Saturday 13 July 2013

Round 16 - Trust the bloody Skippies to let me down!!!!!

Well I actually got four points yesterday!!!! Looked like it was going to be five points until them bloody Kangaroos decided to go to sleep early!!!!! Uh well it was a relief that the curse of The Three Weeks hasn't hit at this point!!! Julie must have been sending me good vibes ;) hehe!! Still three matches to go this afternoon including them Weavils who always throws a spanner into the works.... bloody Weavils!!!!!!.... So let's see what my chances are for today's matches.

Sydney and the Giants. Now Sydney SHOULD win that one, although as Mother kept on saying, there is no certainty in football as far as results goes. Maybe so but surely the Swans shouldn't have too much trouble with this one!!

Western Bulldogs and them Bombers.... hmmmmm..... that could throw a spanner into the works too.... I am picking the Bombers, and well I lost only one point so far, so them Bombers had better win or else I will use my magic powers to turn them into weavils and feed them to the Piranhas.

The final match.... that one seems destined to mess things up for me!!!!! A derby match, Weavils and them Dockers. And well lo and behold all of the tipsters except for one politician are picking the Dockers, they must have had a reality check!! And as for the politician, they are dimwits to begin with. So no prize for guessing whom I am picking! They're associated with the sea and they don't fly!! haha!!!!

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