Monday 10 March 2014

Rose Quartz !!

This is getting way too crazy even by my standards!!! This weekend has been utterly crazy!!

I shared about the three long lost penfriends who found me via my FaceBook account..... Mary from the east coast, Tina from Mauritius, and Caroline from India.

Mary is most happily in a relationship, and there was never any romance between us to begin with even if I did flirt with her back in my 3D days. So Mary is safe. And Caroline was I thought an even safer bet, she is it appeared happily married, more still, a very devout Christian, you could not get more devout than her. And well we were good friends back then but definitely no romance, didn't even flirt with her, even back in my 3D days.

Tina was it seemed the only one whom there be any prospect of romance, I liked her before, and well I kinda liked her now, though I am beyond my 3D existence, I was not looking for romance. I am a star seed, my focus is to help raise the vibrations of this planet, to be a Light Worker. Tina's marriage had ended, well at least they are separated, and she really likes me now. So if it was meant to happen it would happen, but, not really my priority.

Little did I know I was in for the shock of my life. Over the last few days Caroline and I started chatting to each other through Facebook Messenger, at first it was each evening. She is in India, so the time difference was not much, apparently 2 1/2 hours behind Perth, so basically evening for me was evening for her. Then we began chatting to each other at other times, even at work during my breaks, using Messenger on my cell phone.

At first we chatted about religion as well as about old times when we knew each other before. She seemed oblivious to my leanings towards star seeds, astrology and Paganism, and she still thought I was a Christian. And well, it is a part of my pathway, so these days I did give it more respect.

Then our topics slowly began to grow more personal and intimate, and it emerged that all is not well in her marriage, indeed it was the marriage from hell from the beginning. She is married to an Englishman, who typically treated Indians like dirt. He works on an oil rig so he is away for several weeks at a time, so she is left on her own with her two children. And by the weekend she began to share some of her stories with me, and it was like from a horror flick. I thought I had suffered badly through Mothers then Sally's sickness, leading to her death! Oh no! Caroline's suffering was much worse! It was the marriage from hell!!

So by the weekend we were chatting together virtually 24/7. Soon after getting back from my Saturday morning walk, we began chatting, and with only short breaks we were chatting for the rest of the day and into the evening, indeed until about 2am when I finally went to bed. She sent me loads of her pixs, another stunningly beautiful exotic woman with dark skin, dark eyes and dark hair. And well WHY was she chatting to ME and sharing all these intimate details with ME??? Well apparently she liked me back in our penfriend days. I remembered her as being a good friend, one of my better friendships by letter, but there was certainly no romance. She ceased contact with me about 1997 when her husband-to-be demanded for her to cut off all contacts with her male penfriends. Of course I went to America in 1998, got married, and Sally compelled me to cut contacts with my female penfriends. I learned however that Caroline tried to look for me again as early as 1998, when it became obvious that her marriage was a big mistake. Indeed whenever she suffered episodes of abuse from her husband, she would search online for me, but amazingly in spite of my websites, she could never find me. It was only after I set up my FaceBook page after Sally's death that she finally found me after the latest episodes of abuse.

And well it was becoming really obvious that she liked me, indeed she liked me a lot!!!! Well she is a devout Christian and married, even if the marriage was from Hell, nevertheless, I was trying to be careful not to overstep boundaries!! But as the saying goes "love happens no matter what". And well I have to say, I really liked her too!!

So into Saturday evening until 2am Sunday morning we were chatting almost non-stop.... and when I finally went to bed, she asked me to msg her as soon as I get up, in spite of the fact it be 3am her time therefore fast asleep.

I woke up early as usual and gotten ready for my walk, and when I was all set to go, I msg Caroline..... and we chatted for the next two hours! I ended up getting out late for my walk!! I finally was able to get out for my walk by 8am, but usually on weekends I be out by 6am for my walks.

After I got back from my walk, I had breakfast, did some things, then was fixin to msg Caroline and at exactly the same time she msg me!! Synchronicity!!!! So we began chatting again...... and well this was SUNDAY now so surely she be going to church, and allowing for the 2 1/2 time difference, I guessed she be going to church just after lunch my time. So I be able to mow the lawns and do a bit of yard work. Well as we were chatting, when she learned that I didn't go to church, indeed hadn't been going to church since Sally started getting sick, well.... as I said before, Caroline actually has a friend here in Perth who used to attend New Day. That in itself is a piece of synchronicity, and as I always say, there is no such creature as coincidence!! So she said she would contact this friend to suggest a church for me, given that New Day is now confined to the annals of history!! OK Universe what are you TRYING to tell me!!! I am a STAR SEED! A PAGAN!! I had been trying to get away from going to church! But through Tina and now Caroline, I am now being compelled to face up to Christianity once again!! And on top of this, on this same weekend, my cousin Lucinda txt me inviting me to HER church homegroup meeting which is apparently held even 2nd Sunday of the month.

