Tuesday 30 July 2013

Tax Check Arrives

Yay my tax check arrived into my account just a little under two weeks after I submitted my return online....

Now I can get some things done that has been on hold for over two to three years due to Sally's health and care needs.

First thing of course is to order my water cooler device for my computer, will do it online, it still should arrive before the weekend. This computer shop is local so it should arrive in a couple of days I would imagine. So I be busy fixing my computer over the weekend, will have to take it apart to install the water cooler. May probably uncover other issues as it is an old computer, well about 5 years which is very old in computer terms!!!

Next on the list is the get the remote clicker for my car alarm fixed. The alarm itself is ok, it is just the clicker, that in spite of a new battery it is not working to set the alarm. It be probably some electronic issue, and it will probably cost me an arm and a leg to have it fixed, afterall it is over $200 just to replace it!!!! WHY it is so expensive when it contains only $10 worth of electronics that can probably be gotten from Dicks Smith is something I shall never know..... anyway it is a necessity so it has to be done.

Then at long last I will be able to get the car serviced for the first time in nearly three years!! They will probably pick up other issues, indeed I expect this to be my most expensive item. The car will now be about 9 years old and it hasn't been checked at all for close to three years. Not quite sure where I will take it to be serviced, but will look it up with the RAC, I always make sure to go to an RAC approved place, and probably go with one of the large car servicing chains who hopefully be slightly more honest than the many independent mechanics around. Although "honesty" is very much a relative term when it comes to companies involving cars such as servicing/repair companies, they take advantage of one's lack of knowledge of car mechanics - a bit like computer companies except that I know a thing or two about computers and can usually figure out what is wrong with them and can fix them myself, so my only dealings with such companies is in the purchase of certain items needed to fix the problem!! Car mechanics however I am very much in the dark, nevertheless, one would hope that with a large servicing chain that is RAC approved the mechanics would be better qualified and can source better quality parts, and perhaps the prices would be slightly more reasonable - say $999 instead of $1000 !!

Then after that will be the trailer, but that will probably wait until I go on leave in September. They come pick up the trailer and put it on a truck, then fix it in the shop, and deliver it back again. It is the electrical system that is not working, the lights and signals are not working, which makes it unroadworthy hence the need for a truck to come pick it up. But I need the trailer in case I have to move out in October, or just on general principle anyway. I'd hardly ever use it unless to move my belongings, but it be handy to have around anyway.

These four items will probably kill the tax check. The water cooler is only $80, but probably $200-$300 for the car alarm fix, and was quoted about $250 for the trailer but that was three years ago so probably have to allow for inflation perhaps closer to $300 now, and hell knows how much the car will end up costing me!! Probably $1000 minimum by the time at least the most urgent issues are dealt with. It is a good little car, it really seems to be running just fine in spite of the lack of servicing, but you know how it is, it will probably need new tires, new brakes, etc, on top of the servicing. But at least I will be able to address this before I have to move out!! This will leave me a couple of months to save up for moving expenses should it become necessary.

Last weekend was Justin's birthday but just as I thought it would be, there was no family gathering..... also didn't see Julie so it was another weekend alone. I haven't heard not even a boo from Julie for over a week now, as if she had been abducted by aliens or disappeared down a vortex and ended up in a parallel universe..... so I am having to rethink some things..... indeed if I don't hear from her by this weekend then I will have to seriously reconsider my "relationship" (for want of a better word) with her, and start thinking about updating my profile on the contacts site - as they say, there are plenty of other fishes in the ocean. But I do see a pattern emerging - we arrange to meet then she backs out at the last minute. Classic sign of nerves getting the better of her. This has happened at least three or four times. Well I can only do so much to reassure her, etc, but it is her who has to make the final move. And well I can't hang on forever, I need to get on with things. Opportunities may never arise again. And it is ME who is usually the "nervous nellie!!!" However as nervous and gut wrenching as I was, I was so ready to meet her on every one of those occasions...... uh well I guess it proves there are people on this planet who are more prone to nerves than me!!!! And I probably came across in the msgs as being more self assured than I really am, that perhaps freaked her a bit. Well the door is never closed, but at the same time, I can't always be behind that door while life passes me by.

Here this is where my Virgo analytics kicks in. We Virgos are very analytical about things. We are the "Mr Spock" of the astrological world, this is where our legendary logic kicks in. The downside is that it is why we are no good at relationships, we try to take the scientific approach to things that transcends science. But with Uranus in my natal sign and Venus in my natal moon sign the emotional part of me can't be ignored, my calling to help raise humanity to ascension, and my need for a companion, a soul mate......

This does go to prove that what is meant to happen doesn't always happen. There is chaos in the universe and this often messes up the plans that originated in the universe. Our destinies are not always fulfilled. The purposes set out in our lives doesn't always come to pass. Herein lies the idea behind reincarnation. Although there are many and varied variations of reincarnation theory, a common thread seems to be that if we miss out on fulfilling whatever purpose or destiny assigned to us in a current lifetime, we simply are given another opportunity to do so in the next lifetime. I have heard that if one commit suicide then you have to live your life all over again with similar trials the next time - and I hate the thought of living through conditions similar to the 8 years of hell, the various other trials, and the hell of losing mother and dealing with Sally's health problems all over again!!!! So in my more rational state or mind this prevents me from suiciding, and this is part of the reason for seeking a soul mate or partner to embark on a spiritual quest with me - as long as this occurs, the self harm and suicide is no longer on my mind. There are certain destinies attached to my life, and if for whatever reason they are not fulfilled in my current life then opportunities will arise in a subsequent lifetime. Furthermore we do have more than one soul mate, we all belong to specific soul groups from which soul mates manifests, and it is not always romantic, sometimes they can be close friends or even family members although soul groups does not always nor necessarily coincide with earth family groups or relatives.

So I suppose I have to see..... as another long cold rain-less night looms.... how things all pans out..... but at least I got my tax check and so can get those necessary things finally accomplished!!!!

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