today's matches..... Sydney and Port Adelaide.... uhhh dunno if the odds should be so short as they make out to be, I reckon it will be closer than expected, I could be wrong, but in any case even it it will be as close a match as I feel it to be, I will go with the Swanees on this one.

The Saints and the Demons.... well a team with a sacked coach is akin to a caged lion, it could lash out and if the paws strike in the right way then it can kill. Just a matter whether those paws will strike in the right way. I reckon those Demons will put up a fight but will go with probability theory, the Saints still more likely to make it over the line.

The Tigers and the Bulldogs, short odds on that one too, this time the Tigers. Yeah I'd say in this case it should be Richmond without too much bother unless they take it too easy.....

Hopeful for three more points today but won't be totally surprised if I end up with only two.

Round 13 - them Weavils

Ok let's see if I can take my mind off J-J-J-Ju.... long enough to get at least a reasonably decent discussion on football from me.... um.... yes the last Round before The Three Weeks my task is to get back into the top six. Being Round 13 well I do not think 13 is unlucky, indeed it is a good number according to Kaballah. There were actually 13 tribes of Israel, and originally 13 signs of the Zodiac, and on the Hebrew calendar there are sometimes 13 months when they needed a leap year - they add a whole month during leap years, and I think next year will be one such year.... Anyway..... the round might be unlucky in other ways but it won't be because it is Round 13.... And with five of the six matches hosting favorites at short odds it seems any jump into the top six will depend on one match and points variance.... so.... who is playing tonight....

Uhhhhh them bloody Weavils!!!! They always bring me undone and this is a points variance match too!!! Arrrgh what sins have I committed to deserve such a fate in a round that I really need to get into the top six. Must have been that Chinaman I killed!! haha!! Ya know the story, if you get bad luck in this life it means you must have killed a Chinaman in a past life... haha.... Anyway.....

Well they are playing against the high flying hot Hawks, and even many of the biased sports writers here are conceding that the Hawks has at least a slightly better chance at winning the match and have tipped accordingly, but not all of them. There are still some deluded souls who insists on tipping the Weavils and I am not just talking about the politicians, they are deluded to begin with!! haha!! Well I have nothing to lose really, if I don't get into the top six, than that will be it for the season due to The Three Weeks happening for the next three rounds!! So might as well go with probability theory and posted odds, the Hawks with a reasonably high points variance. It remains to be seen if this gamble pays off.

I will try not to forget to post my football musings for tomorrow's matches tomorrow morning but I am not making any promises..... being ditzy, scatter-brained, ever forgetful, even on a high without the presence of drugs.... ooohhhhh....... hahaha.......

Thursday 20 June 2013

J-J-Julie!!!! J-J-J-Julie!!!!

Ok I just have to share this..... I know I am crazy but I don't care!!!!.... Every contact with Julie the connection grows deeper and more profound. This morning I was pondering on how I feel about Julie and wondering if I should tell her, then up pops a msg from her, she told me how she felt, and it was exactly how I felt for her!!!! Such synchronicities cannot be faked!! And it is happening more and more on a regular scale.... I'd be thinking of something, I'd hear from her and she'd be saying exactly the same thing. The attraction is mutual!! The connection is deep!! There is no need to "chatting up" each other, we are already there!!! How I feel is how she feels!!!!!

And about The Three Weeks..... this is so different to with Barbara.... cos with Barbara, I had the hots for her but had to chat her up cos she was more hesitant towards me, and it turned out that the "chatting up" phases occured during The Three Weeks, and well as we all know, it turned into an utter catastrophe!!!! Then on the other hand with Sally, she was the one chatting me up, cos I kinda had doubts. But Sally and I met on Tu B'Av the Jewish Valentine, so we were definitely right for each other for this particular season, we were meant for each other, and we enjoyed a wonderful marriage even in spite of her health problems. Nevertheless, I was hesitant at first so she had to chat me up a bit.

