Sunday 30 March 2014

Round 2 - Those Weevils !!!!!

Uhhh those bloody Weevils they're on top of the ladder now!!!..... DANG!!!.... now we will never hear the end of it here.... Weevils this, Weevils that, Weevils for the flag..... sickening!! *sigh*.... This is only the 2nd Round, someone needs to give those Weevils a reality check!!!!

Well I did end up with three points today, leaving me with a 6-9 record for Round 2, however, many did better, so I actually dropped 7 places in our competition, down to 38 from 46 members, that is the bottom 12%. This is DEFINITELY not going to be my year, it be a miracle if I even make it into the top half, that is, 23rd or higher, let alone top 6. Uh well..... just take it week by week.....

So it seems all results today were as expected. The Puddy Cats had a good win over the Lions. Those bloody Weevils did win by a large margin but the Demons are so hopeless anyway, probably won't get far this year either. Let's see how good the Weevils will be when they play an actual TOP 8 team, they just struck it lucky with the draw so far. And well the Skippies did win as expected over the Bulldogs.

Next week the Weevils will play another bottom team, the Saints, so the delusions will continue for yet another week...... *sigh*

Saturday 29 March 2014

Round 2 - Should have picked the Maggies

Oh so many regrets in my life..... Entering a relationship with Barbara, getting into too much debt after breaking up with Barbara, failing to realise 15 years ago that Caroline liked me, and.... not picking the Maggies to beat Sydney!! Uh well.... that lack of a Tardis strikes again....... *sigh*

The Saints beat the Giants, so that's one close game that didn't go my way. However I did pick correctly the other close game, Port over Adelaide, only that it didn't turn out quite so close so it doesn't really count. Freo did win as expected...... and the Maggies, I guess there is life in them yet! Not gonna be like the Weevils who crows that they will finish in the Top 8 just cos they happen to win a match last week!! I still be surprised if the Maggies make it into the Top 8, but not as surprised as prior to this evening's match!!

So now with an even 3-3 record so far, not too bad I suppose, what will tomorrow bring.......

The Lions and the Puddy Cats, probably closer than what everyone expects, but I still picked the Puddy Cats.

Those bloody Weevils..... haaaa poor ole Weevils having to travel all the way to Melbourne just to play a match against the Demons..... but I suppose I should pick them since the TAB odds are short, and the TAB can't be biased cos they'd lose money if they were biased.

Last but not least..... Western Bulldogs and the Skippies.... not sure about that one, they both pretty hopeless, but I'd say the Skippies not quite so hopeless but it will depend on the mood of either team on the day.

Probably most likely to get only one pick tomorrow...... this is looking like the worst year on record.... but we shall wait and see week by week..... a top half finish is what I aim for.....

Friday 28 March 2014

Round 2 - Is there hope yet?

Well I would not have believed it if I hadn't read it in the papers..... or online as the case may be..... but I actually managed to pick a close match! I would have liked to think the Hawks would win but knew it would be a close match with the Bombers..... and well.... the Hawks did indeed win!!!! So at this time, my success rate at picking close matches runs at 50% as expected - not counting Round 1 results cos they are so hard to pick anyway. So currently running at a reasonable 1-1....

So what will happen today..... as I attempt to look into my very cloudy crystal ball...... hmmm......

The Saints and the Giants..... that's another potentially close one, could go either way. I actually picked the Giants.... toss of the coin.... only time will tell if I made the right choice.

Next!!!.... Port Adelaide and the Crows..... rivalry here..... another close match..... one would hope that if I miss the Saints/Giants match then I may prove correct on my tip for the Powers here.

Freo and Gold Coast at Pattersons.... one would think a no brainer, should be the Dockers in a canter.... but as Mother would say, there is no certainty in football..... but going on probability theory, it's likely the Dockers will prevail.

Last but not least..... the Maggies against the Swanees in Sydney..... I would hate to say this..... but it ain't gonna be the Maggies year. It might be my year in certain other ways but none related to football..... and so I will have to pick the Swanees..... I hope I am wrong.... but I don't think I will be...... *sigh*

Thursday 27 March 2014

Round 2 - Oh to sing the Blues.....

Oh singing the Blues for another diabolical season ahead.... cos.... Dang!!!! I picked bloody Carlton and so of course they would get beaten!! Looks like the curse of the close matches will dog me once again, that I will lose out on the close matches by significant more than the expected 50%, it happens every season..... *sigh*.....

Anyway lets move on from that catastrophe...... to tomorrow's - Friday night's - match. The Hawks and the Bombers. That one could go either way too so early in the season. While Round 1 is almost impossible to pick, Round 2 is only slightly easier, indeed you need into at least Round 4 to be able to gauge team form. Well this is only Round 2 and it looks like I am destined to stare down the barrel of two misses in the first two match setting up a catastrophic Round 2 ensuring that I remain in the bottom 30%. Whoever I pick out of Hawthorn and Essendon, the other team will win, so I will do someone a service.... I will pick the Hawks.

Round 2 - Worst Possible Match for first up pick!!!!

The match is more than likely in progress as I write this but I am blissfully unaware of the progress scores, having just got back from my walk and organics grocer, and not turned on TV nor any devices aside from this computer and straight to this blog. This is gonna be my habit for Thurs and Fri matches, with me going for my walk, and the time differences with the east coast where most of the matches are played......

Firstly.... my score is looking a lot better than it should. Apparently there was a computer glitch on the first weekend of Round 1 and not everyone could submit their picks, so the website, or rather the person(s) behind the website, awarded everyone 4 points regardless of whom they picked. So instead of 4-9, my score thanks to this glitch is 7-9, looks way better but EVERYONE has been given those 4 points so my relative ranking, that is a dismal bottom 30%, is still the same, due mainly to the infernal points variance!!

Anyway.....Richmond and Carlton!! This is the worst possible match to have first up with a point variance nomination attached!! This is so ANYONE's match, so evenly matched, it will literally depend on who's in the best moods for the night!! Indeed I can't even remember who I picked but won't check just yet in case I get glimpse of progress scores.... but I think I may have picked Richmond..... I do know I have given a variance of just 10 points, so if my pick is not correct then it will minimize the damage, and it is unlikely to be a one side matched, it could very well go down to the wire, especially since I think the forecast is usual Melbourne weather - rain!! Oooops I didn't say that..... here as we bask in another sunny day here! hehehe!!

We'll know later tonight how this panned out..............

Monday 24 March 2014

Spiritual Experiences

Oh I finally did it!! For the first time in I guess 4 to 5 years I actually went to CHURCH!!! A Friday night meeting at "Without Walls", a Charismatic Renewal church where I had been before 4 to 5 years ago with Sally. So what's an ascending to aspiring 5D star seeded soul like me doing in such a 3D place??

Well it did earn definite brownie points with Caroline's brother! There was a message from him when I gotten back from church, and we chatted about my experiences at the church, and yes he definitely approves of me. This combined with a family crisis over the weekend, where I worked with him to help Caroline cope with it, well definitely earned lots of brownie points!! Indian families are very closely knit together. For there to be any future with an Indian lady, it is essential to get on with her family!! And this it seems am managing to achieve with Caroline's devoutly Christian family.

Ohhhh the things I do for love...... *sigh*

This is by no means the ONLY reason why I went to church last Friday, but it was certainly significant. The other significant reason being my quietly persistent little cousin - Lucinda. It mostly began at that barbecue a few weeks ago at the Dawes-Smith that I wrote about here, really the only devout Christian members of the family - well unless we also count the devoutly Catholic couple - Justin and Mandy. This was long before I knew Caroline even existed, well I knew she existed 15 years ago, but unbeknown to me at the time of that fateful barbecue, memories of Caroline was safely hidden away in the deepest recesses of my mind, destined to be spectacularly re-awakened a few weeks later!!!!  It was with some form of trepidation that I had attended the barbecue, being so different to my family that I seriously considered getting a DNA test done to see if I am even related to them!!!

However it was mostly Lucinda who took the time to chat with me, and it soon became obvious that she is most devoutly Christian who attended the same church as I did a few years ago "Without Walls" and was at the same point of the spiritual pathway as I was 10 years ago - she is about 10 years my junior - so who am I to judge. But not only attend near to every meeting at Without Walls, but studying to do ministry work in prisons, and spend a lot of time helping people. And well while every Star Seed is a Light Worker, well not every Light Worker is a star seed. Many Light Workers are found in religion, though it's possible that a few of them are as yet to be awakened star seeds.

Anyway she invited me to the church.... and well to cut a long story short, by the end of the barbecue, I actually warmed to the idea of actually visiting the church, though made it clear in my mind that it will be just for a visit, not to be regularly attending church again. I am a star seed, an awakened soul headed for 5D, I surely would not have much time for such a 3D phenomenon as religion!!

And so over the next few weeks Lucinda would txt me inviting me to the church, and I'd promise I would go, but something would always crop up, and I end up not going.

Now Caroline came back into my life. 15 years ago, when I was myself a devout Christian at a Charismatic Renewal church, New Day Ministries, before I even knew about star seeds, Caroline was one of my best penfriends, herself devoutly Christian. Little did I know that she actually "liked" me back then. I thought she was just a good friend. Then we lost contact. I met Sally, married her, she got sick, my soul got awakened, discovered my star seed origins, moving towards 5D, Sally died, and spending the next 12 months grappling with life without Sally and being single again...... then Caroline finds me again, and I learned that she has been waiting for me for 15 years!!!! And this time we really fell in love. Afterall a woman who waits for me for 15 years deserves my respect and MUCH more!!!! And I found myself WANTING to go back to church. So I took up on Lucinda's invitation, and I txt her saying I WILL be there. Lucinda must have thought all her Xmases must have come at once - I FINALLY agree to attend church.

