Friday 31 May 2013

Round 10 - A dramatic week indeed

Oh what a week it has been, the Goodes affair! My humble opinion of the whole thing - Get a life, build a bridge and get the f-ck over it!!!!

It goes without saying that if it was a white person involved the media would not have given it a 2nd glance, and if the person dared complain about it he'd be brushed aside and told to get over it. But because a colored person was involved, all he had to do was utter the magic word "racist" and the media and whole establishment bends over backwards to help the "victim" and vilify the "offender", to the point we were treated to the schoolyard-like spectacle of a 13yo girl being escorted from the ground in what was supposed to be an adult professional sporting event!!! This so reminds me of my school days, in those days we were all called names regardless of race even if the names were sometimes specific to the particular race or ethnic origin. But anyone complaining to the teacher would be reminded of the well used rhyme "sticks and stones may break our bones but names will never hurt me" - a nice way of saying, Build a bridge and get the f-ck over it!!!! Back in my school days the Aborigines were called boongs, the Asians were called wogs, the Italians called dings, the Chinese called chings, and the English people were called poms. Now these days we are still allowed to call English people poms but we are not allowed to call those other races/ethnics mentioned here by their specific names!!

And then the fiasco gets worse. A president of a football club makes on radio what I thought was a hilarious joke stemming from the previous incidence, and I saw no racist intent to it, but once again someone uttered the magic word "racist" and the whole things gets blown out of the water to the point where this same successful club president is brought to tears and forced to confess of his "sins" in an inquisition-like setting!!!

Let's face it! Any situation can be interpreted as "racist" depending on the slant given. There was once a pub who introduced a dress code, you had to wear a collared shirt to get into the pub. So a white person turns up at the door wearing only a t-shirt. The bouncer refused him entry, he was pissed off, very angry, called the bouncer a c-nt, and then stormed off. But he soon cooled down, and he concluded to himself that it was fair enough, he should have known about the dress code, and he just moved on and got on with his life.

Not long after that incident, a black person came to the  pub also wearing just a t-shirt, and the bouncer refused him entry, the clear sign at the door stating one must wear a collared shirt to get in. But the black person immediately used the magic word "racist", and when it became clear the magic word didn't work on the bouncer, the black guy stormed off.... and then he took time to think.... uhh lets see who will I complain to this time? Yesterday it was Indigenous Affairs, so let's go with the Ethnic Council this time! So he forwarded the complaint against the pub using the magic word "racist", the Council acted upon it.... and a while later the pub owner was brought forth to the Tribunal. Was asked to explain why he wouldn't let in the black guy, but was not allowed to mention about the white guy as a means of defence. And regardless of what he actually said, the Tribunal charged him with racism. The resultant media and public backlash forced him to close down the pub, and was condemned to a life of poverty which the black man lived it up on his 1000s of $'s of compensation payout. Yeah mentioning the magic word "racism" can often result in large positive increase in one's bank balance, you just have to have colored skin. The magic word doesn't work for white people, it only works for colored people.

This brings me to the final story in regards to this issue. A fire broke out at an apartment block, and in spite of the firemen's best efforts, the Pakistani family perished in the family, as did the Indian family, the Black African family, and the Aborigine family. Only the white family survived the fire. When this was mentioned in the media there was such an outcry and the EO Council got involved. The Fire Chief was soon brought before the EOC Tribunal and asked to explain why only the white family survived the fire. The Fire Chief gave a simple explanation - both parents of the white family were at work in their respective employments, and the two children were at school !!

I could get in trouble for writing these above lines if the wrong person reads it, afterall we are in Fascist Germany... nah can't be so, our political leader was never blessed by the Pope, doesn't have a funny moustache and is not Catholic (even if the potential leader from Sept this year IS a Catholic!!)... so it must be Communist Russia... nah as cold as it is, it is not nearly cold enough for it to be Russia.... so it has to be Communist China.... nah can't be so, our next door neighbor has two kids and both are girls.... so.... uhhh of course!!!! this is 21st century Australia!!!!

