Thursday 17 July 2014

Day 3 of The Three Weeks

No incidents of note on this side. After work I went to the shops for a number of items including ingredients for my garlic potatoes which I make each week to help prevent the colds and flu. So I got all the ingredients, and I came home and put away the groceries, then went for my bath..... then it dawned on me, I had forgotten one vital ingredient - the POTATOES!!!!!! Arrrrrgh!!!!!! So I had to go back out to purchase the potatoes, fortunately I could just walk around to the local deli which has the produce section. So was a minor inconvenience really, nevertheless, annoying that I forgot about the potatoes!!!!

The focus continues to be on Caroline, the situation is getting worse all the time, I honestly doubt whether she will survive this! Maybe no more Caroline by the end of The Three Weeks. And there is absolutely nothing that I can do about this, except energy exchanges, commonly known as "prayer" but it does have its limits. It takes time for such energies to manifest, and she doesn't have that much time!! Also Indian society makes things difficult, there are no women refuges nor any other support for abuse victims. Not to mention this ridiculous law that they have there in regards to reporting to the police. Basically if you have any dealings with the police, you get a "black mark" which among other things prevents you from travelling out of the country!! It makes no difference whether you are the criminal or the victim of the crime, the "black mark" is still given!! Therefore if Caroline reports to the police as the victim of domestic violence, she will still get the "black mark" so she won't be able to come to Australia even if I marry her in India!! I would have to leave her behind. The "black mark" stands for the rest of your life, so it be no more travelling out of the country for the rest of your life. I think it has something to do with their belief that even the victim of crime is still in some way responsible for the crime. Of course they believe that in Western society too such as here in Australia, which is why we often see criminals get lesser punishments due to mitigation or some provocation by the victim of the crime!! But at least they don't get "black marks" here that prevents us from going overseas!! This is part of what makes for basically an impossible situation in India. It is very difficult to get a divorce, especially for the woman.

The wedding anniversary is on the 21st which is next Monday, in this instance, the last day of Week 1. In 1997 when the marriage took place, it fell near the start of The Three Weeks on Tzom Tammuz.

If not for Karen then I'd be driven insane by anxiety for Caroline, I really don't think she will survive this, or at the very least, sustain permanent injury. Sally had sustained permanent injury from her first husband, she was partly deaf in one ear due to being beating in the head. Karen it seems certainly came at the right time!! We're all still set for our meeting on Sunday, now just two more days away, and we are both so excited about this!! At long last to meet a Pleiadean star seed in person, the same soul group as me, rather than just online!!! This is a very useful diversion from worrying about Caroline all the time - I would have been a basket case by now if not for Karen!!!!

I posted this vid before.... a song about domestic violence..... unfortunately for Caroline it is a little more than just bleeding.....

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