Wednesday 24 July 2013

Back to the mid-week updates

Now that The Three Weeks is over and done with for another year and the planetary energies have settled for a bit, it is back to the non-football mid-week musings.....

Telstra.... still battling with them to have an online account created. Telstra turns f-cking up into a fine artform!! Indeed Telstra just wouldn't be Telstra unless they f-ck up!!! It is part of their trademark I am certain of that!!!!

Earlier this week I finally was able to create an online account and there all my phone accounts including the pre-paid cell phones and wi fi were all there! At long last I am able to keep track of my data usage on the portable wi fi..... However Telstra teaches a lesson - don't count your chickens before they hatch!! Last night I logged into my account again only to find that all of my phone and wi fi accounts has utterly vanished, as if they went down a vortex and ended up in a parallel universe!! Furthermore they wouldn't let me re-add the accounts!! So I had gotten onto their live help facility so soon found myself chatting with a techie. He himself was scratching his head, of course they don't say so, techies have a way of appearing to know what they're talking about but in fact they have no idea what is causing the problem!!! I should know, I was a techie once back in the dim dark past, and it is one of the techniques we used to impress those lowly end users of the computers, most of them who were females, to make it appear that we have it all under control so to prevent them from panicking but in reality we had no idea what was going on!!!!! That happens a lot in the techie business!!! And so after quite a few minutes of waffling and making out that he knew what was going on, he finally did the classic solution to problems that they can't fix cos they don't know what is causing it!!!! - the "re-boot" or the "reset" option!!! Again that is what we did when confronted with a problem that we had no idea about, we just either reset the whole computer, or we take away the computer and re-install everything!! And this is basically what this techie has done to my account, he basically closed down my account, then told me to wait 24 hours before attempting to create a new online account. Well I am going to give it 48 hours, so though tonight makes it 24 hours I won't attempt to create the account until tomorrow night - that is so he can't say I tried to do it too soon, perhaps after 23 hours instead of 24!!!!!

My Taxes.... well I finally did my tax return online and was most delightfully surprised. I am actually going to get some credit for those months of hell in being Sally's carer!! In reality if I get paid to the amount that would cover the depression, anxiety, utter torment, having no social life, being constantly stressed, the self harm, and suicidal thoughts then this country would go broke!!! None of you knows just how close to suicide I had come on more than one occasion during those years of hell!! Nevertheless I am more the grateful for the amount of money I will get for those 9 months of being Sally's carer during the financial year!! I didn't think I will get any money except from my Union Dues cos they had cut out the tax offset for dependent spouses, the major source of my tax refund check!! But it turned out I could claim an offset if I was the carer for a disabled dependent which can include one's spouse!! Guess what!! That was Sally!! She was certified as 100% disabled in regards to employment, that is unable to work at all not even part time, which was why she was drawing a disability pension. And the way they calculated my entitlements it turned out that I will actually receive MORE money than I would have under the old system of the dependent spouse offset in spite of the fact that Sally was with me for only nine months of the tax year.

If she had lasted until June 30 then I would have received even more, but it is doubtful that I would have lasted until June 30 such as the stress level and being so close to suicide - you will never know how close I came at times. What will haunt me for ever is that evidently Sally had actually wanted to die, perhaps even doing it for me!!!!!! And here I thought she would eventually recover!! But in hindsight the circumstances of her last few months and what her best friend Sylvia had told me now all makes sense. She was actually planning her own death!! Since suicide is prohibited under her Christian faith, she got around it by refusing care - the same way mother died. Mother died after refusing food when she finally went into the nursing home, she basically starved herself to death. Well in regards to Sally she had for the past year or so refused to go into hospital, especially the last few months, she had gone in as an involuntary patient. She refused to go into hospital just after Xmas last year even when the nurse told her that the infection of her sores were life threatening - what ultimately killed her just a few weeks later!! The Silver Chain nurse needed to invoke the duty of care clause in order to force Sally into hospital!! And here I thought it was just because Sally didn't like hospitals!! Sally was a smart cookie, her IQ were in the top 10% on the planet!! She was forever Googling about her medical conditions, it was to the point she knew more about her conditions than even the nurses!! She knew exactly what she was doing. She KNEW the nurse was correct when she warned Sally about the sores being life threatening, yet she still refused hospital admission until the nurse was forced to invoke the duty of care clause!!!  But since then she had manipulated the home nursing situation so to have the nurse cancel her visits, so we were without a home nurse for the last few weeks. And me being a Physicist and not a Medical Practitioner I wouldn't know whether her sores were life threatening.... and well as they say the rest is history!!!!

