Thursday 31 July 2014

Day 17 of The Three Weeks - Heartache and Chaos Continues

Further proof that things starting during "The Three Weeks" are destined for heartache and calamities. Karen has confirmed that she has signed the lease with her son on the York house last Monday, the 1st day of the more intense Nine Days of Av. They will move in this weekend, which virtually seals my fate due to her son being possessive and kicking up a fuss about men visiting his mother. Furthermore Karen will not have internet access at the house. She was using the free wi-fi system at the block of units she previously resided, but there be no such system at the house. She will still be able to get online while at the radio station, however, she has been given two weeks off from the radio station, meaning, I won't even be able to hear her voice for two weeks. This would enable her to complete the chaotic task of moving house. So she will be offline for two weeks, I will not hear from her at all. This is the end result of the act of meeting her for the first time during "The Three Weeks". Do not start anything new during "The Three Weeks", it will end in catastrophe and heartache.

Anyway, tomorrow, August 1, is the Pagan holiday Imbolc here in the Southern Hemisphere. In the north it is Lammas, but we celebrate Pagan holidays at opposite times of the year in the Southern Hemisphere, so we have Imbolc, basically about six weeks after the Solstice, and when the days become visibly longer, and so the promise of warmer days ahead. Indeed this morning I noticed that it is now just starting to get light when I leave for work. During the previous two months or so I been leaving for work in darkness. Also I can go for longer walks in the evening as the sun sets later and later. Imbolc is indeed a time of celebration. It is symbolised by the Goddess giving birth to a newborn Son.... hmmmm sounds familiar??

Here in Australia, the Native Violet is the sacred plant of choice for Imbolc, so I decided that I needed one or two pots of the plant for my Pleiadean shrine. I looked online and saw that Bunnings had those plants available. So during my lunch hour I headed for Bunnings, however, I could not find any such plants anywhere. I didn't have much time to look due to needing to be back at work. So as I was about to give up, I noticed some plants by the door, they were called "Voila Hederacea", and well they had the small violet flowers, and to me they seem to be similar to the Native Violet, so instinct told me to get those instead. Well I figure, near enough is good enough!!

However I hatched a plan to visit the Green sections at Big W and K-Mart at Mirrabooka to see if I can find such a plant there. If I can find such a plant, well it be great, but if not, then those "Violas" would do for tomorrow's celebration! I never go to Mirrabooka for my grocery shopping cos of the energies at the place, it does creep me out, and I always have to white-light myself each time I go there! I do my grocery shopping at Dog Swamp even if it is a little further way. It has been a while since I been to Mirrabooka. I first visited Big W but there were no Native Violets there, only African Violets. So I went to K-Mart, they had closed down their Green section, they no longer sell plants, at least not at Mirrabooka anyway. But I had forgotten how sensitive I have become as my vibration raises, and the place really messed up my mind, it was utter chaos. I suddenly became utterly depressed, and even suicidal!!! I was feeling so awful that I didn't think I would survive. And I couldn't find my house keys, I had spares, but that freaked me a bit!!!!!!

So for a while I had to white-light myself and hold on for dear life....... then I went to my plants and took out the identity tags that were in the soil of the pots. I happen to look on the back of them and couldn't believe what I saw..... "Native Violets"!!!!!! It turned out that those "Voila Hederacea" were the scientific name for "Native Violet"!!!! Wow!!! That really made my day!!! And I DID end up finding my house keys!!! But never again will I go to Mirrabooka regardless of how badly I need something!!

Now tomorrow I will focus on Imbolc rather than the fact that "The Three Weeks" have wrecked any chance of me ever seeing Karen again!!!!

This song is how I feel when I am with Karen...... well it was good while it lasted..... *sigh*

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Day 15 of The Three Weeks - Back To Square One!!!

Hmmmm...... Caroline changed her mind again.... she will NOT be getting a divorce!! Her change of mind is not for moral reasons but economic!! She had just found out that if the wife initiate the divorce she gets nothing, however, if the husband initiates the divorce then the wife will receive a portion of his fortunes!! In Caroline's case, she would get 75% of her husband's fortune because he had banned her from getting a job. However if Caroline initiate the divorce she gets nothing!!!.... zilch... zit... nyet!!!! Yeah another of India's weird and downright unfair laws!!

So she will wait until her husband initiate the divorce... which is NEVER going to happen in spite of his threats at times. In reality he will not initiate the divorce because in Caroline he basically have a slave who cooks all of his meals and keep house, things which he is utterly clueless. He will not give up such a devoted slave!!! So while he goes out and have fun with hookers and getting drunk, he is assured of a meal and a clean house to come home to.

Now let's think from the man's point of view... I decides that I no longer love my wife and wants to get rid of her. However if I divorce her I will lose 75% of my fortunes!!! However if I somehow have her to divorce me then I will keep all of my fortune while she gets nothing. So let's make her life as difficult as possible, so she will get fed up and end up divorcing me!!!

And this is exactly what Caroline's husband is doing to her...... abusing her and making her life as difficult as possible. But she is a determined little critter and does not give up easily.

So I am going to be free for the foreseeable future and this suits me fine. As much as I love Caroline I am not ready for marriage. I love to do my own thing..... and to be free to visit Karen my star sister. Thanks to her possessive son, my visits to Karen seems destined to be few and far between, but just a matter of time before they fight again, and Karen compelled to move into another apartment, just this time it will be in York, her preferred place of residence.

Meanwhile I do want to pursue alternative spiritual activities and just perhaps meet other star seeds though I really don't think there be many of us in this city which is why it took me 8 years to find Karen!!! Although for much of those 8 years I have been busy with my wife, being her carer, and not spending that much time online. I certainly had no time for other spiritual activities. Now I DO have time, just that I hate going to places on my own. The only reason I go to church regularly is cos my cousin is there and I sit with her. I don't know of any alternative spiritual soul in my city. So if I am going to go anywhere, it is going to have to be on my own!!!!

But whatever..... I won't be starting anything new during "The Three Weeks", there is over a week to go before this cursed period of time ends. As proven by the Karen incidences, anything new started during "The Three Weeks" is destined for catastrophe and heartache. So sitting tight until well after "The Three Weeks", then I will take it from there......

So it looks like for the foreseeable future I will be footloose...... and fancy free !!!!!!!

Monday 28 July 2014

Day 14 of The Three Weeks - 180 degrees about turn!!!

Looks like Caroline has decided to get a divorce, an 180 degrees about turn!!! It's not the first time she made such a decision but seems more determined and said things she never said before, such as, changing her FaceBook status from "married" to "single". She told me, she will be free within a year, and her two friends will come to Perth and to my church to talk to me about her!! Yesterday while I was with Karen, Caroline had a particularly bad day with hubby.... but I think more than anything, it was my weekend with Karen that had Caroline make up her mind about the divorce!!!.... oooops!!!!

Okay.... back to the start.... Today is the 1st day of Av, the start of the more intense Nine Days of Av leading up to the Temples' destruction on Av 9, this is when the worse of the calamities occurs. This day Karen is due to sign the lease with her son on this very ill fated move to the house in York, where she will share house with her possessive son who does not like men seeing her!! This is destined to put a stop to me seeing Karen, or at the very least, severely reduce my time with her!!

And so another proof that anything that begins during The Three Weeks is destined for calamity and heart ache. It was during The Three Weeks that I started seeing Karen, the two most wonderful weekends of my life thus far!!! I thought what could possibly go wrong? We get on so well together, and we enjoy each other's company!!! Alas! Her family, or more specifically, her possessive son who was being evicted from his house and no financial means to find another on his own..... enter mother ever to the rescue, and so they move in together. Her son hates the idea that I am now in Karen's life, and he hates the idea of me visiting her on weekends. And so on this 1st day of Av, the lease is signed, sealing my fate of heartbreak. Not only her son is possessive but has ADHD worse than mine, and also OCD, very obsessive personality.....

