Wednesday 31 December 2014

The last blog for 2014......

OK I'm not into making New Year's resolutions as these are a notoriously unreliable means of self improvement - 99% of them are broken usually within the first few days. So I won't make any promises that I can't keep. I would just hope that I may report to my blog a little more often, that is my wise anyway, not a promise but a wish......

So 2014..... it has been a bad year in 3D terms but a good year spiritually, the highlight being the discovery of Celestial Temple. That is the one and only highlight for 2014.

Anyway I am well and truly back on my bicycle, riding in all weather to and from work. My bicycle rides replaces my after-work walks though I still go for walks during my lunch hour. I still do go for walks during the weekend, mostly Saturdays. In theory my bicycle rides saves me $100/fortnite on petrol though as yet I am not seeing the benefits of this savings as other unexpected expenses crops up. For example my router broke down, well it was an ancient router, so I needed to get a new one, so invested in a top range model. I didn't spend much on Xmas, indeed I would not have spent more than $150 on Xmas. So hopefully in the New Year nothing else will happen and I can start saving my pennies, though it will take a little more than 12 months to save the funds for fixing my car, quoted to be $4500. I can still drive the car, but it is the case the less I drive it the better.

I'm now on vacation break, and I sometimes go for bicycle rides as well as walks. Yesterday I rode 54kms on my bike. As they say GPS does not lie.

When I do go for walks, I ride my bicycle to the train station which is about 5kms on the GPS, then I take the train to any of my walking spots, most of them are within a short distance to any of the train lines. So for example I may catch the train to the city, then walk to Fremantle via the river shoreline which has a path for most of the way, then catch the train from Fremantle. I registered for use of a bicycle shelter at the train station, so I access it by means of my SmartRider card, then park my bicycle inside, then catch a train. I have gotten a top of the range bicycle lock, one of those D-locks made of toughened steel virtually impossible to cut, and is operated by a key. Well afterall I did pay over $700 for my bicycle.

All my shopping is done online, and have my groceries home delivered. Coles have free home delivery on Wednesdays, so I always have them home delivered on Wednesdays. Woollies have a different system, you can purchase an online "voucher" which gives you free delivery for whatever time period you purchase. The 12 months option is the cheapest, and it costs about as much as the delivery fee you'd pay if you use it only once per month - and well I use it more than once per month. Of course for free home delivery by both chains you still have to spend more then $100. In any event where I don't need $100 worth of groceries I simply just catch the train to Joondalup which stops within the shopping mall complex then do my shopping there, and with things being so expensive, there's not much to get for under $100.

And I found an organics place that does home delivery. They deliver to different areas of the city on different days, and for my area it is Saturdays. I order enough to last me two weeks, and the delivery fee is less than half of what Coles and Woollies charges (when you don't take advantage of the free delivery options with them).

Also I am starting to do bulk cooking and freezing, what I used to do back in my bachelor days before I met Sally. For example I make a tray of lasagna, then cut up in portions and freeze them, and it would last me a month. These days of course I use vegetarian options. The meat components in most recipes such as Mother's recipes which I still have, the meat can usually be substituted with mushrooms. It is really not difficult to be vegetarian except with 3D people who doesn't understand, such as my family who thinks being vegetarian means eating only salads - the bunny rabbit myth - so rather than trying to explain it to them, I just go ahead and consume the meat offerings on Xmas day and other rare family events. I don't see my family often enough to warrant trying to explain my new dietary regime to them.

Um... what else..... I still do hear from Caroline but she is really suffering.... and well, me who suffered with Sally's health problems it all happens for a season, nothing lasts for ever, I just hope the end of the suffering is near for her..... options are limited in a place like India, there are no support services for domestic violence, no women's refuges, and there's no pensions/benefits for those who chooses to leave a marriage and try to survive as a single parent.

And I do keep in touch with Karen through FaceBook. She plans to come visit me sometimes. Her car is very ancient, it almost qualifies as "vintage"! LOL! And there are always things that needed to be done to her car, and she relies on whatever odd jobs she can find, such as at shows and fairs in the York area, to pay for the repairs. But she does occasionally make the drive to Perth, depending on the current state of her car. My car however is pretty well near-new, theres not many issues with it. Just that cracked head gasket which came as an utter shock to me. It must be my karma cos just about every car I ever owned ended its life with cracked head gasket. My current car really has not much else wrong with it, so if I could just somehow get together $4500 then it be like a near-new car again. The car is insured for about $6000 so it is worth my while to get it fixed.

As for Xmas..... me and Xmas does not get on well together..... I prefer to say I celebrate the summer Pagan holiday of Litha on the Summer Solstice - 22 December. However there are still the family obligations. I was with my Aunty and Uncle for breakfast. My cousin who works for Fisheries was not happy to see my Sea Shepherd sticker on the back of my car, apparently he has had some less-than-friendly interactions with them, and well it did make for rather delicate situations while there at the house. Uh well I am a Light Worker and I DO support Sea Shepherd, it is part of my calling, and that is that..... no apologies.

Then it was the usual lunch at my half-brother's house with that side of the family, and well, it was relatively painless.

Ummmm..... I think that is it for now....... more later, hopefully a little sooner than before.....

Here's a vid for my life in 2015......

Saturday 22 November 2014

So Much Happening.....

Here's brief update .....

The Divine Blueprint ceremony with Celestial Temple. My ceremony was last Wednesday and I took the day off work for it, and well it was utterly awesome!!! It confirmed what I already suspected, that is, during many past lives I worked in various Temples here on Earth and on other planets. I knew for a long time, for a few years, that I was a priest on the ancient continent of Lemuria that used to exist in the Pacific Ocean. It also dawned on me why the Jewish "The Three Weeks" that I always write about in these blogs, it dawned on me why it affects me so much!!!! I was a priest in the Jewish Temple during one of my past lives. It was why I was so drawn to Celestial Temple when I first came across it. The website says it is a Temple site for Star Seeds who worked in Temples during past lives - this I did NOT see on the website until AFTER I joined the site. At long last things are coming together for me. And through the ceremonies and energy downloads at Celestial Temple I have the tools to work with the Lunar and Planetary energies that previously had affected me so much.

I am now back on my bicycle, riding to work each day, and making use of home delivery shopping which FINALLY became available in this Luddite city of Perth!! I order most things online, only that most mail order companies are based on the east coast so it takes up to two weeks for items to get here, well afterall, them carrier pigeons aka Australia Post has to make it all the way across the desert!!! But at least the online groceries are local, and there are even online Organics which I am making use of. I eat Organic where possible, and in any case, I am Vegetarian.

So anyway I had my bike serviced last Wednesday, the same day as my Divine Blueprint ceremony, then from Thursday I start riding to work. It is a challenge to get back on my bike after over five years, different muscles are used bicycle riding to walking!!! And for a city that is supposedly one of the flattest on Earth there sure are a lot of hills!! But with 15 speeds on my bicycle, I get there. Over time those muscles will build up, and soon I be riding as easily as walking. So between travel to work and making use of home delivery and mail order, the only time I really use my car is for going to Friday night meeting with my cousin. I could get my cousin to drive me there but I am a fiercely independent soul, and well, it is better to use the car regularly otherwise the battery would run down. But overall I will save about $50 per week in petrol, so it is akin to getting a $50 per week wage rise.

Now to decide the fate of my car. I just this month paid the rego for the year, so I give myself a year to decide whether to fix the head gasket or just trade in for another car. By then I will know whether I managed to save my pennies. With all the savings from petrol, replacing high interest loans with a lower interest rate credit card, and paying bills yearly where possible instead of six or three monthly, I should be able to really save my pennies. But being realistic, even with these measures, it will be a stretch to save the $4000 or so needed to fix the head gasket. Uh well, just have to see how it all pans out over this next year.

Other news..... Caroline is going through her "dark night of the soul" where due to great suffering she questions her beliefs, traditions, etc.... we all go through this, especially spiritual people. I have been through this hence my Star Seed awakening. I hardly hear from her these days but its OK, this is something she needs to work out on her own.

Friendship with Karen all but over, and with the blown head gasket, any trips to York or elsewhere is out of the question. I hardly hear from her, and I don't think she even goes on FaceBook anymore. She hasn't unfriended me, and I won't unfriend her. My focus is on Celestial Temple, things has improved energetically since joining Celestial Temple, it is just what we Star Seeds needed!!!!

I think that is about it, at least on major issues in my life.........

Now I'm back on my bike, here's the vid for it..... though I am in the wrong city to see bicycle riders like those!!!!!.....

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Car problems.....

I recently started to notice a loss of water in the cooling system of my car. It wasn't a lot and hardly notice it unless travelling down the Freeway or out in the country, nevertheless, it was a concern. So I decided to book my car in for a long overdue service, and indeed today was the day I had the car serviced.