Then Friday came.... was chatting to Caroline in the morning on my phone app as I do EVERY morning... then suddenly for the first time ever my phone crashed!!! It just froze!! And being one of those new phones, as with most newer phones these days, you can't simply remove the battery, it is embedded inside the device, and there is no reset button. This is obviously designed so that you would have to take it to the shop which can only mean $$$$$ to the company. But me a stubborn Virgo there was no way I was gonna do that if I can possibly help it. The phone was frozen and the screen display was still on, so it be just a matter of time before the battery runs down. But being fully charged, it would be a while before this happens. Meanwhile I was frantic with worry about Caroline wondering what had happened to me. I was at work, so gotten on my work computer to get on FaceBook to send her a msg about what had happened - she wasn't online.

Well I managed to get a hold of her during my morning tea break via FaceBook..... so at least she knew what was going on.... but I still had no idea when the battery would run down. Since the screen was frozen, the battery indicator on the screen was also frozen. As far as I was concerned, it could be several days before the battery would run down. Nevertheless I was determined not to give any shop any of my hard earned $$$$$S's

After work the phone was still frozen, so I didn't go for my walk. I don't like to go anywhere on my own without my phone in case in any emergency I would need to contact someone. EG if the car breaks down. However I had promised Lucinda that I would be at church, so I still made plans to go to the church.

Then about an hour or so before I was due to leave for church, the phone screen went blank..... yay finally!!!! the battery run down!!!!.... So I plugged it into the charger.... and when there was sufficient charge, a few percentage, I switched it on..... and much to my relief the problem was resolved!!! I was able to use my phone again. But it would need to be charged before I can take it anywhere..... and with only an hour to go before I must be at church, I wasn't sure if there be enough charge by then.

Well just as I was finally ready to walk out the door, I checked the phone, was a little over 50% charged, so decided it was sufficient to last me through the 2 to 3 hours of the church meeting.

When I arrived at the church location, the parking lot was full...... except for one single bay..... which I took!!! I saw that as a sign that I was meant to be there. Lucinda was really pleased to see me there. It was kinda surreal being back at church, but at the same time I really enjoyed it, and being a spirit sensitive, I actually experienced some physical manifestations. Afterall spiritual phenomenon DO happen at Charismatic Renewal churches. That was why I was drawn to such churches in the first place, and even after my awakening, I continued to attend church for several years, I thought mostly to appease Sally.... and so when Sally became too sick to attend church, I saw it as an excuse to finally move on from church......

But it seems the universe had other ideas......

Star Seeds are sent to this planet for a purpose..... to raise the vibrations of this planet..... and it seems for me, a part of this is some regular involvement with the church.... to raise its vibration, or at least a few of the souls currently within the church..... afterall I guess there was a reason why I spent so many years in the church..... I thought these were wasted years..... but in the grand scheme of things, in the universal purpose, there are no "wasted years" - all things happens for a reason......

And I did share with Lucinda about Caroline, and showed her pic on my phone, and Lucinda was so pleased for me, she was so happy. Lucinda knew what I went through with Sally's death. She was the first and indeed the only family member to visit me after Sally's death.... but kept her distance the first few months, not pushing for me to attend church..... it was only after the barbecue that she was inviting me to attend church, little did she know that Caroline was destined to come into my life just a few weeks later!! None of my other family members, Debra and etc, does not know yet, and I don't plan on telling them..... say if I go to India I won't tell them until the last minute, or if she comes here, I'd just turn up on their doostep with her and they will be so shocked!!!!! hahaha!!!!!!

So I will for the time being be attending church each Friday night at Without Walls..... meanwhile, waiting for things to unfold between Caroline and me..... much still has to happen before we finally meet.... but life changing events often happens around Passover. Last year Sally's death occurred right on the Full Moon of Passover last year. This year Passover begins April 15, and well Caroline re-entered my life during this month of March. So it remains to be seen if anything happens around Passover. Life changing events happens about a month on either side of Passover - such as, starting my job in the public sector in April 1989, my trip to America in May 1998, my conversion to Christianity in May 1983, and my first visit to New Day in April 1987.

Meanwhile we having to deal with Caroline's abusive husband. This another piece of synchronicity, dealing with abuse victims. First the 8 years of hell when I was abused by Colin from age 5 through to 12, and witnessing my Mother being abused by the same creature calling himself a "man". Then Sally was abused by her 1st husband to the point that he nearly murdered her through strangulation. And now Caroline's husband abuses her on a regular basis, some of the incidences would make your hair stand on end, it is a wonder she is still alive, but she was also nearly murdered by him. Some of the abuse is worse than what Colin did to us. But due to both Indian tradition and her devoutly Christian beliefs, she remains committed to the marriage. It is only after she found me again that she now considers ending the marriage, and she seems certain the marriage would soon end. However due to Indian tradition, it is not "proper" for the woman to initiate the divorce.

Her husband is a fly-in fly-out worker, a month on an oil rig and a month off back at home. So she contacted me and our relationship blossomed during his current month on the rig. Among his acts of abuses he forces her to have abortions or would hit her in the tummy so she have miscarriages, and she had one miscarriage the previous month, which prompted her to try contact me again. In spite of this, she managed to bring two children to survival, so she does have two children - a teen girl, and a slightly younger boy. Anyway as abusive husbands goes, he spies on her, and it turned out he had planted secret apps on her phone so he could keep track of her conversations. So unbeknown to both of us, he had been keeping track of our chats on the phone. Meanwhile he visits prostitutes and sleeps with both men and woman, and he openly does so, does not try to hide it from her. The marriage is a horror story to end horror stories, this is just only skimming the surface here!!! His month on the rig is due to end this week, he is due back for the month beginning this Wednesday - ironically the day prior to the anniversary of Sally's death.

So this past weekend he phoned her revealing that he knows what is going on between us as he had been keeping track, and when he returns, hell is gonna break loose. But fortunately she has very helpful family members who likes me and wants for us to be together. Her brother is also a techie, so he was able to reformat her phone to remove the spy apps and change passwords. And she has taken her passport and some of her belongings to her brother's house. So it seems the end to the marriage is near. So we shall see how it all pans out, but his month at home includes Passover so perhaps something will happen then. She will not initiate the divorce due to her strong Christian beliefs and Indian traditions, but I think members of her family, also similarly devout Christians, are wanting for her to do so - initiate the divorce or at least the separation - they seen how close to death she had been. Either way something IS going to happen.

Here's an appropriate song for a woman who waited 15 years for me!!!!!...

Sunday 23 March 2014

Round 1 - Those bloody Weevils

OK I knew the Weevils would win which is why I most reluctantly picked them, but now they thrashed the Bulldogs we're never going to hear the end of it now...... They're going to so rave on about those bloody Weevils, that they will make the Top 8, and even win the Premiership!! Let's get real here!!! Someone in desperate need of Weevil reality check!! The match result is NOT indicative of how "good" the Weevils are, but how utterly useless the Bulldogs are!! They won't do any good this year. THAT is why the Weevils won!!

Anyway I end up with a 4-9 result, not the required 50% needed for me to stay in the hunt for a top 6 finish therefore prize money. So the curse of Mother's death will continue, not winning any prize whatsoever since Mother's death. I am indeed ranked at 31 from the 44 members of our office competition, a catastrophic bottom 30%.

Now the catastrophe that is the 2014 season continues...... Round 2 later.....

Saturday 22 March 2014

Round 1 - The Curse set to continue

Well I knew it would happen, that I would not get the required 4-5 result thanks to the Saints. The best I could expect now is 3-5 but could be as low as 2-5, but either way I will not get the required 50% correct for the difficult Round 1 that I would need in order to keep alive my chances of finishing in the top 6 hence prize money. And so the curse of Mother's death is destined to continue, that after winning prize money each year up to Mother's death, I have not won a prize since her death. So while 2014 is likely to be a good year in other areas, it certainly will not be a good year in regards to football. It will be a Maggie down year, they may not make it into the Top 8, and I will not make it into the top 6 in the office tipping. Results will be purely academic, and it will only be a matter of whether I manage to move from the bottom half into the top half, for in spite of the curse, I have always finished in the top half. It will be bottom half after this Round 1, only a matter of how far into the bottom half I find myself.

This brings me to the much despised Weevils..... grrrrrr..... I so hate them..... Everyone here in the biased west thinks they will finish in the Top 8. They're in desperate need of reality checks!! I must however most extremely grudgingly admit that the Weevils are likely to beat the Bulldogs, but it will be a very close match, less than a goal in it. If by some freak out that they thrash the Bulldogs or win by more than 5 goals, we will never hear the end of it here, all crowing that the Weevils will finish in the Top 8 and even win a Premiership!! No way in hell!!!! No way ever!!!!!

At least I am realistic about the Maggies..... I do acknowledge that they're likely not to make it into the Top 8..... not like those extremely delusional Weevils fans!!!

Friday 21 March 2014

Round 1 - Hindsight is way over rated!!!!!