This is not the first time mother and son had shared house, and indeed the only reason why Karen had been in her little apartment is cos they had a bad fight and so she moved out, this about a year ago. So now the cycle continues, and somewhere down the track they will have another fight, and Karen will move out again..... Her son will never change, the current situation won't last forever.....

Enter Caroline.... she started asking me all these questions about my weekend visit with Karen.... and being a woman that she is, she knows how to ask the right questions, and well I cannot lie to her..... honesty is always the best policy.... and so she finds out that I have indeed spent the night alone with a woman sleeping at her place. And oh for the first time I experienced Caroline's jealousy! I reassured her that nothing happened, we did not sleep together, and no other romance..... but the fact that I had even just spent the night at the home of another woman was enough to make her really jealous. Just a clash of culture. In India, a man just staying at the house alone with a woman for the night is akin to having sex with her even if nothing like that actually happened! In India you just do NOT spend a night at a woman's house, full stop!!! Here in Australia of course it is not such a big deal. Caroline told me not to again spend the night with Karen.... I could not agree to it..... but it seems Caroline will get her wish anyway, thanks to Karen's son.... no more nights with Karen, and at least severely reduced weekend visits to her if at all.

It was after our conversation about my weekend visit.... Caroline went offline for a little while.... then she came back online telling me about her decision to seek a divorce!!!! This has to be due to my weekend with Karen!! Caroline really does want me, and now making sure she has me!!!! Oh why does things like that happens to me!!!!! What is it about me!!!??????

Well in reality it is going to be some time before she can even begin the divorce proceedings, especially at such as place as India, then possibly up to a year or even more, cos her hubby is going to fight it. He will not want to lose such a slave who cooks for him, keeps house for him, and uses as a punching bag to release his frustrations. Hookers cannot cook nor keep house. Then when the divorce is granted, there is still much to do before we can marry. She is thinking I would come to India, but at this time I have no money for such a trip, and that situation is not going to change anytime soon. Caroline has more money than me, she even owns properties, so may help pay for my trip, or she may come here to Perth, possibly with those two friends of hers, the married couple - Aussie man and Indian woman!! Then if Caroline was to stay in Australia with me, there's the immigration fees. I know how much I spent for Sally's immigration, about $2500 just in fees alone, then about another $1500 in total for other things such as police clearance, medical tests, etc!! That was back in 1998, a total of about $4000 or so. By now it would be far more expensive, probably closer to $8000 or so!! Then multiply by three, as she has her two children. Perhaps $25000 to $30000 in total. There is simply no way in hell that I could ever come up with such money. And I don't think even Caroline could come up with such money. Although she is rich in India, the rupee is very low in value compared to Australian dollar, indeed, 60 rs (rupees) to just one Australian dollar. So everything appears very cheap in India. So even if Caroline and I do marry, there is simply no way in hell that she be able to stay in Australia with me due to these very high immigration expenses. Alternatively I could give up my job and settle in India, but it is very unlikely I would ever do that. Furthermore, my income is simply not enough to support Caroline and her children! It was barely enough to support Sally!! And since Caroline won't be a Permanent Resident she will not be able to get a job in Australia. However things are so cheap in India that should I remain in Australia with my job, I could easily send enough money each fortnite to support her and the children in India, it would be a relatively small amount in Australian dollars terms. It just that we would be separated for much of the time.

So logistically, especially economically, marriage to Caroline seems such an impossibility. But really I am not sure if I be ready, even a few years down the track. I enjoy being with Karen too much, I enjoy being single. Karen herself never wants to marry again, so no possibility of romance between us, our friendship would just get closer and closer.

But since it seems I be seeing a lot less of Karen..... I may just have to bite the bullet and attend spiritual groups here on my own. I do not like to attend any groups on my own. The only reason why I go to church is cos my cousin is there and we sit together in church. But if there are any other star seeds in Perth my best chance of meeting them would be at any of these "alternative" or "new age" groups even if I must go on my own. Perhaps I need to make another trip to Fremantle. But I will NOT be starting any of this during this "The Three Weeks", for as proven in the case of Karen, anything that is started during "The Three Weeks" is destined for catastrophe.

Well thanks to "The Three Weeks" it looks like it is the end for my weekends with Karen...... it seems "the end" in many things......

Sunday 27 July 2014

Day 13 of The Three Weeks - Oh What A Night !!!!

SPIRITUALLY speaking of course!!!! It was a very intense weekend with Karen. Very intense family problems that she shared with me about, I will not go into the gory details, just that she is also an abuse victim!!! Oh why are women abuse victims seem to be so drawn to me!!!!

Prior to my trip east, Caroline was back to declaring her undying love for me, and said that she loves me cos I do not love another..... this is not exactly true, I am rather fond of Karen, in fact every moment with her is like heaven on earth!! I felt rather guilty so could not bring myself to tell her that I would be visiting another woman, only that I would be in a spiritual meeting - that is true - it is a spiritual meeting between Karen and I.

I arrived a little late cos Perth drivers does not know how to drive in wet weather, and it was raining constantly. OK I know it is a little wet but you don't have to go THAT slow!!!!! It stopped raining when I got to Northam, and we spent a wonderful afternoon together.

Then it was the trip to York for her radio show. We went in my car, her car is rather old and need a service. We arrived at the radio station and was rather surprised, it was just a little ole farm house on the outskirts of town converted into a station, just four rooms, two of them studios. Also that there was no one else there!! I was expecting a somewhat larger place with other people. But no, Karen let herself in with a key, and it was just Karen and I there!! The broadcast is run by computers!! But when Karen is due to start her show, the broadcast is switched over to her studio. And wow I am so impressed, Karen is so talented!!! She was awesome!! She chooses her own songs, this time it was mostly ET-type songs and other techno, it is different each week. She calls herself "Kazza" on the show.

You can listen online.... it is Voice Of The Avon radio 101.3FM  Her show is called "Time Zone", and she plays songs and she speaks, and oohhhhh she is so good, so wonderful.... she is on Saturday night from 6pm to 9pm. She also on Friday afternoon, when I am at work!! The link to the radio broadcast is....

Voice Of The Avon

Then we drove back to her place, had dinner, talked a bit more, the set me up to sleep. Her sofa converts into a nice comfy bed. She had a puddy cat, a Sirian star-kin as most puddy cats are orginally from the Sirius star system, and she slept with me - the puddy cat that is!!!!! She was purring in my face when I woke up, and was walking over my tablet when I tried to update my FaceBook!!

It was today when her family problems came to light..... very intense..... and will complicate things in our friendship..... I knew the curse of "The Three Weeks" will impact on us since we began meeting in person during that period.

And she is moving to York, partly due to the family problems. She always preferred York to Northam, so she is moving there. The snag is, her son is moving in with her. He is being evicted from his house, and he can't afford another place on his own, and her unit is only one bedroom. So they will share a house in York. However her son is possessive and does not like his mother to have male friends, partly due to abuse from father. They are moving in next weekend so I won't be there. And due to her son, it will mean less opportunities to be with her.

So it seems this weekend was destined to be the last weekend of quality time with Karen. Next weekend when the move to York is scheduled is the last weekend of "The Three Weeks", falling within the more intense "Nine Days of Av".

And so last night it was..... as in this vid.... Oh What A Night!!!..... SPIRITUALLY speaking of course!!!!! But the feeling was still the same....

Thursday 24 July 2014

Day 10 of The Three Weeks - The Karens Saga Soapie Next Episode

Sheeze someone should make a TV series out of this!!! Now Caroline is feeling guilty for her love for me. She states that she does not love her husband but loves me instead. Never mind that her hubby is an abuser who uses her as a punching bag to release his frustrations, indeed as I write here, he is getting drunk in alcohol as he parties on, which can only mean trouble for Caroline. His worse abuses happens when drunk.

