Tuesday 8 July 2014

Bracing for Chaos

With the dreaded "The Three Weeks" coming up from next Tuesday there has been some interesting developments happening.....

Firstly the football tipping.... I gotten 7 points so now splitting the field on 23rd place, there are 46 in our office comp. There were two close matches where the result was decided by 6 or less points, and I gotten 1-1 on that, so my score on close matches are 7-7, a 50% success rate which is statistically to be expected.

Now to the dreaded "The Three Weeks", a Jewish period of mourning commemorating the destruction of the Jewish Temples, also when calamities befalling Jews through their history often have their beginnings during this period of time. It is also when calamities befalls ME!!!!! I have records of such calamities since 2003 when I first became aware of this, but by deductions I figure many of my calamities beforehand has actually occurred near this time. My record keeping of calamities have now been through these blogs, and checking on last year's records, it seems the major calamity relates to changes in my job due to govt cutbacks. Basically we have less orders coming in, so changes were announced last year during this period to reflect this. I felt that this would ultimately result in me losing my job. Well just a couple of weeks ago, near the start of this month of Tammuz, as a result of these changes, I had now been given new duties - spending 3 hrs each day helping down in the Science Kits area. So for the time being, I am not losing my job, but my duties are changing to reflect the decreasing work in my main responsibilities so I am being given alternative duties. This unfortunately results in increased contact with my Reptilian boss - a "Three Weeks" incident just waiting to happen!!!!!

The 2nd major incidence during this period was the speeding ticket. It felt like I was zapped by a speed camera during my travels so was fully expecting a speed ticket in the mail. Such a ticket never came, I had SOMEHOW managed to escape the fine in spite of the fact I was very clearly over the limit when I came upon the camera!!!

The 3rd major incidence from last year, the football tipping. I was doing much better last year and was actually in the top 6 - prize money territory - UNTIL The Three Weeks when I dropped to 9th and I never was able to get back into the top 6. This year of course is a total catastrophe and I am currently sitting on 23rd.

The 4th incidence involved a pending lawsuit from a company in the U.S. due to Sally attempting to sell items online that accidentally bore the same name as the brand name of the company in question!! The writ was prepared during The Three Weeks. However after my initial reply to the company explaining the fact that Sally is dead and therefore no longer selling anything, I have not heard back from them nor lawyers at this current time.

Last but not least..... Julie was very much in my life, and during The Three Weeks, Julie and I were planning to meet but the plans fell through, and so I never got to meet her. Now in what seems a strange coincidence, I had been hearing from Julie by email on a quite regular basis UNTIL Caroline came into my life. Since then I had not heard from Julie at all. There is no way she would have known about Caroline. But it just seemed she dropped out of my life just as Caroline came into my life. However I did hear from Julie a couple of weeks ago near the start of this month, just a short email with a promise of a longer email msg later on - I am not holding my breath. In any case, Caroline is the one for me, there will never be another.

So speaking of Caroline, her catastrophic marriage to her abusive husband actually occurred during The Three Weeks!! It seems unlikely that she is Jewish, though there are dark Jews around, such as Ethiopian Jews. Furthermore according to some traditions, one of Jesus' disciples, Thomas, ended up in India with a group of Jews and settled there. He wrote the Gospel of Thomas, one of many writings that did not make it into the canon of the Scriptures. Evidently he did settle in southern India which is where Caroline lives, so could be Jewish root there..... but could also be that she IS my Twin Flame, our souls connected, so could just be that.

However, Caroline told me that we became penfriends also during The Three Weeks a few years before her catastrophic marriage. This could be why our penfriendship was destined to end, and it did end prior to my America trip where I met and married Sally. The end of our penfriendship led to her catastrophic marriage. It should have been ME!!!!!! But once again the curse of The Three Weeks manifested in this instance!!!

And now in this instance, the start of The Three Weeks next week coincides exactly with the return of her husband from his job. He works on an oil rig in the Middle East, four weeks on the rig, and four weeks off where he flies home. So on this occasion, the first three weeks of his time at home coincides with The Three Weeks. It is when I am likely to have no contact with Caroline.