OK OK OK.... I know I should have picked the Bombers.... I humbly acknowledge the errors of my ways.... but what can ya say it is only 1st round, and one can never pick 1st round matches anyway..... As it is said, Hindsight is a good teacher but it just doesn't come with a Tardis!!! If I DID have a Tardis then I'd win every tipping comp.... but since I don't.... well not a working copy anyway..... hence my currently dismal showing.....

My Tardis.... unfortunately not a working model !!!!!

Now i used up my one allowed point..... need to pick correctly the next three..... there's more chance of the Pope approving gay marriages in the church than this happening..... uhh well...... so what does the future hold.... well today anyway..... where's my crystal ball..... uhhhh i have no intuition crystals.....

The Hawks at home to the Lions..... who can tell?.... everyone picking Hawthorn.... and they seem a more likely prospect..... go with the flow here......

The Saints and the Demons..... ha how ironic hehe..... One of those matches you can't go on last year's form.... Melbourne were crap last year but probably will do better this year..... no team stays crap for ever.... except the Weevils!!!! hahaha!!!!!..... Gonna turn to the dark side and go with the Demons...... 666 the number of the beast !!!

The Weevils..... I shall deal with them tomorrow...... have to get my piranhas prepared first.....

Thursday 20 March 2014

Round 1 - One down Four to go!!!

Well very encouraging..... my first tip came up correct, the Puddy Cats did indeed prevail over the Crows. It was indeed in the end a good win for Geelong.

So now need 3-1, slightly more probably but still very unlikely, so definitely not getting carried away here, given that last week my first tip came up correct only to have the next three down the drain.

Tomorrow's match is harder to pick. The Skippies and the Bombers. Will the Bombers bounce back after a very traumatic season last year? Or will they bomb out while the Skippies skip all over them?

Now if I pick the Skippies and the Bombers win, I know what will be said, I should have picked the Bombers!! But if I pick the Bombers, the Skippies are sure to win!! So either way I am not gonna win. So let's go with the majority albeit a somewhat slim majority. The Skippies it will be for me.

Saturday's match to be mused on...... Saturday :)

Oh the Equinox - non-football update

Most of the news revolves mainly around Caroline as things are progressing rather quickly here....

Tomorrow is the Autumn Equinox, where the day and the night is of equal length. Known in Paganism as "Mabon". In the Northern Hemisphere it is the Spring Equinox, known as Ostara, rather similar to Easter, eggs and bunnies are involved, being symbols of fertility. Actually the word "Easter" is derived from the Babylonian fertility Goddess "Ishtar" which is pronounced as "Easter", and traditions also involves eggs and bunnies - all a common thread, though Ostara is more from Celtic and some Northern European traditions, while Ishtar is Babylonian.

However here in the Southern Hemisphere it is Mabon, from whence the nights becomes longer than the days, winter is getting near. There are energies involved with these times, which is why Pagans celebrate these days. They utilize the energies of these times. Here in Perth the peak of the Equinox, when the Sun is directly above the equator, is 12:57AM Friday morning - that is tonight at the time of the writing of this blog.

Anyway.... things are most definitely moving ahead with Caroline and I..... In regards to the Mauritian, I think my decision is more than vindicated. Just before Caroline came into my life, I was chatting with Tina, and she mentioned about her multi-lingual skills, being about to speak no less than 5 languages. So I suggested that she could perhaps teach me one of the languages. Next thing, she buzzed me back a msg with just a charge rate per hour tutoring time. Now when MONEY is involved it always raises red flags!!! Money is indeed the root of all evil. OK I thought, fair enough, this is obviously what she does for a bit of extra cash. However if I was so "special" to her then why treat me as just one of her customers? That really spoiled the mood to say the least, but at the time I chose to just ignore it. However, since Caroline came along and I changed my FaceBook relationship status from "widowed" to "in a relationship", it didn't take long for Tina to move on, indeed chatting up on one of my FaceBook friends. It is fine by me.

Caroline however, she hardly even mentions the word "money". But evidently she or at least her family are doing very well for themselves, they actually own several properties. And well in a place like India where a fair proportion of the population are homeless or living in run down slums, this would make her family seems more akin to the Rhineharts!! So money is definitely NOT an issue here! If Caroline wanted to come to Australia, she doesn't need a man to pay her way. Indeed some of her relatives ARE in Australia, albeit in the Melbourne region. But as I mentioned before, she also has church friends here in Perth. Anyway Caroline mentioned that WHEN I come to India, I would be staying at her Mother's guest house, apparently a separate abode on the estate where she lives. And her mother approves of me! That's a major plus!! Indians are very traditional, their families tends to be close, and they respect each other viewpoints. It's not like us Westerners who tends to do as we please, meet and marry whomsoever we please regardless of whether parents or family members approves. So at least I won her mother's approval.

Enter her rather protective brother. He added himself to my chat app, and began to chat with me, and it was clear that he was scrutinizing me to see if I am good enough for Caroline. It is most understandable given that her husband is downright abusive to the point of causing her injuries, he wants to make sure I am not like that. There is no reason why he shouldn't approve of me, except for possibly one issue. Her family are very devoutly Christian, moreso than even Sally! While I do to some extent resonate generally with the Light intent of some Christians, even if they often fail to live up to expectations, I am certainly not a devout Christian. Although it seems I be going back to church on at least a semi-regular basis. But I am a star seed first, it is what my soul is. And I am a Light Worker, that is what we decide to do. Indeed many Christians are Light Worker, but you just don't have to be in a religion to be a Light Worker. We simply do to add Light to this planet through our deeds. And I am an Earth Angel, it is my soul calling, related to being a Light Worker. These are my 5D tags. My 3D tag is indeed be Christian, for I DO embrace the one that is Jesus, whom we call Sananda in star seed terms - highly Ascended Master, indeed Divinity. So yes for all intensive purposes I AM a Christian. And I DO believe the Bible in it's original pre-Nicene format. I just don't embrace the 3rd dimension doctrines of the church. Many aspects however are akin to the 5th dimension. The Christian "rapture" is akin to the Ascension into the 5th dimension. The Trinity relates to the Egyptian legend of the 3-star system of Sirius, three stars that appears as just one star in the sky, and a part of my soul journey includes the Sirian star system. The "born again" experience is akin to the star seed activation ritual, which I have performed. Prayer is what we call energy exchanges, the 3D to 5D or higher connection. Indeed we do have much in common. Evidently it is a part of my calling to raise vibration within a Christian setting, specifically, Charismatic Renewal where spiritual phenomenon do occur which tends to suggest that vibrations are already higher. However star seed is NOT a religion, it is simply who we are. While one can BECOME a Christian, you cannot simply "become" a star seed - you're either a star seed or you're not. We are at one time simply awakened to this fact, we discover that we are star seeds. But it is something intrinsic in our souls from the very beginning.

And Caroline seems to accept my other beliefs, or at least tolerate them.  But the same cannot be necessarily said of her brother. However I am who I am...... and I will not change for anyone, though there is scope for compromise with Caroline. Afterall anyone who waits 15 years for me deserves my respect at the very least!!! This makes her better than our Jewish patriarch Jacob who waited only 14 years to marry the love of his life!!

Anyway I guess we shall see how all this will pan out.........

Caroline in one of her traditional dress..... there are different names for each particular dress, I forget the names of them, but they do look good on her ;)

Now the vid.... a random one here.... well relatively random..... for I do indeed believe in angels......

Round 1 continues......

Hmmmm...... the match is probably already started but I just gotten home and have not seen any progress results...... so this is my musings as if before the match.

The Puddy Cats against the Crows, the match being in the Puddy Cat's lair..... One would think that the Puddy Cats should prevail but after the catastrophes of last week it is a good think I don't put any money on these matches!!!!!

But given that I need at least a 4-5 result to keep me in the tipping comp with some hope of turning around the recent past trends, something which is just not going to happen, this match is one of at least three that I need a correct tip on.

So will have to go with the Puddy Cats based on home ground advantage.......

Sunday 16 March 2014

Round 1 - Things are looking grim.... very grim....

Hmmmm..... things are looking grim..... things are looking very grim.... here cometh the Grimmmm..... Greyyyyyy....... Go-o-o-o-o-o-d.......

Just a line from my fav vid game..... even if I hadn't played it for a while due to being with my Indian princess virtually 24/7.... ok not quite that much but a lot..... not that I mind..... I rather enjoy the attention.... umm.... anyway......

OK I know it is notoriously difficult to pick 1st round matches but this is utterly diabolical. Not only the Maggies lost by a large margin but I am left with a catastrophic 1-4 result. And as if to rub salt into these open woulds, my only success is the Maggies loss - I knew the Maggies would lose so I submitted my tip accordingly! That was my only point for this very dark weekend.

Given it is so difficult to pick 1st rounds, I was hoping for about 50% success rate for me to remain on track for prize money. Now is THAT too much to ask for?? A 50% success rate given that each individual tip is 50/50? It's like tossing a coin, you expect approx 50% heads and 50% tails. So was it too much to ask for 50% success in the 1st round??? Well to the universe it seems so.

Now for me to get the necessary 50% success rate, well actually 56% due to it being 9 matches per round, I will need a minimum of a 4-5 score during next weekend's round.

There are certain things on this planet that is just not going to happen. Such as, the Russians giving up their desires for Crimea, the Jews and Palestinians peacefully coexisting, the Pope approving of Gay marriages in the Church, and me getting the required 4-5 score on 1st round picks!!! So it seems that despite improvements in other areas of my life, my dismal tipping record since Mother's death seems destined to continue. That as we know, I have always won prize money every year up until Mother's death, but no prize money whatsoever since Mother's death. 2014 seems destined to be a continuation of this dismal record.

