Wednesday 22 May 2013

Almost two months now......

The Full Moon this weekend will mark two months since Sally's departure from this plane of existence, it was during a Full Moon when she passed away, so I will always remember Full Moons as times when Sally left us. Since I always treated Full Moons as times of positive energies, I would see this as a sign that she had gone to a better place. For one's information I do not believe the heaven/hell mythology, I am more resonant with reincarnation theories. The heaven/hell mythology actually originated in ancient Egypt some 3000 years before Christianity was even thought of. But considering Sally has suffered so much in this lifetime, karma or the universal laws would have it that her next life will be better. However I am left to pick up the pieces, and the reality of it all is starting to hit me and hit me hard.

Incidentally, May 25th, Full Moon day this weekend, also happens to be the anniversary of my departure from here to America, for it was early on May 25 1998 when I boarded that plane for the first leg of the journey to America that would ultimately change my life forever!! Unbeknown to me at the time, that day in 1998 was New Moon day, arriving in America at the start of the 3rd lunar month. Such is the benefits of having a lunar calendar software on my computer!!

Like the rest of our lives, Sally's suffering has been in sync with the lunar cycles. As I said before she was first diagnosed with lymphodema, the start of our troubles, on Tisha B'Av 2011, the anniversary of the destruction of the Jewish Temples. Her subsequent hospital stay at Royal Perth Hospital proved ultimately fatal. She spent just a week there but she had caught the staph infection at RPH, this infection ultimately killed her, so RPH is at least indirectly responsible for her death. Nothing to do with bitterness or vengeance, it is just stating a fact. The universe will in time achieve a balance of things. She was discharged from RPH on the New Moon, the start of the lunar month of Elul, traditionally given by Jews as the month of trials and introspection, the astral sign being the virgin (Virgo) and we all know that Virgos tends to be self critical and we suffer a lot cos of this. Well that was the month from hell for us, as due to Sally's high maintenance around the clock care I had to take time off work and did not sleep more than two hours in total, every 30 minutes on a 24/7 basis Sally needed to visit the bathroom and needed my help to do so, day in day out, around the clock, every 30 minutes. On top of this, Sally had also caught the flu from RPH, it was a nasty strain which passed onto me, knocking me about for a full four weeks (I usually get over the flu within a week). But in spite of the flu I needed to attend to Sally's needs every 30 minutes around the clock. Silver Chains did come during the day but they were of little help, only spending an hour at a time.

Then right on Rosh HaShanah, the next New Moon, she had that fall which landed her back into hospital but this time she went to Charlie Gardiners, and so all subsequent hospital stays would be at Charlie Gardiners. That hospital was overall much better than RPH although Sally was always complaining about the catering service and for good reasons. The food was atrocious even by normal hospital food standards, and the catering staff were such dimwits that they didn't even know what gluten free food is! On one occasion they served her some WHEAT crackers and told her that they hoped it was gluten free!!! Now to say WHEAT is gluten free is akin to saying that a bowl of sugar is sucrose free, or vodka is alcohol free!! Wheat is the very nature of gluten, it is what makes wheat to be wheat - the gluten that forms the essential makeup of wheat!!! But it is what happens when the govt privatize services and introduce the law that the dept has to acquire three tenders where the cheapest quote automatically wins the contract regardless of any service or standards. It is a case of you get what you pay for. That is why privatization simply doesn't work, the service is always worse off because depts has to accept the cheapest quote even if the company is utterly useless and full of dimwits. So anyway in spite of the catering service where 9 times out of 10 I would be bringing Sally food from home or even from takeout joints!!.... her times at Charlie Gardiners has been better off.

Sally was destined to spend several more times at Charlie Gardiners, and each time her admission and discharges always coincided with the peak of the lunar cycles, either within a day of a New Moon or Full Moon. Her first stint at Charlie Gardiners was for six weeks, being admitted on Rosh HaShanah a New Moon holiday, and discharged on the Full Moon. Her subsequent hospital stays has been for two weeks at a time, and always admitted on either a New Moon or Full Moon and discharged at the next lunar peak. None of this was planned, her admission was always the result of either some accident or some issue arising from her staph infections. They were never able to cure her infections, her hospital stays were simply designed to manage the flare-ups of her infections. But it was always so "coincidental" that this happened at the peaks of the lunar cycles!!