As I keep on trying to tell her, it is not wrong to love someone. Indeed it is so, as I say, love happens no matter what!!

Unfortunately for me, it seems that love "is happening" TWICE at the same time!.... *sigh*.... I simply cannot stop thinking of Karen as the day draws near that we be meeting again. Still another whole day to wait yet, it seems like an eternity!!! I can't wait, I want to be with her NOW!!!! Perhaps a good thing she is in Northam at this time, otherwise, I'd be at her place now.

One thing Karen told me last weekend when we were together, after I shared with her about my years of hell, especially with Sally's sickness, Karen told me that she was sent to me so we can have fun again, to make my life better. She indeed had a whole lot of events lined up, attending theater performances and other things, that I would accompany her to. Previously she had no one to go with.

Karen knew there must be another star seed in Perth, and so she searched me out.... and she found me, while I was just minding my own business expecting to be ever alone in this city. Karen found me, she sent me an add request on FaceBook, and began responding to my wall posts and status updates. Then she began to msg me, and insisted that we meet, which very quickly happened. Less than a week transpired between her sending me the first msg and meeting me!!!!!

The similarities with Caroline is uncanny. Karen knew me from past lives in the Pleiades. Caroline knew me from my past in my current life, as penfriends. Caroline found me on FaceBook, sent me an add request, and began chatting with me. Caroline also said she was called to make my life better after suffering the years of hell dealing with Sally's sickness. And speaks of doing things together once we meet.

Just how much more weird can my life be!!!????? This is NOT my fault!! I didn't do it!!! Those two very stunning ladies sought me out and found me! And now I love them both!!!

How all this will pan out I am not sure nor am I willing to speculate. Just go with the flow, and flow with the energies.... it's a good thing one of these ladies are in another country!!

Well since Olivia is evidently a star seed, seems appropriate to play this vid.... indeed if not for Karen I'd be spending another lonely weekend lamenting the possible loss of Caroline.......

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Day 9 of The Three Weeks - The Saga of the Karens

Now today Caroline decides she wants to spend the rest of her life with me afterall, though still adamant that she will not file for divorce, and she will be going into ministry. Her words were something like - "God have sent you to be my husband, and that cannot be changed, even if you change your mind!!"

So even if I change my mind and decide I want to be with Karen, I am still destined to be with Caroline..... she still knows nothing about Karen, and it will stay that way for the next two days. I won't tell her of my trip to Northam until the day of the trip, in case something crops up to force a change of plans.

But I have to say, I am torn between the two. My love for Caroline has not diminished, however, I also so wanting to spend all my time with Karen. If and when I get married, I will not be able to spend nearly as much time with Karen - unless I get married to Karen!! Me and my Virgo analytics getting me into trouble once again!!!

So let's look at the reality of the situation. Caroline is married and does not intend to file for divorce, leaving it to God to deal with the situation. This will leave two options. The death of her husband, or he filing for divorce. Both are unlikely. In the grand scheme of things not many people die, not even people who smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish, and works in a high risk job on an oil rig. Considering the number of people working on rigs, the death rate is really very low, not many are actually killed. It is true enough that smokers does risk life threatening diseases, nevertheless, a large proportion of smokers manages to live to old age, and even those catching diseases often manages to live for many more years even if more impaired due to disease. The same applies for alcohol consumption and drunkeness. Everyone gets drunk or has gotten drunk at least once, me included, but very few actually die as a result. And so he may lead a wild life but it is unlikely to kill him anytime soon. Indeed on this planet, the wicked lives long lives while, as quoted in a Billy Joel song, The Good Dies Young!!!!

So that leaves the hubby filing for divorce himself. Despite his threats to do so, that is also unlikely. For in Caroline he has a faithful wife who cooks for him, keep house for him, and manages other affairs for him. She is faithful and devoted wife, even in spite of the abuse handed out to her by him!! He could basically do as he pleases and yet rely on a faithful and devoted wife. No man with even half a brain will give up on that!!!!

Therefore it is going to be a long time, many years, before Caroline would become free. I will not be waiting that long, especially if my relationship with Karen develops.

There is currently no romance between Karen and I, we are just very close spiritually. My contacts with ETs in the past week confirms that Karen is from the same ship as I am, we have the same star parents, therefore we are star siblings. We have been very close together on the ship, we loved each other very much as siblings, which explains why our connection when we met last Sunday was absolutely instant. There was no "getting to know each other" phase, it was as if we already knew each other, and we were in each other's arms within the first minute of our first meeting together!!!!! Indeed we were so close together on the ship that we asked to be incarnate in the same location on planet Earth, and indeed it was so. She came down in 1955, while I came down in 1963, and we both grew up in Perth, with Karen moving to Northam in more recent times, still within driving distance. And so we finally met, and set to begin our friendship together.

So will see how it all pans out...... just let the universe has it way and work out things..... and I will let the energies flow between Karen and I, how ever it may pan out.... Just two more days before I see her again, but it bloody seems like two more years!!!! I so cannot wait to be with her again, my whole week has been focused on that, I so want to be with her!!!!

I am just so torn..... as this song describes....... just reverse the genders, and slight changes to the details, but is generally how I'm feeling now!!!!!!!.....

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Day 8 of The Three Weeks - The Changing Karens

Caroline's change in attitude is definitely more evident today as we chatted at different times. She is talking more and more about going into ministry, and that indeed the only way we would meet is if her ministry team comes over to Perth! Just barely a week ago this would have upset me great but now I am glad it is happening!!! That revival meeting she went to on Sunday had really changed her. She also seems more confident in herself.

Of course I had my own "revival" meeting on Sunday at exactly the same time, being with Karen, the reason why I am not upset at Caroline's "sea change"!! Karen definitely came along at the right time. And with Uranus turning retrograde today, it feels like I'm gonna do some things that I never done before - the energies of Uranus manifests like that. But I have to say, I am so much happier with Karen, and I so cannot wait to be with her again this Saturday. Through the week we keep in contact through FaceBook, and it is HER that I wait for to come online.

Being with such an awakened star seed is beyond my wildest dreams! I never dreamed that this would happen after 8 years of fruitless searching!! In America and on the east coast star seeds meets all the time, but not in isolated Perth! But it was as if Karen and I were placed near to each other, as she was also born and raised in Perth, and was just a matter of time before we met. My ship is also her ship. We are soul kins. The connection is so deep. A star seed is truly who I am. I am normally shy at talking, but with Karen my words flowed out like a river, we just got on so very well together, it was like we known each before - and well we HAVE known each other before - in our past lives in the Pleiades.

I still haven't told Caroline about Karen nor my planned meeting with her this weekend. I will wait until closer to the event in case something crops up to change our plans. It is just another three days away, but it seems like three years, I so cannot wait to be with her again...... But I really don't think Caroline would mind at all at the rate things are going with her!!

Well it remains to be seen how all this will pan out..... but certainly something is happening.... and oooohhhhh I am so excited!!!!!!.....

Monday 21 July 2014

Day 7 of The Three Weeks - Happy Anniversary.... NOT!!!!!!

Today is Caroline's wedding anniversary, her catastrophic marriage took place during "The Three Weeks"!!

Today however it seems she had a change of attitude. Yesterday while I was having a wonderful time with Karen in Northam, Caroline was at a special church meeting where they talked about "revival" and committing one's self to ministry. So while I had my somewhat spiritual awakening with Karen, Caroline had her own "spiritual awakening". Caroline usually msg me often even while her hubby is there, but indeed it turned out she hadn't msg me at all while I was with Karen except a short msg saying she be in that meeting. It's as if the universe made sure I get some quality alone time with Karen. I did not tell Caroline that I would be driving out to see Karen, and I certainly did not expect to spend half the night with Karen, when Caroline usually msgs me!!!!

