Monday 3 March 2014

Massive Detox

Oh what a holiday weekend, very low energy as I went through a massive detox - it is what we call it when suffering certain infection-related sickness. It is our body's way of removing toxins from it, the toxins that builds up from our lifestyles, food that we eat, etc. In this instance it was hemorrhoids OUCH!!! Made it painful to sit on my arse. It was also exhausting me, I'd go to bed soon after dinner and I'd fall asleep, and well would wake up at random times through the night to check on my FaceBook etc but basically sleeping through to dawn!! Thankfully tonight it seemed  to have cleared, well I am now able to sit on my arse without any pain. So it basically came and went through this holiday weekend!! When suffering such detox episodes we try to avoid drugs, using them only as a last resort, such as trying to get through a day at work. We make use of our ability to take two sickies consecutively without needing a doctor's note, only after that we may need to resort to drugs. But the drugs often does more harm than good. Natural remedies is the way to go. Well I am currently not aware of natural remedies for hemorrhoids so I just let it run its course, and well it does seem to have cleared quite quickly, it had me for only three days.

In spite of my low energies I was still able to go for my walks. Well I'd have to be on my death bed before I miss my walks! I enjoy them so much, and it gets me out of the house aside from work. My Mauritian princess goes for jogs every morning, another piece of synchronicity! Well I don't exactly jog! She's fitter than I am! LOL! Not sure if I'd want to graduate to jogging, but perhaps it may be an idea to do so before I go see her, whenever that may be.

Why am I even considering the possibility of meeting her? Cos I want to!! Uhhh I suppose fair enough reason!! It's not that there's any romance or anything.... nah of course not!! I am a Virgo! Virgos does not form romantic liaisons! And I am a star seed. My purpose is to help raise the vibrations of this planet. I am a nomad. My spiritual name is Wandering Wolf! I am thoroughly confused!!!!!!

So why did an old flame from 30 years ago contact me again after all these years???? I still cannot get my head around this..... me a Virgo, always analysing.... but this has me thoroughly stumped!!

But I DO want to meet her! She looks exactly like Twinkle my guardian angel! The resemblance are very uncanny! So I HAVE to meet there.

The only thing stopping me really is moolah, or the lack thereof. Something about these airlines actually wanting you to PAY for the privilege of flying with them!! Hmmmm... fair enough of course!!

But this little inconvenience can be dealt with. Me and my Virgo planning! Virgos may be utterly hopeless at romance and relationships, but we CAN plan for things, considering all scenarios, and overcoming problems.

The main issue is the need to move house. The unknown is whether the landlord will force his hand. But even if he lets me stay for say another year, I still have to move out, certainly before next summer. Staying here is costing me way too much money. The electricity bill, and certainly the water bill! In an apartment there be no garden to water. Indeed when renting an apartment we don't even pay any water bills. The landlord pays the rates, the tenant pays only for the usage, which is lots of it when on a 1/4 acre block in the middle of a 3-month drought, now into the 4th month without rain. But in apartments it is rates only, so effectively we tenants don't pay any water bills. Furthermore it seems the housing crisis is finally over, or at least easing up. One of my colleagues at work rents out an apartment, and he had to drop the rent cos he couldn't find any tenants! It was only when he dropped the rent that he finally found a tenant. So..... *touch wood*.... the housing crisis is finally easing up, and I may be able to find an apartment for a more reasonable rental rate. I would like to live in Fremantle but it might be too expensive, and at this point, my main focus is my Mauritian princess, so need to save pennies for this end.

