Monday 8 July 2013

Day 14 of The Three Weeks - 1 Av

Not a good start to the Nine Days of Av the most intense period of The Three Weeks. I have run out of gigs again on my portable Telstra Wi Fi device, what I use to access my sites at work to avoid using the office computer where the usage is tracked by the dept, and since I still haven't received a bill from Telstra under the new account stemming from Sally's death, I still can't set up the online account so I can't get my data usage analysis!! I was hoping the bill would come last Friday in my PO box cos like most bills it all goes to my PO box, a habit stemming from my previously nomadic lifestyle. Since the bill normally falls due in the middle of the month I thought I should have received the bill by now. Sally had previously set the bills to electronic only, that it would be delivered only to her account with no paper bills, so I wonder if they still do that, but how can it be so if I don't even have an online account?? But Telstra being Telstra you never know what tricks they will get up to.

Furthermore I won't be able to top up my gigs on my wi fi device until at least Wednesday. I am still suffering the effects of paying off Sally's medical debts, and though I had just finished paying them off, I still have the ambulance bill, that should be paid off by the end of the month. However I am always running short of money and having to take out payday loans to catch up, finding myself in a vicious cycle of catch up - the No.1 reasons why you shouldn't take out payday loans unless you really needed them - unfortunately I really needed them. And although the bills are less expensive since Sally's departure, indeed the last utility bill was half of what we usually paid, they still have to be paid. Also I am no longer getting Sally's pension, although it hasn't been much it has gotten us through on more than one occasion, often made the difference between food on the table and starvation. So unless and until I get a break, I am destined to be in this vicious cycle of payday loans.

My tax check as meager as it will be compared due to previous years due to fuckwit money obsessed govt cutting out benefits and tax breaks in their OCD-like obsession with saving money in spite of living in one of the richest countries on earth, it still should be enough to break this cycle. However I will not do my taxes until after The Three Weeks. As demonstrated with the disaster area that is my football tipping results, you cannot avoid the curse of The Three Weeks, it will always find a way to manifest and bite you in the arse. Regardless of what strategies we employ, you simply cannot avoid such a curse, it cannot be broken, it cannot be avoided. In line with one of my philosophical statements - There is order and chaos in the universe, and "fecal matter expulsion" happens regardless of our morals, what we say, what we do, and what we believe in. So no tax form submission until after The Three Weeks, indeed since I do it online, it will be after the end of Mercury's retrograde a few days later, so it will be after 20 July before I do my taxes. Then I can get out of the vicious cycle, and furthermore, I will have finished paying off the ambulance bills. With Saturn recently starting to move forward again, the planet that controls finances and austerity in general, things should start easing up.

Anyway due to bank rules I have to wait until today (after work) before applying for the next loan, and since like everything else around here in this "foreign country" called Western Australia, their offices are based on the east coast, that places it after business hours, so with their promise of the funds being deposited in the bank account the next business day, it won't in fact be until Wednesday here. Then I will be able to top up my wi fi data allocation. Of course they all believe on the east coast that Western Australia is a foreign country, as I relate a story I told so many times before of two people at Melbourne Airport waiting for a friend from W.A. to come off the plane and wondering why he is taking so long - one said to the other "oh of course he will be going through the passport and customs checks!!"

Meanwhile I am not totally cut off online outside of the house. I still have my cell phone, though more awkward from my tablet device, can nevertheless still access my online affairs living of the gigs allocations there as part of the contract.

You'd think being single again I'd be swimming in money. Indeed that is what people thinks of me in the family and etc, and they seem incredulous or even suggesting I am not telling the whole truth when I tell them otherwise!!! There is this myth that singles with a job are swimming in money. But this is simply not so. Between paying off medical debts and losing $300/fortnite that was Sally's pension, money is very much in short supply!! And even when I finish paying off debts and getting out of the loans cycle, I certainly will not be rich. There are things that needs to be done, such as the car being serviced and the trailer fixed. And should the landlord decides he doesn't want to extend the lease this October then I will be back to square one. Although I no longer have to contend with Sally's special requirements in regards to housing arrangements thus I can move virtually anywhere in the city and even near-rural districts, we are still in a housing crisis, rents for even basic one-bedroom apartments are almost as high as I currently paying for this 3-bedroom place on a 1/4 acre block. People on higher wages than me are forced to live out of their cars or in camping grounds cos they can't find a place to live which they can afford. So yes in spite of being single and far more flexible in my choices, the housing crisis still exists and it won't ease up anytime in the near or even middle future.