I gotten the shock of my life!! The reason for the leakage in my car's cooling system is a cracked head gasket!!!! I have no idea how that could have happened, but in hindsight I did notice that problems with the cooling system did start to crop up during September, which is a very bad karmic month for me, September is the worst of the karmic months cos it was the month I came onto this very dense 3D planet.

Now to put it simply, cracked heads means $$$$$$$$...... indeed the estimated cost of repairs is comparable to the value of this 10yo car. So will have to decide whether to go ahead with the repairs or cut my losses and trade in for another car.

Meanwhile I will have to drastically cut the use of my car, which means, getting my bicycle serviced, and using home delivery options for groceries, etc - basically what I used to do before my wife got sick. I rode my bicycle to work each day to save on this extremely expensive substance called gasoline, it is extremely expensive in Australia. It was only when my wife got sick that I had to abandon my bicycle cos of greater demands in being carer for wife. But I suppose since she is now in the higher dimensions, its about time to adopt these measures again.

So first priority is to fish my bicycle out from storage, the storage unit that I am renting and currently containing 90% of my wife's worldly possessions as well as a few of my surplus possessions including a 4x6 caged trailer, then to get it serviced as the bicycle had not been used at all for close to 5 years. This will be done in the next week or so.

It is the case of the less I use the car, the less would be the deterioration of the gasket. At this time the water loss is minimal and evident only when I travel on Freeway or out in the country. But the damage will only increase the more I use it. Hence the need to cut down on car usage by at least 90% which is achievable.

This will buy me time to make decisions on which course of action to take on the car, and to save my pennies........

Uhhhh if only my car could achieve such a transformation......

Thursday 6 November 2014

Um.... I guess about time I updated......

Oh it's been a while.... so much has happened that I will probably keep ya up to speed in stages.....

I must say, the Celestial Temple is the best thing ever to happen to me in regards to spirituality. At long last a group that resonates totally with me!!! It is a star seed orientated group. The priestess is a Sirian, that is, the Sirius star system, the same star system as where my puddy cat comes from, and just like me she has also been on Lemuria. But this is literally ET technology, and it DOES work.

Last month I took part in the Solar Eclipse energy transmission ceremony with the Celestial Temple, coinciding with the solar eclipse on 23 October. The eclipse was actually visible in America, but regardless of whether we can actually see it from our spot on the planet, its energies still affects us. This transmission ceremony does work. As I sat by my Pleiadean shrine, I was holding my crystals and they grew hot in my hands, energy was going through me, and then I felt my 3rd eye chakra (the middle of the forehead just above the eyes) throbbing..... and for the next week or so I slept like a log.

Now we doing the Attunement transmission for November. We do these monthly attunements each month designed to address the specific planetary and stellar configurations for the month. So now being November, we doing the attunement for November. There are some very interesting planetary and stellar energies happening this month, I won't bore you with the details, but me being so sensitive to these energies well I have much interest in them. I have always been interested in Astronomy and Astrology from an early age. The two are actually connected. There should not be any separation between them. Anyway, as part of this month's energy transmission, we astral-project ourselves to a particular star in the Sagittarius constellation - oh yes me and my very vivid imagination!!! I do really feel as if I am really there.

Last but not least I booked myself for the Divine Blueprint ceremony with Celestial Temple, it basically address our soul makeup based on our natal chart - the planetary and stellar configs at the time of our birth. So I am getting a personalised energy transmission, with particular crystal grids, and other things based on my own natal chart. What is a "crystal grid" many asks?.... well basically a pattern of crystals and other items designed to harness the energies of the crystals to help deal with the planetary energies. Here's the crystal grid for last month's solar eclipse.....

Anyway there will be my very own personal grid for my natal chart..... and most interestingly, there will be a copy of my "soul song".... hmmmm...... I am very curious about that!!!! I am so excited to be receiving this Divine Blueprint energy.

Other things has been happening...... will share more hopefully on this weekend......

Anyway with all this talk about star seeds, ETs and planetary energies, this is what is likely to happen to me..... hahahaha.......

Sunday 12 October 2014

The Celestial Temple

We are now in the midst of Mercury's retrograde, one of the horror periods of the year for me. This three week period of Mercury's retrograde which happens three times each years is usually a time for depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts for a sensitive soul like me. Furthermore, this particular period is marked by TWO eclipses, and eclipses themselves are energetically very chaotic for me. Last week I did get to witness the lunar eclipse, the 2nd of the Tetrad of "blood moons" marking the Jewish holidays. We are now in Succot. It is said that this Tetrad of the blood moons will herald difficult times for the Jews, or perhaps massive changes for Jews. Next week will be the Solar Eclipse, which is not visible from here, nevertheless still destined to be a chaotic time for me. I am very sensitive to planetary energies, more sensitive than even most other star seeds.

I recently came across this awesome website the Celestial Temple, and it immediately resonated with me. It is a Sirian star seed site actually based in Australia - Queensland I think, which may explain a lot for some people! LOL! Most people think of those banana benders as being weird. Well I am weird too! So anyway for a while I was a free member of the Celestial Temple, and just this last week I took the plunge and became a paid member. It is only $19 monthly, and this is AUSTRALIAN dollars, so no need to worry about exchange rates!! And I am so glad.

This is not a religion. It is simply a place for energy exchanges. Temples were originally designed as portals for energy exchanges, they were not designed to be religious. It was only through the 3D mindset of humans that Temples later BECAME centers of religion. But originally there were no worship of any deities. The various entities that became the gods and goddesses were revered but never worshipped.

To try keep it as simple as possible, the Celestial Temple is the place where we are empowered to work with the planetary energies through energy transmissions, "light languages" transimissions (basically the languages of ETs, in this instance, Sirians), and self healing. It has already made a difference for me - I self harmed only three times, while usually by now it be at least ten times during this time of Mercury's retrograde!!! A long way to go but it is a start.....

At about the same time, the Astrological forecasts for Virgos would be a change in financial circumstances for the better. That I did not believe. Generally I believe only the negative forecasts, not the positives, cos mainly of my karma - that I would be destined for suffering, depression and heartache on this planet.

Well lo and behold my wage rise finally kicked in this past week, with backpay to June. So now I can breath a bit easier and get ahead even if just by a little bit. It was certainly a chance to reset my very tight budget.

But that was not the miracle. Last week I also applied for a credit card cos I was sent an invite to do so. In the past I had been sent invites for credit cards but was always knocked back. Credit cards being the relatively low interest preference to my very high interest personal loan stemming from Sally's medical expenses, which I am forever extending. Indeed I extended it again just last week since I didn't expect to be accepted for the credit card. The interest rate being about 33% and owing about $3000 on it. And then those evil payday loans with an effective interest rate of about 50%, this keeping me in poverty!! In contrast, credit cards typically have interest rates around 13% with a 55 day interest free period if the balance is paid off within 55 days. So a far more preferable option.

Well anyway, going to the PO box fully expecting to find a rejection letter from the bank, I was delightfully surprised to find three pieces of mail - I had actually been accepted!!!!

When I got back home, there it was indeed, one of the mail contained the credit card, I now have it in my hot little hands. The other was the PIN number, and the 3rd one was the obligatory documentations. I was also surprised at the credit limit they given me, much higher than expected. I didn't put a credit limit on my application, I just wanted to see how much they were willing to give me in the unlikely event of being accepted. Well all I will say is it is way higher than expected, and it effectively given me a safety net in case something major happens, such as, one of my ancient appliances breaking down, or some issue cropping up with the car which is overdue for a service.

So now I can banish those evil payday loans for ever, and can now work on paying off that high interest loan stemming from Sally's medical expenses. The plan is to use the credit card to pay my ongoing household bills, utilities, etc, and in most instances I should be able to pay off the balance within the 55 days thus not paying any interest. This I hope will help me get on top of my budget, and eventually save enough so I won't need credit.

Meanwhile if something does go wrong, such as, with the car, or major unexpected expenses, well a 13% interest rate is way better than the 33% and/or effective 50% interest rate I have been currently subjected to!!! And well, let's put it this way, the credit limit is more than the current worth of my 10 year old Nissan Pulsar!!

Now I just have to visit the bank with my ID documents, set up the online account, and activate the card. This I shall do tomorrow.

So things are finally looking up with the finances..... but as per my karma, when one area of my life improves, another area goes downhill, so in keeping with the karmic balance of my suffering. And the area in which it is going downhill is in regards to Karen. I think I have lost her friendship. I haven't heard from her since that misunderstand I shared about last week, she haven't even acknowledged any of my FaceBook posts. But then our relationship did begin during the Jewish "The Three Weeks" stemming from the destruction of the Temple, and things that begins during "The Three Weeks" are destined for catastrophe and heartache. Uh well..... as they say, karma is a bitch, and a very merciless one in my instance!!!!

It looks like I be losing Caroline as well, though a more slow painful death. She is getting more depressed due to her situation with the hubby, and she tried to commit suicide last week. Most people who tries to commit suicide usually succeeds, which mean, I would eventually succeed, though at this time with the Celestial Temple I am feeling a little better. But it seems the two women in my life who means most to me are slipping from my life.........