So today Caroline msg me saying that she is having "a relationship with God", and she asked me if I object to that? It seems a strange question cos anyone who is a Christian would know it involves a relationship with God, it is what being a Christian is. You can't be a Christian if you DON'T have a relationship with God!! So of course I said it is perfectly OK, it being a part of her pathway in life, and who am I to interfere with it!!

Then she told me that she will no longer be doing things "in the flesh", and that she must be "back on track" with God. Indeed she felt the Holy Spirit "telling her" that she must be "back on track". Now this usually means that she is not intending to file for divorce but to "let God deal with it".

Such statements had before upset me, cos my feeling was she should get a divorce so I could be with her!!! But in this instance I was NOT upset at all!!! Because in truth I am no longer in such a hurry. I admittedly did enjoy being with Karen. There is no romance between us, but there is a definite closeness between us, as it is, we are star siblings, we are connected in that way. She is a Pleiadean star seed like I am, and we have at least 99% agreement on all of the things and issues that star seeds deals with. We are a unique breed!! I never thought in my wildest dreams I would ever meet with a star seed, they it seems are either on the east coast or overseas. Lonely indeed are the star seeds especially in Perth!!!! But I am no longer lonely. I now have Karen, and I very much like it that way. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life, and I am so looking forward to next Saturday when I will be with her again. This would not happen if I was married..... to anyone!! I am glad to be single, it allowed me to meet Karen.

Sooner or later I will need to tell Caroline about Karen, and that I would be with her for much of this Saturday to well into the night. Caroline shouldn't object to it, as she sometimes goes out and spend time with her friends. She may not like it if she knew I be alone with Karen, it's not that I would tell her at first, but if she asks, I will not lie to her. Honesty is always the best policy!!

The total and utter reality of the situation is, I AM single, and Caroline is still married, very reluctant to divorce, and even if she does ever decide to seek a divorce, Indian society dictates that she will face a hard time doing so!! Meanwhile Karen herself is single, and another victim of domestic violence from her ex-hubby, they seem attracted to me for some reason.... and she has twins from the marriage, now both grown up.....

It remains to be seen how things will pan out..... especially between Karen and I.... always many twists and turns in this universe, unexpected things turning up. I think Karen was sent to me to divert some attention away from Caroline's situation. I used to be so worried sick about Caroline, I would get upset tummy and feel utterly sick. And well I still am worried about Caroline, but Karen is proving to be a definite diversion, taking much of the energy away from the worrying.....

And well.... I just right now want to be with Karen..... and I can't wait to be with her again Saturday.......

This song says it all...... well you get the drift anyway..... especially when Karen gives me a tight hug... not just a short one.... but she holds on.. and on.... squeezing and hugging..... ohhhhh....... *sigh*

Sunday 20 July 2014

Finally Met a Star Seed!!!!

I finally met a star seed after all those long lonely years!!!!!.... not only a star seed but a Pleiadean star seed just like me!!!! Must be my lucky day.... the two close matches today I managed to pick BOTH of them, giving me an overall score of 9-7 on close matches in my tipping!!

Anyway.... I spent all morning wondering whether Karen would change her mind, being most decidedly burnt before by another in this regard.... and some minor "The Three Weeks" incidences such as going to the ATM to withdraw cash only to find the ATM was out of order!!!!!

So to cut a long story short, by 11am which was when I planned to leave for Northam I still haven't heard from Karen about changing her mind..... so with a mixture of nervousness and excitement all was set for the trip.... which turned out took a little over an hour, arriving in Northam a little after 12pm. I went by the river for a little bit to calm the nerves, before heading to her house not quite knowing what to expect! Yes she actually invited me to HER house, what you don't do for a person you just met on FaceBook!!

Well the connection was absolutely instantaneous!! And we talked about such weirdness as our past lives in the Pleiades, the reptilian agenda, our contacts with ETs, UFO's and our star ships, and all these other "star seed" kind of stuff as if it was perfectly normal. If I even mentioned these things to anyone else they'd think I be off the wall, off the planet, with a screw or two loose!! I brought my star kin whale along to meet her, and she had a star kin dolphin!!

So after all these long lonely years stuck in this isolated little city convinced that I would never meet a star seed, my dream had finally come true!!!! I finally met a star seed with whom I can share EVERYTHING with her!!!!! OK not exactly IN Perth but just an hour east from Perth, a small price to pay for being with my star kin sister.

We had our Vegan dinner.... and I ended up spending most of the evening with her, much longer than expected!!! There was just so much to talk about.....

And she given me her book to read, "The Pleiadean Agenda", which is like the Bible for Pleiadean star seeds and is hard to get.

Well you know a "date" has been a success when she starts planning for our NEXT meeting.... well Karen planned for the next THREE or FOUR meetings.... some events she wants for me to accompany her to over the next few weeks. This is like meeting my long lost sister, my star sister, wanting to spend as much time as possible together cos we have so much to catch up on.

Our next meeting is next Saturday, she invited me along to her radio show that she hosts on Saturday nights. She does indeed host a show on Voice of the Avon radio. That is gonna be so interesting!!

If this happened on our radio show I think they would get an entirely different reaction!!!!

Saturday 19 July 2014

Day 5 of The Three Weeks

Caroline was almost killed yesterday. Her husband was drunk when he rode the motorbike, and she was on the back of the bike. He crashed the bike into a truck, and she fell off hurting her hands as she landed on the road. She said it was a miracle she survived. Unfortunately her husband escaped unscathed, didn't fall off. OK it was only one of those scooter bikes nevertheless it could have been a lot more serious!! I told Caroline off for riding on the back while the driver was drunk!! I told her not to do it again!!! But in India they don't take drunk driving so seriously, there weren't even any coppers around. But I did have feelings that her life is in danger, and I am rarely wrong.

Today was my most serious incident yet..... I go for my walk, and I catch the train back to my starting point. I use a smart card to pay for my voyage, and when the funds on the card falls below a certain point, my credit card gets automatically charged a certain amount which tops up the card - well it has been doing that with not a problem whatsoever.... until TODAY!!!! After my 30kms walk I swiped the card on the machine only to be rudely informed that there was not enough value on it!!! Question was, WHY wasn't it topped up??? I used my cell phone to login to my account at the transport company, and indeed, for some reason the auto top-up through my perfectly VALID and SUFFICIENTLY FUNDED credit card had been suspended!!!! It's the card I use all the time, not a problem whatsoever! So I tried to re-instate the auto topup with my card, but it would not work!!!! It just refused to do so!!!!

OK in such cases I do bring a small amount of cash with me, so that in an event of a card failure, I can just purchase a manual ticket through the ticket machine. Alas!!! I didn't have enough cash on me!!! I had forgotten that they increased the price of the ticket this month, July being the start of the tax year in Australia, public transport fares always goes up in July. I was indeed a lousy 40c short!!!!

Well I could at least get a 1-zone ticket, that will get me part of the way back. So that is what I did, I purchased a 1-zone ticket. And if there are no ticket inspector on the train, I could get away with travelling all the way back. Most trains especially on weekends does not have ticket inspectors. But wouldn't you know it... Murphy's Law... or the curse of The Three Weeks!!!!.... this train DID have ticket inspectors!!! So I had to get off at the end of the 1-zone. This turned a potential 30kms walk back to about 20kms or so.... so I saved myself about 10kms.... better than nothing!!!!

And so I walked the 20kms back to my car, only that there was not enough charge on my phone to GPS track that return journey. So I walked a total of about 50kms today!!! Since I did basically two days worth of walking today, I am not going on any walks tomorrow!!!!

Question is..... WHY WHY WHY was my credit card suspended from the auto topup?? There is nothing wrong with my credit card, indeed I used it at the shops just yesterday, and there is much more than enough credit funds on the card to cover for the top-up!!!! This can only be attributed to the curse of "The Three Weeks". EVERY year without fail it happens, sometimes a catastrophic calamity that really hurts me such as my wife's diagnosis of the illness in 2011 which ultimately led to her death, otherwise a fairly major calamity that is more inconvenient - such as what happened today!!!!