Anyway.... by lunchtime, Caroline told me that she would NOT be going to church, she wanted to stay home so to chat with ME!!! OK things are getting SERIOUS now!!! She is more a devout Christian than Sally! She told me on more than one occasion that church was the hilight of her week, and she'd attend every meeting, prayer meeting, Bible study, etc at her church in India. So when she elected NOT to go to church so she could continue to chat with me, well that confirms she is more than just a little besotted with me!!!!! It will mean I wouldn't get any gardening nor housework done!!!

Of course I know..... it takes two to tango.... I could have said to her that I needed to get some gardening done, mow the lawns, do housework, etc..... but no I didn't.... cos I WANTED to be with Caroline.... OK I admit it.... I liked her too.... I liked her a lot..... I MORE than liked her...... I am a STAR SEED.... I am supposed to focus my calling on raising vibrations..... but here I am with a 3D woman whom I wanted to be with!!!!!!

By later in the afternoon we became.... um..... "officially" an item..... oh why do I ever get myself in such situations..... *sigh*.....

So what about the Mauritian princess.... well I liked her.... she looks like my guardian angel.... and I thought that if I was gonna be anyone then it be her..... but we never became an item. I purposely kept my distance, as I am a star seed, I have a calling.... and well I was planning on going to see her before I make any decision..... yes I was being typically Virgo.....

But could I do this with Caroline?..... no..... *sigh*.... my Virgo analytics went out the window..... and I never knew she liked me back in our penfriend days.... i knew we were good friends....but I had no inkling whatsoever that she actually liked me!!!!!

Now just PLEASE universe don't send me any more old penfriends!!!!

What is it about me that makes 3D women fall for me..... it happens all through my life.... Mother said I'd be breaking hearts.... it was really difficult when I was married to Sally..... it quite clearly said MARRIED on my profile yet I still had attention from women, even married ones, who just have to have me!!! I am certainly not Johnny Depp nor Brad Pitt.... so what can it be!!..... must be my star seeds vibes!

It is actually quite common with star seeds, our vibes seems to affect the opposite sex of 3D people.... could be partly our eyes..... the eyes of star seeds have this irresistible quality that draws people..... whatever it is causing me a lot of problems!!!!!!!!

Also all this started happening right after I bought my twin wolves and the ROSE QUARTZ crystal!!! I don't even know why I bought this particular crystal which even the store labeled as the "love crystal"!!! It's not like I was looking for anyone!!!! But it was within days of purchasing this crystal that Tina and Caroline tracked me down after between 15 and 25 years of losing contact, and both wanting me!!! Obviously I can't have both!!!! We don't live in a country that allows for multiple wives!!! And well crystals are not ascribed with intelligence, they are simply just stones, only that with particular vibrations! And Rose Quarts attracts LOVE vibrations, and it doesn't allow for the fact that one can't have more than one wife, it simply just attracts the love!!!!

And WHY am I being drawn back into the church and Christianity?? I was trying to get away from it! I am an awakened soul, a star seed, a light worker, earth angel, a contactee.... my vibrations raising..... so why being compelled apparently to take what seems to be a backward step? Back into Christianity, being compelled to go back to church.........

Well it could perhaps be to raise vibrations. Just the mere presence of an enlightened soul, whether it be star seed, indigo, rainbow, earth angel, or whatever other soul group.... just our mere presence works to raise the vibrations surrounding us. And the Charismatic Renewal church is already surrounded by high vibration souls even if many are not yet awakened, cos it is where real spiritual phenomena happens. And the spirit sensitives in such churches, who most easily manifests, are usually higher vibration souls, even star seeds, who not yet awakened. Afterall I was there once! I was involved once! My cousin Lucinda attends such a church and is wanting me to go back there. And Caroline is also Charismatic Renewal. Hmmmmm...... I am an enlightened soul so I can never go back into the church with my whole soul..... but just perhaps it is part of my calling on this planet to raise the vibrations of Christian churches......... only time will tell..... but it seems between Caroline and Lucinda, it is just a matter of time before I show up back at a church.....

But it seems a destiny that the beautiful woman pictured above would be my 2nd ever wife..... just one niggly issue to deal with first..... her current marriage which is dying an ugly death, just a matter of how long it will fight for before its death.........