But with Julie.... the attraction was there from the very start, and it is entirely mutual.... our relationship is already established, so whatever happens during The Three Weeks I don't think it will affect us long term.

And just for information..... no one else knows about this, only readers of this blog.... My family on this side of the country does not know about this.... may probably spring the surprise on them at the next family gathering, just bring Julie along and see how they react!! They will never expect it!!! No idea whatsoever!! haha!!! They will be in utter shock, almost as much shock as the day I told them I married Sally, well probably more in shock than that!!!!..... I wonder if Debra will remember that song - J-J-J-Julie!!!! haha!!! the next gathering would be Justin's birthday near end of July, well that will probably be a wee bit too soon... but then at the rate things are happening between us, we probably be bloody engaged by then!!!!!! Anyway will see how it pans out..... but right now I cannot imagine life without Julie..........

Just all I know now is..... when there is Julie, nothing else matters.... ooohhhh.... *sigh*.....

I will TRY to concentrate on the football tomorrow.... "try" being the operative word.... oh dear I am so hopeless....... *sigh*

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Is history about to repeat itself?

Here my mid-week musings and I am flying.... it feels like walking three feet off the ground..... everything is wonderful..... oooohhhhhh....... scatterbrained..... ever forgetful of things.... so much on my mind and it all starts with a J.... J-J-J-J.....

Back when I was 13 or so, I had just come out of the 8 years of hell with Colin, my scars finally starting to heal, things were looking up.... and Debra's best friend at the time, her younger sister had the hots for me, and her name was Julie. So I went out with her for a bit, and Debra was always teasing me about it with this song which had just come out at the time.....

If the vid doesn't work go to this link -  - oldies like me should know the song anyway.... me as I get my walking stick... hehe.....

Now nearly four decades later.... just coming out of the years of hell, not quite the 8 years of hell, but the hell starting with mother's diagnosis, her death, sally's diabolical health situation and her death..... and now another Julie comes into my life, the lady I talked about in last week's blog.... we have been corresponding regularly since then, me walking three feet off the ground rising to six feet whenever we communicate which is as often as every two days.... the more we share, the more I feel so connected with her.... and she understands me so well..... she is an energy worker too, she understands about the lunar and planetary energies, Astrology and the other things that affects me, even The Three Weeks.... we have so much in common.... and we flow together so well.... And soon we will meet, we will be doing some courses together, such as the Silva Method and Kineisiology..... ooohhhhh this is just so wonderful.... she is so perfect for me, almost like an angel from heaven..... OMG.... ohhhh I know I am just utterly hopeless aren't I.... I am usually cautious about these things, being a typical Virgo, always trying to analyse.... but not this time..... I am throwing caution to the wind.... and I don't care...... Julie is everything I ever dreamed about and it is going to be utterly wonderful when we meet and do those courses together...... *sigh*......

Anyway to the more mundane things of life..... I did finally go and picked up Sally's ashes. The cemetery board were bugging me to come collect them, I was hoping to wait until after The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde, but the govt doesn't allow for these things. Anyway it was a relatively painless process, and so now her ashes is with me, I placed it in her craft room as that was where she liked to work to do her crafts..... I wonder if there is going to be any paranormal activity happening!!! You know me, so sensitive to energies.... but I am pretty sure Sally is elsewhere. Sometimes they stay attached to their ashes and so things happens around it, but I think Sally will have moved on, so probably nothing will happen.... but it is rather weird to have her ashes here, just to think it was Sally!!!!! Ya know what I mean!!!! Pasco still have mother's ashes as his house even after over two years, but he not spirit sensitive like I am..... so.... um.... not sure what to do with Sally's ashes.... perhaps somewhere down the track when I have a spare couple of hundreds dollars I'll get a proper urn for them, I looked at the urns at the cemetery office while I was waiting for them to collect the ashes, so saw how much they usually are...... so will probably get an urn for them, cos at this time they are just in a basic kind of bottle container.....

Well the next non-football blog will be near the start of The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde, beginning 25-June and 26-June respectively, less than a week away. So there will be reports over those next three to four weeks, how often depends on how often the incidences occurs.