OK now having ranted and given my gut opinion, I am at pains to point out that I do see at least partly the other side of the coin. Words can often trigger painful memories or instances of suffering and torment. It is one of the first things we learnt through Scientology, but is also the basic tenets of Shrinks 101. And indeed determining the root causes of our problems through "word association" is a basic diagnosis technique used by both Scientologists and shrinks. And use of the word "ape" in regards to Aborigine people dates back to the not-so-distant past that it was accepted scientific opinion, owing to the theory of evolution, that Aborigines were "less evolved" than white people, hence closer to our alleged primate ancestors, therefore the term "ape" was soon adopted as a colloquial term describing Aborigines. It coincides with the time when such people were used and abused both in the names of Christianity and the politics of the day. Such memories being less than a generation ago are painful, and so I accept that the calling of "ape" to an Aborigine does trigger memories of abuse and torment in at least his collective consciousness. Ironically science has since discovered that every member of the human race has descended from a single chromosome, given the tag the "Eve gene" referring to the well know story of Adam and Eve. In fact most cultures have similar kind of creation stories involving divine beings. The idea that we come from lower animals are rarely seen if ever in any mythologies of any races or ethnic groups. The Buddhists and some others believes our souls were once in the bodies of critters, even plants, but that is on a soul/spiritual level, not a physical level. It is probably that we are the result of ET experiments, originally hybrids from ETs who visited this planet in the distant past - thus giving rise to "Adam and Eve" or similar stories worldwide. But this is recent developments, and it was less than a generation - or maybe two generations - ago that scientists believed that Aborigines and other colored people were "less evolved" than white people, and were treated accordingly by white people with the blessings of Christianity and the govt.

But for goodness sakes let's have a bit of balance here. If there was an Englishman playing in that same match and someone from the crowd shouted out to him "pommie-bastard", guaranteed that there would not nearly be the media hype surrounding such an incident!! It won't even make it to the papers except perhaps a small paragraph on a back page and that if the player dares to complain. And the offender would not have been escorted from the field, there would have been no security guards involved, probably just a polite "clip behind the ear" by his/her companion. There would have been nothing more to it. Ok so it is not very nice to call people names and certainly should not be encouraged but for goodness sakes, escorting an offender out of the ground in front of half of Australia and being detained for two hours just for a simple name call done in the heat of the moment?? That is a wee bit over the top. And above all, any rules that they choose to impose should be enforced equally between whites and coloreds. They say technically the laws and rules does apply to both sides, but reality is, it is rarely if ever used against those who abuses white people - English, Americans or even Australians!! And the rare number of cases that are applied to abuses of white people are almost never reported in the media, perhaps a couple of paragraphs about 10 pages back, NEVER on the front page!! And that is basically my beef. Sure in the not too distant past us whites has been guilty of gross abuses of the coloreds often in the name of Christianity, but we have now gone way too far the other way!!!! It is to the point where we can't even breathe on a colored person without fear that it could be misinterpreted as some kind of "racist" intent and we are the ones to get in the shits for!!!!

OK... enough about this.... just had to get it off my chest.........

Now to the football match tonight, the Maggies against the Lions at the Gabba. I did say I would pick the Maggies unless I have a good reason not to. The week's events could just be that good reason. It will affect the Maggies, it is just a matter of how much it will affect them. Will they still be able to win in spite of the effects, or will they fall apart completely and the Lions runs all over them. Well I don't know who to pick, but I will have to do so soon. A toss of the coin, and being a points variance game I will pick a small variance to minimise the damage in the 50% chance that my pick doesn't win. Hmmmmmm.......

I think I will go with the Maggies.... as if I tip against them and they bloody win I will never live it down in myself!!!! So although I have serious doubts based on this week's events, I am going to go with the Maggies. Afterall I should keep my promise - and I did promise that I would pick the Maggies each round! I guess I shall soon learn of the wisdom or lack thereof of my decision.......

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