Tuesday 2 July 2013

Day 8 of The Three Weeks - Now into the 2nd week.

Well I have managed to survive the 1st week of The Three Weeks!! There has been no major incidences, some relatively minor ones and a couple of scares. Of course compared to the previous two years which involved Sally's health which ultimately killed her I guess all other incidences would be relatively minor.

Now into the 2nd week which includes the New Moon and the start of the more intense "Nine Days of Av" being the nine days of the month leading to the destruction of the Temples both on 9 Av - Tisha B'Av. This Nine Days of Av begins next Sunday evening.

The car is still running fine in spite of the lack of service for the past two years! No issues there at this stage. And have managed to keep the car out of the most likely areas of harm, staying away from Mirrabooka and doing my grocery shopping at Dog Swamp.

A potential issue is the return of the hospital equipment that Sally has been using. Last week at the beginning of The Three Weeks I have sent them back the form letter indicating that I intend returning the items and would need help in getting the recliner chair back to them. I intend waiting until AFTER The Three Weeks before doing anything more about it. Only possible snag is they would get in contact with me wanting the equipment sooner. The $6000 recliner chair is slightly damaged from Sally's sores and I may be sent the bill for the damage hence my desire to wait until after The Three Weeks when such a calamity is less likely.

And then Sally's child support issue from her first "hubby". Yesterday I was to have the death certificate copy certified by the JP at South Perth only to find she was busy with a queue. I will go there again tomorrow, the only other day which she is available, and see if there is a similar queue. The first time I visited her was on a Wednesday and there was only one other person. So hopefully Wednesdays are not so busy. If and then I get the copy certified I will send it back to the Texas office, and I guess they will take it from there.

I didn't hear from Julie last night, but hopefully will hear from her soon to see whether she wants us to start attending the group this Saturday or will wait until the 3rd Saturday which places it AFTER The Three Weeks. I prefer not to start at the group during The Three Weeks this Saturday but if this is what Julie wants then I will do so. We can work together to deal with any chaotic energies since we both understand about these energies of the universe.

My health seems to show slight improvement, the cold symptoms seems to be subsiding slightly. I took some codeine last night after getting a new packet of it from the chemist, and that helped with the cold symptoms and had a better night's sleep, woke up only once and managed to sleep through most of the early morning until just before it was time for me to get up for work.

The weather is not being kind to me. There hasn't been any rain since over a week ago. Tonight there is "a shower or two" in the forecast but considering that the sky is still as clear and as blue as my eyes I don't think there will be any showers coming along tonight. There is absolutely no rain whatsoever for the rest of the week's forecast to next Monday. So looks like we will be into The Nine Days of Av without any rain to comfort me and soothe my nerves, I guess I will have to depend on the codeine for that!!

Today's song for The Three Weeks..... well this is an old song, a very old song.... The devil gets the blame for everything, well at least most things anyway. Whatever problems crops up, or calamities happening, the devil gets the blame. Indeed the curse of The Three Weeks is blamed on the devil. But in the vast majority of instances the devil is rarely involved. As I always say, There is order and chaos in the universe and "fecal matter expulsion" happens regardless of what we say, what we do or what we believe in!! Indeed the "curse" of The Three Weeks is to do with the rupture in the time/space matrix stemming from the destruction of the energy portal that was the Jewish Temple - constructed on an earth chakra that happens to be the geographical center of the world, where three continents meets. The devil has nothing to do with it. Anyway belief in the devil is an uniquely Christian phenomena, with its precursor Judaism though we usually don't hear about Jews speaking of any devil but the existence of the devil is also in Hebrew theology, and of course the offshoot of Christianity - the Islam religion. Much of Islamic theology including the Sharia law actually stems from Christian Scriptures. But the devil exists only in those three religions. No other religion believes in such an entity. Anyway, let me take out my walking stick, dust off my spectacles and place my dentures in the salt solution as I dig out this very old song..... and just to think Mick Jagger is now 70 years of age and he is STILL performing!!!!! Ok here is the song - Sympathy For The Devil - The Rolling Stones.

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