She finally did decide to seek a divorce! Yay! However in India there is no such creature as "no fault divorce". Any divorce has to be on the grounds of wrong doing by the spouse in question. All those years of abuse doesn't count. In India it is seen as perfectly OK for a man to beat his wife, it is normal part of traditions there. Women in India has next to no rights and no protection against domestic violence. However adultery IS a valid ground, and his many affairs with women and especially hookers are documented, even if hard to prove should he contest the divorce proceedings.

It seems however that he wants a divorce too, and he may proceed with divorce procedures, which necessitates finding a fault with her. He accuses her of adultery, sleeping with various men, cousins, etc. This is the classic pattern of abusers, they are jealous, possessive, and makes false accusations. However there is also the correspondence with me, and so in order for her to not have anything to pin her against, we have to cease any contact for the whole month. And so The Three Weeks is likely to be a period of no contact from her. If any fault is pinned on her, it will affect such things as property allocations and access to her two children. Women in India has next to no rights, and even less if fault is placed on them. So anyway......

Another very interesting development in regards to Caroline. Back in the days of our penfriendship, she was friends with a couple who attended the same church as me at the time - the Australian guy "A" who met his Indian wife "I" who happened to be Caroline's best friend, and who had gotten married..... Their real names not revealed at this time due to the fact that no one in her town knows of our relationship aside from her brother and mother. This is because in Indian tradition it is not "proper" for a married woman to correspond with another man. Nevermind that her husband uses her as a punching bag to vent his frustrations!! Traditions dies hard. So this is a secret for the time being, "A" and "I" does not know, though evidently they still remember me from those days 15 years ago in church.

Fast forward to present day.... When Caroline came into my life, "A" was back in Australia living on the east coast caring for his mother who has dementia (echos of my Mother and being carer for Sally!!!) while "I" was back home in India and seeing Caroline on most days as well as at their church. They are best friends. And they DO know of the abuses that her husband inflicts on Caroline and they support her intention to divorce him. "A" does not abuse "I", indeed he treats her like a princess.

Last night however "A" flew back to India and so they are together again. Apparently they spend time living together in India and also time in Australia, actually here in Perth!! Furthermore, they attend the same church as MY current church, where my cousin attends hence is why I am there at that particular church. Given that I started attending the church soon after Caroline came into my life, it is obvious that "A" and "I" were not there given the circumstances explained above.

Anyway, I guess on hearing about Caroline's divorce plans, "A" and "I" mentioned ME as her possible next husband. Remember that they know nothing about our relationship though they must know that Caroline had at least become aware of my whereabouts! "A" and "I" knows that I now attend the same church. And they were discussing plans for me to be married to Caroline, so the four of us can do ministry in India together, Caroline partnering with "I" while me partnering with "A". Apparently the current three of them visits different churches in India doing ministry work. It seems they desire for there to be four of them, and that I am chosen to the the 4th as Caroline's husband!!!

Now... "A" and "I" will be returning to Australia in May next year, this time to their home here in Perth and attending the same church as me. And the current plan is, when they return to here in sunny Perth, they will talk to me about Caroline and offer to arrange for our marriage.

Of course things could change, especially with divorce proceedings likely to throw various spanners into the works...... not to mention that we with the dreaded The Three Weeks to contend with. As per arrangements last year, there will be daily updates through The Three Weeks dependent on any incidences occurring during that day. In other words, there won't be updates if no incidences occurs, but any incidences during the previous 24 hours will be updated here.

Most likely incidences would involve Caroline and her husband, and also to do with my job given the changes and cutbacks that has been happening. I am already assigned to other duties in my job. Another likely focus of incidences involves my car which is long overdue for a service due to lack of funds!!

Tzom Tammuz, the start of The Three Weeks begins Tuesday July 15.

Indeed it seems like a horror story coming up with these Three Weeks......

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