Of course the improvements in my life corresponds to the crystals that I have in my possession. Most of my crystals deals with health issues, emotions, calmness, and protection..... as well as that infernal Rose Quartz crystal!! My health improving, feeling slightly more calm, have not as many bad dreams, and that Rose Quartz changing my love fortunes far beyond even the most optimistic of expectations. It's not that crystals in themselves does anything, all they do is send out vibrations. Akin to a candle sending out light. A candle itself doesn't do anything, all it does is send out light. And so are the crystals, all they do is send out vibrations. It's just that the particular vibrations of a little piece of pinkish stone a little over an inch long and 1/2 inch wide has worked to initiate the most profound changes in my love life, even allowing for the fact that Virgos are no good at relationships!!!

However I have no intuition crystals, that is, I don't have any crystals that helps with intuition. Therefore things requiring a certain level of intuition, such as, football tipping, remains subject to misfortunes and curses from other sources.

So in spite of the 2014 tipping being a lost cause, these football musings will still be composed.... cos I HATE the Weevils with an unquenchable passion and I need an outlet to release my frustrations in regards to Weevils. Especially when tipsters have Weevil bias and they all think the Weevils will finish in the top 8. They are the most over rated team in the competition. But in reality they are nothing but tiny little Weevils that are good only to be fed to Piranhas. There is a desperate need for Weevil reality checks, and I am more than glad to do my part to help in Weevil reality checks! Forget the top 8, it's just not gonna happen, and I am NOT sorry about that!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... where are those Piranhas!!!!!

OK that's my frustration released..... now to remember the first match of the 2nd half of Round 1 is on THURSDAY...... watch this space......

Saturday 15 March 2014

Round 1 - Black Saturday

Oh those solar flares! This was indeed a black Saturday which could seal my fate for this seasons tipping comp. First Round picks are always very difficult cos we have little to go on. The pre-season form is no reliable indicator, and you certainly can't go on last year's form. Thus its little more than guesswork. So a score of over 50% would be considered necessary so to stay in contention for the very elusive prizes at the end, exceedingly elusive since Mother's death. Therefore a score of at least 5 is needed. This black Saturday was no help whatsoever.

Granted that the Giants win was unexpected even for a 1st Round game so unlikely anyone else would have picked them. I forget that it rains elsewhere in the country! LOL! Never rains here! LOL!..... quite a comeback in those last few minutes!!!

However the Sun's win was not so unexpected. I said I would not have been surprised to see them win, and well I wasn't.

So we have just one lonely little point from three matches so far. To stay on track for the at least 50% score I will need a win for the final game of this weekend. Carlton and Port Adelaide. We work on the probability theory that there be likely one or two "upsets" each round, that is, one or two matches where the team not expected to win will win. However there are always a few matches that are hard to pick, too evenly matched. Probably about four or five matches each round would come under that category. So need a 50% minimum score from the total of such matches, 2 from 4, or 3 from 5.

Well the Giant's win fulfilled one of the "upsets", while the Sun's win fulfilled one of the "hard to pick" matches. That one I missed. Tomorrow's match - Carlton and Port Adelaide is the 2nd of such matches, hard to pick. It's a home match for Carlton, so perhaps should go with them. Indeed it seems to be the contention of the majority of tipsters. Given that we missed the Sun's win, this makes it more probable that we may be successful in our tips for Carlton. It's like you toss a coin and you get a tails, so more likely to get a head on the next toss. However, a tail still could occur, indeed it is not so rare. And so I be sweating on the Carlton result. Carlton wins, my tipping remains on track. Carlton loses, and I will need 4 points from the remaining 5 matches to keep my tipping on track - very unlikely!!!!!!

So while my life may be improving in significant other areas, it remains to be seen if the football results will improve with it. It seems certain it will NOT be the Maggies year, indeed a very dry year for the Maggies, gonna be one of their down years, may not even make the finals. However there is still hope for the tipping however slim it appears to be at this point in time..... a 1-3 results right now.

Friday 14 March 2014

Round 1 - Those poor ole Maggies

Yeah I admit it..... I did not pick the Maggies..... I humbly acknowledged that Freo were most likely to win this match..... and therefore I did pick them...... only that I was way too optimistic on that infernal points variance. I nominated only 20 points, the winning margin was.... ummm....... 70 points.... oooops!! Now that infernal points variance begins with 50 for me. Uh well at least my current score stands at 1-1, that is, 1 point from a possible 1 point thus far.

Now lets see if this perfect record will last......

So the Giants and Sydney Swans.... in Sydney.... can't remember if there is still daylight savings over there so it's either fixin to start now or in an hours time.... but in any case probably leaning towards Sydney.... as does 100% of the tipsters in the paper ;) Not prepared to buck the trend, so Sydney for me.

The Suns and the Tigers..... not so easy to pick in my viewpoint..... hmmmm...... probably leaning towards Richmond though it is a Suns home game.... I am going to be sweating on this one..... but have to pick someone I suppose...... hoping the Tigers will roar against those solar flares......


Round One - That time of year again.....

The game probably already started but I know nothing..... TV not on, my AFL app not up, no FaceBook, Twitter or any contact aside from this.....

So time to see if my crystals will work...... though I don't think I have any intuition-type crystals, I have mostly crystals for healing, protection, and similar-type things..... plus that Rose Quartz!!!! That crystal is working TOO well !!!!! Caroline - my Indian princess - has told me more of how she waited for me all those years!!! I just can't get my head around this!!!! She loved me before but due to traditions of Indian culture she didn't tell me, it was not "proper" for woman to come forward like that!! Then we lost contact.... and I go to America, marry Sally, and well you know how my life went - as through these blogs - and all that time, for 15 long years, she loved me, and at different times tried to contact me, but no success.... until this recently nearly a year since Sally's death. This alone would make me want to give my life for her...... anyway.... more on this amazing story another blog.....


So if I don't do any good in this round's tipping I blame the fact I don't have any intuition crystals!!

So the Maggies against Freo...... hmmmmm....... first round picks are so difficult to make, and this is a split round with only four games this weekend. About 80% of the tipsters are going for Freo. It is at Etihad so... well.... kinda a "home" game for the Maggies.... and well I really would like to think the Maggies will win...... indeed I will be ecstatic if the Maggies wins...... but.... well it's a toss of a coin.... maybe I need to get a pendulum from the crystals shop..... hmmmmmm..........

Tomorrow's matches.... well..... tomorrow........

Monday 10 March 2014

Rose Quartz !!

This is getting way too crazy even by my standards!!! This weekend has been utterly crazy!!

I shared about the three long lost penfriends who found me via my FaceBook account..... Mary from the east coast, Tina from Mauritius, and Caroline from India.

Mary is most happily in a relationship, and there was never any romance between us to begin with even if I did flirt with her back in my 3D days. So Mary is safe. And Caroline was I thought an even safer bet, she is it appeared happily married, more still, a very devout Christian, you could not get more devout than her. And well we were good friends back then but definitely no romance, didn't even flirt with her, even back in my 3D days.

Tina was it seemed the only one whom there be any prospect of romance, I liked her before, and well I kinda liked her now, though I am beyond my 3D existence, I was not looking for romance. I am a star seed, my focus is to help raise the vibrations of this planet, to be a Light Worker. Tina's marriage had ended, well at least they are separated, and she really likes me now. So if it was meant to happen it would happen, but, not really my priority.

Little did I know I was in for the shock of my life. Over the last few days Caroline and I started chatting to each other through Facebook Messenger, at first it was each evening. She is in India, so the time difference was not much, apparently 2 1/2 hours behind Perth, so basically evening for me was evening for her. Then we began chatting to each other at other times, even at work during my breaks, using Messenger on my cell phone.

At first we chatted about religion as well as about old times when we knew each other before. She seemed oblivious to my leanings towards star seeds, astrology and Paganism, and she still thought I was a Christian. And well, it is a part of my pathway, so these days I did give it more respect.

Then our topics slowly began to grow more personal and intimate, and it emerged that all is not well in her marriage, indeed it was the marriage from hell from the beginning. She is married to an Englishman, who typically treated Indians like dirt. He works on an oil rig so he is away for several weeks at a time, so she is left on her own with her two children. And by the weekend she began to share some of her stories with me, and it was like from a horror flick. I thought I had suffered badly through Mothers then Sally's sickness, leading to her death! Oh no! Caroline's suffering was much worse! It was the marriage from hell!!

So by the weekend we were chatting together virtually 24/7. Soon after getting back from my Saturday morning walk, we began chatting, and with only short breaks we were chatting for the rest of the day and into the evening, indeed until about 2am when I finally went to bed. She sent me loads of her pixs, another stunningly beautiful exotic woman with dark skin, dark eyes and dark hair. And well WHY was she chatting to ME and sharing all these intimate details with ME??? Well apparently she liked me back in our penfriend days. I remembered her as being a good friend, one of my better friendships by letter, but there was certainly no romance. She ceased contact with me about 1997 when her husband-to-be demanded for her to cut off all contacts with her male penfriends. Of course I went to America in 1998, got married, and Sally compelled me to cut contacts with my female penfriends. I learned however that Caroline tried to look for me again as early as 1998, when it became obvious that her marriage was a big mistake. Indeed whenever she suffered episodes of abuse from her husband, she would search online for me, but amazingly in spite of my websites, she could never find me. It was only after I set up my FaceBook page after Sally's death that she finally found me after the latest episodes of abuse.

