Monday 28 July 2014

Day 14 of The Three Weeks - 180 degrees about turn!!!

Looks like Caroline has decided to get a divorce, an 180 degrees about turn!!! It's not the first time she made such a decision but seems more determined and said things she never said before, such as, changing her FaceBook status from "married" to "single". She told me, she will be free within a year, and her two friends will come to Perth and to my church to talk to me about her!! Yesterday while I was with Karen, Caroline had a particularly bad day with hubby.... but I think more than anything, it was my weekend with Karen that had Caroline make up her mind about the divorce!!!.... oooops!!!!

Okay.... back to the start.... Today is the 1st day of Av, the start of the more intense Nine Days of Av leading up to the Temples' destruction on Av 9, this is when the worse of the calamities occurs. This day Karen is due to sign the lease with her son on this very ill fated move to the house in York, where she will share house with her possessive son who does not like men seeing her!! This is destined to put a stop to me seeing Karen, or at the very least, severely reduce my time with her!!

And so another proof that anything that begins during The Three Weeks is destined for calamity and heart ache. It was during The Three Weeks that I started seeing Karen, the two most wonderful weekends of my life thus far!!! I thought what could possibly go wrong? We get on so well together, and we enjoy each other's company!!! Alas! Her family, or more specifically, her possessive son who was being evicted from his house and no financial means to find another on his own..... enter mother ever to the rescue, and so they move in together. Her son hates the idea that I am now in Karen's life, and he hates the idea of me visiting her on weekends. And so on this 1st day of Av, the lease is signed, sealing my fate of heartbreak. Not only her son is possessive but has ADHD worse than mine, and also OCD, very obsessive personality.....

This is not the first time mother and son had shared house, and indeed the only reason why Karen had been in her little apartment is cos they had a bad fight and so she moved out, this about a year ago. So now the cycle continues, and somewhere down the track they will have another fight, and Karen will move out again..... Her son will never change, the current situation won't last forever.....

Enter Caroline.... she started asking me all these questions about my weekend visit with Karen.... and being a woman that she is, she knows how to ask the right questions, and well I cannot lie to her..... honesty is always the best policy.... and so she finds out that I have indeed spent the night alone with a woman sleeping at her place. And oh for the first time I experienced Caroline's jealousy! I reassured her that nothing happened, we did not sleep together, and no other romance..... but the fact that I had even just spent the night at the home of another woman was enough to make her really jealous. Just a clash of culture. In India, a man just staying at the house alone with a woman for the night is akin to having sex with her even if nothing like that actually happened! In India you just do NOT spend a night at a woman's house, full stop!!! Here in Australia of course it is not such a big deal. Caroline told me not to again spend the night with Karen.... I could not agree to it..... but it seems Caroline will get her wish anyway, thanks to Karen's son.... no more nights with Karen, and at least severely reduced weekend visits to her if at all.

It was after our conversation about my weekend visit.... Caroline went offline for a little while.... then she came back online telling me about her decision to seek a divorce!!!! This has to be due to my weekend with Karen!! Caroline really does want me, and now making sure she has me!!!! Oh why does things like that happens to me!!!!! What is it about me!!!??????

Well in reality it is going to be some time before she can even begin the divorce proceedings, especially at such as place as India, then possibly up to a year or even more, cos her hubby is going to fight it. He will not want to lose such a slave who cooks for him, keeps house for him, and uses as a punching bag to release his frustrations. Hookers cannot cook nor keep house. Then when the divorce is granted, there is still much to do before we can marry. She is thinking I would come to India, but at this time I have no money for such a trip, and that situation is not going to change anytime soon. Caroline has more money than me, she even owns properties, so may help pay for my trip, or she may come here to Perth, possibly with those two friends of hers, the married couple - Aussie man and Indian woman!! Then if Caroline was to stay in Australia with me, there's the immigration fees. I know how much I spent for Sally's immigration, about $2500 just in fees alone, then about another $1500 in total for other things such as police clearance, medical tests, etc!! That was back in 1998, a total of about $4000 or so. By now it would be far more expensive, probably closer to $8000 or so!! Then multiply by three, as she has her two children. Perhaps $25000 to $30000 in total. There is simply no way in hell that I could ever come up with such money. And I don't think even Caroline could come up with such money. Although she is rich in India, the rupee is very low in value compared to Australian dollar, indeed, 60 rs (rupees) to just one Australian dollar. So everything appears very cheap in India. So even if Caroline and I do marry, there is simply no way in hell that she be able to stay in Australia with me due to these very high immigration expenses. Alternatively I could give up my job and settle in India, but it is very unlikely I would ever do that. Furthermore, my income is simply not enough to support Caroline and her children! It was barely enough to support Sally!! And since Caroline won't be a Permanent Resident she will not be able to get a job in Australia. However things are so cheap in India that should I remain in Australia with my job, I could easily send enough money each fortnite to support her and the children in India, it would be a relatively small amount in Australian dollars terms. It just that we would be separated for much of the time.

So logistically, especially economically, marriage to Caroline seems such an impossibility. But really I am not sure if I be ready, even a few years down the track. I enjoy being with Karen too much, I enjoy being single. Karen herself never wants to marry again, so no possibility of romance between us, our friendship would just get closer and closer.

But since it seems I be seeing a lot less of Karen..... I may just have to bite the bullet and attend spiritual groups here on my own. I do not like to attend any groups on my own. The only reason why I go to church is cos my cousin is there and we sit together in church. But if there are any other star seeds in Perth my best chance of meeting them would be at any of these "alternative" or "new age" groups even if I must go on my own. Perhaps I need to make another trip to Fremantle. But I will NOT be starting any of this during this "The Three Weeks", for as proven in the case of Karen, anything that is started during "The Three Weeks" is destined for catastrophe.

Well thanks to "The Three Weeks" it looks like it is the end for my weekends with Karen...... it seems "the end" in many things......

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