As I said, Caroline has friends here in Perth, and relatives in Melbourne, and she is talking about coming here to see me this year through her contacts here......

Now other matters..... bloody typical govt!!!! Last year I claimed and received in my tax check an offset of a couple of thousands dollars for being carer for a disabled person, namely Sally. Now this past week I received mail from the ATO saying that I may have NOT been entitled to this payment, and that I would have to pay it back. At first it sent shivers down my spine as this would be a nail in my financial coffin..... until I looked at the flowchart checklist provided in the mail. First criteria is.... Is the person you claiming for any of the following - "SPOUSE, parent, child, brother/sister, etc, etc..." - a YES on this one, Sally was obviously my WIFE therefore meets the SPOUSE criteria.

Then the next criteria is.... Did the person claim any of the following "Disability Support Pension, Special Needs...., Invalidity Service" - well once again I PASSED this one, Sally was indeed on Disability Support Pension.

The final criteria was..... Did the person earn more than $9974 during the past financial year? Well Sally didn't earn a single penny, she was too sick to earn any money. So once again a PASS on that one. Since Sally earned LESS than $9974, indeed utterly ZILCH ZIT NYET $$$$$.... this was the final test.

So indeed according to the flowchart, I was indeed perfectly entitled to receive this money!!!!

However..... BLOODY TYPICAL GOVT..... because they sent me the letter, the onus of proof is on ME!!!!! If I ignore the letter, they will assume that I was not entitled to the money, and so will soon take steps to recover this money from me!! To avoid this I will have to contact them by the means set out in the letter telling them that I was indeed entitled to this claim...... and more than likely they will ask me to provide PROOF of my entitlement.

So WHY did they send me the letter in the first place? Well aside from perfectly valid conspiracy theories that since I am a star seed known on FaceBook, as well as a Contactee, and a financial supporter of environmental organisations openly critical of the govt, namely Wilderness Society and Sea Shepherd, that this would automatically place a great big red target spot on my back for govt organisations to trip me up and harass me..... another reason could be that they checked the records under Sally and couldn't find anything that she was claiming the Disability Support Pension...... well DUH!!!!!!!!!...... of course she is not currently claiming any pension!!!! She is DEAD!!!!! And not many dead people claims pensions, well they might be a few but that would come under "FRAUD!!!!"..... but it doesn't matter if the person is currently in 5D or higher, the person must be manifest 3D, in other words, physically ALIVE for to be able to claim a pension!!!! DUH!!!!! It is obvious that "intelligence" is not a criteria for one seeking to enter into govt services!!!!! They could have just clicked on a couple more spots on the computer screen that would have allowed them to trace back records over the preceding year, to find that Sally had passed away during March of the previous financial year but up until then she was indeed claiming such a pension!!!!!

But do you think they have the common sense to simply think of this very simple idea??? Of course not!!! As I say "intelligence" nor the ability to cultivate "common sense" it seems are NOT in the criteria of selection when it comes to employing govt workers!!!! That is why that instead of utilising this relatively very cheap process of checking back through pension records, they take the far more expensive option of generating a few pages of letters, documentation, addressing, and postage, to inform one that one was NOT entitled to such money - and so will have to contend with the inconvenience of proving one's entitlement of such money.

The scary thing is, even when I do meet all the criteria for eligibility they could STILL trip me up on some technicality. They could demand a particular piece of documentation that is hard to get and will cost $$$$s to obtain, or make some other rule making it impossible for me to prove my eligibility. I am clearly at the wrong end of the barrel. Well all I can do now is send them back the letter stating that I am indeed entitled to claim this money...... and wait and see what happens after that. But me and govt never get on, I am always suspicious of govt, and I would not trust govt even if my life depended on it! The simple true fact is we have no rights unless we have the $$$$s to pay expensive lawyers to give proof of our "rights".  grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........

Last but not least..... FOOTBALL!!!!! Would you believe it, the football season starts THIS weekend!!!???? Indeed THIS Friday!!!!! Sheeze it came up quickly!!!!! The first round is always the most difficult to pick. You cannot go on pre-season forms, cos teams experiments differing strategies during pre-season, and the rules and scoring are also different. And obviously one cannot go on the previous season's form, as things does change, old players retiring, new players coming on board, changing coaches and other support staff, and etc..... So the first round picks are basically nothing more than guesses, just take your pick and hope you get at least 50% right. Well not even going to try pick teams here now....... except that I will never pick the Weevils cos they are weevils and are way over-rated!!! Nuf said on that!!!!

The video of choice.... well since the question of church involvement is raised here, let's just play some "church" music......

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