And well it was becoming really obvious that she liked me, indeed she liked me a lot!!!! Well she is a devout Christian and married, even if the marriage was from Hell, nevertheless, I was trying to be careful not to overstep boundaries!! But as the saying goes "love happens no matter what". And well I have to say, I really liked her too!!

So into Saturday evening until 2am Sunday morning we were chatting almost non-stop.... and when I finally went to bed, she asked me to msg her as soon as I get up, in spite of the fact it be 3am her time therefore fast asleep.

I woke up early as usual and gotten ready for my walk, and when I was all set to go, I msg Caroline..... and we chatted for the next two hours! I ended up getting out late for my walk!! I finally was able to get out for my walk by 8am, but usually on weekends I be out by 6am for my walks.

After I got back from my walk, I had breakfast, did some things, then was fixin to msg Caroline and at exactly the same time she msg me!! Synchronicity!!!! So we began chatting again...... and well this was SUNDAY now so surely she be going to church, and allowing for the 2 1/2 time difference, I guessed she be going to church just after lunch my time. So I be able to mow the lawns and do a bit of yard work. Well as we were chatting, when she learned that I didn't go to church, indeed hadn't been going to church since Sally started getting sick, well.... as I said before, Caroline actually has a friend here in Perth who used to attend New Day. That in itself is a piece of synchronicity, and as I always say, there is no such creature as coincidence!! So she said she would contact this friend to suggest a church for me, given that New Day is now confined to the annals of history!! OK Universe what are you TRYING to tell me!!! I am a STAR SEED! A PAGAN!! I had been trying to get away from going to church! But through Tina and now Caroline, I am now being compelled to face up to Christianity once again!! And on top of this, on this same weekend, my cousin Lucinda txt me inviting me to HER church homegroup meeting which is apparently held even 2nd Sunday of the month.

Anyway.... by lunchtime, Caroline told me that she would NOT be going to church, she wanted to stay home so to chat with ME!!! OK things are getting SERIOUS now!!! She is more a devout Christian than Sally! She told me on more than one occasion that church was the hilight of her week, and she'd attend every meeting, prayer meeting, Bible study, etc at her church in India. So when she elected NOT to go to church so she could continue to chat with me, well that confirms she is more than just a little besotted with me!!!!! It will mean I wouldn't get any gardening nor housework done!!!

Of course I know..... it takes two to tango.... I could have said to her that I needed to get some gardening done, mow the lawns, do housework, etc..... but no I didn't.... cos I WANTED to be with Caroline.... OK I admit it.... I liked her too.... I liked her a lot..... I MORE than liked her...... I am a STAR SEED.... I am supposed to focus my calling on raising vibrations..... but here I am with a 3D woman whom I wanted to be with!!!!!!

By later in the afternoon we became.... um..... "officially" an item..... oh why do I ever get myself in such situations..... *sigh*.....

So what about the Mauritian princess.... well I liked her.... she looks like my guardian angel.... and I thought that if I was gonna be anyone then it be her..... but we never became an item. I purposely kept my distance, as I am a star seed, I have a calling.... and well I was planning on going to see her before I make any decision..... yes I was being typically Virgo.....

But could I do this with Caroline?..... no..... *sigh*.... my Virgo analytics went out the window..... and I never knew she liked me back in our penfriend days.... i knew we were good friends....but I had no inkling whatsoever that she actually liked me!!!!!

Now just PLEASE universe don't send me any more old penfriends!!!!

What is it about me that makes 3D women fall for me..... it happens all through my life.... Mother said I'd be breaking hearts.... it was really difficult when I was married to Sally..... it quite clearly said MARRIED on my profile yet I still had attention from women, even married ones, who just have to have me!!! I am certainly not Johnny Depp nor Brad Pitt.... so what can it be!!..... must be my star seeds vibes!

It is actually quite common with star seeds, our vibes seems to affect the opposite sex of 3D people.... could be partly our eyes..... the eyes of star seeds have this irresistible quality that draws people..... whatever it is causing me a lot of problems!!!!!!!!

Also all this started happening right after I bought my twin wolves and the ROSE QUARTZ crystal!!! I don't even know why I bought this particular crystal which even the store labeled as the "love crystal"!!! It's not like I was looking for anyone!!!! But it was within days of purchasing this crystal that Tina and Caroline tracked me down after between 15 and 25 years of losing contact, and both wanting me!!! Obviously I can't have both!!!! We don't live in a country that allows for multiple wives!!! And well crystals are not ascribed with intelligence, they are simply just stones, only that with particular vibrations! And Rose Quarts attracts LOVE vibrations, and it doesn't allow for the fact that one can't have more than one wife, it simply just attracts the love!!!!

And WHY am I being drawn back into the church and Christianity?? I was trying to get away from it! I am an awakened soul, a star seed, a light worker, earth angel, a contactee.... my vibrations raising..... so why being compelled apparently to take what seems to be a backward step? Back into Christianity, being compelled to go back to church.........

Well it could perhaps be to raise vibrations. Just the mere presence of an enlightened soul, whether it be star seed, indigo, rainbow, earth angel, or whatever other soul group.... just our mere presence works to raise the vibrations surrounding us. And the Charismatic Renewal church is already surrounded by high vibration souls even if many are not yet awakened, cos it is where real spiritual phenomena happens. And the spirit sensitives in such churches, who most easily manifests, are usually higher vibration souls, even star seeds, who not yet awakened. Afterall I was there once! I was involved once! My cousin Lucinda attends such a church and is wanting me to go back there. And Caroline is also Charismatic Renewal. Hmmmmm...... I am an enlightened soul so I can never go back into the church with my whole soul..... but just perhaps it is part of my calling on this planet to raise the vibrations of Christian churches......... only time will tell..... but it seems between Caroline and Lucinda, it is just a matter of time before I show up back at a church.....

But it seems a destiny that the beautiful woman pictured above would be my 2nd ever wife..... just one niggly issue to deal with first..... her current marriage which is dying an ugly death, just a matter of how long it will fight for before its death.........

As I said, Caroline has friends here in Perth, and relatives in Melbourne, and she is talking about coming here to see me this year through her contacts here......

Now other matters..... bloody typical govt!!!! Last year I claimed and received in my tax check an offset of a couple of thousands dollars for being carer for a disabled person, namely Sally. Now this past week I received mail from the ATO saying that I may have NOT been entitled to this payment, and that I would have to pay it back. At first it sent shivers down my spine as this would be a nail in my financial coffin..... until I looked at the flowchart checklist provided in the mail. First criteria is.... Is the person you claiming for any of the following - "SPOUSE, parent, child, brother/sister, etc, etc..." - a YES on this one, Sally was obviously my WIFE therefore meets the SPOUSE criteria.

Then the next criteria is.... Did the person claim any of the following "Disability Support Pension, Special Needs...., Invalidity Service" - well once again I PASSED this one, Sally was indeed on Disability Support Pension.

The final criteria was..... Did the person earn more than $9974 during the past financial year? Well Sally didn't earn a single penny, she was too sick to earn any money. So once again a PASS on that one. Since Sally earned LESS than $9974, indeed utterly ZILCH ZIT NYET $$$$$.... this was the final test.

So indeed according to the flowchart, I was indeed perfectly entitled to receive this money!!!!

However..... BLOODY TYPICAL GOVT..... because they sent me the letter, the onus of proof is on ME!!!!! If I ignore the letter, they will assume that I was not entitled to the money, and so will soon take steps to recover this money from me!! To avoid this I will have to contact them by the means set out in the letter telling them that I was indeed entitled to this claim...... and more than likely they will ask me to provide PROOF of my entitlement.

So WHY did they send me the letter in the first place? Well aside from perfectly valid conspiracy theories that since I am a star seed known on FaceBook, as well as a Contactee, and a financial supporter of environmental organisations openly critical of the govt, namely Wilderness Society and Sea Shepherd, that this would automatically place a great big red target spot on my back for govt organisations to trip me up and harass me..... another reason could be that they checked the records under Sally and couldn't find anything that she was claiming the Disability Support Pension...... well DUH!!!!!!!!!...... of course she is not currently claiming any pension!!!! She is DEAD!!!!! And not many dead people claims pensions, well they might be a few but that would come under "FRAUD!!!!"..... but it doesn't matter if the person is currently in 5D or higher, the person must be manifest 3D, in other words, physically ALIVE for to be able to claim a pension!!!! DUH!!!!! It is obvious that "intelligence" is not a criteria for one seeking to enter into govt services!!!!! They could have just clicked on a couple more spots on the computer screen that would have allowed them to trace back records over the preceding year, to find that Sally had passed away during March of the previous financial year but up until then she was indeed claiming such a pension!!!!!

But do you think they have the common sense to simply think of this very simple idea??? Of course not!!! As I say "intelligence" nor the ability to cultivate "common sense" it seems are NOT in the criteria of selection when it comes to employing govt workers!!!! That is why that instead of utilising this relatively very cheap process of checking back through pension records, they take the far more expensive option of generating a few pages of letters, documentation, addressing, and postage, to inform one that one was NOT entitled to such money - and so will have to contend with the inconvenience of proving one's entitlement of such money.

