Monday 15 July 2013

Day 21 of The Three Weeks - 8 Av

This cursed period of time is almost over! yay!!!! No major incidences today, but beginning tonight at sundown is Tisha B'Av, the end point of The Three Weeks, perhaps the most sombre day on the Jewish calendar as it was on this day on the Lunar Calendar that both the 1st Temple and 2nd Temple were destroyed, the 1st by the Babylonians the 6th century BCE, and 2nd by the Romans 70AD. Devout Jews embark on a 24-hour fast from food and water - I am not a devout Jew ;) nevertheless I will be extra careful tonight and tomorrow. Then as the sun sets tomorrow I can breath a sigh of relief as the energies starts to dissipate. One thing that could be in my favor is that it is actually RAINING!!!!! OMG!!!! Such a rare event here!!!! I hope it continues to rain through the night, that will make me more relaxed. The vibrations of the water molecules are very relaxing, so I always feel better when it rains. Indeed I think they are forecasting storms tomorrow, or at least a "chance" of storms which usually means it will never happen!! But just surviving this night, the most intense night of this period, is a priority, and the rain will make it that much easier for me. I may have to learn the rain dance, well being Native American in one of my past incarnations, it ought to have some effect!!!!

Maybe this song will bring better vibes for more rain tonight as well as convey the message that better days are ahead hopefully with my beautiful Angel from Heaven after the chaos of The Three Weeks................

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