Friday 18 July 2014

Day 4 of The Three Weeks

I hardly heard from Caroline today, things getting very nasty I feel it.......

Meanwhile, I had a couple of near misses on the road today, which does not happen normally so it counts as incidences of The Three Weeks. The first was when I was on my way home from work, a car reversing out of a driveway and right into my right-of-way without blinking an eye! I had to take evasive action. Fortunately I knew it was coming, I usually know with my 6th sense what a vehicle will do when in danger of crashing into me!! So I was given more time to take the necessary action, and I saw the driver chatting on the cell phone blissfully unaware of the drama narrowly avoided around her. There is a reason why using cell phones while driving is against the law here!!!!

The 2nd near miss happened in the parking lot when I was at the shops. After finishing my grocery shop, I slowly reversed out of my bay, then when half-way out, the car opposite me also began to reverse out but only much quicker and was not going to stop!!! There was not enough room in the thoroughfare for both of us!! It was only my quick decision to immediately drive back into my bay that prevented a crash!!!

Then a very bad start to the football tipping. I knew I should have picked Carlton, but everyone else picked North Melbourne, so being The Three Weeks I decided to play safe! Bad move!! Being a split round makes it worse, I have to wait two whole weeks before I knew how many places I will drop down the list!! For this weekend the fav team for the next three matches are on short odds, but knowing my luck and The Three Weeks, there will probably be upsets on one or two of them. Then Essendon and Western Bulldogs, I picked the Bombers so the Bulldogs will probably win.

Anyway I went to church as normal, and even the meeting was rather subdued. Probably because a family there knew of a family member on that ill-fated Malaysian flight over Ukraine!!!

We're still all set for Karen and I to meet on Sunday. Today she spoke of her enthusiasm to show me her paintings, she is an artist. There is nothing more inspiring than the artwork of star seeds, many of us are artists. It looks like we will get storms either Saturday night or Sunday morning, hopefully all over by the time I embark on the 90-mins trip to the town, but will still make the trip rather tricky in the rain - a The Three Weeks incident waiting to happen!! But then 90% of storm forecasts never eventuates!! This is likely to be in the 10% that will actually come to pass!!

This vid is dedicated to those two drivers mentioned above.....

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