The scary thing is, even when I do meet all the criteria for eligibility they could STILL trip me up on some technicality. They could demand a particular piece of documentation that is hard to get and will cost $$$$s to obtain, or make some other rule making it impossible for me to prove my eligibility. I am clearly at the wrong end of the barrel. Well all I can do now is send them back the letter stating that I am indeed entitled to claim this money...... and wait and see what happens after that. But me and govt never get on, I am always suspicious of govt, and I would not trust govt even if my life depended on it! The simple true fact is we have no rights unless we have the $$$$s to pay expensive lawyers to give proof of our "rights".  grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........

Last but not least..... FOOTBALL!!!!! Would you believe it, the football season starts THIS weekend!!!???? Indeed THIS Friday!!!!! Sheeze it came up quickly!!!!! The first round is always the most difficult to pick. You cannot go on pre-season forms, cos teams experiments differing strategies during pre-season, and the rules and scoring are also different. And obviously one cannot go on the previous season's form, as things does change, old players retiring, new players coming on board, changing coaches and other support staff, and etc..... So the first round picks are basically nothing more than guesses, just take your pick and hope you get at least 50% right. Well not even going to try pick teams here now....... except that I will never pick the Weevils cos they are weevils and are way over-rated!!! Nuf said on that!!!!

The video of choice.... well since the question of church involvement is raised here, let's just play some "church" music......

Thursday 6 March 2014

My Past Haunts Again....

OK this is getting way too weird for my liking.......

Soon after my Mauritian Princess came back in my life... or was it a bit before.... well it was still during Mercury's retrograde..... I received another add request from another lady on my FaceBook account.... and well she appeared to be happily married and also a very devout Christian, indeed just from her profile, it seems you can't get any more devout a Christian than she. So I wondered WHY did she send an add request to ME!!???.... with all my pagan stuff, star seeds, and astrology stuff on my timeline that I am always sharing??... well I figured that if she sent me an add request in spite of me being a Heathen LOL then she must be alright.... and well I accept all add requests except from obvious spammers.... even devout Christians!!..... So anyway I added her, and then for the next few days I haven't heard much from her aside from her rather prolific Christian-related graphics that appears in my news feed. I did take a peek at her profile, plenty of pixs of her family, a few of her hubby, but not many of her..... but evidently based in India, and she an Indian...... but there was no inkling whatsoever as to who she might be or why she added me..... so I thought nothing more of it.....

Then a couple of days ago she started to send me private msgs, just commenting on one of my posts on my timeline, it was good comments ;)..... then she just casually asked me a question "Did you have penfriends a few years ago?"

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... what a bombshell!!!!!..... not another one!!!!!!! This makes it THREE now..... only one of past romantic interest, it was only a small number of them that there was any romance, but i did flirt with a few more of them.... I was very 3D back then! LOL!.....

Now this is where it gets really crazy..... obviously no chance of romance due to her being happily married.... but this..... not only she is a devout Christian, but Charismatic Renewal just like I was..... and she had known someone who attended New Day!! That was our connection back then, as I went to New Day. This was in the 1990s just before my America trip.

For some reason we lost contact around 1996, and by then I think she knew that she was about to get married so she asked me if we still be friends even if she got married. Of course I said of course I want for us to still be friends. At the time I was still a lusty 3D single bloke nevertheless I didn't mind at all to write to someone who is married without flirting with them! LOL! In spite of being 3D I did respect boundaries, and well I was devout Christian anyway.

Well for some reason we ceased contact soon after..... I had just come through the hell years of 1994/5 and was in my South Perth apartment, dealing with stormy relationships with Barbara, and going to New Day was the only thing keeping me remotely sane..... and I had just gotten my PO box in South Perth and had all my penfriends write to me to that PO box.

A few months later just before she got married she tried to find me again, she had lost my address, but she couldn't find me..... I did have my website up then so I don't know why she apparently didn't find that.... but I guess there was no Google in those days, and search engines were not quite so thorough, they only listed selected site depending on which one we used.....

So she got married in 1997..... and of course I went to America and I myself got married in 1998.... she ended up with two children from her marriage..... and our parallel lives just went on.... and she soon faded from my memory..... though apparently she remembered me through all those years, but her hubby didn't want her to have penfriends..... as Sally didn't want me to have penfriends......

OK so fair enough.... sooooo...... WHY did she suddenly contact me now??? Again in the midst of Mercury's retrograde!! And now spending hours each day chatting to each other!!

Let's ponder my penfriend years..... back in the 1970s I'd notice there was a penpal section in the children section of the weekend newspaper, and indeed Debra had a penpal through the mid 70s.... and well I was a social outcast at school, so it hit me.... getting a penpal, namely a FEMALE penpal would be a good way of releasing some testosterone related tensions!! LOL!! So I wrote to two of them, Tine from Norseman, and Tracy from Newman..... then a little later another two of them, Paula from Albany, and Mary from the east coast..... And it was Mary who first contacted me a few months ago when I set up my FaceBook account in my name just after Sally's death. So one of my first four from 35 years or so years ago I now in contact with again.... she is in a relationship right now.... there was never any romance with her, was just an incurable flirt way back in those days!!!

Anyway I so enjoyed the idea of penfriends that over the months and years I gained more.... and when I came across penpal clubs as apposed to just ads in newspapers, that was when things really took off.... and I soon gain penfriends from overseas.... many from America cos I so wanted American penpals.... but also many from virtually all corners of the world, the majority of them women, though I did have male penfriends at times, most those who responded to my ad in penpal clubs listings.... I never responded to male penfriend ads, only the females, but being a polite little critter, I did accept the male requests...... And through the 1980s while I was at university then the Christian years, I had up to 30 to 40 penfriends at one time..... it was in the 1980s when I discovered the wonders of Mauritian women..... and one particular one whom I really fell in love with, and kept on writing to her until Barbara came along..... this was Tina, who have now contacted me again, and we now chat via WhatsApp on the cell phone.

When Barbara came along around 1988, most of my penfriends fell by the wayside, especially when I moved in with Barbara in 1989. However I still managed to keep a small number of my penfriends through the three years with Barbara, perhaps 10 or so..... was less than 10 by the time Barbara and I broke up in 1991 and I moved back to Mother's..... Then I joined more penpal clubs and started building up on my penpal hobby once again though didn't have as many as I did before.... something about holding down a full time job leaving not much time left over for writing letters may have something to do with this..... I probably had 20 to 30 penpals at any one time..... During this time the fledgling new contact medium known as the Internet came along.... and by the end of the 1990s I had a small number of "email-pals" but the overwhelming majority were still snail-mail penpals. This was up to 1998 when I married Sally, and due to her not wanting me to write to all these women, my penpal hobby ceased totally in 1999. Well Caroline from India, my third former penpal contact, was from this last wave of penpals - the 1990s.

So I now have a contact from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s!!!! That in itself seems very synchronistic! The first one does not follow any particular religion or spirituality, much like the way I was in the 1970s. The 2nd one became a Christian because of me, and she started attending a Roman Catholic church the same religion as my step-father's family and now Justin who attends the church. And the 3rd is very much a devout Charismatic Renewal Christian, what I was back in the 1990s, and the same as my cousin who is wanting me to come to church with her.

Now we all know that there is no such creature as coincidence, it is not found in any biology text books, not even on Wikipedia!! So why all the sudden these Christian influences from my past??

Well there is no way I would ever go back to those times. My spiritual evolution has moved on way too much since then. I am a star seed, and my spirituality is far more eclectic these days. I see myself as spiritual not religious. So just what the universe is trying to tell me?????

I suppose that Christianity in its various forms, especially Charismatic Renewal where real spiritual phenomena does happen, have been very much a part of my pathway. I have learned a lot and gained a lot through those years. So shouldn't leave it behind totally. I should keep in touch with it in some way. Certainly not going to church each week, but not to cut ties altogether.........


A vid with a letter writing or postman theme........ probably my sentiments in regards to one or two of them through those times.... such as Tina.... hahahaha......

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Moving House......

After months of not hearing even a boo from the landlord nor any evidence that he is doing anything about placing the house on sale, it seems things are moving again, and it seems like I will have to move out sooner than later. This afternoon in my house mailbox there was an envelope addressed to the landlord from a REAL ESTATE company!! What I had feared has come to pass!! This can mean only one thing. The landlord is contact real estate companies or communicating with them with the view of selling this house. This means I will have to move out.

Unfortunately I an economically so not ready to move out! I do have savings but only 1/3 of the amount I will need to cover the bond and two weeks advance rent for an apartment or other rental, assuming I be paying the same rental. I am getting off cheaply at this house cos of going through a private landlord rather than a real estate company. Sally and I have been fortunate in this instance, our last two rentals being through private landlords who offered to us for dirt cheap rentals. But with Sally's death my luck seems destined to run out. It seems rather significant that this mail from the Real Estate company arrived in the month of Sally's death. It seems hard to believe but Sally died a year ago this month, 27 March to be exact. Today is 4 March.

During my previous search for apartments, 1 or 2 bedrooms, a few months ago, the cheapest of these rentals are comparable to the rent I am currently paying for this 3-bedroom bungalow on a 1/4 acre block, this gives an idea of how dirt cheap I am getting off on this!! However, anecdotal evidence seems to be that the housing crisis is easing and rents have been dropping. But even if the rents are significantly lower, I still do not have enough money in my savings to cover the bond, being the standard 4-weeks rent, and two weeks advance rent. Thus I need up front a total of six weeks worth of rent, that is even before I get the key in my hot little hands - though true enough this will give me the first two weeks in the apartment.

