Thursday 31 July 2014

Day 17 of The Three Weeks - Heartache and Chaos Continues

Further proof that things starting during "The Three Weeks" are destined for heartache and calamities. Karen has confirmed that she has signed the lease with her son on the York house last Monday, the 1st day of the more intense Nine Days of Av. They will move in this weekend, which virtually seals my fate due to her son being possessive and kicking up a fuss about men visiting his mother. Furthermore Karen will not have internet access at the house. She was using the free wi-fi system at the block of units she previously resided, but there be no such system at the house. She will still be able to get online while at the radio station, however, she has been given two weeks off from the radio station, meaning, I won't even be able to hear her voice for two weeks. This would enable her to complete the chaotic task of moving house. So she will be offline for two weeks, I will not hear from her at all. This is the end result of the act of meeting her for the first time during "The Three Weeks". Do not start anything new during "The Three Weeks", it will end in catastrophe and heartache.

Anyway, tomorrow, August 1, is the Pagan holiday Imbolc here in the Southern Hemisphere. In the north it is Lammas, but we celebrate Pagan holidays at opposite times of the year in the Southern Hemisphere, so we have Imbolc, basically about six weeks after the Solstice, and when the days become visibly longer, and so the promise of warmer days ahead. Indeed this morning I noticed that it is now just starting to get light when I leave for work. During the previous two months or so I been leaving for work in darkness. Also I can go for longer walks in the evening as the sun sets later and later. Imbolc is indeed a time of celebration. It is symbolised by the Goddess giving birth to a newborn Son.... hmmmm sounds familiar??

Here in Australia, the Native Violet is the sacred plant of choice for Imbolc, so I decided that I needed one or two pots of the plant for my Pleiadean shrine. I looked online and saw that Bunnings had those plants available. So during my lunch hour I headed for Bunnings, however, I could not find any such plants anywhere. I didn't have much time to look due to needing to be back at work. So as I was about to give up, I noticed some plants by the door, they were called "Voila Hederacea", and well they had the small violet flowers, and to me they seem to be similar to the Native Violet, so instinct told me to get those instead. Well I figure, near enough is good enough!!

However I hatched a plan to visit the Green sections at Big W and K-Mart at Mirrabooka to see if I can find such a plant there. If I can find such a plant, well it be great, but if not, then those "Violas" would do for tomorrow's celebration! I never go to Mirrabooka for my grocery shopping cos of the energies at the place, it does creep me out, and I always have to white-light myself each time I go there! I do my grocery shopping at Dog Swamp even if it is a little further way. It has been a while since I been to Mirrabooka. I first visited Big W but there were no Native Violets there, only African Violets. So I went to K-Mart, they had closed down their Green section, they no longer sell plants, at least not at Mirrabooka anyway. But I had forgotten how sensitive I have become as my vibration raises, and the place really messed up my mind, it was utter chaos. I suddenly became utterly depressed, and even suicidal!!! I was feeling so awful that I didn't think I would survive. And I couldn't find my house keys, I had spares, but that freaked me a bit!!!!!!

So for a while I had to white-light myself and hold on for dear life....... then I went to my plants and took out the identity tags that were in the soil of the pots. I happen to look on the back of them and couldn't believe what I saw..... "Native Violets"!!!!!! It turned out that those "Voila Hederacea" were the scientific name for "Native Violet"!!!! Wow!!! That really made my day!!! And I DID end up finding my house keys!!! But never again will I go to Mirrabooka regardless of how badly I need something!!

Now tomorrow I will focus on Imbolc rather than the fact that "The Three Weeks" have wrecked any chance of me ever seeing Karen again!!!!

This song is how I feel when I am with Karen...... well it was good while it lasted..... *sigh*

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