We Virgos are so no good at relationships, indeed there are no star sign that are as hopeless in relationships as Virgos..... but I guess I just gotta ride on.......

Thursday 2 October 2014

Vacation and Mercury's Retrograde

This has been a very interesting past few days.....

Last weekend which was a holiday weekend I was on Glory Camp with my cousin. It's the church camp that happens each year, but this was my first time at the camp. I did have an awesome time, with plenty of energy connects to the higher realms, often in the form of music and dancing, but also "soaking times" when we basically meditate where I found myself travelling to the Pleiades star system!! Very intense meditations. I was feeling very energized by the end of the camp. Now it remains to be seen if this will see me through some very intense planetary events - Mercury's retrograde which begins this Saturday which incidentally is also Yom Kippur. The three weeks of Mercury's retrograde is always a very chaotic time for me, I always get depressed, emotionally chaotic, and calamities especially involving computers and electronics. Added to the chaos will be TWO eclipses - a lunar eclipse next week followed two weeks later by a solar eclipse. Eclipse events are also very chaotic for me, so the two combine will be most harrowing!!!! Fortunate I am on vacation for most of this time, indeed I don't go back to work until the 23rd near the end of Mercury's retrograde.

News of the day however was something most unexpected!!! It involves Karen. Basically she turned religious!!! I really don't understand why. Like me she has previously been involved in the church and for a while have embraced Christianity. Then also like me, she was awakened out of religion and discovered her star seed identity, and as I have been sharing here, we shared much in common in regards to our star seed identities that we concluded we are star siblings who came from the same ship. However since coming back from camp I did sense a change in the vibes though I could not quite put my finger on it, indeed, I put it down to the upcoming Mercury's retrograde, I thought it was just me!!!! But today when I heard back from Karen for the first time since the camp, I was in shock!!! She basically renounced her ET and star seed beliefs and had gone BACK into religion. Now WHY would anyone who came out of religion and became enlightened would actually be willing to leave this enlightenment behind and go back into religion!!!! She didn't give much away as to how it happened, but I asked questions, and hopefully I will hear back from her.

When I saw her two weeks ago for my birthday she did mention that she started going back to church. And well since I have been going back to church since March thanks to my cousin, I thought nothing of it aside from the fact of another synchronicity. Our lives seems so parallel. As I have gone back to church, she is also going back to church. However I have NOT renounced my star seeds beliefs nor any other forms of spirituality. I see Christianity as being just one aspect of the greater picture. Indeed all forms of spirituality do have common core values, and there are similarities between them all. All are just different parts of the elephant. I do enjoy my times at church, the music and dancing, the energy connects, and etc.

Karen basically told me what most Christians believes about ETs, that they are just "demons" sent to deceive us. Christians have a very limited view of the spirit realm and are very dualistic in their viewpoints. Basically there is the devil, Satan and the demons..... then the angels, and God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is the extent of their knowledge of the spirit realm. So anything else that is revealed about the spirit realm, whether it be ghosts, fae beings, elementals, goblins, ETs, etc, are all lumped as being just different forms of "demons". That is the common viewpoint of devout Christians including most of those at my church.

Now WHY have Karen have gone back to such a belief system after being so enlightened??? Well I really don't know!!! I hope she will tell me the next time I hear from her. Probably one significant factor is that she attends a conservative church, indeed the Salvation Army church in York, while I attend a Charismatic Renewal church who are more in touch with the spirit realm. My church tends to be more accepting of people with alternative viewpoints even if the church officially does not embrace such viewpoints. However the more conservative churches tends to demand specific renouncement of any alternative viewpoints as a condition of church membership.

Whatever the case this obviously changes the dynamics of our friendship. I hope we remain in contact with each other, but it looks like there won't be any more trips to York for me, and even if we do by any chance see each other again, it will be very different. No more talks about ETs and star seed stuff.

Lonely indeed are the star seeds. After 8 years I finally met another star seed in person...... only to lose her to religion!!!!! So now I have to find another star seed within driving distance of this isolated little city, and I hope it won't take me another 8 years!!!!! There are plenty of star seeds on this planet, there are whole groups of them on FaceBook and other social media, only that they are all either on the east coast or overseas. There are no other star seeds even in Western Australia let alone in Perth itself!!!!! Uh well...... it is probably my karma to be a lonely wandering wolf, destined to be ever wandering alone, never to find a place to settle, never to find a place to call home.........

I'm just a lonely star seed, lonely and blue..... ohhhhh all I want is another star seed to share with in person, earth form being female, she doesn't have to be Pleiadean, she can be Sirian, Andromedean, Reticuli, or anywhere.... afterall I am from many other of these star systems...... uh well....... lonely indeed are the star seeds.........

Sunday 21 September 2014

Best Birthday Ever

Oh this would have to be the best birthday ever!! I am so glad my beloved Star Sister Karen came into my life during this current incarnation, she turns everything into gold, and I just feel so alive when I am with her, it is like life is worth living again !!

The day started with my usual Saturday morning walk, though I didn't walk quite as far, so giving myself enough time for the trip to York. During that time I gotten a msg from my cousin and one from my Aunty and Uncle, but that was it from this side of the universe.

Then the trip to York which is akin to the highway to Heaven to meet an angel from Heaven.... ooohhhh..... *sigh*

At around Midland I gotten a msg from my sister, it turned out she's on vacation on the south coast! That would explain why I hadn't heard from her until now!! No one else from this side sent me msgs. But it didn't matter cos I was on my way to my angel from Heaven, Karen, and being with her is like a dream come true..... *sigh*

I got held up in traffic in Midland thanks to a road train with an oversize load, I guess it what happens when you cross the major route to the North West. So I was destined to be a little late getting to York..... And I was soon on my merry way feeling like 7th heaven... And about half way through the trip the car started to overheat, probably cos it was the hottest September day on record!! How weird is that? My birthday being the hottest Sept day on record, it turned out it reach nearly 35 degrees Celcius in Perth, so probably hotter in York. So that is probably way the car started to overheat, not badly, it didn't go into the red but it was uncomfortably close to it..... and my cruise control failed!! It just meant I had to drive the old fashioned way! This was the first time the car overheated and the cruise control failed. However at least the car was still going, just couldn't push it quite so hard.

And so I was running late, therefore I started to send telepathic msgs to Karen. We DO have telepathic connection. About a week ago when I would tune into her radio show like a hopelessly devoted fan that I am.... *sigh*.... I somehow "knew" she be late getting on. So it was no surprise when I tuned in and her show hadn't started. She was only about 5 minutes late. And when she arrived, she sent me a msg on FaceBook saying she sent me telepathic msg that she be running late cos she was helping out at a fair in Northam and had gotten held up. That is how I "knew" she'd be late!! Last week she played a UFO-theme song and dedicated it on air to me!!! oooohhhh.......

So anyway, when it became clear I would indeed be running late, I started to send telepathic msgs to Karen.... and indeed as I got closer and closer to York, I was giving her a running commentary via telepathy. When I reached York I sent a txt msg back to my sister telling her I am spending the day in York.... this would have shocked her like a stunned mullet!! haha!!!

Then literally the instance I turned into Karen's driveway, she came out from the back..... and she said to me, "I KNEW you would arrive at that exact time!!!!" So yes definitely telepathic connection between us.

Well she gave me gifts.... not just one but several!!!! It turned out these be the only gifts that I would receive on my birthday, aside from some very much needed and extremely appreciated moolah from my Dad, but not even a card from anyone else..... but again I didn't care..... Karen is all that mattered to me this day!! Among the gifts are two CDs with crystals music and Native American music, oh she knows me so well!!!!!.... and two books, one an ET sci-fi novel, and another more Star Seed kind of stuff.... and a jigsaw puzzle... wow!!!!.... and best of all, artwork that she did just for me..... ohhhh such an angel from Heaven she is!!!!

We walked into town and she bought me lunch..... in York you can walk anywhere to get anywhere cos it is such a small town..... Then we walked by the river, and sat by the river, and she showed me her tatts! Well being hot she wasn't wearing as much, and I DO love women with tatts, I think it is so sexy on women!! Karen has four in total with Native American, Wiccan and nature themes..... she was once a Wiccan High Priestess, in other words, a Witch... hehe.... anything thing I so loved about her.... she is everything I am interested in!!!!.... and well, if I hadn't led such a sheltered life I would have gotten tatts myself but I think all of my family would faint in shock!!! As far as I know, none of my family has tatts. But anyway I loved it on Karen.

Then I learned that later tonight there is a Bush Dance event, that she is going, and a seat is booked for me!! It sounded great but I wished I knew before I came, cos being hot I was just in shorts and sandals. My Virgo worry-wart tendency kicked in, I wished I had brought a change of clothes!! Uh well I wasn't going to let that bother me, I'd be with Karen, so nothing else mattered!! The original plan was I would be with her, until her radio show when I be with her in the studio, then go home after she finished at 9pm. But now the Bush Dance after the radio show, it's gonna be a very late night but I didn't care, being with Karen is my dream come true.... *sigh*

Anyway we walked to the Town Hall which is where the Bush Dance was being held, and we spoke to the band members and organisers, who assured me that my current attire would be perfectly ok. I forget this is a country town, it is not like the city where things are more formal. Also we get free entry due to Karen's radio show talents.

