Wednesday 3 July 2013

Day 9 of The Three Weeks - My Job !!!!!!

Well the calamity of the day, well at least a potential calamity, involves my job. Although the decisions made in regards to today's news has been made well before The Three Weeks, the fact that the announcement from my boss came today in the midst of The Three Weeks is significant, and thus a record of it will be made here for WHEN - not IF but WHEN issues arises in the next couple of years or so in regards to this announcement. This will involve job losses, though my boss didn't mention this specifically, but public servant bosses operates like politicians, their statements can be read and interpreted in the same manner, and is easy to read between the lines. So yes in the next five years, possibly the next two years, there will be job losses involved - so looks like a trip and settlement in Tasmania is in my future as explained in a previous blog as to what will happen if I lose my job.

Anyway as per usual it is about saving money. It is not the correct way to operate things. It SHOULD be about providing the best possible service to our correspondence students and the public in general. But not to be so, our budget obsessive govt in common with 99.99% of all political systems on this planet, it is all about saving money at our expense for the benefit of the politicians and the govt system. Money money money!! It is inherently evil. It is a necessary evil, we all need it, but it ignites the darkest parts of our souls - the greed, corruption and all else that is evil and brings disharmony to the universe. There is nothing good about money, it is inherently evil as necessary as it is to have money in order to survive on this 3rd dimensional planet. Not all ET civilisations utilises money to run their affairs. The slightly more advanced civilisations in the galaxy uses the bartering system. But those of the higher dimensions, the enlightened civilisations makes no use of economics as we know it. They operate purely on the "giving" concept. They simply give to one another without expecting anything in return. And when everyone gives, there is none who is lacking while by the same token there is none of obscenely high wealth. Through the giving by every citizen, all have their needs met and their leisure time perfectly fulfilled. Money becomes utterly unnecessary, there is no need to keep such a numerical indication of our worth since we are all treated equally, and we give equally to one another. However us humans are not enlightened enough to be able to operate in such a society, we have to be ascended to the higher dimensions and be utterly changed through the benefits of soul evolution. But for better or for worse we all live on this 3rd dimensional planet and so we all must contend with the evils of the monetary system although it will lead to the ultimate destruction of this society.

Uhhhh of on a tangent again..... so what changes were announced by my boss today. Well the first thing he said is that the Distance Education section in South Australia which operated on a similar basis to here in the west, that was shut down totally by the SA govt. The motivation for my boss to make such a statement is obvious, it was a threat even if he didn't present it in that way. But as I say, public servant bosses operates the same as politicians.So with such a "threat" hanging over our heads, we became more receptive to what the boss said. Basically the instructions from money-obsessed Premier Barnett, the same guy who broke his election promise and raised utility charges by above the inflation rate, his instructions is for us to save money. And to this end, we are moving to a "print on demand" basis rather than keeping items in stock on the shelves and sending them out as needed. So instead of keeping stocks on the shelves, the books etc will be printed and produced at the time when the order is made, and we send them out when they are printed. However there will be less of the books to be printed, for in keeping with the age of the internet, most of the courses will be online thus cutting out the middle man - US!!!! There will always be printed materials, etc, but there will be less of them.

On the "plus" side if there is such a critter, we will be acquiring a couple of new docutech printers which will not only print the booklets but will sort them, bind them, staple them, with the correct colors, etc, so what comes out the other end will be the booklets complete with address labels for the students, etc. This will mean less work for us, which WILL translate into job losses down the track. There is currently four of us working in despatch, one does Primary School, one does Middle School (yrs 8-10) and two of us including myself does Post Compulsory (yr 11-12). The first thing is, at least initially, we will all be involved. There will be no immediate job losses as this new system is implemented over the next two years. So we will all have jobs for at least the next year or so, perhaps 18 months. We will all be taught how to use the new docutech printers which will be no-brainers as the machines does everything. We only just have to make sure the various input parts of the printers are kept loaded with the correct papers, cardboards, etc, the staples kept loaded, etc, and that everything runs smoothly, then retrieve the booklets from the other end. Furthermore we will no longer be limited to our school areas, all four of us will be despatching items out across all three school areas as the orders arrives. And so our jobs are safe for now, but it is obvious that there won't be needing the four of us by the time this system is fully operational. At least two of us will be gone. One of the four is on a contract so he will be the first to go, but the other three of us are permanent employees, so a one in three chance that one of us will be given that dreaded pink slip.

So that is basically the summary of what was officially announced to us today, and since this happened during The Three Weeks, there is certain to be implications for me of a non-beneficial nature. Hence a record of this blog for all of us to look back on for further proof of the reality of the curse of The Three Weeks WHEN, not IF but WHEN the implications manifests, could be a year, two years or five years. Remember that World War I began during The Three Weeks with at first no apparent consequence to the Jews, but over two decades later as a result of Germany's economic collapse due to the war and the subsequent rise of a dictator who blamed it all on the Jews, 6 million of us found ourselves in the midst of the holocaust!!

Why do I think money is so inherently evil? Well firstly we never have enough of it. Our most wealthy woman Gina Rhinehart has such huge wealth that she could live like a queen just off the interest from her riches. However she is still working, she has not retired yet. Why? Is it because she might get bored? Well there are plenty of charities and volunteer organisations who would be grateful to bring such a talented woman on board. Well is it because she loves her job? Well if that is the sole reason she would be giving all surplus earnings to any of the various charities, overseas aids, etc, and quite clearly she is not doing that. No!!! She is still working because she feels she has not enough money!!! She wants to earn even more!!! And this has nothing to do with "security". She is in a far more secure position now should she retire today than any of us would be so even in our wildest dreams. She is certainly in no danger of being in lack for anything of material value. No!!! She is wanting to earn MORE money!! This is proof positive that nomatter how wealthy we are it is never enough, we will always want more!!!!

