Saturday 1 March 2014

Is This My Pleiadean Princess?

OK show-off time!! haha...... but yes.... if you wanna know what my Pleiadean guardian angel "Twinkle" looks like?.... well look below....

Yes!! My Mauritian princess!! Doesn't she look so utterly stunning!! So incredibly beautiful !!!! No woman of this planet could be so utterly gorgeous!! She MUST be an angel from Heaven! She does indeed looks exactly like my guardian angel as was described to me and appeared occasionally in vision. A petite woman with dark hair and dark magnetic eyes. Even the cute headdress she is wearing here looks like what Twinkle would wear. She has to be at least a Pleiadean star seed. Whether she realise this or not!!

Look at those mesmerizing eyes......

Aren't those eyes utterly mesmerizing!!!? I am certain they are casting spells.... it's like if she looks at you then you know that all of your dreams are about to come true......

The synchronicities between us are outa this world!! Another mystery has been solved! She has in fact one kid, a 14yo boy. This places his birth at around 2000, or at the very least, 1999 if he turns 15 this year! OMG you know what this means!! Sally's miscarriage happened around 2000, which makes our child in the higher dimensions, whom Sally always believed to be a girl, to be the same age as this Princess' boy!!

Her hubby left her 16 months ago, which places it 6 months before Sally's death, indeed around October 2012 which unbeknown to me at the time would be the last wedding anniversary Sally and I would be destined to share.

And perhaps most amazingly, her birthday is two days after what was destined to be the anniversary of Mother's death! I guess it means I will never forget her birthday!! LOL!! She was born the same year as me, 1963, which means she be 51 now. Oh yes me and my older women! LOL! Even if she is just eight months older than me!! LOL!!

Some other synchronicities. She has two brothers and a sister, I have two sisters and a brother. Even the Italian connection is synchronistic, with my step-father being of Italian origin. And she is also mother-less, her mother also passed away, albeit back in 1992, but her father is still alive as mine is. Her marriage took place a year after Barbara and I broke up, ironic since it was Barbara who led to me losing contact with her.

She is more than the most incredibly pretty face a woman could ever possess. She is also incredibly talented, fluent in FIVE languages - Italian, German, French, Creole and English!! I don't care what anyone says but anyone who can speak five languages is of incredible talent!!!!

OK change the subject....... haha.....

An email last week reminded me it is this time of year.... again..... FOOTBALL tipping!!!! Oh dear... glutton for punishment LOL.... I was surprised that we would be having our office tipping competition this year given that our dept has been decimated through govt cutbacks!! But it turns out the competition is expanded, now over several depts. While some sections have been wiped off the face of this earth through the govt obsession with saving money, others have simply moved off site and merged with other depts. Time will tell whether this will mean more in the competition, or less, or about the same. But silly ole me glutton for punishment is going to join..... again...... given that things has gone downhill since Mother's death and I haven't won a prize at all since her death while previous to that sad event I had always won a prize each year!!!! But you never know..... my CRYSTALS might help me this time. Afterall my crystals have helped me in every other area of my life. So just perhaps through my wonderful crystals my fortunes may just turn...... Whatever the case, the Weevils (West coast EAGLES - Weagles - Weevils) are in desperate need of a reality check cos since beating Freo by a large margin everything thinks they are going to win a premiership this year, nevermind it was just a practice match. The fact the Maggies lost their first match in the pre-season we won't read anything into that. We all know that fortunes in the pre-season has no bearings whatsoever on fortunes in the main premiership season!!!! The rules are different, the scoring is different with 9 points for goals outside of 50m, and etc.  I may need to purchase more crystals, some that helps increase intuition. I wonder if there is a Magpie crystal!! LOL!!! haaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here will share two vids.... the first one is the best vid I seen yet on explaining about the phenomenon of star seeds, cos I know it is a concept that most 3D souls can't get their heads around. But this vid is so well presented that even 3D souls should be able to understand it. Now when I say 3D I am not referring to such souls in a derogatory term. It is OK to be 3D. It is akin to calling a person under 18 a child - unless you're a teen who thinks they know everything!! LOL!! Teens are more akin to politicians and religious leaders, all very 3D souls but thinks they know more or are wiser so try to impose their views upon everyone else!!! But that aside, it is not a bad thing to be called a child if under 18, and if one lives long enough, all children eventually moves into adulthood. By the same token, 3D is purely a function of current status of soul evolution, and all 3D souls eventually ascends to higher dimensions - 4D, 5D and etc. Difference with star seeds is they were in previous lives higher dimensional souls in other star systems who chose to descend to 3D status on this planet so to help save this planet or move this planet into 5D. It is akin to Jesus being Divinity or God and descending to this planet as a man - this analogy is closer than you think. You see in past ages our ET masters have sent Ascended Masters down to this planet - eg Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Osiris, etc - to try raise the vibrations of mankind, but all that has happened was that they were turned into deities and their teachings turned into religions - very 3D phenomenon!! So this time we try a different tactic. Instead of sending one 5D or higher soul to this planet, we send a few thousands of them, I believe to be 144000 such souls, these souls being "star seeds". It is a wee bit more difficult to turn 144000 souls into deities and a religion than just one if you get my drift.

So without further ado.... if you want to understand more of who I am, this is the vid that should better explain it..... ENJOY

And now a music vid that I always post for enjoyment...... This dates back to the 1980s when my Mauritian princess first came into my life, and after seeing her photo this song is would have been what I thought..... only for her to become MINE.... well until Barbara came along anyway.......

Anyway..... until next time in this series of Ripley's Believe it of Not... otherwise known as my life!!! LOL!!!!!

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