Monday 14 July 2014

Welcome to My Nightmare

My song for The Three Weeks - the Alice Cooper classic, Welcome to My Nightmare. And so this cursed period of time begins this night, the 17th day of Tammuz, when the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple in AD70. Other calamities befalling Jews on this very day are.....

- Moses broke the tablets at Mount Sinai – in response to the sin of the Golden Calf.

- The daily offerings in the First Temple were suspended during the siege of Jerusalem, after the Kohanim could no longer obtain animals.

- Prior to the Great Revolt, the Roman general Apostamos burned a Torah scroll – setting a precedent for the horrifying burning of Jewish books throughout the centuries.

- An idolatrous image was placed in the Sanctuary of the Holy Temple – a brazen act of blasphemy and desecration.

And since that fateful day in AD70, the calamities on this very day continues, including....

- 4000 Jews murdered in Spain in AD 1391, and the Jewish quarters of Prague burned in AD 1559.

- The Nazis destroyed the Kovno ghetto in 1944, and the Libya government ordered the confiscation of Jewish property in 1970.

- In 2006 the Israel/Lebanon war began on Tzom Tammuz and lasted for three weeks.

I will not be surprised if the current war in Israel with Hamas in Gaza takes a turn for the worse on this day. This whole war began near the start of Tammuz with the murder of the three Jewish teens. It will get worse before it gets better.

Devout Jews abstain from food and water from dawn to dusk on this day. However I won't be doing this, that is just a tradition. Nevertheless the energies of this period affecting me is very real indeed.

Now interesting developments in the past week up until now....

The disaster area that is the football. I got just six points certainly no thanks to those infernal Magpies!!!! grrrrrrrrr.... I knew I should have picked the Bombers!! Okay!! Point taken!!! I will pick the Bombers next time!!! Ummmm who they playing?.... ohh the Western Bulldogs... OK the Bombers should win that one.... As for those infernal Magpies I will never pick them again unless they play the Weevils!! Sooo who are those poor excuse for a team playing next week.... uhhhh Adelaide.... Yeah not picking the Magpies, I'm gonna pick Adelaide next week!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... I disown those Magpies...... However in spite of my low six points I actually managed to jump three places to 20th, meaning, I am actually in the top half!!!! Wow!!!!! However with the next round happening during The Three Weeks, my steady rise in my placings will probably end. Last year I was in the Top Six UNTIL The Three Weeks when I tumbled right out of the Top Six, out of prize money contention, never to return again!! This year I started really badly in the 30s placings near the bottom, but seem to be improving most weeks until I am now in the top half..... but I fear the curse of The Three Weeks, my improved placings may come to a shuddering end!!! Well.... we will see what happens.....

This morning much to my utter shock there were four tornados in Perth and the south!!!! Well when we say "tornados", they are just mini tornados, what we used to call "cock-eye bob"!! They're nothing like the tornados in America. Just a few roofs off houses and trees uprooted. But considering nothing ever happens in Perth, we really don't get severe weather, it always makes the top story of the News when such events do occur!! Nevertheless it was a shock to me!!! It has been clear and sunny for a few days, then the rains did come this morning, it was quite heavy but didn't strike me as being particularly windy. Indeed I didn't even hear any thunder or lightning. Well I suppose those tornados did happen in the southern suburbs, while I am in the north. The rains did clear, and I went for my walk without a drop of rain falling on me!!! It was positively sunny by the time I gotten out. I did have the day off work today, an RDO.

The pay dispute in the public service.... well the results of the votes are in, and as hoped by me, we voted to accept the pay deal, the agreement lasts for three years. The wage rises are pitiful but better than nothing, and at least we have job security for the next three years in spite of the govt passing laws to enable us to be sacked if made redundant. At least that won't happen for the next three years. The pay rise won't quite cover my rent increase but should cover most of it, based on my own calculations, but due to the lease agreement, the rent will remain frozen for two years. And the wage rise will be backdated to middle of June, so when it finally gets through with the long and slow govt processes, it will be a handy little lump sum - not likely to occur until well after The Three Weeks.

