Friday 12 July 2013

Day 18 of The Three Weeks - 5 Av

Well I should have known Telstra would mess things up with the changeover. I mean, Telstra wouldn't be Telstra if they didn't mess things up. They turn messing things up into a fine artform!!! I now received ANOTHER bill from Telstra just a day after receiving the first one, and it was even more, nearly three times the normal amount. I thought!.... OMG!!!!! This is really going to set things back and I will have to take out another payday loan!!! However after the initial panic I took a closer look at it and found that it INCLUDED the bill from yesterday!! Phew!!!! So although high I can still deal with it without taking out any more loans. This however left the question.... WHY the higher bill?? Well.... even closer inspection revealed that yesterday's bill covered the May period while today's bill covered the June period plus yesterday's bill. Hmmmmmm..... I thought I had already paid the bill for May, but then with so much happening re Sally's affairs it's easy to lose track.... and well it turned out the last time I paid any bills to them was during May and that would have covered April.... I think.... I am confused.... all I know is I paid them two bills since Sally's death.... um.... when did she pass away?.... uh yes it was late in March. So March's bill would have become due in April, and I couldn't get into her account so I contacted Telstra around the date when I thought the bill would fall due, they allowed me to get into her account, and well since the bill was a day late they charged the late fee! grrrrrrrrr..... $15 even if the bill was just a day late, regardless of the reason, which in this case was cos I couldn't get into Sally's account and she had the bills delivered electronically!!! Uh well that is Telstra for you!!!! And $15 is a bit steep even if the bill was just a day late. But then Telstra charges such high fees cos they can, they don't have to justify it to anyone!!!! Typical of big companies!! So that was March..... then a month later the April bill came and was paid happily on time..... so now it is the May bill, and am glad that they didn't charge any late fees there cos I hadn't received it until yesterday, they just charged other fees which I assumed was part of the changeover from Sally's account to mine, that made the bill nearly twice as much. It is no wonder Telstra is such a profitable company, I am convinced they'd charge fees if you take more than three breaths per 10 seconds inside any Telstra shop!!!!! Almost as bad as the govt who taxes you for breathing the air!!! So yesterday's was May's bill, and today's was June's bill with May included.... now it is making sense.... I think !!!!!!!!!

And I have my income statement today, this with the union statement forms the basic items I need to do my taxes. In previous years I would have also required Sally's pension statement but that was purely to determine the spouse tax offset that I would normally get, but now since that has been taken away from me for the 2012/13 tax year then I expect they won't ask for such a statement. Now just have to wait until the end of The Three Weeks and Mercury's retrograde. I never do my taxes during The Three Weeks much to Sally's frustration cos we were always needing the money for something, and for the past two to three years the 2 to 3 grand worth of the tax check would all be spent on Sally's medical expenses. But it is now all irrelevant,  I won't even get any tax breaks for Sally's last nine months with me, especially since they also raised the threshold for the medical expenses that in the past I could also have claimed on. So instead of 2 grand it will be more in the order of $200. But all will be revealed when I do my taxes on the weekend that is after 20 July, that is when Mercury turns direct.

Now just have to submit my football tips with much trepidation considering the catastrophe that was my last week's tipping results.... my usual Friday football musings to follow......

Today's music for The Three Weeks..... I think I will play Devil Woman.... this version is wayyyyyyy better than the original Cliff Richards version.... haha.....

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