Sunday 27 July 2014

Day 13 of The Three Weeks - Oh What A Night !!!!

SPIRITUALLY speaking of course!!!! It was a very intense weekend with Karen. Very intense family problems that she shared with me about, I will not go into the gory details, just that she is also an abuse victim!!! Oh why are women abuse victims seem to be so drawn to me!!!!

Prior to my trip east, Caroline was back to declaring her undying love for me, and said that she loves me cos I do not love another..... this is not exactly true, I am rather fond of Karen, in fact every moment with her is like heaven on earth!! I felt rather guilty so could not bring myself to tell her that I would be visiting another woman, only that I would be in a spiritual meeting - that is true - it is a spiritual meeting between Karen and I.

I arrived a little late cos Perth drivers does not know how to drive in wet weather, and it was raining constantly. OK I know it is a little wet but you don't have to go THAT slow!!!!! It stopped raining when I got to Northam, and we spent a wonderful afternoon together.

Then it was the trip to York for her radio show. We went in my car, her car is rather old and need a service. We arrived at the radio station and was rather surprised, it was just a little ole farm house on the outskirts of town converted into a station, just four rooms, two of them studios. Also that there was no one else there!! I was expecting a somewhat larger place with other people. But no, Karen let herself in with a key, and it was just Karen and I there!! The broadcast is run by computers!! But when Karen is due to start her show, the broadcast is switched over to her studio. And wow I am so impressed, Karen is so talented!!! She was awesome!! She chooses her own songs, this time it was mostly ET-type songs and other techno, it is different each week. She calls herself "Kazza" on the show.

You can listen online.... it is Voice Of The Avon radio 101.3FM  Her show is called "Time Zone", and she plays songs and she speaks, and oohhhhh she is so good, so wonderful.... she is on Saturday night from 6pm to 9pm. She also on Friday afternoon, when I am at work!! The link to the radio broadcast is....

Voice Of The Avon

Then we drove back to her place, had dinner, talked a bit more, the set me up to sleep. Her sofa converts into a nice comfy bed. She had a puddy cat, a Sirian star-kin as most puddy cats are orginally from the Sirius star system, and she slept with me - the puddy cat that is!!!!! She was purring in my face when I woke up, and was walking over my tablet when I tried to update my FaceBook!!

It was today when her family problems came to light..... very intense..... and will complicate things in our friendship..... I knew the curse of "The Three Weeks" will impact on us since we began meeting in person during that period.

And she is moving to York, partly due to the family problems. She always preferred York to Northam, so she is moving there. The snag is, her son is moving in with her. He is being evicted from his house, and he can't afford another place on his own, and her unit is only one bedroom. So they will share a house in York. However her son is possessive and does not like his mother to have male friends, partly due to abuse from father. They are moving in next weekend so I won't be there. And due to her son, it will mean less opportunities to be with her.

So it seems this weekend was destined to be the last weekend of quality time with Karen. Next weekend when the move to York is scheduled is the last weekend of "The Three Weeks", falling within the more intense "Nine Days of Av".

And so last night it was..... as in this vid.... Oh What A Night!!!..... SPIRITUALLY speaking of course!!!!! But the feeling was still the same....

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