We walked back to her place for a bit, then to the radio station. Since we would be going to the Dance straight from the radio show, Karen had changed into the most fabulous dress for the Dance, sheer in places so her tatts showed through! Ooohhhhhh I was in love!!!!! *swoon*.... and here I am in just my shorts! Uh well.....

When she got started on her show, she did an on-air dedication to me for my birthday, and played the Birthday song by the Beatles!!! That was so special..... oooohhhhh.... what an angel she is!!!! I so love being in the studio during her show, she is really in her element, such a free spirit, and very good at what she does...... if I shall say so myself..... perhaps slightly biased.... but only slightly.... hehehe.......

Then we were off to the Bush Dance..... and ooohhhh what an awesome time I had..... especially dancing with Karen.... well it was bush dances, ya know, folk dancing, nevertheless, it felt like I was in Heaven when dancing with her..... and there was champagne on offer.... Actually Karen brought along a bottle of champagne also for me, which we shared.... then someone else offered us another bottle which we gladly accepted... hehe..... dunno if it was my higher vibrational energies or the fact that I hadn't drunk for several years due to leading a sheltered life being carer for Sally.... but I had only four glasses and I was feeling dizzy..... but then just being with Karen and dancing with her would probably make me dizzy in happiness even without the alcohol.... hehehe......

And well by the time I waited long enough for the effects of the alcohol to wear off a bit..... and begin my long trip back home.... it was about 2am when I arrived.... but ohhhhhhhhh........ this was the most fabulous birthday ever..... it tops my 21st and my America birthday....... And this time my cruise control worked fine.... so I guess it fails when the motor overheats, perhaps some kind of safety measure?.... hmmmm..... I will need to get the radiator checked, it was serviced less than a year ago!!!! Uh well.....

Now Karen invited me to a Medieval theme event in York next month..... have to see what I can dress up as..... I can't wait to see what Karen will dress as..... perhaps a princess..... oooohhhhh that is what she is...... a princess....... *sigh*.......

This song is how I feel when I'm with Karen........

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Looking Forward To My Birthday!!!

It is now Wednesday night, just two days before my birthday, and I still haven't heard boo from my family as to any plans that they may have for my birthday..... but I am not bothered in the least.... cos totally unbeknown to them, I have my own plans for the day, and it all involves my beloved star sister Karen!!!!! This is gonna be the best birthday of my life, or at least in the top 5 of best birthdays. I just feel so alive when I am with Karen, its like walking three feet off the ground.

It would not be difficult to pick a top 5 birthdays in my life. The day has been often marked by torment and pain. There were times through my childhood when I'd just burst into tears on my birthday for no apparent reason. It was very much love/hate. On the night before my birthday, after I went to bed, Mother would come in and leave my present on my table in my room, I'd pretend I be asleep but in reality I was wide awake cos I knew she be doing this!! She does it each year.  Then a little while after Mother goes to bed and the house is in darkness, I'd get up and as quiet as a mouse I'd go close the door, taking care not to make any noise whatsoever, then ever so carefully unwrap the present, taking care to keep the noise of the wrapping paper to an absolute minimum. It would take me ages to accomplish this but it was worth it once I was able to see what I had gotten. I would not sleep at all that night.

That part was great, but always proved to be anti-climatic. The rest of the day was an emotional rollercoaster, tormenting at times..... Mother would try hard to make my birthday special for me.... when I moved out, even when I was with Barbara, my Mother would always call me first thing in the morning on my birthday to wish me Happy Birthday, and I would always go to her place for dinner, which always included a birthday cake made from chocolate mud cake!!!!.... nevertheless the torment was always there..... fast forward to the last few years, my birthday became even more tormenting after Mother was diagnosed with the disease. Each birthday she would grow worse, and indeed the birthday of 2009 would be the last time I would receive any gifts from her - a computer game and the model building kit of the space ship. I still play the video game to this day, being an online MMO game, with new maps and levels being added over the years..... and I am currently working on the space ship, my progress occasionally posted on Instagram and FaceBook.

By 2010 the disease reach the stage where Mother's mind was affected, it was basically dementia, one of the symptoms of the disease, and she had forgotten all about my birthday, indeed she had forgotten all about me!!!! Mother was destined to pass away early in 2011, so no more birthdays with my Mother, no more early morning calls from her, no more dinners at Mother's with chocolate mud cake.... Sally's sickness saw that I would not celebrate my birthday at all, with the September from hell in 2011 when Sally's health conditions first manifested.... 2012 was not much better.... and well 2013 was my first birthday since Sally's death, and so did have afternoon tea at Mother's house but it was just not the same without Mother.......

However I did have some really good birthdays over the years, such occasions can unfortunately be counted on one hand with fingers to spare. One very memorable birthday was in 1987, my first year at the New Day church, it just happened to be on a Sunday that year, and the people at New Day made it so special for me!!!! My 21st Birthday in 1984 was also an awesome day, the Brethren church which I attended at the time threw a party for me at someone's house, then of course the big party with my family, this at the Dawes-Smith household, and it was when I received my first computer - the Commodore 64!!! And then my birthday in 1998, when I was still in America, and I had just flew back to Texas to be with Sally, and she baked me a chocolate Coca-Cola cake - yes a chocolate cake made also with a can of Coke!!!! So that is THREE birthdays that really stood out as being wonderful birthdays for me!!! Perhaps a distant 4th best birthday would be my 10th birthday when I received my first bicycle, and when Mother allowed me to invite probably about 20 friends to the party - one of them was the girlfriend I was going out with at the time, and we were holding hands as Mother took the pic of the whole group!!!!

So just FOUR birthdays that really stood out for me, where the  joy-pain ratio was substantially more on the "joy" side than 50-50!!!

This Saturday will be the FIFTH such birthday, it will be at least in the top 5..... cos I be spending most of the day in York with Karen!!!!!! I just feel so alive with her, and just one look into those mesmerizing eyes of hers is enough to melt away any pain or torment I may be feeling in my life!!! Not to mention her very long hair that goes past her waist, which she often wears as one long platt, just like the hippie that she is, but at times she wears it out for me..... it is longer than Sally's hair.....

So being on a Saturday I will still be going for my walk as usual, though it won't be as long of a walk. I am due in York by about lunchtime when Karen will take me to a Vegan restaurant for lunch, well a restaurant with Vegan options anyway...... then we just be spending the afternoon together... and then I be accompanying her to the radio station and being with her while she does her excellent radio show.... she does such an awesome job.... I listen to it online each Saturday evening.... and this Saturday I will be with her in the studio, I get to listen to her first hand!!!!.... and well that be the culmination of what I fully expect to be an utterly wonderful day. I can not think of a better way to spend a birthday than with Karen..... this is the first birthday in a long time that I actually looking forward to!!!! And she said she had bought gifts for me.... ooohhhh..... I am so eager to see what she has for me!!! Perhaps some crystals!!! No one else would get me crystals, but Karen would get me crystals..... or perhaps anything..... she knows what I like, she knows me so well..... ooohhhh what surprises she has for me...... Oh what a wonderful day it will be......!!!!

So it wouldn't matter if my family ignores me..... but I don't think they will ignore me.... they will just leave it to the last minute to text me with any plans, or they will perhaps just drop around on the Saturday to see me..... assuming I be home all alone..... they will be in for a shock, cos unless they happen to catch me in the inbetween time between my walk and my time in York, they will find that I am not home!!!! haha!!!! Or they may text me for a dinner on the Saturday, but again they are in for a shock cos I be with Karen.... hehehe..... and just to think that right now they be assuming I be spending the day alone, blissfully unaware that I be anything BUT alone!!!! I love to shock my family!!! Only my cousin knows about Karen, I tell her a few things during our regular times in church together, but the Dawes-Smith usually has no communications with the Pasco side of the family, not by design, just different lifestyles.... so anyway......

Now THIS is the kind of birthday song that Karen and I would be singing..... hehehe.......

Saturday 13 September 2014

Busy Times !!!

This past week I been so busy..... sharing the story of my awakenings through the years on FaceBook.... it was cos someone wanted to know about it.... I always seem to be sharing stories about my life experiences.... always someone who asks about it.....

Uh yes.... my final result in the football tipping was 16th spot, so still made it into the top half. And for close matches which was decided by 6 points or less, my final win-loss ratio is 12-11, with the drawn match being given as a "win" cos everyone who submits a tip on matches that turns out to be drawn receives one point. Anyway I think the Hawks will win the flag but don't quote me.... unless they DO win !!!! ;)

What else been happening..... uhhh yes the puddy cat, my Sirian kin, she has her favorite spot - MY chair!!! Fortunately it is on wheels so I can just shift it out the way and I use my other chair to sit when working on my computer.

