Monday 24 March 2014

Spiritual Experiences

Oh I finally did it!! For the first time in I guess 4 to 5 years I actually went to CHURCH!!! A Friday night meeting at "Without Walls", a Charismatic Renewal church where I had been before 4 to 5 years ago with Sally. So what's an ascending to aspiring 5D star seeded soul like me doing in such a 3D place??

Well it did earn definite brownie points with Caroline's brother! There was a message from him when I gotten back from church, and we chatted about my experiences at the church, and yes he definitely approves of me. This combined with a family crisis over the weekend, where I worked with him to help Caroline cope with it, well definitely earned lots of brownie points!! Indian families are very closely knit together. For there to be any future with an Indian lady, it is essential to get on with her family!! And this it seems am managing to achieve with Caroline's devoutly Christian family.

Ohhhh the things I do for love...... *sigh*

This is by no means the ONLY reason why I went to church last Friday, but it was certainly significant. The other significant reason being my quietly persistent little cousin - Lucinda. It mostly began at that barbecue a few weeks ago at the Dawes-Smith that I wrote about here, really the only devout Christian members of the family - well unless we also count the devoutly Catholic couple - Justin and Mandy. This was long before I knew Caroline even existed, well I knew she existed 15 years ago, but unbeknown to me at the time of that fateful barbecue, memories of Caroline was safely hidden away in the deepest recesses of my mind, destined to be spectacularly re-awakened a few weeks later!!!!  It was with some form of trepidation that I had attended the barbecue, being so different to my family that I seriously considered getting a DNA test done to see if I am even related to them!!!

However it was mostly Lucinda who took the time to chat with me, and it soon became obvious that she is most devoutly Christian who attended the same church as I did a few years ago "Without Walls" and was at the same point of the spiritual pathway as I was 10 years ago - she is about 10 years my junior - so who am I to judge. But not only attend near to every meeting at Without Walls, but studying to do ministry work in prisons, and spend a lot of time helping people. And well while every Star Seed is a Light Worker, well not every Light Worker is a star seed. Many Light Workers are found in religion, though it's possible that a few of them are as yet to be awakened star seeds.

Anyway she invited me to the church.... and well to cut a long story short, by the end of the barbecue, I actually warmed to the idea of actually visiting the church, though made it clear in my mind that it will be just for a visit, not to be regularly attending church again. I am a star seed, an awakened soul headed for 5D, I surely would not have much time for such a 3D phenomenon as religion!!

And so over the next few weeks Lucinda would txt me inviting me to the church, and I'd promise I would go, but something would always crop up, and I end up not going.

Now Caroline came back into my life. 15 years ago, when I was myself a devout Christian at a Charismatic Renewal church, New Day Ministries, before I even knew about star seeds, Caroline was one of my best penfriends, herself devoutly Christian. Little did I know that she actually "liked" me back then. I thought she was just a good friend. Then we lost contact. I met Sally, married her, she got sick, my soul got awakened, discovered my star seed origins, moving towards 5D, Sally died, and spending the next 12 months grappling with life without Sally and being single again...... then Caroline finds me again, and I learned that she has been waiting for me for 15 years!!!! And this time we really fell in love. Afterall a woman who waits for me for 15 years deserves my respect and MUCH more!!!! And I found myself WANTING to go back to church. So I took up on Lucinda's invitation, and I txt her saying I WILL be there. Lucinda must have thought all her Xmases must have come at once - I FINALLY agree to attend church.

Then Friday came.... was chatting to Caroline in the morning on my phone app as I do EVERY morning... then suddenly for the first time ever my phone crashed!!! It just froze!! And being one of those new phones, as with most newer phones these days, you can't simply remove the battery, it is embedded inside the device, and there is no reset button. This is obviously designed so that you would have to take it to the shop which can only mean $$$$$ to the company. But me a stubborn Virgo there was no way I was gonna do that if I can possibly help it. The phone was frozen and the screen display was still on, so it be just a matter of time before the battery runs down. But being fully charged, it would be a while before this happens. Meanwhile I was frantic with worry about Caroline wondering what had happened to me. I was at work, so gotten on my work computer to get on FaceBook to send her a msg about what had happened - she wasn't online.

Well I managed to get a hold of her during my morning tea break via FaceBook..... so at least she knew what was going on.... but I still had no idea when the battery would run down. Since the screen was frozen, the battery indicator on the screen was also frozen. As far as I was concerned, it could be several days before the battery would run down. Nevertheless I was determined not to give any shop any of my hard earned $$$$$S's

After work the phone was still frozen, so I didn't go for my walk. I don't like to go anywhere on my own without my phone in case in any emergency I would need to contact someone. EG if the car breaks down. However I had promised Lucinda that I would be at church, so I still made plans to go to the church.

Then about an hour or so before I was due to leave for church, the phone screen went blank..... yay finally!!!! the battery run down!!!!.... So I plugged it into the charger.... and when there was sufficient charge, a few percentage, I switched it on..... and much to my relief the problem was resolved!!! I was able to use my phone again. But it would need to be charged before I can take it anywhere..... and with only an hour to go before I must be at church, I wasn't sure if there be enough charge by then.