My biggest fear about The Three Weeks is it is likely to throw a spanner into our budding friendship between Julie and I. I know what happened with Barbara, we fell in love and entered into a relationship during The Three Weeks of 1988, this neither of us knew about, but it explains why it turned out to be an utter catastrophe!! I felt the same way about Barbara as I do for Julie, I thought Barbara would be perfect for me, she was absolutely wonderful, we seemed to understand each other so well, and I was just utterly in love with her. We did meet at church before The Three Weeks but we began to see each other privately and we fell in love during The Three Weeks, hence the catastrophe and heartache that was to follow.

So am rather concerned that Julie and I are headed for the same fate. But there are differences between her and Barbara. Firstly we both understand about the lunar and planetary energies, it happens Mercury's retrograde coincides with The Three Weeks, and as they say, "forewarned is forearmed". Nevertheless the curse of The Three Weeks always finds a way to sneak in under our guard regardless of how prepared we try to be. It seems to happen each year, something ALWAYS happens during The Three Weeks. Sally's death is a case in point, the sickness that led to her death came upon her during The Three Weeks.

But unlike with Barbara, Julie and I are already quite established in our relationship. We had since moved from the contact site to private emails, and so had been exchanging private emails for a couple of weeks now. We just haven't met yet nor have we started the courses. There is just one weekend before The Three Weeks. She had been down with the flu otherwise we would have met already. She is still getting over the flu so it is unlikely we will meet this weekend. So it seems that it will be within The Three Weeks that we will meet, and that does worry me. Also that she may want to commence at least some of the courses during The Three Weeks. My past experiences shows that anything new started during The Three Weeks is almost certain to end in catastrophe.

This seems to be a pity cos Julie seems so perfect for me...... but then that what I thought about Barbara before we entered into the relationship. But in the end if the universe meant for Julie and I to be together then it will happen regardless of any Three Weeks, Mercury's retrograde or any other planetary interactions. But if by any chance Julie and I are destined for an end, catastrophic or otherwise, well I can go back onto the site and start looking for another - and there will be plenty of time before the next Mercury retrograde or the next Three Weeks period.

My relationship with the Julie at age 13 lasted for only a short time, perhaps a month. I cannot remember when it started, whether it was during The Three Weeks or not. But the brevity of our friendship can probably be put down to the fact that we were only 13 years old. At that age emotions are very fickle, we find the "perfect" partner one week, a week later we get dumped, and find someone else who is more "perfect", and so on....... This time we are a lot older and wiser, and Julie and I are of similar ages, about a year or so difference. This would be my first time with someone near my age, Barbara was 14 years older, and Sally was 7 years older.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Round 12 - The curse of the variance

Who would have thought in their wildest dreams, you score a perfect round and you drop out of the top six!!!! Well that is what happened this round!! Nearly everyone had picked a perfect round including all of the top ten, it was only the cursed points variance that separated us, and due to my high variance I dropped one spot to 7th!!!! So still the same number of tipping points as the new 6th spot occupant but now a lower variance than me. So with just one more Round before the start of The Three Weeks, my chance of breaking into the top six is looking very shaky!! And the Weavils are back next week while it is the Maggies turn for a bye, and not only that, but the Weavils are in the Friday night match which means it is also a points variance game. The Weavils always manages to bring me undone, and well with them playing the Hawks, it seems the Hawks should win, but as I say, you never know with the Weavils, they play better when away from home and will probably win! LOL!! Uh well it's not next round yet so.......

Saturday 15 June 2013

Round 12 - Perfect round thus far

Uhhh OK so it was a good thing I stuck with the Bombers, well the Suns did put up a good fight for a while, but yeah I have to say I didn't regret my decision to stick with the Bombers. And with wins as expected to the Tigers and Dockers it makes for a perfect start, my points currently at 4-0.