Uh yes last weekend..... I did survive Father's Day though not unscathed, I have the scars to prove it.....

So last Saturday night I was at the Dawes-Smith for dinner at my cousin's invite, who I go to church with. A nice change to have someone cook for me, one of many reasons why I miss Mother, she would always invite Sally and I over for dinner. Anyway, they did a roast chicken for me, the first time I ate meat in several months but its ok, it is rude to refuse food offered to me. I choose not to tell any of my family here about my vegetarianism, they are too much in 3D, they won't be able to handle it. I get blank stares each time I share about even slightly spiritual topics with them, such as, telling someone that I go to church but have eclectic belief systems that covers all religions - she just couldn't get her head around such a concept, which is very simple for me, but she just could not figure it out!!!! Uh well its ok, we were all there once upon a time, no judgments passed, it is my call to keep my vibrational energies high enough to raise them up, and they will eventually get it - perhaps a few lifetimes later!! ;) Anyway I did enjoy my time at the Dawes-Smith household, talking computer stuff with Uncle as always, and my cousin must be operating at a higher vibrational energy, she works with Essential Oils, and we talked about the entities that we both see - the ghosts and other such creatures. I'm sure the church we go to have connections with Star Seeds even if they many not know it, they keep on showing pictures of the Pleiades with the words "I am the Lord who healeth thee" - and every Star Seed knows that Pleiadeans are healers. I have been told a few times over the years that I am meant to be a healer, that is, have gift of healing. I have done some informal online classes in Reiki  but nothing formal. These forms of healings across all religions and faiths are all the same - it is basically energy transfer, and the laying of hands assists in this energy transfer. Anyway..... um..... no waffling on.....

So that was Saturday night.... Sunday was Father's Day, and well I wasn't going to attend church cos it was billed as a "Father's Day service", and I just didn't want anything to do with it. I don't know if it is just me, but I feel it is most decidedly an unequally yoked relationship between the spiritual realm and a holiday birthed out of a purely commercial interest by a greetings card company - there is a reason why it is known as a "HallMark holiday". But I had an excuse anyway. I was actually invited over to Justin's house for Father's Day. Justin's house being now our base of operation for family gatherings on Pasco's side, we spent Xmas there. We were told to arrive there mid-morning so I assumed it would be a lunch, however, it turned out to be just a morning tea, we were all out of there by lunch time, which was good cos it meant I had the rest of the day for myself. In years gone by it would be afternoon tea at Mother's, which meant I'd be stressing all morning about going there, then having to survive the afternoon there, and by the time we got home the day was over! This new arrangement is so much better, we get it over and done with before lunchtime. And it was easier to keep true to my vegetarianism cos it was self serve, as meal times at Mother's on such occasions always are. There were spring rolls and quiches on offer, though I must admit that I did eat a couple of the sausage rolls - Mandy (Justin's wife) must have gotten Mother's recipe, she made the best sausage rolls ever!! She makes them with bacon bits with the sausage meat. Back in my meat eating days I would virtually have whole meals out of them!!!! So yeah I did allow myself liberties there, they ARE to die for!!!!! Anyway I am now back on the wagon..... back to my vegetarian ways.

So next weekend..... this planet will complete another of its very high number of revolutions around the Sun since my incarnation to my current life, indeed an extremely high number being 51 such revolutions. And I have a birthday date with Karen..... ooohhhh...... the first birthday I actually looking forward to for a long time..... She said to me, I gotten you a few presents already!.... I thought... A FEW presents??? For most people you only get one present per person for one's birthday!!! I wonder what she has gotten me..... this is gonna be the best birthday ever..... I be going up to York at lunchtime on my birthday, and she is taking me to the Vegan restaurant in town.... well it is a restaurant that has Vegan options. Karen is Vegan which is slightly more strict than Vegetarianism. Vegan means no critter products whatsoever including eggs, milk, etc. I have recently cut out eggs from my diet, but still need the cheese and the chocolates though I don't have as much of either products..... So I be having lunch with Karen, then spending the afternoon with that wonderful soul, angel from Heaven, and then I be with her at the radio station when she does her radio show in the evening. So it be all afternoon and most of the evening with Karen, oh what birthday could be better..... ohhhh..... I just feel so alive when I am with her.... *sigh*......  I haven't had any invites from my Earth family yet, but its ok, I am just so happy to be with Karen. My family will be in shock if they send me an invite for Saturday, they will just assume that I have nothing else planned so will probably leave it to the last minute if they do something for me at all - it will shock them when I tell them that I am already have a date for Saturday, so it will have to be Sunday.... hehehe.....

It looks like all things are set for Caroline to go to London next year for her daughter's college education, what rich Indians do, go to London or some other western city when their children reaches college age. She is set to depart about March or April next year, the school year there is from about June/July, not February as it is here. It seems her hubby won't be accompanying her, she be going alone, so it will mean she will no longer need to be subject to his abuse. She seems to think she will get a job in London, she is actually a qualified nurse, then come to visit me. Well we shall see what happens there. It will be awesome if she does come to visit me, but not quite so desperate since that some of my energies is diverted to Karen..... oh what a situation! At least Karen has no designs for marriage or anything, she is content to remain my soul sister - and I am extremely content when I am with her!!!!!

I finally gotten my vacuum cleaner! Will put it through its paces tomorrow when I start on my desperately needing to be vacuumed carpets, even more so with puddy cat in the house. So will be busy tomorrow, between that and mowing the rest of the lawns. I took the day off work Friday to start on the lawns, I did the whole of the front and half of the back before the battery was spent. I may invest in a 2nd battery, will have to see where I can get it from and how much it is. The battery didn't last as long this time, probably cos some of the weeds were six inches high so needed more power to cut through them - what happens when it rained the past two weekends - but it seems the rains have gone, and it is warming up......

Anyway..... a random vid.... just one of my fav songs from Dire Straits.....


Wednesday 3 September 2014

Uhhh Puddy Cat!!

Well last weekend, more specifically, last Sunday I did travel up to York to be with my beloved star sister Karen. Oh it was so good to see her, I feel so alive when I am with her.... *sigh*.... and I did meet her son, seeing they are sharing a house together. And well her son seems an OK guy. I half expected him to come out with a gun shooing me away!! Indeed that is what happened before, well not a gun but a knife. One of Karen's boyfriends came to visit but before he could reach her, her son came out with a knife threatening him and shooing him away, so he left and never came back, and Karen was non the wiser. She had no idea why he had apparently left her, and thought that he just didn't like her anymore, until years later the truth came out. Her son was just 7 years of age when this incidence happened!! He is now 23. And well according to Karen, he is changing a bit since moving to York. And well, when I met him, he seems an OK kind of guy, indeed he even offered me a drink and cookies, I ate them and did not drop dead! LOL! So yes he did seem to accept me. Our shared UFO experiences did help, he also experienced an Orange Light UFO incidence.

Anyway, after a while of being initiated by her son and three dogs, Karen and I went for a walk into town. York is not a big place, everywhere in town is within walking distance. So we walked by the river, then into the town, we had lunch in town, then went to meet a few of her friends. One of them ran a New Age store, lots of fabulous crystals!!!! ooohhhhh...... I could have spent a fortune but my wage rise hadn't manifested, so it was strictly look but don't touch!!! Dang!!!! I sooooo wanted some of those crystals!!!! Then we visited a couple of her other friends, she seemed to have a lot of friends who owned or operated shops in town! The last was a craft shop and historical site, where we were treated to a discourse on some of the history of the town.

We eventually made our way back to the house, and spent some time in her shed which is her hideaway. It's a large shed and connected to power. The day flew by in what seemed an instant, and all too soon it was time for me to head on back home...... *sigh*

So I now have her puddy cat, my star kin from Sirius. As it is said, we do not own puddy cats, they own us!! And so it is with Celine, that is her name. She shadows me, she seems to have adopted me!! She hardly leaves me alone, except when she sleeps which is a lot of the time!! LOL!! So far she hadn't even gone outside, she seems to prefer being indoors. I did let her outside on one occasion, then I did other things, and in two minutes I went to check to see where she was, and she was at the door wanting to come back inside!!! At the York house she was kept in an old bird aviary outside cos of the dogs!! So I think she is relishing this more spacious and warmer three-bedroom house!! Well she seems content here, and is fortunately well house trained! ;).... I grew up with puddy cats, and they been in my life for most of it except for my years with Sally..... So am rather pleased that there's a puddy cat in my life again, and it reminds me of Karen......

My next time with Karen is likely to be my birthday, she said she is wanting to do something special for my birthday.... ooohhh..... how so sweet..... *sigh*.... it would be my first birthday that I would really enjoy in a long time... and this year it does fall on a Saturday. My more recent birthdays has been hell on earth, especially since Mother's death..... So if indeed I get to spend much of the day with Karen, it would simply be wonderful........ oohhhhhh.......