As explained previously, I am looking to eventually moving out into an apartment so to cut my utilities bills and will generally make general living expenses to be less. This will cut the water bill out altogether, as tenants in apartments does not receive water bills. However in order for me to get to this stage there is this significant hurdle - having to raise basically 6-weeks rent up front. I am likely to get most of my current bond back, indeed I have ALWAYS had received my full bond back in all of the rentals I have been in minus only the remaining water usage. So yes I SHOULD get all of my current bond back minus just a small amount for water. However there is this 2 to 4 weeks intervening period between having to raise 6-weeks rent for my new apartment and getting close to 4-weeks rent back on my old house - meanwhile I still have to eat and fill the car with petrol !!!

However I should be able to get my savings up to the level I need to cover moving expenses, I just need time. I wrote about the possibility of cutting my internet data allowance to help save my pennies, as we pay for the allowance each month regardless of how much of it we actually use. I have since checked my data usage over the year since Sally's death. My monthly allowance is 500000MB and that is what I actually pay for each month. However the most I ever used in a month is only 160000MB, less than 1/3 of the allowance. So I could conceivably cut my allowance down to 1/3 without affecting my internet usage habits thus saving significant moolah!! So this I will do over the next few days once this month's payment has been made. I seem destined for at least one more large water bill, as this long drought continues. We are now into the 4th month without rain, and there is no rain in sight for the forseeable future. The garden still needs to be watered, it is on my lease agreement, so can't get out of that one. So I am at the mercy of our very dry climate here!! But it hasn't been as hot lately so haven't needed the aircon, so the electricity bill is expected to be a little less. All other costs including groceries are under control. So TIME is very much the essence when it comes to saving enough to cover moving expenses, namely the 6-weeks rent. Everything else I can deal with from my fortnitely wages, it is the 6-weeks rent that is critical.

Anyway I am just being VIRGO here. Virgos are worry warts!! We like to keep in control of things, we do not like to give up control. Amazing today's horoscope did say that my finances will be unpredictable. Well one can't get any more unpredictable then seeing evidence from the landlord that he is moving forward with plans to sell this house!!

And the great unknown is.... WHEN will I get that dreaded eviction notice. I will have only three weeks from receipt of the notice, not nearly enough time to get everything organised, so trying to get as much organised as possible. We Virgos HATE unknowns!! Exactly WHEN the notice will come will depend on several factors. Such as, if the landlord will speak to several real estate companies, which will mean several more mail from different companies appearing in my letter box. Each I simply re-address and send onto the landlord's address. It also depends on just how much of a hurry he is to sell the house. Ironically the easing of the housing crisis could work against me. Lower rentals usually corresponds to lower house prices, so the landlord may want to sell ASAP to maximise returns before the price falls much further. So while I will enjoy cheaper rents and lower living expenses, it is this seemingly massive Mt Everest-size hump of raising 6-weeks rent that I have to overcome.

So what will happen if, for example, the eviction notice comes this week. This will give me until the end of March to find a new apartment. Not enough time to raise 6-weeks worth of rent. So need other alternatives. One thing in my favor is my dirt cheap self storage space, and if worse comes to worse and I have to do a bit of couch surfing at either Pasco's or another family member's abode, then I do have enough room to store my remaining possessions including the fridge, bed, washing machine, dryer, and this 50in TV. Ironically this worst case scenario will help me to raise the money for 6-weeks rent in the quickest possible time, perhaps 4 to 6 weeks, as I will have next to no expenses, probably just a small amount to contribute to my upkeep - basically back to where I was when my relationship with Barbara ended - boarding at Mothers, only that this time there is no Mother so things will be very different. Of course I should get my bond back within four weeks, so I could start looking for an apartment within four weeks, and it will be just a matter of how soon I can secure an apartment for rental. And if this housing crisis really is over, then it be two months maximum of family couch surfing before moving back out.

However I would like to avoid depending upon my family altogether. We Virgos are proud critters, we don't like to ask for help.

But there seems no viable alternative. A loan it out of the question, I extended my current loan only three months ago, ironically cos I thought I would need to move out by then, and the extra amount even then was not enough to cover 6-weeks rent. I do have a perfect repayment record, however, they will only extend the loan a minimum of every six months. This takes me to the month of May. I will not be able to extend this loan until May at the earliest. This is now just March. So another three months yet. The eviction notice is likely to come well before then. A payday loan is out of the question, for by its very nature I would have to pay it back by the next fortnite's pay which will likely leave me with next to nothing to live on - and settling into a new place is often draining on the finances. So no chance of credit here.

So my only chance for a relatively smooth transition into a new apartment is if I have a minimum of three more months at my current abode. This will help me to raise more moolah to add to my savings, and I will reach the point of being able to extend my loan which should be routine given my perfect repayment record.

Time very much an essence here..... and each week that passes without the dreaded eviction notice is another week closer to being able to raise the necessary funds - I just currently need at least perhaps 12 to 14 of these weeks!!

Hows this for an appropriate vid! LOL! At least the law says they have to give a wee bit more notice than "You're moving out today!!!!!"...... ENJOY!!! heheeh!!!!!

Monday 3 March 2014

Massive Detox

Oh what a holiday weekend, very low energy as I went through a massive detox - it is what we call it when suffering certain infection-related sickness. It is our body's way of removing toxins from it, the toxins that builds up from our lifestyles, food that we eat, etc. In this instance it was hemorrhoids OUCH!!! Made it painful to sit on my arse. It was also exhausting me, I'd go to bed soon after dinner and I'd fall asleep, and well would wake up at random times through the night to check on my FaceBook etc but basically sleeping through to dawn!! Thankfully tonight it seemed  to have cleared, well I am now able to sit on my arse without any pain. So it basically came and went through this holiday weekend!! When suffering such detox episodes we try to avoid drugs, using them only as a last resort, such as trying to get through a day at work. We make use of our ability to take two sickies consecutively without needing a doctor's note, only after that we may need to resort to drugs. But the drugs often does more harm than good. Natural remedies is the way to go. Well I am currently not aware of natural remedies for hemorrhoids so I just let it run its course, and well it does seem to have cleared quite quickly, it had me for only three days.

In spite of my low energies I was still able to go for my walks. Well I'd have to be on my death bed before I miss my walks! I enjoy them so much, and it gets me out of the house aside from work. My Mauritian princess goes for jogs every morning, another piece of synchronicity! Well I don't exactly jog! She's fitter than I am! LOL! Not sure if I'd want to graduate to jogging, but perhaps it may be an idea to do so before I go see her, whenever that may be.

Why am I even considering the possibility of meeting her? Cos I want to!! Uhhh I suppose fair enough reason!! It's not that there's any romance or anything.... nah of course not!! I am a Virgo! Virgos does not form romantic liaisons! And I am a star seed. My purpose is to help raise the vibrations of this planet. I am a nomad. My spiritual name is Wandering Wolf! I am thoroughly confused!!!!!!

So why did an old flame from 30 years ago contact me again after all these years???? I still cannot get my head around this..... me a Virgo, always analysing.... but this has me thoroughly stumped!!

But I DO want to meet her! She looks exactly like Twinkle my guardian angel! The resemblance are very uncanny! So I HAVE to meet there.

The only thing stopping me really is moolah, or the lack thereof. Something about these airlines actually wanting you to PAY for the privilege of flying with them!! Hmmmm... fair enough of course!!

But this little inconvenience can be dealt with. Me and my Virgo planning! Virgos may be utterly hopeless at romance and relationships, but we CAN plan for things, considering all scenarios, and overcoming problems.

The main issue is the need to move house. The unknown is whether the landlord will force his hand. But even if he lets me stay for say another year, I still have to move out, certainly before next summer. Staying here is costing me way too much money. The electricity bill, and certainly the water bill! In an apartment there be no garden to water. Indeed when renting an apartment we don't even pay any water bills. The landlord pays the rates, the tenant pays only for the usage, which is lots of it when on a 1/4 acre block in the middle of a 3-month drought, now into the 4th month without rain. But in apartments it is rates only, so effectively we tenants don't pay any water bills. Furthermore it seems the housing crisis is finally over, or at least easing up. One of my colleagues at work rents out an apartment, and he had to drop the rent cos he couldn't find any tenants! It was only when he dropped the rent that he finally found a tenant. So..... *touch wood*.... the housing crisis is finally easing up, and I may be able to find an apartment for a more reasonable rental rate. I would like to live in Fremantle but it might be too expensive, and at this point, my main focus is my Mauritian princess, so need to save pennies for this end.

The truth is I already have the money to go see my Mauritian princess, I have my savings. However spending it now will mean I will have absolutely nothing left should my landlord force the issue and I have to move out!! And it is expensive to move out. I'd have to pay someone to clean the carpets, and the oven will need cleaning too. Due to my nearly-vegetarian diet I hardly use the oven these days, nevertheless, it still does need to be cleaned. Then I'd have to raise the bond and advance rent for my new apartment, and that in itself will exhaust my savings!!! And will have to pay double rent for a couple of weeks while I move between former and new abodes. Fortunately I do have my storage unit that I am paying dirt cheap rent for, dirt cheap cos it is way out in the boonies but it does come in handy. Most of my items are already there, so there are not much items here that I would have to move, and thanks to my caged 6x4 trailer I could indeed move all of my items myself, even the bed, fridge, etc. So not having to pay a removalist will help a lot. And of course I should get at least MOST of my bond back from my current place. They normally take the remaining water usage out then I get the balance. And since we now pay our water bi-monthly then it shouldn't be much left over that I'd have to pay. And of all of the apartments, houses, etc, that I have been renting, even with messy Barbara around, I have ALWAYS gotten all of my bond back (minus water for houses). And the bond I'd get back will pay for the air ticket with change left over!!!