Of course the notable exception was her final hospital admission, that did not occur at any peak of the lunar cycle, but her death five days later did occur on the Full Moon which also marked the start of Jewish Passover.

I am not sure what all this means but at the very least we were in sync with the energies of the universe therefore in the end it will all turn out well.

But right not I am just beginning to deal with Sally's affairs, her accounts, etc, and this is really having the effect of hitting home the reality of the situation - that Sally is truly gone and not coming back anytime soon!!! Having to deal with closing down her accounts or transferring them to my name, often involving having to produce the death certificate and submit to other legal requirements - each facet is a strong reminder, the reality that she is truly gone.

So I am doing this one at a time, beginning with perhaps the easiest affair - Sally's Telstra account. Easiest cos I don't have to produce the death certificate indeed there is virtually no legal requirements, just the completion of a relatively simple form. It is probably cos I am already an authorised signatory to her account, so I needed only to transfer it into my name, being already established with the company. Indeed last night I had emailed them the scanned copy of the form. But I won't count my chickens yet. Telstra being Telstra there is sure to be some snag somewhere along the line, nothing is ever simple with them. But so far I haven't heard from them in regards to any issues, so fingers crossed at this moment.

Next will be our bank account and that will be more difficult, having to track down JPs for a certified copy of the death certificate, and finding someone to witness my signature for the other legal forms - an utter pain in the arse. The search for a JP will begin soon after I get Telstra sorted out.

Then the austerity measures due to having to pay off the bills stemming from Sally's care, that will reach its peak this next fortnite. With the final payment of a bill I am left with next to nothing to live on for the next fortnite so it will be interesting how I will get through. But after this, bar any unexpected misfortunes, things will get better as there will be no more large bills. I won't exactly be swimming in cash as there are other things that needs to be attended to, the car will need to be serviced as due to the expenses involved with Sally's health issue the car had not been serviced for over two years, and there will probably be loads of crap that will need to be done with the car that the mechanic will bring up, some legitimate, some designed only to pad out his profit margins! Being a 2004 model the car is now 9 years old so it is getting on a bit. It still seem to run remarkably well in spite of the lack of servicing.

Nevertheless after this fortnite I should be living somewhat more comfortably, one of the advantages of being single, bar any unexpected misfortunes or the dreaded Three Weeks!! Just when things will get better financially the dreaded Three Weeks looms, this year it begins June 25 a little over a month away when I would be just starting to get back on my feet!! Calamities always occur during the Three Weeks which marks the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish Temple. Sally's health problems which led to her death started during the Three Weeks, and as I mentioned before, the last thing she did before her death was to research her family tree and discovered that she is partly Jewish. So that leaves ME, and the Three Weeks have always been times of calamities for me long before I even met Sally, yet so far I find no physical evidence of Jewish blood, certainly not on Dad's side of the family. Mother's side could be different, as information on her side is very scant and I probably won't find any more on it unless I pay for the privilege of accessing the necessary databases. Of course in Israel you are only accepted as a Jew if the blood is on mother's side, you are deemed as non Jewish even if you have Jewish blood only on the father's side. But at the very least I must be a Jewish incarnate, that is being a Jew in a recent past life!!!! Whatever the Three Weeks ALWAYS affects me, this even before I knew anything about Jewish traditions!! My story is well documented, the proof is there. Uh well no use letting it bother me too much, I just get on with life as best as I can, and take reasonable precautions - such as never doing my tax return during the Three Weeks. Perhaps fortunately this year the Three Weeks begins "early" on the Roman calendar, being June 25, so would end only two weeks into July, and it usually takes me that long for the necessary documentations to arrive allowing me to do my tax return, and I do it online so I get the refund only a week later. Anyway, other precautions includes, never making important purchases during this time, and will certainly not be getting my car serviced during this time!! These are part of Jewish traditions anyway, they don't make any important purchases during the Three Weeks, they don't even have weddings - probably a very good reason for that!! LOL!!

Whatever..... life goes on...... and an important footy match this Friday ;)

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