When I was with Karen.... it was like.... ooohhh nana hiya hiya!!!!.....

And the puddy cat......

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Sun Moves Into Virgo

Uhhh now the Sun is in Virgo.... and this planet nears to the end of another of the extremely high number of revolutions around the Sun completed since the start of my current incarnation on this very dense 3D planet!!

Last weekend I was driving down the highway in my turbo charged Nissan Pulsar, and noticing the posted speed limit being 60kmh, I made sure I dropped my speed down to that.... it is oh so easy to drift over the limit which can be done by just breathing on the pedal!! Anyway, another 0.5 km down the road, travelling with the flow of traffic, there I spotted a speed cam, so I instinctively checked my speedo.... and ohhh.... OMG!!!!!!.... I was on 68!!!! Ok my luck has finally run out! So now I await a speeding ticket to come in the mail for me. The other vehicles around me will be in the same boat, all travelling more or less the same speed. They would have made a killing in speed fines that day. Of course the cams are always located on straight stretches of road, or near bottom of hills, or just after downward changes in speed limits. They are never located in known danger spots where there has been a high number of car wrecks happening. Uh well it will only be $75, its not going to break the bank, but the bloody govt already has too much of my money!!!! grrrrrrrr...... uh well.... it is a part of life in this country..... Everyone who drives gets caught speeding or breaking some other of the 1000's of traffic laws that governs the use of public roads in this country!! Anyone who says they never break the law is lying through their teeth. But the last time I got a speeding ticket it was on my bloody birthday!!!!! It was a while ago now, but it seems if and when I get caught, it is always around my birthday!!! Must be something to do with Virgos and the particular energies of the month!!!!

I finally heard from Karen. She does not have internet access except when she is at the radio station - Voice Of The Avon 101.3FM. I listen to her show each Saturday night from 6pm to 9pm local time, she is known as Kazza. You can listen to her at the link below.....

Being a public radio station she chooses her own songs.... always a very interesting choice of music! ;)

Anyway she asked me if I could adopt her puddy cat. Since moving in with her son who has dogs, the puddy cat has been constantly tormented by the dogs. Well I be more than happy to have a Sirian star kin - the puddy cat. Thought I better check the lease document first. Being in a house rather than an apartment or villa, keeping pets should be OK. But better check the lease first just to make sure, and well there is nothing whatsoever specifically referring to pets on the lease. Therefore should be not a problem. If I was in an apartment I would not have been able to keep pets. And well the only pets I have currently are the hermit crabs. I don't think they would worry the puddy cat.

So now just waiting to arrange for a trip to York to see Karen and pick up the puddy cat. I would expect it to be this weekend, but due to her very limited opportunities to get online, nothing is certain at this point. She did say they are working on getting an internet connection at the house.

Puddy cats are from the Sirius star system. The domestic cat is the result of hybrid breeding experiments performed by the Sirian "Cat People" who visited the northern African region thousands of years ago, and it was why puddy cats were worshipped and considered to be Gods in ancient Egypt. So yes, puddy cats are my Sirian star kins. I have spent past lives in the Sirius star system, it is why I love puddy cats so much.

Anyway here's a puddy cat vid.....

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Tax Time !!!!

Oh what a week it has been..... the previous week my lawn mower blew up so I was in desperate need for a new lawn mower. I wanted an electric mower but a bigger and better model especially since I now know I will be at this house for two years. My old mower was electric and ran straight off the mains power which necessitated a long extension cord trailing behind me as I cut the lawn, having to take care not to accidentally run over the cord!! It was only a small mower, really not designed for such a large area of lawns that I have at my house. I literally worked the mower to death!! I wore it out, and it blew up!!

So now after a search online at the Bunnings website I had an electric model picked out. It was a much bigger model. And it is cordless, running on battery power. There were two models, one close to $400, and one for $500. The $400 model had a battery that lasted for 30 minutes which was really not long enough for me, it take me close to an hour to do the back lawns. And the battery was NOT included, so meaning an extra $200 for the battery and charger separately. The $500 model however had a battery that runs for an whole hour!! Just long enough for my back lawns. And the battery IS included!! So I chose that model.

Come payday last week I went to Bunnings in Innaloo during my lunch hour to purchase the mower, but I had a feeling that it would be out of stock!! And indeed my feeling proved to be correct, as it is often is, the mower was indeed out of stock!! I heard one of the Assistants say that he would have to order in the model, which would take several days. I don't have several days!!! I needed the mower NOW for THIS weekend!!! So I had a compulsion to head to the next Bunnings store, this time in Balcatta, closer to my place. And they did have such a mower in stock, it was the last one in stock! So I grabbed it!!! And I was soon $500 poorer but with a brand new mower!!

And I must say I am most impressed. I can do the lawns in less than half the time! Indeed last weekend I did the front lawns in about 20 mins, and then I started on the back lawns, a much larger area which would take me between 90 mins and two hours - I was able to do 80% of the area with the new mower before the battery ran down. So I placed the battery on the charger, and then finished the remaining section within a few minutes. So since lawn mowing used to take up much of my yard work on weekends, the new mower will significant reduce my time in doing yard work, and it gives a much better cut to the lawns.

Then last Monday, just a week after I submitted my tax return online, my tax check was deposited into my bank account. And it was $100 more than even the estimate that I was given on submitting my return. Of course it is now all spent!! Much of it used on the bills that I would have paid with the $500 that I spent on the mower. But also gotten other much needed items as well as things I wanted. I ordered a new vacuum cleaner using my points from FlyBuys plus a payment. It really shot my points balance, but then this was why I had been faithfully presenting my FlyBuys card at the various stores for the last three or four years!!! The item is expected to take four weeks to arrive, but considering I have been without a vacuum cleaner for so long after the old one blew up, another four weeks was not a big deal. And I also ordered a model building kit of the Steve Irwin ship of Sea Shepherd, one of these special edition thingies. That one is coming from Europe so will probably take six weeks or so for it to arrive. I also gotten new kitchen/cooking items, and other things..... so money well spent.

The next windfall will be the backpay when my wage rise finally comes through. It seems to be taking a while for it to manifest, but regardless of how long it takes, the back pay will be from middle of June. So I guess, the longer I must wait for the wage rise, the more will be the backpay. I will be getting a new large crystal with the backpay. I was going to get that with my tax check but the lawn mower blowing up put paid to that!! So bar any other misfortunes, my next lump sum will be spent at least partly on a new large crystal specimen. Yes we Star Seeds loves our crystals, every Star Seed uses crystals, it is how ETs utilizes their power, indeed many of the ships runs on crystals, as well as electrical needs and other things including healing and telepathy. So that is why Star Seeds are so into crystals, it is what we need to fulfill our higher dimensional lives.

Now with the football tipping..... I am now in 13th spot, way better than expected, but with only two more rounds to go, I won't go much higher, so it will once again be the curse of Mother's death - never winning any prize money since Mother's death while I had always won prize money every year while Mother was still alive. However my "close matches" stats seems to be better this year, now currently 12-9 in my favor, managing to tip correctly on 12 of the "close matches", being matches decided by 6 points or less.

Oh what else.... uh yes the Sun moves into Virgo this coming weekend..... so this means one thing.... my birthday coming up!! I don't like to celebrate my birthday, and indeed I never did so in the years since Mother's death, but last year after Sally's death Pasco did have me to come over for afternoon tea for my birthday.... it was OK.... but really perfectly happy for the day to pass without any celebrations. This year it is on a Saturday a week before Rosh HaShanah, and my four weeks vacation from work begins on Rosh HaShanah. Astrologers are saying that September will be a good month for Virgos this year, even for romance for some people!! Oh I hope I get to see Karen again though it seems highly unlikely due to her son. Nevertheless, I do indeed feeling some positive vibes for these next four weeks or so..... but still not enthusiastic for my birthday!!

The latest on Caroline.... she is going to London next year so her daughter can attend college. It is what rich people in India does, they send their children overseas when old enough to attend college. Her daughter will be 16, so that is college age. London seems to be a most popular destination, though some do come to Australia. She would be going without her husband, which will mean she will be safe from the abuse. Apparently her husband is giving his blessings for this. She is saying that she will get a job when in London, so obviously going on a work visa of some sort. And then she says she will come and see me once she saved her pennies from her job. I don't think it will be quite that simple, she does not realise how expensive it is for an air ticket between London and Perth!! She also says it will be easier for her to get a divorce when in London, however, I thought one must be a resident of the country before being able to use its services such as their court system for achieving a divorce. In any case I really don't wish to be married, I want to be single forever. I felt this since I met Karen, she also wants to be single forever, she does not want to be married again. I think in reality it will be impossible to get married to Caroline, and neither of us will be able to raise the funds for immigration expenses even if she does have a job in London.