Now we just have to see the Power beat the Giants, that one could also be  somewhat of a minor upset if the Giants plays really well or the Power takes it too easy thinking they already have the game in the bag. I wish mother was still here to tell them a thing or two, she always said, There are no certainties in football until that final siren. Well maybe her ghost will turn up and tell the Power that!! But hopefully they will prevail as expected.

Last but not least.... my Maggies.... and well they should win against the Bulldogs, they are hitting their straps at the right time, and are a class professional team if I must say so myself! Unless of course they get abducted by aliens and sends a hybrid team as a replacement who are programmed to lose!!!

Nevertheless a good chance I will have my first perfect round..... but then if I do then probably most if not all of the top 10 will have perfect rounds as well, it will all come down to points variance to decide who wins for the round, cos they also offer prize money for anyone who scores a perfect round, and if there is more than one who scores a perfect round, the person with the least points variance wins, which will probably count me out with my 20 points for this round!!

Friday 14 June 2013

Round 12 - So far so good except the variance

Uhhhh I almost forgot this morning's musings, now just the afternoon as I watch that worm heading in the right direction in the 1st term on the Richmond/Adelaide match.....

Well last night it was a good result as far as the tipping goes but not so good on the points variance, mine increased by about 20, not totally catastrophic but any of the other three below me getting 17 or less will see me knocked out of the top six if I assume they pick the same as me. Uh well just have to wait and see what happens....

Anyway... Richmond is my pick, and so far at this early stage it is headed in the right direction. Then we have the Dockers at home to the Lions, and similarly the Dockers should nail that one if they don't take it too easy. It is very cold here today, no rain as per usual, it never rains LOL, but today it is overcast and quite dull therefore very cold, more like Melbourne weather LOL, so them Lions will have to acclimatize LOL.

Last but not least, Bombers against the Suns, and my feeling is if any match is going to bring me undone, this one will be it. I see it as a danger match. Them Suns are capable of pulling off a win as last week proved and they did it well last week. Sooooo..... ummmm..... if not for the proximity of The Three Weeks I'd probably go for the Suns, but I choose to play it safe and stick with the Bombers - I will know in a short while if I was destined to regret this decision.

Round 12 The struggle to stay in the six

Now is time to put on my Virgo analytical logical mind.... I have a goal here, to at least stay in the top six. It be nice to gain a spot or two but with this round that seems impossible. Each match has a clear favorite with virtually unanimous tips for the favorite by the sports writers etc, except for the politicians but then they are dimwits anyway!! So I could go for a minor upset in one match and risk dropping down to about 10th spot but if the tip goes my way I'd gain a spot or two. But with just one more round before the start of The Three Weeks I don't think the risk is worth it. The top 10 tipsters more than likely will play it safe and pick the favorites, so any upsets won't impact on the standings as we all be in the same boat. The points variance is likely to be the decider. I am in the top six only by points variance, and I am just three points of the variance above 7th spot, so unless he misses it by more than me then I will drop out of the six anyway but still at least have the same tipping points as the new occupant of 6th spot. So due to the proximity of The Three Weeks, playing it safe is what I will be doing.

And so for tonight's match, Hawthorn is almost universally expected to win against Carlton. And so Hawthorn is who I will be going with tonight with a moderate margin so hopefully the points variance will be kind to me....... please universe????

Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Awakening

Here the continuing story of how I am coping with life after Sally....

The Telstra saga... well it is not completely over yet but I have figured to determine how many gigs I had left on my portable wi fi device, it turned out to be zilch nyet zit, so I was able to top it up for the next month. The transfer of accounts from Sally's to mine is complete. But I will have to wait until I get an account number before I can create an online account to pay my bills and keep track of data usage, and the account number would come with the next bill to be mailed to me. Not a big deal really.