So in spite of these calamities, the meeting with Karen tomorrow is still on.... She was talking about some radio show that she goes on during Saturday which is why we arranged to meet tomorrow on Sunday rather than Saturday. Not quite sure exactly about the radio show, I guess I find out tomorrow. So bar any more incidences nor Karen changing her mind, I be leaving around 10-10:30 am. I'm not going for any walk tomorrow morning as originally planned!! I did two day's walking today!!! So I just go fill the car up with petrol and make sure I have my other items together. I will be taking my star kin whale with me for her to meet, she won't think I am weird, we both think alike, we are star siblings!! She my star sister!! The latest on the weather, storms are expected overnight but the worse of it should be over by the morning, so just a bit of rain, and knowing Perth it won't be that much, and even less as I travel east inland to Northam.

Here's a train song in keeping with today's theme.... in those days there would have been no smart cards nor even computers!!!! All paid in cash in those days!!! hahaha!!!......

Friday 18 July 2014

Day 4 of The Three Weeks

I hardly heard from Caroline today, things getting very nasty I feel it.......

Meanwhile, I had a couple of near misses on the road today, which does not happen normally so it counts as incidences of The Three Weeks. The first was when I was on my way home from work, a car reversing out of a driveway and right into my right-of-way without blinking an eye! I had to take evasive action. Fortunately I knew it was coming, I usually know with my 6th sense what a vehicle will do when in danger of crashing into me!! So I was given more time to take the necessary action, and I saw the driver chatting on the cell phone blissfully unaware of the drama narrowly avoided around her. There is a reason why using cell phones while driving is against the law here!!!!

The 2nd near miss happened in the parking lot when I was at the shops. After finishing my grocery shop, I slowly reversed out of my bay, then when half-way out, the car opposite me also began to reverse out but only much quicker and was not going to stop!!! There was not enough room in the thoroughfare for both of us!! It was only my quick decision to immediately drive back into my bay that prevented a crash!!!

Then a very bad start to the football tipping. I knew I should have picked Carlton, but everyone else picked North Melbourne, so being The Three Weeks I decided to play safe! Bad move!! Being a split round makes it worse, I have to wait two whole weeks before I knew how many places I will drop down the list!! For this weekend the fav team for the next three matches are on short odds, but knowing my luck and The Three Weeks, there will probably be upsets on one or two of them. Then Essendon and Western Bulldogs, I picked the Bombers so the Bulldogs will probably win.

Anyway I went to church as normal, and even the meeting was rather subdued. Probably because a family there knew of a family member on that ill-fated Malaysian flight over Ukraine!!!

We're still all set for Karen and I to meet on Sunday. Today she spoke of her enthusiasm to show me her paintings, she is an artist. There is nothing more inspiring than the artwork of star seeds, many of us are artists. It looks like we will get storms either Saturday night or Sunday morning, hopefully all over by the time I embark on the 90-mins trip to the town, but will still make the trip rather tricky in the rain - a The Three Weeks incident waiting to happen!! But then 90% of storm forecasts never eventuates!! This is likely to be in the 10% that will actually come to pass!!

This vid is dedicated to those two drivers mentioned above.....

Thursday 17 July 2014

Day 3 of The Three Weeks

No incidents of note on this side. After work I went to the shops for a number of items including ingredients for my garlic potatoes which I make each week to help prevent the colds and flu. So I got all the ingredients, and I came home and put away the groceries, then went for my bath..... then it dawned on me, I had forgotten one vital ingredient - the POTATOES!!!!!! Arrrrrgh!!!!!! So I had to go back out to purchase the potatoes, fortunately I could just walk around to the local deli which has the produce section. So was a minor inconvenience really, nevertheless, annoying that I forgot about the potatoes!!!!

The focus continues to be on Caroline, the situation is getting worse all the time, I honestly doubt whether she will survive this! Maybe no more Caroline by the end of The Three Weeks. And there is absolutely nothing that I can do about this, except energy exchanges, commonly known as "prayer" but it does have its limits. It takes time for such energies to manifest, and she doesn't have that much time!! Also Indian society makes things difficult, there are no women refuges nor any other support for abuse victims. Not to mention this ridiculous law that they have there in regards to reporting to the police. Basically if you have any dealings with the police, you get a "black mark" which among other things prevents you from travelling out of the country!! It makes no difference whether you are the criminal or the victim of the crime, the "black mark" is still given!! Therefore if Caroline reports to the police as the victim of domestic violence, she will still get the "black mark" so she won't be able to come to Australia even if I marry her in India!! I would have to leave her behind. The "black mark" stands for the rest of your life, so it be no more travelling out of the country for the rest of your life. I think it has something to do with their belief that even the victim of crime is still in some way responsible for the crime. Of course they believe that in Western society too such as here in Australia, which is why we often see criminals get lesser punishments due to mitigation or some provocation by the victim of the crime!! But at least they don't get "black marks" here that prevents us from going overseas!! This is part of what makes for basically an impossible situation in India. It is very difficult to get a divorce, especially for the woman.

The wedding anniversary is on the 21st which is next Monday, in this instance, the last day of Week 1. In 1997 when the marriage took place, it fell near the start of The Three Weeks on Tzom Tammuz.

If not for Karen then I'd be driven insane by anxiety for Caroline, I really don't think she will survive this, or at the very least, sustain permanent injury. Sally had sustained permanent injury from her first husband, she was partly deaf in one ear due to being beating in the head. Karen it seems certainly came at the right time!! We're all still set for our meeting on Sunday, now just two more days away, and we are both so excited about this!! At long last to meet a Pleiadean star seed in person, the same soul group as me, rather than just online!!! This is a very useful diversion from worrying about Caroline all the time - I would have been a basket case by now if not for Karen!!!!

I posted this vid before.... a song about domestic violence..... unfortunately for Caroline it is a little more than just bleeding.....

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Day 2 of The Three Weeks

No major incidents today except I left my phone charger at work!! Fortunately I have a spare one which I use to keep the phone charged overnight by my bed while I sleep as I use the phone as my alarm clock in the morning on the rare occasions that I sleep past 5am!!! However the situation with Caroline and the hubby is looking very grim. I will not go into details, but it is very bad, it is much worse...... as I said, his homecoming is for exactly three weeks - coinciding exactly with The Three Weeks - indeed confirmed he leaves on 7 August, two days after the end of The Three Weeks.

Now regarding Karen, and with this in mind I give the link below which gives a possible reason why there are star seeds like me on this planet at this current time....

Karen msg me today saying she totally enjoyed our chat by phone last night, and she is so excited about meeting me on Sunday! She even sent me a pic of herself, very different to her profile pic! This was a major breakthrough! Usually any attempts to move from online friends to something beyond online usually falls flat at this point!! I just hope this doesn't turn into another "Julie" event. This time last year also during The Three Weeks, Julie and I were all set to finally meet each other, and I even got to the point of being dressed up and about to walk out the door.... when the msg came through.... she cancelled at the last minute!!!! Literally!!! And it seems we were destined never to meet......

There are important differences, including that Julie and I never actually spoke to each other on the phone, indeed we never even chat, all our communications has been by email. And more than likely not a star seed, she never mentions about this. And most important difference, this is NOT a dating exercise. There will never be anything more than friendship between Karen and I. But I must say I am most thrilled at the opportunity to FINALLY meet a star seed who is at least in the general vicinity of Perth even if in a town about an hour's drive from Perth. Finding a fellow star seed in the state of Western Australia itself would be miraculous enough!!! But even so close to Perth, it is an enormous feat!! There is actually one other star seed in Perth on my FaceBook profile, but she is married, and so as per typical of married life, she has little time for FaceBook. Karen however it seems is single and has a son. Not only Karen is a star seed, but she is a Pleiadean star seed - as I am!!!! At long last someone to talk to in person about our shared past lives in the same star system, and what we are doing on Earth at this time!! Lonely indeed are the star seeds, and like me, she has also contended with a lonely existence for many years since her awakening, not being able to find anyone who understands her, and all her online star seeds friends being either on the east coast or overseas!!! Exact same problems!!! Now it seems we are being brought together!!!

