Wednesday 26 February 2014

One Mystery Solved !!!

Uhhh wouldn't ya believe it!! There's a doco on TV about Mauritius!! Now how synchronistic is this!!! How often do they have docos on TV about Mauritius?? I can't remember the last time there were any such docos, but here we are tonight, and it is on before my favorite show The Originals !!!!! I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Synchronicities are the universe's favorite ways of trying to tell me things!!!

I wasn't planning on doing this blog tonight but I actually feel OK in spite of it being Mother's birthday, and I thought I would have to throw a sickie. Oh yes I do miss her badly, I still cannot believe she is no longer with us, I almost expect a phone call inviting me over to Mother's for her awesome cooking of dinner!!! Nevertheless I am doing reasonably OK. Indeed this Mercury's retrograde has been not so bad this time. Sure I have had my moments, but compared to past retrogrades, it has been reasonably OK. The planet is now near a standstill, and it turns direct again tomorrow, and I can certainly feel the energies easing up. But my apparent coping (for the most part) I put down to my awesome crystals!! There is a reason why I carry around my particular crystals. The Emeralds deals with emotional healing and love, the Flourite for calmness of chaos, the Tourmalinated Quartz protects against chaotic energies and harmonizes my chakras which are very much in need for repairs! LOL!... the Rose Quartz also heals the emotions, and the Agate helps in raising vibrations and spiritual growth. The Selenites amplifies all these energies. So all these together certainly does help things, and I am definitely feeling the effects of these. Hopefully at long last I have found the means to deal with the lunar and planetary energies!!! Well at least makes it easier to deal with anyway!! There is a New Moon coming up this holiday weekend, so potential for chaos is not over yet, but I am hopeful due to my crystals. It is no wonder us star seeds and other soul groups loves crystals so much, and why there are at least five crystal shops (and probably a lot more) even in isolated Perth!!! They are just so awesome, and they DO work!!!! Crystals consists of certain arrays of atoms, and we all know in science that atoms has specific vibrations. Ordered arrays of atoms, which is what crystals are, amplifies these vibrations. A normal piece of rock with random mixes of atoms tends to cancel out the vibrations. This is why crystals are so powerful, the vibrations are amplified. But what you won't see in any science books but is nevertheless the truth is that these specific vibrations works to benefit our souls, emotions, energies, etc in specific ways. The whole universe works on vibrations, even Quantum Theory acknowledges this with their "string theories", basically that the universe is made up of constantly vibrating "strings" all with specific vibrations which gives the various fundamental particles, and ultimately both matter and energy, their specific traits. So why would they not affect our emotions etc?? All seems logical to me.......

Now my Mauritian princess hehe.... a mystery has been solved!!! She was indeed married.... "was" being the operative word. This explains why she is currently in Italy, she married an Italian! duh!!! Well I kinda knew but it does raise a few more questions even if it answered others. It also explains why she didn't make any attempts to find me during the years of my Toronto Blessing and Blessed Bereans websites, all in my name, and with references to my marriage to Sally. Tina was too busy being a wife!! Probably explains why she didn't have a FaceBook account until now, probably didn't have much to do with computers, her hubby it seemed ran the whole show, and she was just a regimented wife cleaning house, cooking for him, and other wifely duties - not much time or opportunities for computers or the internet. However in more recent times the marriage ran into troubles, and he simply walked out on her some 16 months ago, which places it about six months before Sally's death.

So this raises an obvious question.... does she have children? Well she did say that she is "all alone" in Italy with all of her family back in Mauritius. This according to my Virgo analytics tells me that either she doesn't have children or they are elsewhere, either with the now ex-hubby or back in Mauritius. Now given that it was nearly 30 years ago when we lost contact, we can reasonably assume that the marriage took place not long after that, so maybe 25 years, and the children would have come along early in the marriage, so they be probably adults by now or at the very least in the late teens. I am sure I will find out in due course.

It also raises the question of how she managed to keep my photos and letters right under the nose of her hubby!! That was one of the reasons why I doubted if she was ever married as unlikely as it appears to be. Either she was really good at hiding things for over probably 20 years or her hubby was really understanding. Or he may have known of the items but banned her from contacting me. She told me again last night that she have been saying this prayer I sent her every day. That in itself is utterly amazing!! I didn't know I have had such an impact on her life, that even in her marriage she still kept such personal items of me so to remember me by!!!!

I also learned that she currently does not have a job, though she may have had a job previously. This makes me wonder how she is getting on in Italy especially given that she is all alone in Italy. Either she is living off the divorce settlement or she has a rich family back in Mauritius who is supporting her. The fact that she told me that she has a family, even mentioning her sister by name to me, is a major plus!!!! Scammers almost universally claim that they are estranged from their family hence depends on me for financial help. Another major plus is that although Tina is currently unemployed, she states that she is actually looking for a job in Italy. A scammer would never say such a thing.

Lastly in our chat last night/this morning, she asked me when am I coming over to see her?? Hmmmm..... I wish I knew.... well these days air fares tends to be more competitive, and there are more airlines to choose from.... also these days, we have a lot of Middle Eastern airlines who stops over in the Middle East, while years ago everyone who went to Europe from Australia had to firsts top over in London which makes for longer and more expensive flights. Just stopping over in the Middle East, such as Dubai, before directly connecting with whatever European country is the destination, would make for cheaper fares to begin with. So as long as she provides me with accommodation, namely her place, then such a trip would not be impossible if all I needed to do is purchase the air ticket. My passport is still current, I did renew it a while ago, ironically cos Sally and I expected a return trip to America. Furthermore, she says she may be going back to Mauritius later this year. That should make things even cheaper, for in the grand scheme of things, Mauritius is not terribly far from Perth, indeed Perth is closest to Mauritius of all Australian cities. I guess this is the one thing going for Perth, at least it is not far from Mauritius, I guessing about a 6 hour flight, not much longer than a flight to Singapore which I remember to be about 5 hours - my trip to America included stop-overs in Singapore mainly cos I went with Singapore Airlines.

She does send me romantic messages in Italian.... little does she know that I have access to a website that translates the msgs into English ;) ..... ummm.... me the Virgo....

Hmmmm..... I know my life is weird and rather exotic at times huh.... has all the intrigue of a sci fi fantasy story.... paranormal phenomena, contacts with ETs from the Pleiades, and now an incredibly beautiful and exotic princess from an exotic tropical island.... more like my past coming back to haunt me!! LOL!! But the synchronicities are amazing..... just have to see how things pans out...... oh to be a Virgo !!!!

Now to pick a vid..... beaches and tropical islands.... I think she would give more than just "good vibrations".... but enjoy anyway hehehe

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