So I embarked on the next step which I wanted to do before the start of The Three Weeks. Changing our joint bank account over to just my name. This was more complicated, first having to obtain a certified copy of the death certificate. So this past weekend I went about the task of tracking down a JP, there are plenty of them around including a few in the city but I decided on one in South Perth for several reasons, mostly to do with ease of access. Parking in the city is expensive then I would have to take the Pussy Cat (our Central Area Transit bus network, otherwise known as CAT buses which we ride free of charge) to either the court house or a couple of other spots. The South Perth JP while slightly further away it is easier to get to, my workplace is at the end of the Freeway onramp, the Freeway taking me straight past the city and into South Perth - it is how I get to my PO box each week. Furthermore parking is plentiful, and most importantly, it is FREE!!!!! Indeed the JP is located in the Library, and I have been there often during my sojourns in South Perth prior to moving north so I knew where it was. Only snag is, the JP was available only on Mondays and Wednesdays, and only for a couple of hours each. The plus side, the couple of hours coincided with my lunch hour!! So in fact today I went to pay the JP a visit, and it was even easier than I thought. Upon entering the Library foyer there was a sign pointing to the JP office, so was able to go straight there. There was someone already with her so I had to wait a bit, but obtaining a certified copy was much more painless than I thought. I would have done it earlier if I knew it was that easy, but me being a Virgo I do get over anxious about these things, trying to plan for any possible mishaps, etc. The last time I needed a JP were back in the days when we were applying for Sally's immigration and residency in Australia, and indeed we went to the South Perth JP back then, it just wasn't so easy to organise!!! I am sure there will be further visits to this JP in the coming weeks as I deal with Sally's other affairs, but I can be more relaxed about it knowing how easy it is to visit this one.

So that is step one!!! Step two is getting a witness to my signature to the indemnity form which effectively authorises me as the next of kin and to have the bank details transferred to me. But finding a witness won't be difficult, I can just ask any of my colleagues at work, will probably ask my manager, he will do it for me for sure. Then I mail in both documents by this weekend, and so hopefully the process will be completed before The Three Weeks. I won't tackle any more of Sally's affairs until after The Three Weeks. I think our internet account will be next, and once I get that transferred to my name, I will remove our landline. Indeed even now the phone is removed, I never use it, I use my cell phone to make calls, I get a certain number of free calls each month as part of our Telstra plan, and I never come close to using it up. And most importantly I don't get any sales calls or calls for donations on my cell phone!! The number is unlisted!! All of my family knows my cell number, or they SHOULD know my cell phone number. Indeed I give only my cell phone number to people whom I want to stay in contact with. My provider Iinet offers a "naked DSL" plan, that is basically we connect to the outside universe through wi fi rather than a phone line, this will cut out the line rental, and cut off sales calls and donations requests forever!! Our landline is currently administered through Iinet so this won't be difficult to arrange.

Last but not least I briefly mentioned in my football musings about Neptune's retrograde and said I would explain it here. Well since Neptune deals with the deep spiritual and soul issues, I take this opportunity to start to explain about my awakening which began around 2005/6 - when mother was first diagnosed with the disease that would take her life. My suffering has increased steadily since that time, and it is said that soul awakenings happens in the midst of suffering. And indeed the last two years has been the worst of my suffering, only the 8 years of hell at the cruel hands of Colin in my childhood has been worst, but the last two years with Sally was when my awakening accelerated.

I haven't spoken much about this up until now because Sally remained a staunch Christian to the very end, and since she reads these blogs, I didn't want to get into any arguments. Only a select few online friends knew about this information that I am about to share. Sally knew bits and pieces of this, what she called my "backsliding" from Christianity, but very little of the full picture.

Well in fact Sally knew of the first part of my awakening, that is my Jewish root. Whether I am part Jewish or was a Jew in a past life remains to be seen, but quite clearly the Jewish lunar cycles affects me - including "The Three Weeks" as I have explained about the car rental fiasco during my 1998 America trip - long before I knew about these The Three Weeks. But my life cycles tends to go with the Jewish cycles, with my life often changing around Passover. As y'all know, Sally died during Passover, that would qualify as a big change in my life!!!! But I started my job in the public sector near Passover, I became a Christian near Passover, and I began living with Barbara near Passover, and of course I gotten my plane ticket to America near Passover, and also of course that very strange UFO encounter happened on Passover, that really started a whole new change in my life!!! Sally didn't mind me about my Jewish awakening, she had also felt connected to Jews, and as I said, she found out that she was Jewish on her mother's side just before Sally's death, and she happily kept the Jewish holidays with me, she saw is as complimentary to the Christian faith.

