Sunday 7 July 2013

Day 13 of Three Weeks

There has been no major incidences over the weekend aside from the catastrophe that is the AFL Round 15 and my standings or lack thereof in our Office tipping comp, being my worst performance so far this year. Looks like the 2nd year since Mother's death without prize money after winning prize money each year while Mother was still alive.

Also haven't heard from Julie since last Thursday but then things has been very intense on a planetary energy scale. Aside from the curse of The Three Weeks, we are at the half way point of Mercury's retrograde when the planet is at its highest speed in reverse relative to the Earth. OK I know planets does not actually move backwards in relation to the Sun as they all travel around in their orbits. But from the Earth point of view, they do travel backwards at different points as the Earth "catches up" with the planets, in the same way when we catch up to slower cars on the highway and we overtake them they seem to move "backwards" relative to our faster car!! It's the relativity that matters, even Einstein says so. All motions as we experience them are relative to our particular viewing point which happens to be Planet Earth.

So we are in the middle of the quickest part of Mercury's retrograde, there has been some solar flares happening on the Sun, it often gives me headaches when these solar storms reaches Earth, and we are near the peak of the New Moon. From tomorrow (indeed tonight) we move into the more intense "The Nine Days of Av", the final nine days of The Three Weeks leading to the Temples' destruction on 9 Av - this falls Tuesday week 16 July this year. This Nine Days of Av falls within the first week or so of our Mid Semester school break, the time to avoid malls if at all possible due to all those little brats running around in an uncontrolled manner!!! School break means for quiet times at work, not a good thing cos I get bored easily, and the boss plays games with us knowing we can't pretend to be working cos there is no work to be had. We just spend the time organising the shelves, our desks, and etc, but there is only so much organising that we can do - I am usually through the first two days then nothing for the remainder of the two weeks.

Furthermore there is still no rain. We have been promised "showers" from Tuesday but I won't believe it until it happens. A lot of the time they forecast rain and it never comes. I always feel better energetically when it rains, it helps me cope with these lunar and planetary chaos. Saturn turns forward today after being in retrograde for some months, so hopefully my finances will ease up. I am still paying off Sally's medical debts but should be through with them by the end of this month. Of course there are my taxes to be done, but I never do them until AFTER The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde, so that will be after 20 July when Mercury turns forward again. I won't get nearly as much in my refund check anyway, the govt cut out the spouse tax offset last year, so I won't get anything for it not even for Sally's nine months with me until her death. Of course from now on it will be a mute point anyway, but I wish they kept the offset for at least another year. So my refund check this time will go down from around $2000 to probably less than $200 when I can still claim on my Union dues, at least that is still available!!

Just taking it a day at a time.....

Speaking of tax time..... hmmmmm.... appropriate song, more true than ever!!!!!.... some things never changes.....

Tax Man - Beatles

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