Secondly, money motivates us to greed and lawlessness. OK we all don't rob banks, break into business premises, or do shoplifting. However we all are guilty of cheating and stealing, I don't care how "righteous" we are, nor how religious, spiritual, generous, or "perfect" we are, we ALL steal in order to gain more money. We all at one time or another have padded out our expenses at tax time, exploiting the govt loopholes that we don't need receipts for expenses less than $300, so a few dollars here and there will all add up, and we ALL do it. When the checkout sheila gives us more change than we are entitled to, how many of us stop and tell the sheila - uhh you gave us too much change, you need to take some back!!! Perhaps some of us do it SOMETIMES but we ALL do it at least some of the time just pocket the unexpected bonus exploiting the sheila's mistake, and we justify it by saying, uhhh it is her mistake, she should have been more careful, etc!! And how about grabbing those extra two items from the stationary store at work for our own personal use at home, yeah we could do with a couple of extra pens for at home, etc. And what do we do when the boss is on vacation?.... we all leave that few minutes earlier, take longer lunch breaks, and take longer to do our jobs. And why do we all buy clothes from K-Mart, Target, etc?... because they are cheaper! It doesn't matter to us that those clothes were made in 3rd world countries sweatshops employing child labour working from dawn to dusk in dangerous conditions for next to no pay - it is virtual slavery. We all exaggerate on our insurance claims, or when selling our items in the classifieds, or trying to get loans from finance companies, etc... and when buying items through the classified, we all try to pick faults with the items thus driving down the original asking price of the items. We all give to charities for the tax breaks, or to churches cos we believe the preacher when he says God will bless us with riches if we give to the church and curse us with poverty if we don't give to the church, though in reality the only ones getting rich from the giving are the preacher and the church committees. It matters not how "righteous", "enlightened" or "goodie-two-shoes" we would like to be, or how "religious" or "committed" we are, we ALL have stolen for that extra economic advantage, we have all done it before, and we will all do it again!! That is the nature of money, it is inherently evil, it turns saints into sinners by any standards, religious or non-religious!!

Anyway.... still on the subject of money.... Sally's child support issue. I went back to the JP today the only other day the South Perth JP is available, and it seems Wednesday is the day of choice. Last time I went on a Wednesday there was a queue of one, today there was no queue whatsoever, so was able to get the death certificate copy certified, and was back out the door in less than two minutes. Then I went home as I do on Wednesdays, being council trash pick up day in my area. We leave our bins on the verge, and the truck comes by usually in the morning. So I come at lunchtime to retrieve the bin. The reasoning being, an empty bin left on the verge all day is a dead give-away to any potential burglar that the house is empty all day. So by retrieving the bin at lunch time, it removes the give-away sign together with the blinds left open as explained previously. So any potential burglar coming by my house would more likely to conclude - uhhhh someone's at home, try the next house!! So anyway I can now send the documents back to the Texas courthouse informing them of Sally's passing away, and well they can take it from there. I just don't like doing this during The Three Weeks. American govt depts are worse than Australian, that is from experience. I waited 5 1/2 hours at American Immigration only to be told that I needed to marry Sally if I had any hope of staying in the country, while back here in Perth we waited only about two hours to be told together with a stack of forms that it will cost us an arm and a leg in fees to process Sally's residency applications!! The bureaucracy laws in America are much more convoluted. The documentations needed to obtain a marriage licence varies between counties (equivalent to local govt or councils here), in one county you needed a social security number which effectively prevented me from obtaining a licence, but in the next county you needed only a Passport, hence my 15 years of marriage to Sally! ;) So in all probability, the Texas courthouse may deem that a death certificate copy certified by an Australian JP is not sufficient, I probably needed to go to the US Consulate to have it certified there - or some other silly little thing that will make life a lot more difficult for me!!!! But they have to be informed so they stop sending the checks to Sally, I don't think she is quite in the position to cash those checks!! LOL!!

Well it did actually rain last night!!! What a surprise!! The rain didn't come until 3am, and it was all over by not long after I arrived at work, nevertheless it DID rain!! But of course, as usually the case on this side of the universe, the rains ceases quickly and there is no more rain in the forecast for another week, it will just be that much more colder due to there being rain.

Last but definitely not the least, I did hear from Julie last night. But we talked about other things as we always do so the subject of the courses didn't come up, so am still yet to find out whether she wants for us to start this Saturday during The Three Weeks or the next 2nd Saturday that places it outside The Three Weeks. But then Julie is typically Gemini just like Sally was, and organisational skills are not high on their traits. Also they tend to leave things until the last minute, Sally was forever doing that, leaving things to the last minute, which would drive a Virgo like me crazy cos I like to make sure things are organised well before time in case anything crops up. Nevertheless Sally and I remained happily together for near 15 years. And well Julie's Gemini traits endears me to her like many other things about her..... *sigh*.... but am hopeful for answers soon, it be nice to know reasonably soon when we are going to start on the groups and courses, indeed when that wonderful day comes that we will finally meet..... ooooohhhhh....... *sigh*

Anyway on the subject of money, being a Three Weeks kind of topic.... this song by ABBA is most appropriate.....

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