This next thing... um.... I have many friends on my FaceBook profile, and as with all other internet-based groups, especially spiritual groups, they are all either on the east coast or overseas. I very rarely have any friends here in Perth or even in Western Australia. It turns out that from my 70+ FB friends TWO of them are from here in the Perth region!! And one of them has been quite active, and she on occasion comments on the weirdness that I share, the star seed stuff, astrology, my status updates, etc. And on occasions refer to me as "kindred spirit". I have lost count over the years of the number of people online, overwhelmingly women, who thinks I am their "soul mate" or something similar. Of course each of us belongs to certain soul groups with whom we tend to connect with through our many lifetimes, so it is entirely possible to have many soul mates, and not all are romance - they can includes good friends, people of common interests, and even family members though soul groups does not usually coincide with blood family/relatives. Nevertheless I don't think all of these people over the years can all be my "soul mates". All are no longer in contact with me, though that in itself is not necessarily an indication of soul mate status. It often happens that "soul mates" connects with us for a while, then when the purpose of the union has been fulfilled, they move on. Also I never met any of them in person, all are online, though Julie thinks I am her "soul mate" and well in spite of being in the same city, we are yet to meet, and I am certainly not holding my breath on that one. Julie is not on my FB profile, I don't think she has a FB profile.

Enter this FB lady.... she has been commenting on the weirdness that I share on my timeline and mentioned on more than one occasion about me being her "kindred spirit". OK fair enough, it could very well be so. My focus has been on Caroline however we all have other friends, and we can connect with them, obviously on a non-romantic basis. However what happened next did shock me. She msg me just this morning wanting to actually MEET me!!! This really threw me for a loop!!

First thing I thought of were my experience last year with scammers on the contact sites I had been a member of, even a paying member in some instances. Most were scamming me for money, and a few trying to fish out more personal information on me in the view of burglary of my house. I did for a number of weeks contended with this "spy" who seemed to be scoping out my house, which prompted me to shift most of my items into self storage, a step I am glad to have taken on many fronts. It turned out nothing came from it, however, I will not be complacent. And well though I hardly know this lady on FB, she is the one who friended me only a few weeks ago, and seemed to have taken an immediate interest in me, I give the benefit of the doubt. Not everyone is a scammer. There are genuine souls. Julie is one of them even if we never met and seems to avoid meeting me, but I never had any trouble from her, no scamming for money, no spies, she hadn't even asked where I lived, indeed she does not know my full name. However I DO have my full name on FB, with the intention of attracting long lost friends, relatives, etc. It is why Caroline is in my life now, and two other former penfriends are on my profile.

The other concern however, is it seems likely that if I do arrange to meet this lady, it is likely to occur during The Three Weeks. I can't very well fob her off for three weeks, or say "I would love to meet you but not for three weeks yet!!" She given me her number to call, which I would need to do in the next couple of days. And well, if indeed we are to meet, it is likely to be during The Three Weeks.

My experience shows that all things starting in The Three Weeks are destined for catastrophe. Caroline became my penfriend during The Three Weeks, and then we lost contact, which led to her catastrophic marriage to abusive husband, the marriage itself taking place during The Three Weeks!! So yes things happening during The Three Weeks are overwhelmingly destined for catastrophe.

There is indeed a fine line between being careful and paranoia. In spite of it being The Three Weeks I will arrange to meet with her if things turns out that way after the initial phone call, that in itself won't take place until after Tzom Tammuz - after sunset tomorrow. We will make sure to meet in a public place such as cafe' or pub, and I will travel light. My radar will be on full, and well I can usually feel at first sight whether I can trust someone or not, even so, they will need to earn my trust.

But whatever happens, she is destined to be no more than just a friend. Caroline is the one for me, there will never be another. However it would be nice if I can find someone with whom I can share alternative spirituality with, or attend alternative spiritual meetings. I do go to church because my cousin goes to church, and Caroline also has connections with this church. It seems I am meant to be at this church. However I am more than just a Christian. I am a Star Seed and a Light Worker. There is more to me than just one religion. Julie have spoken to me about exploring alternative spirituality together, but we never met, and well it seems it won't ever happen. Therefore another local soul, even a star seeded soul, would be very nice for friendship and exploring alternative spirituality. She says she is very interested to hear my weird stories, that is a good sign I suppose.

Anyway, we shall see how it pans out, or if it pans out at all.......

And now the song to bring in the start of The Three Weeks......

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