Tuesday 15 July 2014

Tzom Tammuz - Day 1 of The Three Weeks

Well I survived Tzom Tammuz, day 1 of The Three Weeks, relatively unscathed. I just forgotten to take my morning tea snacks to work, and since I hadn't had breakfast I was ravenously hungry by morning tea. OK the Jews do fast on this day but I chose not to!! So I ate my lunch during morning tea, so I needed to go home for another lunch during my lunch break!!

Caroline.... her abusive husband came home on this very day, just as I said he would. And most interestingly, Caroline said that this time he will be home for exactly THREE WEEKS!!! Usually he is home for a month before spending another month on the oil rig. But for some reason he is home for only three weeks - coinciding EXACTLY with "The Three Weeks", hence he would be going back on the rig on Tisha B'Av. I fear for Caroline, I think things are going to get very nasty. However she decided that she would not cut off contact from me, that indeed we will chat to each other at least once per day when he is not around. In some ways I prefer no contact at all cos it just breaks my heart to hear of the abuse, I am empath, a sensitive soul, and I find it very hard to take. However, if I take the burden however heavy it is, it will work to lessen the impact on her. Therefore it is indeed best to keep in contact with each other.

Now this is gonna be interesting how this pans out.... my FaceBook friend I shared about here last night who wanted to meet me!!! Well I finally did pluck up the courage to call her, it was AFTER sunset therefore not on Tzom Tammuz. And well the connection was immediate!! Her name is Karen - sounds remarkably similar to Caroline!! And she is a Pleiadean star seed just like I am. Caroline is a star seed too otherwise she would not be my Twin Flame, she just doesn't know it yet, and it is up to her to find out for herself. Meanwhile, Karen.... we ended up talking for nearly 90 minutes, and 99% chance she is a genuine soul, not a scammer. I usually know on chatting whether I can trust someone or not, and it seems I can trust her. On a spiritual or star seed level we have pretty well everything in common. And she seemed rather pleased to find another star seed who is NOT on the east coast or overseas!! The same problem I had!! But yeah we talked about everything - ET contacts, ghosts, astrology, religion.... and she also has Jewish connections spiritually, and was very interested in the phenomenon of The Three Weeks. And she is a Virgo. She was born in the mid 1950s which must put her in the very first of the first wave of star seeds. It is generally taught that the first wave of star seeds were incarnated in the 1960s - when I was born! But it is certainly entirely possible that the very first of them would have been born in the 1950s.... though there could possibly be star seeds all throughout history but not many of them until the first wave in the 1960s.

Anyway we arranged to meet this weekend. It turns out Karen lives in Northam, about an hour or so drive east from here. So the plan is for me to drive up there for lunch and spend the afternoon with Karen. She is Vegan so that will suit me fine, me being Vegetarian. The only difference between Vegan and Vegetarian is the the former does not eat any animal product at all such as dairy and eggs, while I still do eat some dairy and eggs. However I will eventually become Vegan as my vibrations raises. She's also a spiritual artist, she has paintings..... and indeed she seems the classic hippie. I am very much looking forward to meeting her.

Of course I still am going to be careful and have my wits about me. Afterall this IS The Three Weeks!! Though one way to look at it is that our friendship began a few weeks ago on FaceBook, and she asked me to call her with the intention of us meeting prior to the start of The Three Weeks. In any case I don't have any negative feelings about this at this point in time, and I usually pick up on it if something is not kosher - it is what saved me from the scammers last year!! Whatever happens we will never be any more than friends even if it seems we be close friends due to our apparent shared experiences and spiritual interests. Caroline IS my Twin Flame and there will never be another.

Anyway..... I will post updates when incidences do happen during The Three Weeks, otherwise, it be next week.

Here's one of my fav band with a Deep Purple classic..... Richie Blackmore was originally Deep Purple, now with Candice Night being the singer, hence the band's name Blackmore's Night! Enjoy!!!!

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