Friday 10 May 2013

Round 7 Saturday - those Sirian star people!!

Hmmmmm..... it looks like Essendon have hit a bit of a snag. They were almost beaten by the bottom team last week and now last night they were quite soundly beaten by the puddy cats! Well someone had to lose and end it's winning streak and well Esssendon was it.

Now the explanation for my cryptic clue as to who I thought would win last night's match. The Sirians as in ETs from the Sirius star system. Background information. At different points in mankind's recorded history and indeed much of conventionally unrecorded history we have been visited by ETs from the various star systems in and around our galaxy. One such ET race being the Sirian's visit to what is now northern Africa which evidently led to the rise of the Egyptian empire, helping to build those pyramids and other structures.

Let me share an interesting story. A certain primitive tribe in northern Africa speak of a legend of such a visit by the Sirians and they refer to Sirius as a three star system. Problem is you can only see one star with the naked eye. It wasn't until much more powerful telescopes were built in the 20th century that they finally picked up on a 2nd star which became known as "Sirius B". And in more recent times using sophisticated techniques involving telescopes in space, gravitational analysis, etc that they picked up on a "possibility" of a 3rd star in the Sirius system, indeed it has not even been "officially" confirmed yet pending further analysis of the data but it seems very likely that the evidence points to a 3rd star. So how did this primitive tribe who wouldn't even know what to do with a telescope should they accidentally come across one, HOW did they KNOW that there were three stars in the Sirius system?? Perhaps just a very lucky guess? Or are there indeed some credence to their legends of visitations from "star people" from the Sirius system who of course would have first hand information on the configuration of their star system!!!!

Anyway, visits by ETs often led to the origin of religions as these ETs were often regarded as "gods" due to their superior technologies. It can be said that yesterday's miracles are today's reality. For example just half a century ago anyone seeing us flick a switch to see a room suddenly light up would ascribe us with divine powers, but it is long since been a mundane reality that due to the invention of the use of electricity and simple electrical circuits such a feat is possible! Who would have thought just 300 years ago that it was possible to control a vehicle made of metal and other heavy substances to safely fly through the air delivering passengers to distant destinations in safety?? Surely it required the power of the gods!!!! But it has long since been an everyday reality based on simple principles of physics that we have jet planes flying around the world, so routine and mundane we hardly give it 2nd thought.

So imagine mankind being confronted with the even greater technologies of ETs. Is it any wonder they were often ascribed with divine powers, and indeed this was how religions were created. The Sirians in Egyptian mythology were no exception, they were worshipped as gods. The Sirians are also known as "cat people" because Sirian ETs had cat-like features, their heads resembling that of cats, their bodies more like cats though they were upright creatures as we are. Indeed the pet puddy cats that we are so familiar with originated in Egypt as a result of hybrid experiments involving the Sirian visitors. And it is a known fact that Egyptians regarded puddy cats as sacred and were indeed worshipped by the Egyptians. To kill a puddy cat would incur an automatic death penalty!! It has jokingly been said in regards to cat owners today that one doesn't "own" a cat but the cat "owns" you!! Anyone who ever had a puddy cat as pets would know what I am talking about! And we had puddy cats as pets throughout my childhood!!

So by know our readers of this blog now know what I was meaning by my cryptic clues as to who I thought would win last night's match!! Indeed I was correct!! hehe!! The Sirians - "cat people" - Geelong CATS!!!!! Oh yes a very good start to my tipping results!! hehe!!

Now lets see how my "star seed" powers holds out for today's picks. haha!

Port Adelaide at  home to the Tigers. I don't think those "puddy cats" will fare quite as well on this occasion. They will appear to be under the spell of a "Power" - the Port Power to prevail though not without a fight.

Brisbane Lions at home to the Weavils. OK the Weavils had a good win last week but if one peruses the biased western media you'd think they're a top four team who is fixin to win a Premiership!! Let's have a reality check here. Weavils are not even in the top 8, let alone top 4!! And there are various things in the world that we can safely say that it will never happen. Such as the Americans agreeing to gun control, Iran adopting Christianity as the state religion, North Korea signing a peace pact with the South, the Vatican agreeing to gay marriages, and the Weavils winning a Premiership!! No! The MAGGIES are going to win the Premiership!! Let's get things straight here!! hehe!! haha!!!.... but I must concede on this occasion the Weavils are likely to account for another team of "puddy cats", the Weavils should prevail in spite of the long trip to the land of the banana benders, but it will be a close game!! The Weavils are not THAT good!!

The Kangaroos should in the end quite easily account for the Bulldogs though not such a runaway victory. And the Hawks should overcome a determined Sydney Swans in a tightly fought contest.

This leaves one other match for the day. The MAGGIES!!!!! and their match against Fremantle at Pattersons. Who's gonna win? The Maggies of course!!! The Maggies are a good team, a top class team, a champion team!!.... ok so I am a bit biased!! haha!!!.... but they did play well last week for a good win against the Saints. OK the Saints are well down in the bottom half of the ladder while Freo are currently sitting in the top 8 just a spot above us just on percentage, however unlike the Weavils the Maggies have beaten top 8 teams. And well the Dockers will be in their more familiar surrounds of Pattersons, but we have been experiencing Melbourne-like weather in the past few days, wind, rain, storms, and colder temps. Although the weather is expected to clear today, the humidity and the temps will still be more akin to that of Melbourne especially being an evening match. But even without all these factors I am of the humble opinion that the mighty Maggies will win anyway!!! hehe! haha!!

With the round stretching to Monday, more on the last three matches later.

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