I must admit I thought I would have at least a bit of money to burn even with paying off the debts but it just didn't turn out that way, indeed it seems I have less money now than I did with Sally!! Ever since starting my job so many years ago I always have had a dependent whom I needed to spend money on. It was Barbara the first few years, she quit working  due to health issues just as I gotten my job and moved in with her. And even the times we break up, it has always been a short time later we be together again, and she was always needing help from me, and so was always spending money on her, even to the point of going into debt. Then of course in later years Sally came along, and it was the same, my dependent was now Sally. So this is my first time ever that I had no dependent. Julie has her own job, indeed is probably paid more than me, most private sector workers are paid more than public servants, so for the first time I would have a woman in my life who is independent. That will be a new experience!! LOL!! Anyway......

Today at work was the first day of the school break when our orders dries up and so we really have nothing to do. The boss already started his game playing, it is the kind of person he is, it's a power and politics thing, they can't help themselves. They are not satisfied that they get paid more than us mere mortals, they feel the need to exercise their powers, it is what gives them their "highs", it is indeed as a drug. So this is going to be a very long school break, Mercury's retrograde ending at the end of the break.

And I still haven't heard from Julie yet. Her computer probably broke down again, being in the period where Mercury's retrograde motion is at its quickest. Of course the planet's retrograde can also be an attributed factor to me running out of gigs on my wi fi device after only two weeks, it usually lasts me three weeks. So still haven't set any dates to meet her yet, seems to be obstacles cropping up - of course this is part of the curse of The Three Weeks. Anyway I changed my mind about the courses, I definitely don't want to start any during The Three Weeks. Due to the disaster area that is the football tipping I am now utterly convinced that you cannot avoid the curse of The Three Weeks. So any courses started during The Three Weeks are destined for catastrophe, just as in the case of the start of my relationship with Barbara which also happened during The Three Weeks - that ended in catastrophe. So anything new starting during The Three Weeks is destined for catastrophe, there is nothing we can do about it. So that leaves one more weekend before the end of this cursed period of time. One more weekend to avoid starting new courses, and odds are at the rate things are going, there won't be any dates with Julie next weekend anyway.

Last but not least Sally's child support issue. I finally gotten the death certificate mailed away today, needed a stamp for the USA. It costs $2:60 these days!! Talk about massive inflation! Back in the days of my penpals it would cost only $1:10 for letters to the USA, had a few penpals from there!! Good thing I have no penpals now, just email-pals, much cheaper that way! LOL! But the child support issue stems from the fact that her friend in the USA closed down Sally's USA bank account. I would have thought she would have also dealt with the child support issue but I guess she doesn't have the authority to do so, hence the communications with me. The letter from the courthouse said unless they hear from Sally within two weeks then they will automatically send a debit card to the given address (my PO box) in her name and the payments would be deposited there. Of course I could have just waited for the card and pocketed the money that is deposited each month, but I learned from a young age the honesty is the best policy, well it makes for better karma anyway. I would hate that the sub-human slime that was her ex-hubby would get out of his obligations of paying child support considering he almost murdered Sally, tried to strangle her, and made her partly deaf in one ear!!! But karma has already caught up with him as least partly so, he is committed for life in the looney bins and the only reason why he pays child support is cos he has a job in there as part of their employment program within the institution. Uh well one can only wait and see how all this pans out. Not sure what the law is in Texas, whether the partner passing away releases one from the obligation of child support payments, or whether it simply goes to the estate, which in Sally's case would be ME since she had not made a will. These are arrears payments and assumedly would be paid until the debt is cleared, and he had quite a bit to go yet before the debt is paid off. Uh well as I say I will just have to see how it all pans out.

And so ends the 1st day of Av, the first of what is destined to be a very torrid nine days of Av to the end of The Three Weeks.

Being a New Moon night, this song from my favorite band is most appropriate for the occasion....

Fear of The Dark - Cradle of Filth

Have you run your fingers down
The wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When you're searching for the light?
Sometimes when you're scared
To take a look
At the corner of the room
You've sensed that something's
Watching you

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's
Always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's
Always there

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no one's there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you're sure there's
Someone there

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's
Always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's
Always there

Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark

Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark

Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark
Fear of the dark

Watching horror films the night before
Debating witches and folklore
The unknown troubles on your mind
Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sense, and suddenly eyes fix
On dancing shadows from behind

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's
Always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's
Always there

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's
Always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's
Always there

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