Friday 14 March 2014

Round 1 - Those poor ole Maggies

Yeah I admit it..... I did not pick the Maggies..... I humbly acknowledged that Freo were most likely to win this match..... and therefore I did pick them...... only that I was way too optimistic on that infernal points variance. I nominated only 20 points, the winning margin was.... ummm....... 70 points.... oooops!! Now that infernal points variance begins with 50 for me. Uh well at least my current score stands at 1-1, that is, 1 point from a possible 1 point thus far.

Now lets see if this perfect record will last......

So the Giants and Sydney Swans.... in Sydney.... can't remember if there is still daylight savings over there so it's either fixin to start now or in an hours time.... but in any case probably leaning towards Sydney.... as does 100% of the tipsters in the paper ;) Not prepared to buck the trend, so Sydney for me.

The Suns and the Tigers..... not so easy to pick in my viewpoint..... hmmmm...... probably leaning towards Richmond though it is a Suns home game.... I am going to be sweating on this one..... but have to pick someone I suppose...... hoping the Tigers will roar against those solar flares......


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