Sunday 3 August 2014

Day 20 of The Three Weeks - Soul Mates and Twin Flames

Well it seems the football tipping seems to be defying the curse of The Three Weeks. This weekend, the last of The Three Weeks, I actually gotten 7 points and jumped three spots into 16th place. But with only four weeks to go, I think a top 6 finish is a wee bit beyond me!! The close matches count seems to be in my favor too, with a score of 10 corrects picks to 8 incorrect picks for matches decided by 6 or less points.

Anyway I expect Karen would now be in her new abode in York with possessive son, which it seems will be a nail in the coffin of any opportunity to see her again. She will be offline for about two weeks as there are no internet connection at the house and she will be off the radio for that time. She can get online at the radio station inbetween announcing for songs and etc. However though feeling sad and somewhat heartbroken that I won't be seeing her again for a long time, there is also a sense of peace that she is going to be fine.

It seems there is telepathy between Karen and I. While on my walk yesterday I had a sense that Karen had sent me a msg on FaceBook, however, I dismissed it as wishful thinking! I knew she be busy moving house and wouldn't have time to get online even at her old apartment. She has lots of friends helping her to move, so with friends around, etc, at her apartment, she surely won't have any time to even get online let alone send me a msg!!! However when I gotten back from my walk, I was shocked to see that indeed there was a msg from Karen waiting for me!!!! Wow!!!! Sometimes I do "feel" her, not always sure whether it is her communications or just my daydreams about her, but could very well be. I think that is why I feel peaceful that she is doing OK, it is probably what she is trying to tell me via telepathy. It makes sense, cos since we are indeed star siblings, there would be telepathy between us. ETs communicate with each other via telepathy, including those on our ship. Karen and I came from the same ship, so up there we would have communicated by telepathy. So it does seem natural that even with the limitations of our 3D life on this planet, we still would have some form of telepathy between us. Telepathy is indeed a star seed traits, I communicate with those aboard my ship via telepathy, often while on my walk, and also with the dolphins and whales via telepathy.

Meanwhile Caroline..... she is more than ever besotted by me, firmly believing that we are destined to be together. She has no doubt about this. He hubby leaves this Thursday for another four weeks on the rig in the Middle East, this just after the end of "The Three Weeks". Tisha B'Av is on Tuesday, the day when the Jewish Temples were destroyed. She still intends for her friends, the lady also married to an Australian, to speak to me when they come to Australia next year, they apparently attend the same church as me when they come to Perth. Now it seems they are coming in March next year, and they both intend for me to marry Caroline. As much as I love Caroline I am not ready for marriage, indeed I am not sure if I want to be married.

Lately there has been coming my way information about "Soul Mates" and "Twin Flames". I am rather confused as to what is exactly the difference between the two. What I figured is one can have more than one "Soul Mates" but only one "Twin Flame". However, the relationships between Soul Mates and Twin Flames are not necessarily romantic or sexual, it can be just a special kind of friendship with no romance, even as siblings. This is the relationship between Karen and I, we are siblings from the ship. Whether we are Soul Mates or Twin Flames, the jury is currently out on that. We have been close together on the ship, and Karen seems certain that we have spent all of our past lives together - if that is so, this sounds very much like Twin Flames. Our connection was absolutely instant the moment we first met, there was no form of scoping each other out or getting to know each other, it is as if we already knew each other and we just came back together after missing each other since our incarnation on this planet.

Caroline however, I had always assumed she was my Twin Flame, however, I have no sense as to whether we ever met in any past lives. She doesn't believe in reincarnation, being a devout Christian. It is that we knew each other as penfriends 15 years ago before losing contact, and we found each other again after 15 years. That in itself is miraculous, so there IS a purpose for us getting back together again. We probably are from the same soul group. She may not believe in reincarnation but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have past lives. We ALL have past lives, even if devout Christians and others chooses to dismiss such evidence of past lives. I had always believed in reincarnation even during my Christian years. My research on the Heaven and Hell doctrine helped me to maintain my belief in reincarnation. The doctrine dates back to Egyptian mythology, and in reality, "Heaven" is a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy, while "Hell" is nothing more than the underground, either one's grave or simply holes in the ground, caves, tombs, or anything under the ground.

Anyway it remains to be seen how all this pans out. Some information that I have read asserts that Twin Flames does not necessarily remain together in this lifetime even when we meet for the first time on the planet. We can sometimes be separated again and may not see each other for years!!! OMG I hope this won't be the case with Karen, but it is entirely possible. Some Twin Flames may not meet again until the next life, or in regard to Karen and I, when we get back on the ship.

So as much as I so want to be with Karen again, I suppose I should be comforted by the fact that we are never really apart, she will be back on the radio when I will be able to hear her, we will still be on FaceBook even if not as often, and we DO it seems have this telepathy between us - we just have to learn how to read each other more clearly by telepathy.

There are so many things that I like about Karen...... What I like about You!!!!..... *sigh*.....

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