Wednesday 16 July 2014

Day 2 of The Three Weeks

No major incidents today except I left my phone charger at work!! Fortunately I have a spare one which I use to keep the phone charged overnight by my bed while I sleep as I use the phone as my alarm clock in the morning on the rare occasions that I sleep past 5am!!! However the situation with Caroline and the hubby is looking very grim. I will not go into details, but it is very bad, it is much worse...... as I said, his homecoming is for exactly three weeks - coinciding exactly with The Three Weeks - indeed confirmed he leaves on 7 August, two days after the end of The Three Weeks.

Now regarding Karen, and with this in mind I give the link below which gives a possible reason why there are star seeds like me on this planet at this current time....

Karen msg me today saying she totally enjoyed our chat by phone last night, and she is so excited about meeting me on Sunday! She even sent me a pic of herself, very different to her profile pic! This was a major breakthrough! Usually any attempts to move from online friends to something beyond online usually falls flat at this point!! I just hope this doesn't turn into another "Julie" event. This time last year also during The Three Weeks, Julie and I were all set to finally meet each other, and I even got to the point of being dressed up and about to walk out the door.... when the msg came through.... she cancelled at the last minute!!!! Literally!!! And it seems we were destined never to meet......

There are important differences, including that Julie and I never actually spoke to each other on the phone, indeed we never even chat, all our communications has been by email. And more than likely not a star seed, she never mentions about this. And most important difference, this is NOT a dating exercise. There will never be anything more than friendship between Karen and I. But I must say I am most thrilled at the opportunity to FINALLY meet a star seed who is at least in the general vicinity of Perth even if in a town about an hour's drive from Perth. Finding a fellow star seed in the state of Western Australia itself would be miraculous enough!!! But even so close to Perth, it is an enormous feat!! There is actually one other star seed in Perth on my FaceBook profile, but she is married, and so as per typical of married life, she has little time for FaceBook. Karen however it seems is single and has a son. Not only Karen is a star seed, but she is a Pleiadean star seed - as I am!!!! At long last someone to talk to in person about our shared past lives in the same star system, and what we are doing on Earth at this time!! Lonely indeed are the star seeds, and like me, she has also contended with a lonely existence for many years since her awakening, not being able to find anyone who understands her, and all her online star seeds friends being either on the east coast or overseas!!! Exact same problems!!! Now it seems we are being brought together!!!

But I won't count my unhatched chickens yet!! There is still three more days to go yet!! And anything can happen, especially during The Three Weeks!! Our friendship began a few weeks ago, "liking" and commenting on each other status', which I didn't think anything of cos a few of my FaceBook friends "likes" and comment on my status. Then she private msg me, what most of my friends does NOT do, that was when I took more notice.... then she gave me her phone number and said she wants to meet me..... all this happening BEFORE The Three Weeks.

Now to get through three days against the chaos of The Three Weeks. Tomorrow is pay day, when I work out my budget for the fortnite. Friday I go to the shops after work, then to church with my cousin. Saturday I go for my long walk for the morning, then recover in the afternoon. Then Sunday I go for a shorter walk in the morning, come home, and get ready for the trip to Northam to meet Karen, arriving approx lunchtime. That's the plan anyway, and I learned long ago not to make plans during The Three Weeks.......

All this making me wonder..... is this for real??? Is it The Real Thing???......

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