Thursday 6 March 2014

My Past Haunts Again....

OK this is getting way too weird for my liking.......

Soon after my Mauritian Princess came back in my life... or was it a bit before.... well it was still during Mercury's retrograde..... I received another add request from another lady on my FaceBook account.... and well she appeared to be happily married and also a very devout Christian, indeed just from her profile, it seems you can't get any more devout a Christian than she. So I wondered WHY did she send an add request to ME!!???.... with all my pagan stuff, star seeds, and astrology stuff on my timeline that I am always sharing??... well I figured that if she sent me an add request in spite of me being a Heathen LOL then she must be alright.... and well I accept all add requests except from obvious spammers.... even devout Christians!!..... So anyway I added her, and then for the next few days I haven't heard much from her aside from her rather prolific Christian-related graphics that appears in my news feed. I did take a peek at her profile, plenty of pixs of her family, a few of her hubby, but not many of her..... but evidently based in India, and she an Indian...... but there was no inkling whatsoever as to who she might be or why she added me..... so I thought nothing more of it.....

Then a couple of days ago she started to send me private msgs, just commenting on one of my posts on my timeline, it was good comments ;)..... then she just casually asked me a question "Did you have penfriends a few years ago?"

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... what a bombshell!!!!!..... not another one!!!!!!! This makes it THREE now..... only one of past romantic interest, it was only a small number of them that there was any romance, but i did flirt with a few more of them.... I was very 3D back then! LOL!.....

Now this is where it gets really crazy..... obviously no chance of romance due to her being happily married.... but this..... not only she is a devout Christian, but Charismatic Renewal just like I was..... and she had known someone who attended New Day!! That was our connection back then, as I went to New Day. This was in the 1990s just before my America trip.

For some reason we lost contact around 1996, and by then I think she knew that she was about to get married so she asked me if we still be friends even if she got married. Of course I said of course I want for us to still be friends. At the time I was still a lusty 3D single bloke nevertheless I didn't mind at all to write to someone who is married without flirting with them! LOL! In spite of being 3D I did respect boundaries, and well I was devout Christian anyway.

Well for some reason we ceased contact soon after..... I had just come through the hell years of 1994/5 and was in my South Perth apartment, dealing with stormy relationships with Barbara, and going to New Day was the only thing keeping me remotely sane..... and I had just gotten my PO box in South Perth and had all my penfriends write to me to that PO box.

A few months later just before she got married she tried to find me again, she had lost my address, but she couldn't find me..... I did have my website up then so I don't know why she apparently didn't find that.... but I guess there was no Google in those days, and search engines were not quite so thorough, they only listed selected site depending on which one we used.....

So she got married in 1997..... and of course I went to America and I myself got married in 1998.... she ended up with two children from her marriage..... and our parallel lives just went on.... and she soon faded from my memory..... though apparently she remembered me through all those years, but her hubby didn't want her to have penfriends..... as Sally didn't want me to have penfriends......

OK so fair enough.... sooooo...... WHY did she suddenly contact me now??? Again in the midst of Mercury's retrograde!! And now spending hours each day chatting to each other!!

Let's ponder my penfriend years..... back in the 1970s I'd notice there was a penpal section in the children section of the weekend newspaper, and indeed Debra had a penpal through the mid 70s.... and well I was a social outcast at school, so it hit me.... getting a penpal, namely a FEMALE penpal would be a good way of releasing some testosterone related tensions!! LOL!! So I wrote to two of them, Tine from Norseman, and Tracy from Newman..... then a little later another two of them, Paula from Albany, and Mary from the east coast..... And it was Mary who first contacted me a few months ago when I set up my FaceBook account in my name just after Sally's death. So one of my first four from 35 years or so years ago I now in contact with again.... she is in a relationship right now.... there was never any romance with her, was just an incurable flirt way back in those days!!!

Anyway I so enjoyed the idea of penfriends that over the months and years I gained more.... and when I came across penpal clubs as apposed to just ads in newspapers, that was when things really took off.... and I soon gain penfriends from overseas.... many from America cos I so wanted American penpals.... but also many from virtually all corners of the world, the majority of them women, though I did have male penfriends at times, most those who responded to my ad in penpal clubs listings.... I never responded to male penfriend ads, only the females, but being a polite little critter, I did accept the male requests...... And through the 1980s while I was at university then the Christian years, I had up to 30 to 40 penfriends at one time..... it was in the 1980s when I discovered the wonders of Mauritian women..... and one particular one whom I really fell in love with, and kept on writing to her until Barbara came along..... this was Tina, who have now contacted me again, and we now chat via WhatsApp on the cell phone.

When Barbara came along around 1988, most of my penfriends fell by the wayside, especially when I moved in with Barbara in 1989. However I still managed to keep a small number of my penfriends through the three years with Barbara, perhaps 10 or so..... was less than 10 by the time Barbara and I broke up in 1991 and I moved back to Mother's..... Then I joined more penpal clubs and started building up on my penpal hobby once again though didn't have as many as I did before.... something about holding down a full time job leaving not much time left over for writing letters may have something to do with this..... I probably had 20 to 30 penpals at any one time..... During this time the fledgling new contact medium known as the Internet came along.... and by the end of the 1990s I had a small number of "email-pals" but the overwhelming majority were still snail-mail penpals. This was up to 1998 when I married Sally, and due to her not wanting me to write to all these women, my penpal hobby ceased totally in 1999. Well Caroline from India, my third former penpal contact, was from this last wave of penpals - the 1990s.

So I now have a contact from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s!!!! That in itself seems very synchronistic! The first one does not follow any particular religion or spirituality, much like the way I was in the 1970s. The 2nd one became a Christian because of me, and she started attending a Roman Catholic church the same religion as my step-father's family and now Justin who attends the church. And the 3rd is very much a devout Charismatic Renewal Christian, what I was back in the 1990s, and the same as my cousin who is wanting me to come to church with her.

Now we all know that there is no such creature as coincidence, it is not found in any biology text books, not even on Wikipedia!! So why all the sudden these Christian influences from my past??

Well there is no way I would ever go back to those times. My spiritual evolution has moved on way too much since then. I am a star seed, and my spirituality is far more eclectic these days. I see myself as spiritual not religious. So just what the universe is trying to tell me?????

I suppose that Christianity in its various forms, especially Charismatic Renewal where real spiritual phenomena does happen, have been very much a part of my pathway. I have learned a lot and gained a lot through those years. So shouldn't leave it behind totally. I should keep in touch with it in some way. Certainly not going to church each week, but not to cut ties altogether.........


A vid with a letter writing or postman theme........ probably my sentiments in regards to one or two of them through those times.... such as Tina.... hahahaha......

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