Anyway here's a vid for now that Sun will move into Virgo... thinking back to my 16th birthday which seemed to be forever ago! It is said that you only reach 16 once! Well that is not exactly true. We reached 16 many times before in our past incarnations. I lived 1000 lifetimes so I was 16 about 1000 times, well assuming I managed to live that long. And well being on the other planets for most of these incarnations, it depends on the period of revolutions of the planet around its star. Some takes longer than the Earth to go around, hence our "ages" would be less, while other planets would take less time around its star, hence our "age" would be more!! I prefer the planets where it took more time to revolve around its star!! LOL!!! Well whatever..... I have reached my 16th birthday for at least most of my 1000 lifetimes..... so Happy Birthday Sweet 16......


Wednesday 13 August 2014

The Sting of "The Three Weeks"

Although "The Three Weeks" is now over, we can still suffer the consequences of it. During the last weekend of "The Three Weeks" I was mowing the back lawns, or rather, the abundant weeds of the lawns which due to the recent rains had grown quite tall, up to six inches! It's a pity these are NOT the "weeds" that one can smoke for much increased pleasures!!!! LOL!!!! Also due to recent rains, the weeds retained quite a lot of moisture. So my trusty ole little lawn mower was being put through its paces. It was only a little mower, really too small for the large area size of my lawns, but it was all I could afford at the time I bought it. Also it was an electric mower, one which needed connection to a power source via a long extension cord!! So that fateful day on that weekend of "The Three Weeks" I was literally working that little lawn mower to death!!! But I managed to complete the job, and the lawn mower seemed to have survived unscathed!!

However I went to mow the front lawns last weekend I immediately noticed a burning smell from the mower, which soon manifested as smoke coming from the mower. Needless to say I immediately turned off the mower, now a smoking mass of previously functioning parts!! It turned out that some of the weeds from the previous job had gotten inside the rotary mechanism while still wet, then over the past days it had dried out. So when I next switched on the mower, the dried weeds caught fire, which basically fried the motor!! Goodbye lawn mower, it was nice knowing you!!!!! And so it was the curse of "The Three Weeks" manifesting - it was when the fatal flaw manifested, the damp weeds getting inside the motor, which ultimately caused its demise a week later!!!!

So I was now in desperate need of a new lawn mower!! The front lawn is rapidly turning into a jungle, the weeds grows so fast during the wet season that you could almost sit there and watch it grow!!! It grows THAT fast!!! Soon I'd be seeing lions and tigers in the jungle - I mean - front lawn!!!

So this time I am going to invest in a bigger and better mower, especially since I am now on a two-year lease in this house! One of the reasons why I gotten a small and cheap mower, aside from affordability, was cos I thought I'd soon be moving out into an apartment. However that turned out not to be so, with now a two year lease. So time to invest in a bigger and decent mower!!

So I searched Bunnings online to see what they have in mowers. I still wanted an electric mower, less carbon footprint, and no emissions - none of those nasty gasoline exhaust fumes!!! On my PC I gotten a list of electric mowers available from the cheapest upwards. I would NOT be getting the cheapest model, about $100 or so, I needed something bigger and better. Next in line on the price scale the mower was bigger, more the size I needed, and it is cordless, that it runs on battery. However, the battery lasts for only 30 minutes before it needed recharging, and well it takes me close to an hour to do the back lawns. Also the battery was NOT included. Now the next in line, by now the price has risen to $500!! It is bigger again, and the battery lasts for one hour between recharges!! That is more like it!! An hour minimum is what I needed!! Furthermore, the battery and charger unit is INCLUDED in the package. OK!!! THAT is the mower that I would be getting!!!

Next the moolah.... the $$$$'s I needed for this mower. So now that "The Three Weeks" is over it was time to do my tax return - which I did that Sunday. I always do it online, it is easier, and I always get a refund check deposited straight into my bank within two weeks of lodgment. I didn't expect much in my refund this time as I am no longer carer for sick wife on a pension! So no more $3000 checks, I expected more like $200 or so, which would help pay for the mower.

However in the govt wisdom - or lack thereof!!!!! - they decided to introduce a brand new method for lodging tax returns online. You first had to created an online account with "MyGov", then link it to the Tax Office, and the theory goes that you can also link it to other depts such as Medicare and Centerlink. Seems a good idea in theory, but as per usual with govt, the practice really sucks big time!!!! grrrrrrrr..... typical!!!!!

Creating the MyGov account, that was the easy part!!! Linking it to Taxation, that was far more difficult!!! You had to verify your ID THREE times using three different methods, but all that is done automatically online, well at least in theory anyway!!! This is when reality really hits you - that the govt knows so much about you!!!! That is really scary!!! The greater reality is the govt knows a lot more about you than they are willing to admit!!! They probably even know the number of times you fart each day!!!! But conspiracy aside, it is still very scary just how much they at least willingly admit to knowing about you!!!!

The first point of ID is your employer income statement, and although I had not submitted that in my tax return, the govt already knew about it!!!! Not only that I received an income statement but actually last year's salary!!!! That formed part of my first ID check, input the salary I earned according to the statement!!! Next was last year's Assessment Notice, and well fair enough, Taxation had sent me that so it seem reasonable that they should know about it!!!! Finally however was my bank account details, the govt knows THAT too!!!!! Dang!!! So much for spiriting much of my fortunes to an off-shore tax haven!!! LOL!!!! Unfortunately I don't have enough money to be able to do that!!!! But my bank account number, that was my 3rd ID check, and the govt knows THAT too!!!!!!

But as per usual with govt depts, it is never that simple!!!! The system returned the error "Your details does not match"!!!! arrrrgh!!! Bullshit!!!!!! OK perhaps a typo somewhere, so I did it again which frustratingly  involved having to start from scratch again, it didn't even allow the auto-fill feature!!! grrrrrrrrrr...... but still the same error!!!! grrrrrrrr.....!!!... OK maybe its case sensitive..... but still no joy..... in fact I must have tried this at least TEN times, wasting close to TWO hours of my time....... and I was so close to giving up and calling the help number..... So I did that!!!! I called the help number, and despite the reassuring promise on the website that help was available even on Sundays, there was not a soul available, or at least it went to the automated system claiming there is no one available on Sundays!!!! But then it is GOVERNMENT, and you never believe the "promises" of govt!!!!! grrrrrrrrr....... So OK I tried to link the Taxation Office one last time...... and SUCCESS!!!!!! Yay!!!!! I finally was able to navigate through the minefield of my 3-point ID auto check, and successfully linked the Tax office to my account.

So now the relatively easy part..... doing my tax return!!! And being such a mere mortal as I am, with no complicated financial affairs, no shares, no income from rental properties, no off-shore earnings, nor any other shady dealings, I qualified for the much simpler "MyTax" form rather than the more complicated "e-tax" form. And so after the relatively painless process of submitting my tax return, I was in for a pleasant surprise!!! It turns out that my refund check would be about $500 - the cost of my new lawn mower!!!!!

So tomorrow, when I get my pay check, I will go pick up the mower. Hopefully it will be in stock, but if not in stock at the particular Bunnings store, there are plenty of other Bunnings stores around, so at least one of them should have the mower in stock!! I won't have my tax check until at least the following week, but I can't wait that long!! Those weeds you can literally watch then grow, they grow THAT fast!!! So I need a mower NOW for THIS weekend. Indeed I have gotten this Friday off work, so if all goes to plan, I will do the lawns this Friday. And knowing that the tax check will almost certainly come just the next week, that will help with the budget.

Next thing I need is a new vacuum cleaner, which I originally planned to spend an upcoming tax check on!! My cheap old vacuum cleaner blew up a few weeks ago, and manually sweeping the carpets with a straw broom gets old real fast, plus it is not that effective in getting all the dirt!! So a new and better vacuum cleaner is a requirement!!!

Due to the greater need for a new lawn mower, it seemed I had to give up on the idea of getting a new vacuum cleaner..... until a bright idea gotten into my head!!! FLYBUYS!!!! For a number of years I have been faithfully swiping my flybuy card each time I made a purchase at participating stores, and so had accumulated quite a number of points. And you can actually redeem the points for certain items - which INCLUDES vacuum cleaners!!!! So I took a look at the list online. The cheapest vacuum cleaner I had enough points to cover it, however, I did not want the cheapest cleaner. I wanted at least a mid-range one. So the next of the three available.... dang!!!! I don't have quite enough points to cover it!!! However there was the "points+purchase" option where you needed a lesser amount of points plus a payment. And well I DID have enough points in this instance, I just needed also to pay $80, and I will acquire what seems to be a reasonable vacuum cleaner, well better than the one I had anyway!!!! So whether I will also get this tomorrow or wait until my tax check comes in, that depends on a more detailed look at my budget after I purchase the lawn mower. Either way, I will be able to at long last get a much needed vacuum cleaner!!!

Anyway.... a random vid with a message..... there is actually a lot of truth in this.... for us enlightened souls who does not belong to this planet........ so we get off it ASAP!!!!.....

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Tisha B'Av and The End of The Three Weeks!!