But I won't count my unhatched chickens yet!! There is still three more days to go yet!! And anything can happen, especially during The Three Weeks!! Our friendship began a few weeks ago, "liking" and commenting on each other status', which I didn't think anything of cos a few of my FaceBook friends "likes" and comment on my status. Then she private msg me, what most of my friends does NOT do, that was when I took more notice.... then she gave me her phone number and said she wants to meet me..... all this happening BEFORE The Three Weeks.

Now to get through three days against the chaos of The Three Weeks. Tomorrow is pay day, when I work out my budget for the fortnite. Friday I go to the shops after work, then to church with my cousin. Saturday I go for my long walk for the morning, then recover in the afternoon. Then Sunday I go for a shorter walk in the morning, come home, and get ready for the trip to Northam to meet Karen, arriving approx lunchtime. That's the plan anyway, and I learned long ago not to make plans during The Three Weeks.......

All this making me wonder..... is this for real??? Is it The Real Thing???......

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Tzom Tammuz - Day 1 of The Three Weeks

Well I survived Tzom Tammuz, day 1 of The Three Weeks, relatively unscathed. I just forgotten to take my morning tea snacks to work, and since I hadn't had breakfast I was ravenously hungry by morning tea. OK the Jews do fast on this day but I chose not to!! So I ate my lunch during morning tea, so I needed to go home for another lunch during my lunch break!!

Caroline.... her abusive husband came home on this very day, just as I said he would. And most interestingly, Caroline said that this time he will be home for exactly THREE WEEKS!!! Usually he is home for a month before spending another month on the oil rig. But for some reason he is home for only three weeks - coinciding EXACTLY with "The Three Weeks", hence he would be going back on the rig on Tisha B'Av. I fear for Caroline, I think things are going to get very nasty. However she decided that she would not cut off contact from me, that indeed we will chat to each other at least once per day when he is not around. In some ways I prefer no contact at all cos it just breaks my heart to hear of the abuse, I am empath, a sensitive soul, and I find it very hard to take. However, if I take the burden however heavy it is, it will work to lessen the impact on her. Therefore it is indeed best to keep in contact with each other.

Now this is gonna be interesting how this pans out.... my FaceBook friend I shared about here last night who wanted to meet me!!! Well I finally did pluck up the courage to call her, it was AFTER sunset therefore not on Tzom Tammuz. And well the connection was immediate!! Her name is Karen - sounds remarkably similar to Caroline!! And she is a Pleiadean star seed just like I am. Caroline is a star seed too otherwise she would not be my Twin Flame, she just doesn't know it yet, and it is up to her to find out for herself. Meanwhile, Karen.... we ended up talking for nearly 90 minutes, and 99% chance she is a genuine soul, not a scammer. I usually know on chatting whether I can trust someone or not, and it seems I can trust her. On a spiritual or star seed level we have pretty well everything in common. And she seemed rather pleased to find another star seed who is NOT on the east coast or overseas!! The same problem I had!! But yeah we talked about everything - ET contacts, ghosts, astrology, religion.... and she also has Jewish connections spiritually, and was very interested in the phenomenon of The Three Weeks. And she is a Virgo. She was born in the mid 1950s which must put her in the very first of the first wave of star seeds. It is generally taught that the first wave of star seeds were incarnated in the 1960s - when I was born! But it is certainly entirely possible that the very first of them would have been born in the 1950s.... though there could possibly be star seeds all throughout history but not many of them until the first wave in the 1960s.

Anyway we arranged to meet this weekend. It turns out Karen lives in Northam, about an hour or so drive east from here. So the plan is for me to drive up there for lunch and spend the afternoon with Karen. She is Vegan so that will suit me fine, me being Vegetarian. The only difference between Vegan and Vegetarian is the the former does not eat any animal product at all such as dairy and eggs, while I still do eat some dairy and eggs. However I will eventually become Vegan as my vibrations raises. She's also a spiritual artist, she has paintings..... and indeed she seems the classic hippie. I am very much looking forward to meeting her.

Of course I still am going to be careful and have my wits about me. Afterall this IS The Three Weeks!! Though one way to look at it is that our friendship began a few weeks ago on FaceBook, and she asked me to call her with the intention of us meeting prior to the start of The Three Weeks. In any case I don't have any negative feelings about this at this point in time, and I usually pick up on it if something is not kosher - it is what saved me from the scammers last year!! Whatever happens we will never be any more than friends even if it seems we be close friends due to our apparent shared experiences and spiritual interests. Caroline IS my Twin Flame and there will never be another.

Anyway..... I will post updates when incidences do happen during The Three Weeks, otherwise, it be next week.

Here's one of my fav band with a Deep Purple classic..... Richie Blackmore was originally Deep Purple, now with Candice Night being the singer, hence the band's name Blackmore's Night! Enjoy!!!!

Monday 14 July 2014

Welcome to My Nightmare

My song for The Three Weeks - the Alice Cooper classic, Welcome to My Nightmare. And so this cursed period of time begins this night, the 17th day of Tammuz, when the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple in AD70. Other calamities befalling Jews on this very day are.....

- Moses broke the tablets at Mount Sinai – in response to the sin of the Golden Calf.

- The daily offerings in the First Temple were suspended during the siege of Jerusalem, after the Kohanim could no longer obtain animals.

- Prior to the Great Revolt, the Roman general Apostamos burned a Torah scroll – setting a precedent for the horrifying burning of Jewish books throughout the centuries.

- An idolatrous image was placed in the Sanctuary of the Holy Temple – a brazen act of blasphemy and desecration.

And since that fateful day in AD70, the calamities on this very day continues, including....

- 4000 Jews murdered in Spain in AD 1391, and the Jewish quarters of Prague burned in AD 1559.

- The Nazis destroyed the Kovno ghetto in 1944, and the Libya government ordered the confiscation of Jewish property in 1970.

- In 2006 the Israel/Lebanon war began on Tzom Tammuz and lasted for three weeks.

I will not be surprised if the current war in Israel with Hamas in Gaza takes a turn for the worse on this day. This whole war began near the start of Tammuz with the murder of the three Jewish teens. It will get worse before it gets better.

Devout Jews abstain from food and water from dawn to dusk on this day. However I won't be doing this, that is just a tradition. Nevertheless the energies of this period affecting me is very real indeed.

Now interesting developments in the past week up until now....

The disaster area that is the football. I got just six points certainly no thanks to those infernal Magpies!!!! grrrrrrrrr.... I knew I should have picked the Bombers!! Okay!! Point taken!!! I will pick the Bombers next time!!! Ummmm who they playing?.... ohh the Western Bulldogs... OK the Bombers should win that one.... As for those infernal Magpies I will never pick them again unless they play the Weevils!! Sooo who are those poor excuse for a team playing next week.... uhhhh Adelaide.... Yeah not picking the Magpies, I'm gonna pick Adelaide next week!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... I disown those Magpies...... However in spite of my low six points I actually managed to jump three places to 20th, meaning, I am actually in the top half!!!! Wow!!!!! However with the next round happening during The Three Weeks, my steady rise in my placings will probably end. Last year I was in the Top Six UNTIL The Three Weeks when I tumbled right out of the Top Six, out of prize money contention, never to return again!! This year I started really badly in the 30s placings near the bottom, but seem to be improving most weeks until I am now in the top half..... but I fear the curse of The Three Weeks, my improved placings may come to a shuddering end!!! Well.... we will see what happens.....