The truth is I already have the money to go see my Mauritian princess, I have my savings. However spending it now will mean I will have absolutely nothing left should my landlord force the issue and I have to move out!! And it is expensive to move out. I'd have to pay someone to clean the carpets, and the oven will need cleaning too. Due to my nearly-vegetarian diet I hardly use the oven these days, nevertheless, it still does need to be cleaned. Then I'd have to raise the bond and advance rent for my new apartment, and that in itself will exhaust my savings!!! And will have to pay double rent for a couple of weeks while I move between former and new abodes. Fortunately I do have my storage unit that I am paying dirt cheap rent for, dirt cheap cos it is way out in the boonies but it does come in handy. Most of my items are already there, so there are not much items here that I would have to move, and thanks to my caged 6x4 trailer I could indeed move all of my items myself, even the bed, fridge, etc. So not having to pay a removalist will help a lot. And of course I should get at least MOST of my bond back from my current place. They normally take the remaining water usage out then I get the balance. And since we now pay our water bi-monthly then it shouldn't be much left over that I'd have to pay. And of all of the apartments, houses, etc, that I have been renting, even with messy Barbara around, I have ALWAYS gotten all of my bond back (minus water for houses). And the bond I'd get back will pay for the air ticket with change left over!!!

Of course other issues to consider.... such as accommodation unless she is able to have me to stay with her, and there's probably a visa I will need. My passport is still current so that is one thing in my favor.

Next thing is WHEN I will make this trip. I do have vacation time coming up in about six weeks from now coinciding with Easter/Passover, and I DO have the money now. But it will mean I won't have any money left over should the landlord force the issue, and it's probably too late to arrange for travel, visa, etc. I know from my America trip that you needed to plan more in advance for such things. And its cheaper if you book air tickets more in advance.

So the next vacation will be October coinciding with Jewish Succot. October will be ideal on many counts. It will give me enough time to deal with moving house and settling into my new apartment, plus save any extra pennies I will need. From my America trip I learned that you always spend more money than originally planned!! So its the case of more the merrier when it comes to moolah when embarking on overseas trips. And my Mauritian princess did say she be back in Mauritius in October. This will make the air ticket cheaper. I did look up Mauritius on Google Earth, fascinating little island indeed, and from its apparent distance from Perth it looks like about a flight of 7 hours or so. I do know there are direct flights from Perth, I seen it advertised on the odd occasion. So looks like 7 hours or so in the air, a bit longer than the 5 hours to Singapore but not as long as to Italy, and certainly not as long as to America!!!!

This is a good time to also consider other expenses. Moving house will reduce the electricity bill and remove the water expenses altogether. But there are other expenses I can look at. My internet bill is one I can really cut back on. Since Sally is no longer with me, the bandwidth usage has gone down. So I can probably reduce the bandwidth allowance by at least half without affecting my current usage patterns. Under this contract we pay for allowance, not what we actually use, so even if we use a lot less we still pay exactly the same for the allowance. So cutting the allowance will cut the internet bill, and I do think I could cut the allowance by at least half without affecting my usage habits, probably more than half, I will just have to get into my account to check my usage pattern since Sally's death. I could also look at my cell phone plans, much which was inherited from Sally. I'm already saving money on my grocery bills due to cutting out meat, even accounting for the fact that organics are slightly more expensive, I will no longer purchase any meat once my current supply is exhausted.

So I go to Mauritius in October, marry her, and bring her back home with me.... uhhhh deva ju !!!!! Nah.... that is NOT going to happen!!!!.... but at least I will know what I'd be up against in regards to immigration. She has no health problems, is as fit as a fiddle, slender, goes for jogs each morning, so should get over the health check hurdle without any problems.... and the fact that she kept my letters and photos from 30 years ago will help her case, it will show immigration that we knew each other from 30 years ago, thus building her case..... um why am I saying this..... uuuhhhhh......... *sigh*

Oh yes with all this planning..... it does help to be a Virgo!! haha!!!

OK the first vid is one of the weird star seeds vids that I watch each day, this one is only 7 minutes, and is in Sedona in Arizona which is a UFO hotspot and location of one of the Earth's energy points. There's a community of star seeds and hybrids there, and this is where the vid is shot. A hybrid is a physical descendant from ETs, the offspring between ETs and humans. That is what she talks about here....

Now the music video..... another one from the 1980s when I first "met" my Mauritian princess..... This is "Walking On Sunshine" which is what it felt like each time I'd find a letter from the Mauritian princess in among my day's mail that Mother would leave on my bed.....

Until next time..... just feel free to let me know if anyone can figure out the reason behind all this......... !!!!!!

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