However my awakening had gone beyond Jewish. I still keep the Jewish holidays but I have also moved onto the mystical sciences, the earth faiths (Paganism), and what many refers to as "new age". In truth I have always believed in such things as astrology and reincarnation even through my Christian years. I never believed in the Heaven/Hell doctrine, I had always believed in reincarnation. The Heaven/Hell doctrine began in ancient Egyptian mythology several thousands of years before Christianity was even thought of. Indeed many of the Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and Immaculate Conception all began in Egyptian mythology. This I will explain in good time. But suffice to say, well I have always been a hippie at heart and would have been a hippie if I was born ten years earlier.

And well as some readers of this blog knows I always had a questioning heart, I never just accepted what any preacher said, I had always questioned it and researched for myself - hence my old website Blessed Bereans. This stems from the story of the Christian believers in the city of Berea back in Biblical times, they would always search the Scriptures for themselves rather than just listen to the preachers, and these people were called "more blessed" than anyone else because of this. And well it is my "questioning" that led to several shocking conclusions about the origins of the Christian religion - it did not originate with Jesus, it actually originated with the 4th century church instituted by the Roman Emporer Constantine.

Anyway I have taken down most of the materials on my Blessed Bereans site, I kept Sally's articles out of respect for her, but the site will soon be offline totally. Our domain subscription will come up due soon - if my memory serves me correctly - not sure if we paid for one year or two years so it might be another year yet, point is, I won't be renewing it. I do own a domain name called - it is currently not being used but I have had it for several years, keeping ownership by paying a small fee each year. When I get myself together I will put it to use. But I DO own a forum called "" - yes that is MY baby, MY creation, MY forum!!!! It has been neglected over the past few years due to my time being taken up with Sally's care and other responsibility, but I have at least posted my "energy reports" on there - the effects of the lunar cycles on me, the New Moon and Full Moon plus other planetary cycles. And hopefully in the next few months I will be able to devote more time to my site. There is a story behind the name "Guided Spirits", that I will share another time.

Well that is enough for now, but will share a little more of this each time on my mid-week non-football musings.

Oh yes just one last thing..... I have joined a contact site online now that I am footloose and fancy free. No I am not looking for another wife, though if the universe moves me in that direction I guess it will happen, but my main purpose is to find someone to share my spiritual pathway with, I suppose you can call it a "soul mate" or at least someone who understands me and will accompany me to various spiritual meetings. With Neptune being in retrograde until November this is the ideal time to do it. I do have several internet friends but they are all in other countries or on the east coast, I don't know anyone in Perth who shares my pathways, hence why I signed up to this site.  I had intended to keep a low profile until after The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde (that ends 20 July), originally was just going to check out this particular site to see if I really like it before making any commitments, but I had already received a contact from one lady and she seemed to be resonant with my quests, she herself wanting to further her spiritual quests. So we have been corresponding online for a little while and are yet to meet in person. I hope this will happen soon. So far it is all going well. I guess we shall see how it all pans out. I do have high hopes with her, she seems so perfect for me, its like we knew each other already!!

Meanwhile it is sunny as usual..... it never rains here LOL..... and it is suppose to be winter!!! It's bloody cold at night but no rain.......

The Age of Aquarius - yes that is a real phenomenon too, stemming from the procession of the earth's axis in a large circle over 26000 years hence a little over 2000 years in each astrological sector - we just coming out of the Age of Pisces, the age of Christianity, yes that is why they have those fish signs on car back windows or bumper bars!!!!! - next is Aquarius, being a backwards procession of the axis -  will explain that in time as well - but suffice to say, this is one of my favorite songs!!!!