This morning much to my utter shock there were four tornados in Perth and the south!!!! Well when we say "tornados", they are just mini tornados, what we used to call "cock-eye bob"!! They're nothing like the tornados in America. Just a few roofs off houses and trees uprooted. But considering nothing ever happens in Perth, we really don't get severe weather, it always makes the top story of the News when such events do occur!! Nevertheless it was a shock to me!!! It has been clear and sunny for a few days, then the rains did come this morning, it was quite heavy but didn't strike me as being particularly windy. Indeed I didn't even hear any thunder or lightning. Well I suppose those tornados did happen in the southern suburbs, while I am in the north. The rains did clear, and I went for my walk without a drop of rain falling on me!!! It was positively sunny by the time I gotten out. I did have the day off work today, an RDO.

The pay dispute in the public service.... well the results of the votes are in, and as hoped by me, we voted to accept the pay deal, the agreement lasts for three years. The wage rises are pitiful but better than nothing, and at least we have job security for the next three years in spite of the govt passing laws to enable us to be sacked if made redundant. At least that won't happen for the next three years. The pay rise won't quite cover my rent increase but should cover most of it, based on my own calculations, but due to the lease agreement, the rent will remain frozen for two years. And the wage rise will be backdated to middle of June, so when it finally gets through with the long and slow govt processes, it will be a handy little lump sum - not likely to occur until well after The Three Weeks.

This next thing... um.... I have many friends on my FaceBook profile, and as with all other internet-based groups, especially spiritual groups, they are all either on the east coast or overseas. I very rarely have any friends here in Perth or even in Western Australia. It turns out that from my 70+ FB friends TWO of them are from here in the Perth region!! And one of them has been quite active, and she on occasion comments on the weirdness that I share, the star seed stuff, astrology, my status updates, etc. And on occasions refer to me as "kindred spirit". I have lost count over the years of the number of people online, overwhelmingly women, who thinks I am their "soul mate" or something similar. Of course each of us belongs to certain soul groups with whom we tend to connect with through our many lifetimes, so it is entirely possible to have many soul mates, and not all are romance - they can includes good friends, people of common interests, and even family members though soul groups does not usually coincide with blood family/relatives. Nevertheless I don't think all of these people over the years can all be my "soul mates". All are no longer in contact with me, though that in itself is not necessarily an indication of soul mate status. It often happens that "soul mates" connects with us for a while, then when the purpose of the union has been fulfilled, they move on. Also I never met any of them in person, all are online, though Julie thinks I am her "soul mate" and well in spite of being in the same city, we are yet to meet, and I am certainly not holding my breath on that one. Julie is not on my FB profile, I don't think she has a FB profile.

Enter this FB lady.... she has been commenting on the weirdness that I share on my timeline and mentioned on more than one occasion about me being her "kindred spirit". OK fair enough, it could very well be so. My focus has been on Caroline however we all have other friends, and we can connect with them, obviously on a non-romantic basis. However what happened next did shock me. She msg me just this morning wanting to actually MEET me!!! This really threw me for a loop!!

First thing I thought of were my experience last year with scammers on the contact sites I had been a member of, even a paying member in some instances. Most were scamming me for money, and a few trying to fish out more personal information on me in the view of burglary of my house. I did for a number of weeks contended with this "spy" who seemed to be scoping out my house, which prompted me to shift most of my items into self storage, a step I am glad to have taken on many fronts. It turned out nothing came from it, however, I will not be complacent. And well though I hardly know this lady on FB, she is the one who friended me only a few weeks ago, and seemed to have taken an immediate interest in me, I give the benefit of the doubt. Not everyone is a scammer. There are genuine souls. Julie is one of them even if we never met and seems to avoid meeting me, but I never had any trouble from her, no scamming for money, no spies, she hadn't even asked where I lived, indeed she does not know my full name. However I DO have my full name on FB, with the intention of attracting long lost friends, relatives, etc. It is why Caroline is in my life now, and two other former penfriends are on my profile.

The other concern however, is it seems likely that if I do arrange to meet this lady, it is likely to occur during The Three Weeks. I can't very well fob her off for three weeks, or say "I would love to meet you but not for three weeks yet!!" She given me her number to call, which I would need to do in the next couple of days. And well, if indeed we are to meet, it is likely to be during The Three Weeks.

My experience shows that all things starting in The Three Weeks are destined for catastrophe. Caroline became my penfriend during The Three Weeks, and then we lost contact, which led to her catastrophic marriage to abusive husband, the marriage itself taking place during The Three Weeks!! So yes things happening during The Three Weeks are overwhelmingly destined for catastrophe.

There is indeed a fine line between being careful and paranoia. In spite of it being The Three Weeks I will arrange to meet with her if things turns out that way after the initial phone call, that in itself won't take place until after Tzom Tammuz - after sunset tomorrow. We will make sure to meet in a public place such as cafe' or pub, and I will travel light. My radar will be on full, and well I can usually feel at first sight whether I can trust someone or not, even so, they will need to earn my trust.

But whatever happens, she is destined to be no more than just a friend. Caroline is the one for me, there will never be another. However it would be nice if I can find someone with whom I can share alternative spirituality with, or attend alternative spiritual meetings. I do go to church because my cousin goes to church, and Caroline also has connections with this church. It seems I am meant to be at this church. However I am more than just a Christian. I am a Star Seed and a Light Worker. There is more to me than just one religion. Julie have spoken to me about exploring alternative spirituality together, but we never met, and well it seems it won't ever happen. Therefore another local soul, even a star seeded soul, would be very nice for friendship and exploring alternative spirituality. She says she is very interested to hear my weird stories, that is a good sign I suppose.

Anyway, we shall see how it pans out, or if it pans out at all.......

And now the song to bring in the start of The Three Weeks......

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Bracing for Chaos

With the dreaded "The Three Weeks" coming up from next Tuesday there has been some interesting developments happening.....

Firstly the football tipping.... I gotten 7 points so now splitting the field on 23rd place, there are 46 in our office comp. There were two close matches where the result was decided by 6 or less points, and I gotten 1-1 on that, so my score on close matches are 7-7, a 50% success rate which is statistically to be expected.

Now to the dreaded "The Three Weeks", a Jewish period of mourning commemorating the destruction of the Jewish Temples, also when calamities befalling Jews through their history often have their beginnings during this period of time. It is also when calamities befalls ME!!!!! I have records of such calamities since 2003 when I first became aware of this, but by deductions I figure many of my calamities beforehand has actually occurred near this time. My record keeping of calamities have now been through these blogs, and checking on last year's records, it seems the major calamity relates to changes in my job due to govt cutbacks. Basically we have less orders coming in, so changes were announced last year during this period to reflect this. I felt that this would ultimately result in me losing my job. Well just a couple of weeks ago, near the start of this month of Tammuz, as a result of these changes, I had now been given new duties - spending 3 hrs each day helping down in the Science Kits area. So for the time being, I am not losing my job, but my duties are changing to reflect the decreasing work in my main responsibilities so I am being given alternative duties. This unfortunately results in increased contact with my Reptilian boss - a "Three Weeks" incident just waiting to happen!!!!!

The 2nd major incidence during this period was the speeding ticket. It felt like I was zapped by a speed camera during my travels so was fully expecting a speed ticket in the mail. Such a ticket never came, I had SOMEHOW managed to escape the fine in spite of the fact I was very clearly over the limit when I came upon the camera!!!

The 3rd major incidence from last year, the football tipping. I was doing much better last year and was actually in the top 6 - prize money territory - UNTIL The Three Weeks when I dropped to 9th and I never was able to get back into the top 6. This year of course is a total catastrophe and I am currently sitting on 23rd.

The 4th incidence involved a pending lawsuit from a company in the U.S. due to Sally attempting to sell items online that accidentally bore the same name as the brand name of the company in question!! The writ was prepared during The Three Weeks. However after my initial reply to the company explaining the fact that Sally is dead and therefore no longer selling anything, I have not heard back from them nor lawyers at this current time.