The Three Weeks is finally over!! yay!!! Now I can get on with life and pick up the shattered pieces.....

Even as The Three Weeks was close to the end, on this day of Tisha B'Av, when the Temples were destroyed, there were a couple more incidences.....

I was driving down the Freeway, just gotten onto the Freeway and was changing lanes to where I needed to be. There were three lanes clear of cars, so I went to the middle lane. Then absolutely from nowhere as I was about to merge into the lane, a car appeared literally from nowhere!! I did not see it at all previously, and I kept my eyes on the road constantly, turning back frequently to see if there was anyone behind me. There was none for at least 100 meters!!! Then this car literally from nowhere, it appeared as if by magic!! And I had to take evasive action to make sure it didn't run into me!!!!!!

Then I arrived at the Organics grocers for more food. I needed more veges, and salad items for my lunches. The shop is usually well stocked though on occasion it does run short on a small few of the items but there are usually other items which makes up for it. Afterall, being in the most isolated city on earth, there are not many suppliers of organic produce around, and they often have to import from the east coast. However on this occasion this afternoon the shop was short on virtually all items that I was wanting, especially salad items etc for my lunches!!! This was the first time I encountered such shortages. I couldn't get much at all. Indeed instead of spending upwards to $80 on food items there, I spent less than $20, such were the shortages of items that I usually get!!!!  I had to end up visiting Coles supermarket at the local mall for my salad items. I don't like to get non-organic produce cos of the chemicals, insecticides, etc, and generally lower vibrations!!! But there are times when I need to for some items, and well I needed at least the salad items otherwise I won't have anything for my lunches. Its that or starve!!!

So now to consider life after The Three Weeks, which unfortunately is likely to include life after Karen. She wasn't online at all today, she did manage to get online briefly yesterday but that will be the exception rather than the rule.

Caroline is not in a good situation. A few days ago, during these The Three Weeks, she hurt her foot, and now today on this Tisha B'Av she reports that her foot has become infected and swollen. She is having to get some antibiotics, and possibly needed an injection to try kill the infection. She is never allowed to rest, so always having to walk on her foot, so it doesn't get any better. They're currently in wet season in India, it is often raining, so she has to walk out in the water with her foot, another reason why the wounds are not healing. As what happened with Sally, infections left to fester can easily kill or at least cause serious harm! So am rather worried here. Her husband leaves in two days for the rig, so hopefully she will be able to rest more and deal with her foot then. I just hope it is not too late.

So a song to end The Three Weeks....... Seasons In The Sun....... We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach...... *sigh*

Monday 4 August 2014

Day 21 of The Three Weeks - It Happened Again!!!!!

Last year during The Three Weeks I had driven past a speed camera while I was over the limit. I was certain I would be receiving a speeding ticket in the mail. That mail never came.

So after a whole year of driving within the limit and not having any more scares, today I was on my way to my walking spot when I passed another speed camera, and this time for the first time in a year, I was OVER the limit once again!!!! So now another anxious wait for a possible speeding ticket in the mail. Will I be lucky the 2nd time around?? Only time will tell.......

Anyway it is now Tisha B'Av, the very day the Jewish Temples were destroyed,  the last day of "The Three Weeks" but the most energetically intense day. Today we hear about the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I on August 4. Well 100 years ago that day fell on Tisha B'Av, and the 1st World War led to events that eventually led to the Holocaust!! And with the Gaza conflict turning into a public relation nightmare for the Jews, it makes me wonder what will happen tomorrow!!

As for me personally..... well I dread to think what may happen..... The major incident for this The Three Weeks of 2014 revolved around Karen. We met each other for the first time on the 1st weekend of The Three Weeks, and again on the 2nd weekend. Then she moved house, back in with her son, and this seems destined to seal my fate, that I probably would never see her again. This proving that things starting during "The Three Weeks" is destined for calamities and heartache. Karen will by now be settling into her new abode in York, and being offline for a while.

So just have to get through tomorrow..... until sundown tomorrow night which will mark the end of this "The Three Weeks"...... so just one more long cold dark lonely night and one more day at work.....

Indeed a total eclipse of my heart......... *sigh*

Sunday 3 August 2014

Day 20 of The Three Weeks - Soul Mates and Twin Flames

Well it seems the football tipping seems to be defying the curse of The Three Weeks. This weekend, the last of The Three Weeks, I actually gotten 7 points and jumped three spots into 16th place. But with only four weeks to go, I think a top 6 finish is a wee bit beyond me!! The close matches count seems to be in my favor too, with a score of 10 corrects picks to 8 incorrect picks for matches decided by 6 or less points.

Anyway I expect Karen would now be in her new abode in York with possessive son, which it seems will be a nail in the coffin of any opportunity to see her again. She will be offline for about two weeks as there are no internet connection at the house and she will be off the radio for that time. She can get online at the radio station inbetween announcing for songs and etc. However though feeling sad and somewhat heartbroken that I won't be seeing her again for a long time, there is also a sense of peace that she is going to be fine.

It seems there is telepathy between Karen and I. While on my walk yesterday I had a sense that Karen had sent me a msg on FaceBook, however, I dismissed it as wishful thinking! I knew she be busy moving house and wouldn't have time to get online even at her old apartment. She has lots of friends helping her to move, so with friends around, etc, at her apartment, she surely won't have any time to even get online let alone send me a msg!!! However when I gotten back from my walk, I was shocked to see that indeed there was a msg from Karen waiting for me!!!! Wow!!!! Sometimes I do "feel" her, not always sure whether it is her communications or just my daydreams about her, but could very well be. I think that is why I feel peaceful that she is doing OK, it is probably what she is trying to tell me via telepathy. It makes sense, cos since we are indeed star siblings, there would be telepathy between us. ETs communicate with each other via telepathy, including those on our ship. Karen and I came from the same ship, so up there we would have communicated by telepathy. So it does seem natural that even with the limitations of our 3D life on this planet, we still would have some form of telepathy between us. Telepathy is indeed a star seed traits, I communicate with those aboard my ship via telepathy, often while on my walk, and also with the dolphins and whales via telepathy.

Meanwhile Caroline..... she is more than ever besotted by me, firmly believing that we are destined to be together. She has no doubt about this. He hubby leaves this Thursday for another four weeks on the rig in the Middle East, this just after the end of "The Three Weeks". Tisha B'Av is on Tuesday, the day when the Jewish Temples were destroyed. She still intends for her friends, the lady also married to an Australian, to speak to me when they come to Australia next year, they apparently attend the same church as me when they come to Perth. Now it seems they are coming in March next year, and they both intend for me to marry Caroline. As much as I love Caroline I am not ready for marriage, indeed I am not sure if I want to be married.

Lately there has been coming my way information about "Soul Mates" and "Twin Flames". I am rather confused as to what is exactly the difference between the two. What I figured is one can have more than one "Soul Mates" but only one "Twin Flame". However, the relationships between Soul Mates and Twin Flames are not necessarily romantic or sexual, it can be just a special kind of friendship with no romance, even as siblings. This is the relationship between Karen and I, we are siblings from the ship. Whether we are Soul Mates or Twin Flames, the jury is currently out on that. We have been close together on the ship, and Karen seems certain that we have spent all of our past lives together - if that is so, this sounds very much like Twin Flames. Our connection was absolutely instant the moment we first met, there was no form of scoping each other out or getting to know each other, it is as if we already knew each other and we just came back together after missing each other since our incarnation on this planet.

Caroline however, I had always assumed she was my Twin Flame, however, I have no sense as to whether we ever met in any past lives. She doesn't believe in reincarnation, being a devout Christian. It is that we knew each other as penfriends 15 years ago before losing contact, and we found each other again after 15 years. That in itself is miraculous, so there IS a purpose for us getting back together again. We probably are from the same soul group. She may not believe in reincarnation but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have past lives. We ALL have past lives, even if devout Christians and others chooses to dismiss such evidence of past lives. I had always believed in reincarnation even during my Christian years. My research on the Heaven and Hell doctrine helped me to maintain my belief in reincarnation. The doctrine dates back to Egyptian mythology, and in reality, "Heaven" is a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy, while "Hell" is nothing more than the underground, either one's grave or simply holes in the ground, caves, tombs, or anything under the ground.

Anyway it remains to be seen how all this pans out. Some information that I have read asserts that Twin Flames does not necessarily remain together in this lifetime even when we meet for the first time on the planet. We can sometimes be separated again and may not see each other for years!!! OMG I hope this won't be the case with Karen, but it is entirely possible. Some Twin Flames may not meet again until the next life, or in regard to Karen and I, when we get back on the ship.

So as much as I so want to be with Karen again, I suppose I should be comforted by the fact that we are never really apart, she will be back on the radio when I will be able to hear her, we will still be on FaceBook even if not as often, and we DO it seems have this telepathy between us - we just have to learn how to read each other more clearly by telepathy.

There are so many things that I like about Karen...... What I like about You!!!!..... *sigh*.....