Well just as I was finally ready to walk out the door, I checked the phone, was a little over 50% charged, so decided it was sufficient to last me through the 2 to 3 hours of the church meeting.

When I arrived at the church location, the parking lot was full...... except for one single bay..... which I took!!! I saw that as a sign that I was meant to be there. Lucinda was really pleased to see me there. It was kinda surreal being back at church, but at the same time I really enjoyed it, and being a spirit sensitive, I actually experienced some physical manifestations. Afterall spiritual phenomenon DO happen at Charismatic Renewal churches. That was why I was drawn to such churches in the first place, and even after my awakening, I continued to attend church for several years, I thought mostly to appease Sally.... and so when Sally became too sick to attend church, I saw it as an excuse to finally move on from church......

But it seems the universe had other ideas......

Star Seeds are sent to this planet for a purpose..... to raise the vibrations of this planet..... and it seems for me, a part of this is some regular involvement with the church.... to raise its vibration, or at least a few of the souls currently within the church..... afterall I guess there was a reason why I spent so many years in the church..... I thought these were wasted years..... but in the grand scheme of things, in the universal purpose, there are no "wasted years" - all things happens for a reason......

And I did share with Lucinda about Caroline, and showed her pic on my phone, and Lucinda was so pleased for me, she was so happy. Lucinda knew what I went through with Sally's death. She was the first and indeed the only family member to visit me after Sally's death.... but kept her distance the first few months, not pushing for me to attend church..... it was only after the barbecue that she was inviting me to attend church, little did she know that Caroline was destined to come into my life just a few weeks later!! None of my other family members, Debra and etc, does not know yet, and I don't plan on telling them..... say if I go to India I won't tell them until the last minute, or if she comes here, I'd just turn up on their doostep with her and they will be so shocked!!!!! hahaha!!!!!!

So I will for the time being be attending church each Friday night at Without Walls..... meanwhile, waiting for things to unfold between Caroline and me..... much still has to happen before we finally meet.... but life changing events often happens around Passover. Last year Sally's death occurred right on the Full Moon of Passover last year. This year Passover begins April 15, and well Caroline re-entered my life during this month of March. So it remains to be seen if anything happens around Passover. Life changing events happens about a month on either side of Passover - such as, starting my job in the public sector in April 1989, my trip to America in May 1998, my conversion to Christianity in May 1983, and my first visit to New Day in April 1987.

Meanwhile we having to deal with Caroline's abusive husband. This another piece of synchronicity, dealing with abuse victims. First the 8 years of hell when I was abused by Colin from age 5 through to 12, and witnessing my Mother being abused by the same creature calling himself a "man". Then Sally was abused by her 1st husband to the point that he nearly murdered her through strangulation. And now Caroline's husband abuses her on a regular basis, some of the incidences would make your hair stand on end, it is a wonder she is still alive, but she was also nearly murdered by him. Some of the abuse is worse than what Colin did to us. But due to both Indian tradition and her devoutly Christian beliefs, she remains committed to the marriage. It is only after she found me again that she now considers ending the marriage, and she seems certain the marriage would soon end. However due to Indian tradition, it is not "proper" for the woman to initiate the divorce.

Her husband is a fly-in fly-out worker, a month on an oil rig and a month off back at home. So she contacted me and our relationship blossomed during his current month on the rig. Among his acts of abuses he forces her to have abortions or would hit her in the tummy so she have miscarriages, and she had one miscarriage the previous month, which prompted her to try contact me again. In spite of this, she managed to bring two children to survival, so she does have two children - a teen girl, and a slightly younger boy. Anyway as abusive husbands goes, he spies on her, and it turned out he had planted secret apps on her phone so he could keep track of her conversations. So unbeknown to both of us, he had been keeping track of our chats on the phone. Meanwhile he visits prostitutes and sleeps with both men and woman, and he openly does so, does not try to hide it from her. The marriage is a horror story to end horror stories, this is just only skimming the surface here!!! His month on the rig is due to end this week, he is due back for the month beginning this Wednesday - ironically the day prior to the anniversary of Sally's death.

So this past weekend he phoned her revealing that he knows what is going on between us as he had been keeping track, and when he returns, hell is gonna break loose. But fortunately she has very helpful family members who likes me and wants for us to be together. Her brother is also a techie, so he was able to reformat her phone to remove the spy apps and change passwords. And she has taken her passport and some of her belongings to her brother's house. So it seems the end to the marriage is near. So we shall see how it all pans out, but his month at home includes Passover so perhaps something will happen then. She will not initiate the divorce due to her strong Christian beliefs and Indian traditions, but I think members of her family, also similarly devout Christians, are wanting for her to do so - initiate the divorce or at least the separation - they seen how close to death she had been. Either way something IS going to happen.

Here's an appropriate song for a woman who waited 15 years for me!!!!!...

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