Last but not least..... Julie was very much in my life, and during The Three Weeks, Julie and I were planning to meet but the plans fell through, and so I never got to meet her. Now in what seems a strange coincidence, I had been hearing from Julie by email on a quite regular basis UNTIL Caroline came into my life. Since then I had not heard from Julie at all. There is no way she would have known about Caroline. But it just seemed she dropped out of my life just as Caroline came into my life. However I did hear from Julie a couple of weeks ago near the start of this month, just a short email with a promise of a longer email msg later on - I am not holding my breath. In any case, Caroline is the one for me, there will never be another.

So speaking of Caroline, her catastrophic marriage to her abusive husband actually occurred during The Three Weeks!! It seems unlikely that she is Jewish, though there are dark Jews around, such as Ethiopian Jews. Furthermore according to some traditions, one of Jesus' disciples, Thomas, ended up in India with a group of Jews and settled there. He wrote the Gospel of Thomas, one of many writings that did not make it into the canon of the Scriptures. Evidently he did settle in southern India which is where Caroline lives, so could be Jewish root there..... but could also be that she IS my Twin Flame, our souls connected, so could just be that.

However, Caroline told me that we became penfriends also during The Three Weeks a few years before her catastrophic marriage. This could be why our penfriendship was destined to end, and it did end prior to my America trip where I met and married Sally. The end of our penfriendship led to her catastrophic marriage. It should have been ME!!!!!! But once again the curse of The Three Weeks manifested in this instance!!!

And now in this instance, the start of The Three Weeks next week coincides exactly with the return of her husband from his job. He works on an oil rig in the Middle East, four weeks on the rig, and four weeks off where he flies home. So on this occasion, the first three weeks of his time at home coincides with The Three Weeks. It is when I am likely to have no contact with Caroline.

She finally did decide to seek a divorce! Yay! However in India there is no such creature as "no fault divorce". Any divorce has to be on the grounds of wrong doing by the spouse in question. All those years of abuse doesn't count. In India it is seen as perfectly OK for a man to beat his wife, it is normal part of traditions there. Women in India has next to no rights and no protection against domestic violence. However adultery IS a valid ground, and his many affairs with women and especially hookers are documented, even if hard to prove should he contest the divorce proceedings.

It seems however that he wants a divorce too, and he may proceed with divorce procedures, which necessitates finding a fault with her. He accuses her of adultery, sleeping with various men, cousins, etc. This is the classic pattern of abusers, they are jealous, possessive, and makes false accusations. However there is also the correspondence with me, and so in order for her to not have anything to pin her against, we have to cease any contact for the whole month. And so The Three Weeks is likely to be a period of no contact from her. If any fault is pinned on her, it will affect such things as property allocations and access to her two children. Women in India has next to no rights, and even less if fault is placed on them. So anyway......

Another very interesting development in regards to Caroline. Back in the days of our penfriendship, she was friends with a couple who attended the same church as me at the time - the Australian guy "A" who met his Indian wife "I" who happened to be Caroline's best friend, and who had gotten married..... Their real names not revealed at this time due to the fact that no one in her town knows of our relationship aside from her brother and mother. This is because in Indian tradition it is not "proper" for a married woman to correspond with another man. Nevermind that her husband uses her as a punching bag to vent his frustrations!! Traditions dies hard. So this is a secret for the time being, "A" and "I" does not know, though evidently they still remember me from those days 15 years ago in church.

Fast forward to present day.... When Caroline came into my life, "A" was back in Australia living on the east coast caring for his mother who has dementia (echos of my Mother and being carer for Sally!!!) while "I" was back home in India and seeing Caroline on most days as well as at their church. They are best friends. And they DO know of the abuses that her husband inflicts on Caroline and they support her intention to divorce him. "A" does not abuse "I", indeed he treats her like a princess.

Last night however "A" flew back to India and so they are together again. Apparently they spend time living together in India and also time in Australia, actually here in Perth!! Furthermore, they attend the same church as MY current church, where my cousin attends hence is why I am there at that particular church. Given that I started attending the church soon after Caroline came into my life, it is obvious that "A" and "I" were not there given the circumstances explained above.

Anyway, I guess on hearing about Caroline's divorce plans, "A" and "I" mentioned ME as her possible next husband. Remember that they know nothing about our relationship though they must know that Caroline had at least become aware of my whereabouts! "A" and "I" knows that I now attend the same church. And they were discussing plans for me to be married to Caroline, so the four of us can do ministry in India together, Caroline partnering with "I" while me partnering with "A". Apparently the current three of them visits different churches in India doing ministry work. It seems they desire for there to be four of them, and that I am chosen to the the 4th as Caroline's husband!!!

Now... "A" and "I" will be returning to Australia in May next year, this time to their home here in Perth and attending the same church as me. And the current plan is, when they return to here in sunny Perth, they will talk to me about Caroline and offer to arrange for our marriage.

Of course things could change, especially with divorce proceedings likely to throw various spanners into the works...... not to mention that we with the dreaded The Three Weeks to contend with. As per arrangements last year, there will be daily updates through The Three Weeks dependent on any incidences occurring during that day. In other words, there won't be updates if no incidences occurs, but any incidences during the previous 24 hours will be updated here.

Most likely incidences would involve Caroline and her husband, and also to do with my job given the changes and cutbacks that has been happening. I am already assigned to other duties in my job. Another likely focus of incidences involves my car which is long overdue for a service due to lack of funds!!

Tzom Tammuz, the start of The Three Weeks begins Tuesday July 15.

Indeed it seems like a horror story coming up with these Three Weeks......

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Mercury Turns Direct.....

Well with Mercury turning direct again, things are calming down a little bit... but it is the calm before the storm, with the dreaded "The Three Weeks" coming up in a couple of weeks, when the Jewish Temples were destroyed.... more on that next week....

Football tipping.... I managed to get a massive 7 points and now jumped into a positively dizzy 24th spot, still in the bottom half, there are 46 in our comp..... Last week there were two close matches, that is, 6 points of less, and I missed one of them, so the overall score on close matches remains at an even 6-6 - exactly as statistically expected. And the Magpies won!!! So a better week......

Not too much happening at this time...... the calm before the storm.....

My Union's claim for our wage rise..... Well the ballot has opened, we have until July 11 to vote on whether to accept the latest offer, still pitifully low but better than before..... And well I did vote to accept it, mainly cos I can't really afford to strike. However should the majority reject the offer and we go on strike, I will still go on strike.

New financial year.... and everything goes up in this 4th most expensive country on the planet! Taxes... utilities... train fares... licenses... everything that we pay this govt goes up.... My rent goes up but is still way below the market rate for this type of house in this area. Indeed I am paying only as much as I would for a one-bedroom apartment in this area. Also tax time but my days of large tax refund checks are over since I am no longer carer for a disabled pensioner - Sally. I just have my union dues to claim on, so won't get much back at all, but it will be better than nothing..... In any case I probably won't do my tax until AFTER the dreaded "The Three Weeks" period. I never do my taxes during "The Three Weeks", and this year, this cursed period of time begins on July 15, so by the time I receive the necessary documents, it is likely to be too close to the date..... so will just wait until AFTER "The Three Weeks" which ends August 5.

My job... change of duties.... Well with less and less orders coming in, I am now permanently assigned to the Science Kits area for 3 hours each day. The up side is that I am kept busy even when there are no orders, the down side is more contact with my boss who is a reptilian, mainly cos his office is next door to the work area. My first task is to turn the utter chaos into order, a challenging task for a Virgo like me!! I think that in itself will keep me busy for at least six months! I never seen such a chaotic mess in a room - except for Sally's craft room! LOL! But after I finish there, I just get to help make up and maintain science kits - right up my alley!!

Anyway..... this vid pretty well sums up my life.... and the upcoming "The Three Weeks".....