Tuesday 9 July 2013

Day 15 of The Three Weeks - 2 Av

As we enter into the final week of The Three Weeks, the most intense week, things had gotten very intense last night. The govt in their "wisdom" - I use the word most advisably since in reality "wisdom" and "politicians" are utterly mutually exclusive - nevertheless I use the word most advisably - in their "wisdom" the govt changed the laws on taking out loans. This I knew that would come into effect this July but I thought it was just a matter of answering a few more questions. But no!! It was more complex than that. I long since realise the laws exists for three reasons - to benefit the govt, the big companies, and banks/finance companies, all which works together to screw the common man. That is why big companies and banks does not pay much tax, it is all a buddy system, look after your own mates. Meanwhile we are nothing more than peasants. Indeed little has changed since the medieval times, the only difference being is that we get to choose our slave master and lords every three or so years!! And well we all know that loan defaults are not good for the economy, this as proved with the Global Finance Crisis of 2008 - too many yanks defaulting on their home loans, which started a snowball effect affecting most of the planet. And so this is the reason for these law changes. It has nothing to do with "protecting the public", the only arses being protected in these laws are the politicians and finance companies.

In previous times up until July, when you seek a loan from a payday lender, you first need to submit bank statements, proof of income, etc, but once those documents has been submitted, you can take out loans as often as you want without any further need for producing such documentations. It is just a matter of getting on the website, and provided that the previous loan has been paid off and cleared by the banks, you can simply enter a loan amount up to a certain limit and the money is yours almost immediately!! Not so now due to govt interference. Now you have to submit your bank's transaction history for the past 90 days every time you wish for a loan. Well fortunately every bank as part of the their online services provides such a statement download as a CSV file, you just enter in the start and finish date, and hey presto the information is downloaded as a CSV file. Then on the website of the loan company, it provides the means to have this file uploaded, and the system supposedly automatically check the file then the loan gets approved (hopefully!!!!)

Alas!!!! Was my CSV file from my bank accepted?? OF COURSE NOT!!!! Both Mercury's retrograde and the curse of The Three Weeks conspired against me. The website utterly refused to accept the document!!! Panic set it.... and I thought OMG!!!! If I don't get this loan I will not have enough for my groceries!! It's like.... I just need two more weeks..... just two more lousy weeks and they will never hear from me again.... well until the landlord decides not to renew my lease and I have to move out in October, I will be needing the loan again when that happens.... But on this go around, I just have to get my tax check later this month, and I be finished paying off the ambulance, no more Sally's medical debts, so I won't need any more loans!!! WHY couldn't this bloody govt wait two more weeks!!!! arrrrrgh!!! I was seriously contemplating life on a crash diet, well I knew I need to lose weight but not quite this drastically!!!!!!!

Anyway... after freaking out for 30 minutes or so, it came to me, well I can just submit a help request on the website, and they would probably just have me to manually submit the file to them, they'd check it and hopefully approve the loan - just for this last time!!! So I did that..... then it came to me to just check the properties of the file on my computer. It turned out to be a quirk in my Windows 7 system. Although the bank had given me the document as a CSV file, the quirk in Windows had added a ".TXT" extension on the end!! This had confused the company website!! So I just have to find a way to overcome this quirk, and it wasn't long before I figured out how to do so.

Then I re-submitted the file, and this time the website accepted it..... but did it work?? OF COURSE NOT!!! Mercury and The Three Weeks strikes again!! For some reason the system couldn't process the file. Uhhhhhh trust me to be with a bank this is incompatible with the website system!! It is designed for the "big four" banks, and I am not with any of those major banks, I am with a lesser bank!! Uh well at least the document is now submitted, that is half the battle. Meanwhile I was still contemplating my possible forced crash diet!!.....

So this morning as I was getting ready for work, I checked my email again..... uh yes I did hear from the finance company, being on the east coast they be already open or at least staffed. They did indeed were able to manually look at the document and had approved my loan!! Ohhhhh what a relief!!!.... and there is a bit of a silver lining. The company has also changed procedures. Previously when you take out such a loan, it had to be all paid back + fees the very next payday (hence is why it is called "payday loans"), and this together with my payments for the ambulance would virtually clean me out, so had to wait the weekend before the payment is cleared by the bank then take out yet another loan to get me through the following fortnite, and so the viscous cycle continued. But now they give the option of paying out the loan over TWO paydays, which amounts to half the amount each payday, so I still have cash left over for the fortnite so bar any unforeseen "Three Weeks" calamities, together with my tax check, and being able to make the last ambulance payments, I shouldn't need any more loans.

So while Mercury's retrograde throws a spanner into these computer systems loan approvals, Saturn turning forward again is working to ease things up financially. You see, Saturn's retrograde was the reason why these sometimes extreme austerity measures since Sally's death and why I could never seem to get ahead. But with that ringed planet turning forward again last week, things are starting to look promising on the budget area, I will soon finish off the last of Sally's medical debts, and I will be free from any more loans obligations....... then I can start on my car and other things, start getting the things done that has been on hold for over two years due to Sally's health issues sucking up my wages. We are more connected with the universe than we realise, and the universe with the stars and planets truly does shape our circumstances.

On a more worrying note..... I still haven't heard from Julie. I won't worry too much, as I said, I decided I don't want to start any courses during The Three Weeks as it will certainly end in catastrophe. So there is just one more weekend of The Three Weeks to survive, then I be happy to start the course. Nevertheless I do miss Julie, and the computer is currently our only means of contact. More than likely hers broke down again. But there is a reason why I hadn't given my cell phone number - my weird voice which sounds like a tom cat high on steroids!! My voice I hate with a passion and was one of the reasons for my suicidal urges in my teen years, it costed me dates and girlfriends - and later in life after my graduation, jobs!! So someone talking to me for the first time on the phone I would sound like some fuckwit recently escaped from the looney bins after being on too much drugs. And this is probably precisely the reason for the damage to my voice. Back in the days of the Autistic Center mother would feed me these pills which to this day I have no idea what they were. I reckon I would have been fed other drugs at the center, cos that is what they did in the 1960s (and they still do now in the 21st century in looney bins). I remember little of my time at the center, the parts I do remember I do so like it happened yesterday, such as the "training booth" that was when I was left in utter darkness inside a cupboard-like structure when I was "naughty", but much of it I don't remember. So probably thanks to the cocktail of drugs I probably would have been fed, my voice has been damaged to sound like an alley tom cat high on steroids!!! So the plan was not to give Julie my cell number until the date of the course was set, then I'd give it to her for to TXT me if anything changes, and then once she met me in person and find I am not some fuckwit escapee from a looney bins, my voice is less likely to make her change her mind about me. That is the way I see it anyway....... But I do miss Julie and I wish somehow she be able to get in contact with me..... uhhh well...... *sigh*

Meanwhile we are experiencing this extremely rare meteorological phenomenon.... I think they call it "rain"!!!! haha!!!.... I hope it lasts through the night then I can sleep better without pills.

Now another Three Weeks kind of song..... this came out towards the end of the 8 years of hell.... a wee bit close to home.....

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