Thursday 20 March 2014

Oh the Equinox - non-football update

Most of the news revolves mainly around Caroline as things are progressing rather quickly here....

Tomorrow is the Autumn Equinox, where the day and the night is of equal length. Known in Paganism as "Mabon". In the Northern Hemisphere it is the Spring Equinox, known as Ostara, rather similar to Easter, eggs and bunnies are involved, being symbols of fertility. Actually the word "Easter" is derived from the Babylonian fertility Goddess "Ishtar" which is pronounced as "Easter", and traditions also involves eggs and bunnies - all a common thread, though Ostara is more from Celtic and some Northern European traditions, while Ishtar is Babylonian.

However here in the Southern Hemisphere it is Mabon, from whence the nights becomes longer than the days, winter is getting near. There are energies involved with these times, which is why Pagans celebrate these days. They utilize the energies of these times. Here in Perth the peak of the Equinox, when the Sun is directly above the equator, is 12:57AM Friday morning - that is tonight at the time of the writing of this blog.

Anyway.... things are most definitely moving ahead with Caroline and I..... In regards to the Mauritian, I think my decision is more than vindicated. Just before Caroline came into my life, I was chatting with Tina, and she mentioned about her multi-lingual skills, being about to speak no less than 5 languages. So I suggested that she could perhaps teach me one of the languages. Next thing, she buzzed me back a msg with just a charge rate per hour tutoring time. Now when MONEY is involved it always raises red flags!!! Money is indeed the root of all evil. OK I thought, fair enough, this is obviously what she does for a bit of extra cash. However if I was so "special" to her then why treat me as just one of her customers? That really spoiled the mood to say the least, but at the time I chose to just ignore it. However, since Caroline came along and I changed my FaceBook relationship status from "widowed" to "in a relationship", it didn't take long for Tina to move on, indeed chatting up on one of my FaceBook friends. It is fine by me.

Caroline however, she hardly even mentions the word "money". But evidently she or at least her family are doing very well for themselves, they actually own several properties. And well in a place like India where a fair proportion of the population are homeless or living in run down slums, this would make her family seems more akin to the Rhineharts!! So money is definitely NOT an issue here! If Caroline wanted to come to Australia, she doesn't need a man to pay her way. Indeed some of her relatives ARE in Australia, albeit in the Melbourne region. But as I mentioned before, she also has church friends here in Perth. Anyway Caroline mentioned that WHEN I come to India, I would be staying at her Mother's guest house, apparently a separate abode on the estate where she lives. And her mother approves of me! That's a major plus!! Indians are very traditional, their families tends to be close, and they respect each other viewpoints. It's not like us Westerners who tends to do as we please, meet and marry whomsoever we please regardless of whether parents or family members approves. So at least I won her mother's approval.

Enter her rather protective brother. He added himself to my chat app, and began to chat with me, and it was clear that he was scrutinizing me to see if I am good enough for Caroline. It is most understandable given that her husband is downright abusive to the point of causing her injuries, he wants to make sure I am not like that. There is no reason why he shouldn't approve of me, except for possibly one issue. Her family are very devoutly Christian, moreso than even Sally! While I do to some extent resonate generally with the Light intent of some Christians, even if they often fail to live up to expectations, I am certainly not a devout Christian. Although it seems I be going back to church on at least a semi-regular basis. But I am a star seed first, it is what my soul is. And I am a Light Worker, that is what we decide to do. Indeed many Christians are Light Worker, but you just don't have to be in a religion to be a Light Worker. We simply do to add Light to this planet through our deeds. And I am an Earth Angel, it is my soul calling, related to being a Light Worker. These are my 5D tags. My 3D tag is indeed be Christian, for I DO embrace the one that is Jesus, whom we call Sananda in star seed terms - highly Ascended Master, indeed Divinity. So yes for all intensive purposes I AM a Christian. And I DO believe the Bible in it's original pre-Nicene format. I just don't embrace the 3rd dimension doctrines of the church. Many aspects however are akin to the 5th dimension. The Christian "rapture" is akin to the Ascension into the 5th dimension. The Trinity relates to the Egyptian legend of the 3-star system of Sirius, three stars that appears as just one star in the sky, and a part of my soul journey includes the Sirian star system. The "born again" experience is akin to the star seed activation ritual, which I have performed. Prayer is what we call energy exchanges, the 3D to 5D or higher connection. Indeed we do have much in common. Evidently it is a part of my calling to raise vibration within a Christian setting, specifically, Charismatic Renewal where spiritual phenomenon do occur which tends to suggest that vibrations are already higher. However star seed is NOT a religion, it is simply who we are. While one can BECOME a Christian, you cannot simply "become" a star seed - you're either a star seed or you're not. We are at one time simply awakened to this fact, we discover that we are star seeds. But it is something intrinsic in our souls from the very beginning.

And Caroline seems to accept my other beliefs, or at least tolerate them.  But the same cannot be necessarily said of her brother. However I am who I am...... and I will not change for anyone, though there is scope for compromise with Caroline. Afterall anyone who waits 15 years for me deserves my respect at the very least!!! This makes her better than our Jewish patriarch Jacob who waited only 14 years to marry the love of his life!!

Anyway I guess we shall see how all this will pan out.........

Caroline in one of her traditional dress..... there are different names for each particular dress, I forget the names of them, but they do look good on her ;)

Now the vid.... a random one here.... well relatively random..... for I do indeed believe in angels......

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