Anyway back to my upcoming tax check, well it will be a few 100s of $'s more than last year in spite of being only nine months worth of care. So when the check finally reaches my account, probably early next week since I done my return online, I will be able to get the car alarm fixed, my car serviced for the first time in now nearly three years, and get the trailer fixed, among a few other minor things. Furthermore I finally finished paying off Sally's medical debts, I sent the last ambulance check just this last week. However I certainly am not out of the woods. If my lease doesn't get renewed at the end of October then I will be back to square one. Admittedly the unexpected tax check will place me in a far better position, however, we are in a housing crisis with no end in sight. If I have to move out then given that I manage to find a place I will be destined to pay higher rents even for a one-bedroom flat. I was shocked to learn that the going rents for a one-bedroom flat in a basic high rise apartment in the inner city is more than I am currently paying for this 3-bedroom house on a 1/4 acre block!!!!!! And I am talking about a basic block of flats, not those fancy executive-style apartment blocks with secure parking and all the other mod cons!!!! The only reason why I am paying virtually dirt cheap rent is because I am renting privately, the owner was simply looking to keep the house occupied after the death of one of his parents who were originally occupants of the house, forcing the other parent into a nursing home!! Now the other parent has since died, so perhaps they will want to sell the house to divide up the estate the same way as Sally's father's house was sold to divide up the estate after his death. That is what I am worried about. If my lease is not renewed, my fate is sealed, paying extreme rents for stingy one-bedroom flats assuming that I can even find one!!!! Rents here are more expensive than even Sydney!! But it is what happens when you have a fuckwit govt who cares only about money and doesn't give a rat's arse about the citizens of this state!!!

The weather.... well I am delighted to report that it actually rained last night!!!! And it was more than just a few drops!! It rained virtually all night!! An extremely rare occasion here!! Of course the rains have since cleared. When it rains it never lasts for more than a few hours here. But I have been told on good authority, well by the Weather Bureau anyway, that we may perhaps get some more rain tomorrow!! One thing for certain is that the nights are much warmer now, it is always warmer at night when it rains. During clear weather the temperature at night drops like a rock, and it was utterly freezing these past few nights! Now it is almost balmy. And if it does really rain tomorrow, the nights will still remain warmer.

This weekend is Justin's birthday, that's my half-brother. But more than likely there won't be any family gatherings. Justin is the kind of guy who'd be happy to just go to the pub with a few of his mates. Mother was the great organiser of family events, but since her death, no one else has such organisational skills and we hardly ever get together. They can barely organise Xmas let alone anything else!! Since her death there has never been any family gatherings to honor any birthday, not even Pasco's own birthday, nor even mine though I never wanted to celebrate mine anyway. I am too broke to get Justin any gifts, I mean, the tax check won't come until next week most likely, so I will just send him a card. I bought one today, and will post it out tomorrow, so should get there Friday - in time for his birthday on Saturday.

Last but certainly not least.... my beautiful Angel from Heaven - Julie!! That beautiful angel who pulled me out of the mire of suicide and self harm, and give me hope that life can be better!! All seems set for finally meeting her very soon, hopefully this weekend. Julie told me just last night that she wants to meet only me, no one else of her online contacts. Awwwww she makes me feel so privileged, so special. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. She has made it plain that she wants to meet me very soon, so just a matter of time. She is very nervous about it, which is probably why we haven't met yet, but sooner or later we will meet. And if by some extreme slim chance the family organises a get-together for Justin's birthday and it clashes with Julie's date, well guess what!!!! I waited THIS long to meet Julie, I am not gonna wait any longer!!!!

With this in mind I will play this song cos truly Heaven must be missing an angel.... that angel is Julie !!!!!!

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