Of course other issues to consider.... such as accommodation unless she is able to have me to stay with her, and there's probably a visa I will need. My passport is still current so that is one thing in my favor.

Next thing is WHEN I will make this trip. I do have vacation time coming up in about six weeks from now coinciding with Easter/Passover, and I DO have the money now. But it will mean I won't have any money left over should the landlord force the issue, and it's probably too late to arrange for travel, visa, etc. I know from my America trip that you needed to plan more in advance for such things. And its cheaper if you book air tickets more in advance.

So the next vacation will be October coinciding with Jewish Succot. October will be ideal on many counts. It will give me enough time to deal with moving house and settling into my new apartment, plus save any extra pennies I will need. From my America trip I learned that you always spend more money than originally planned!! So its the case of more the merrier when it comes to moolah when embarking on overseas trips. And my Mauritian princess did say she be back in Mauritius in October. This will make the air ticket cheaper. I did look up Mauritius on Google Earth, fascinating little island indeed, and from its apparent distance from Perth it looks like about a flight of 7 hours or so. I do know there are direct flights from Perth, I seen it advertised on the odd occasion. So looks like 7 hours or so in the air, a bit longer than the 5 hours to Singapore but not as long as to Italy, and certainly not as long as to America!!!!

This is a good time to also consider other expenses. Moving house will reduce the electricity bill and remove the water expenses altogether. But there are other expenses I can look at. My internet bill is one I can really cut back on. Since Sally is no longer with me, the bandwidth usage has gone down. So I can probably reduce the bandwidth allowance by at least half without affecting my current usage patterns. Under this contract we pay for allowance, not what we actually use, so even if we use a lot less we still pay exactly the same for the allowance. So cutting the allowance will cut the internet bill, and I do think I could cut the allowance by at least half without affecting my usage habits, probably more than half, I will just have to get into my account to check my usage pattern since Sally's death. I could also look at my cell phone plans, much which was inherited from Sally. I'm already saving money on my grocery bills due to cutting out meat, even accounting for the fact that organics are slightly more expensive, I will no longer purchase any meat once my current supply is exhausted.

So I go to Mauritius in October, marry her, and bring her back home with me.... uhhhh deva ju !!!!! Nah.... that is NOT going to happen!!!!.... but at least I will know what I'd be up against in regards to immigration. She has no health problems, is as fit as a fiddle, slender, goes for jogs each morning, so should get over the health check hurdle without any problems.... and the fact that she kept my letters and photos from 30 years ago will help her case, it will show immigration that we knew each other from 30 years ago, thus building her case..... um why am I saying this..... uuuhhhhh......... *sigh*

Oh yes with all this planning..... it does help to be a Virgo!! haha!!!

OK the first vid is one of the weird star seeds vids that I watch each day, this one is only 7 minutes, and is in Sedona in Arizona which is a UFO hotspot and location of one of the Earth's energy points. There's a community of star seeds and hybrids there, and this is where the vid is shot. A hybrid is a physical descendant from ETs, the offspring between ETs and humans. That is what she talks about here....

Now the music video..... another one from the 1980s when I first "met" my Mauritian princess..... This is "Walking On Sunshine" which is what it felt like each time I'd find a letter from the Mauritian princess in among my day's mail that Mother would leave on my bed.....

Until next time..... just feel free to let me know if anyone can figure out the reason behind all this......... !!!!!!

Saturday 1 March 2014

Is This My Pleiadean Princess?

OK show-off time!! haha...... but yes.... if you wanna know what my Pleiadean guardian angel "Twinkle" looks like?.... well look below....

Yes!! My Mauritian princess!! Doesn't she look so utterly stunning!! So incredibly beautiful !!!! No woman of this planet could be so utterly gorgeous!! She MUST be an angel from Heaven! She does indeed looks exactly like my guardian angel as was described to me and appeared occasionally in vision. A petite woman with dark hair and dark magnetic eyes. Even the cute headdress she is wearing here looks like what Twinkle would wear. She has to be at least a Pleiadean star seed. Whether she realise this or not!!

Look at those mesmerizing eyes......

Aren't those eyes utterly mesmerizing!!!? I am certain they are casting spells.... it's like if she looks at you then you know that all of your dreams are about to come true......

The synchronicities between us are outa this world!! Another mystery has been solved! She has in fact one kid, a 14yo boy. This places his birth at around 2000, or at the very least, 1999 if he turns 15 this year! OMG you know what this means!! Sally's miscarriage happened around 2000, which makes our child in the higher dimensions, whom Sally always believed to be a girl, to be the same age as this Princess' boy!!

Her hubby left her 16 months ago, which places it 6 months before Sally's death, indeed around October 2012 which unbeknown to me at the time would be the last wedding anniversary Sally and I would be destined to share.

And perhaps most amazingly, her birthday is two days after what was destined to be the anniversary of Mother's death! I guess it means I will never forget her birthday!! LOL!! She was born the same year as me, 1963, which means she be 51 now. Oh yes me and my older women! LOL! Even if she is just eight months older than me!! LOL!!

Some other synchronicities. She has two brothers and a sister, I have two sisters and a brother. Even the Italian connection is synchronistic, with my step-father being of Italian origin. And she is also mother-less, her mother also passed away, albeit back in 1992, but her father is still alive as mine is. Her marriage took place a year after Barbara and I broke up, ironic since it was Barbara who led to me losing contact with her.

She is more than the most incredibly pretty face a woman could ever possess. She is also incredibly talented, fluent in FIVE languages - Italian, German, French, Creole and English!! I don't care what anyone says but anyone who can speak five languages is of incredible talent!!!!

OK change the subject....... haha.....

An email last week reminded me it is this time of year.... again..... FOOTBALL tipping!!!! Oh dear... glutton for punishment LOL.... I was surprised that we would be having our office tipping competition this year given that our dept has been decimated through govt cutbacks!! But it turns out the competition is expanded, now over several depts. While some sections have been wiped off the face of this earth through the govt obsession with saving money, others have simply moved off site and merged with other depts. Time will tell whether this will mean more in the competition, or less, or about the same. But silly ole me glutton for punishment is going to join..... again...... given that things has gone downhill since Mother's death and I haven't won a prize at all since her death while previous to that sad event I had always won a prize each year!!!! But you never know..... my CRYSTALS might help me this time. Afterall my crystals have helped me in every other area of my life. So just perhaps through my wonderful crystals my fortunes may just turn...... Whatever the case, the Weevils (West coast EAGLES - Weagles - Weevils) are in desperate need of a reality check cos since beating Freo by a large margin everything thinks they are going to win a premiership this year, nevermind it was just a practice match. The fact the Maggies lost their first match in the pre-season we won't read anything into that. We all know that fortunes in the pre-season has no bearings whatsoever on fortunes in the main premiership season!!!! The rules are different, the scoring is different with 9 points for goals outside of 50m, and etc.  I may need to purchase more crystals, some that helps increase intuition. I wonder if there is a Magpie crystal!! LOL!!! haaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here will share two vids.... the first one is the best vid I seen yet on explaining about the phenomenon of star seeds, cos I know it is a concept that most 3D souls can't get their heads around. But this vid is so well presented that even 3D souls should be able to understand it. Now when I say 3D I am not referring to such souls in a derogatory term. It is OK to be 3D. It is akin to calling a person under 18 a child - unless you're a teen who thinks they know everything!! LOL!! Teens are more akin to politicians and religious leaders, all very 3D souls but thinks they know more or are wiser so try to impose their views upon everyone else!!! But that aside, it is not a bad thing to be called a child if under 18, and if one lives long enough, all children eventually moves into adulthood. By the same token, 3D is purely a function of current status of soul evolution, and all 3D souls eventually ascends to higher dimensions - 4D, 5D and etc. Difference with star seeds is they were in previous lives higher dimensional souls in other star systems who chose to descend to 3D status on this planet so to help save this planet or move this planet into 5D. It is akin to Jesus being Divinity or God and descending to this planet as a man - this analogy is closer than you think. You see in past ages our ET masters have sent Ascended Masters down to this planet - eg Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Osiris, etc - to try raise the vibrations of mankind, but all that has happened was that they were turned into deities and their teachings turned into religions - very 3D phenomenon!! So this time we try a different tactic. Instead of sending one 5D or higher soul to this planet, we send a few thousands of them, I believe to be 144000 such souls, these souls being "star seeds". It is a wee bit more difficult to turn 144000 souls into deities and a religion than just one if you get my drift.

So without further ado.... if you want to understand more of who I am, this is the vid that should better explain it..... ENJOY

And now a music vid that I always post for enjoyment...... This dates back to the 1980s when my Mauritian princess first came into my life, and after seeing her photo this song is would have been what I thought..... only for her to become MINE.... well until Barbara came along anyway.......

Anyway..... until next time in this series of Ripley's Believe it of Not... otherwise known as my life!!! LOL!!!!!