Thursday 2 October 2014

Vacation and Mercury's Retrograde

This has been a very interesting past few days.....

Last weekend which was a holiday weekend I was on Glory Camp with my cousin. It's the church camp that happens each year, but this was my first time at the camp. I did have an awesome time, with plenty of energy connects to the higher realms, often in the form of music and dancing, but also "soaking times" when we basically meditate where I found myself travelling to the Pleiades star system!! Very intense meditations. I was feeling very energized by the end of the camp. Now it remains to be seen if this will see me through some very intense planetary events - Mercury's retrograde which begins this Saturday which incidentally is also Yom Kippur. The three weeks of Mercury's retrograde is always a very chaotic time for me, I always get depressed, emotionally chaotic, and calamities especially involving computers and electronics. Added to the chaos will be TWO eclipses - a lunar eclipse next week followed two weeks later by a solar eclipse. Eclipse events are also very chaotic for me, so the two combine will be most harrowing!!!! Fortunate I am on vacation for most of this time, indeed I don't go back to work until the 23rd near the end of Mercury's retrograde.

News of the day however was something most unexpected!!! It involves Karen. Basically she turned religious!!! I really don't understand why. Like me she has previously been involved in the church and for a while have embraced Christianity. Then also like me, she was awakened out of religion and discovered her star seed identity, and as I have been sharing here, we shared much in common in regards to our star seed identities that we concluded we are star siblings who came from the same ship. However since coming back from camp I did sense a change in the vibes though I could not quite put my finger on it, indeed, I put it down to the upcoming Mercury's retrograde, I thought it was just me!!!! But today when I heard back from Karen for the first time since the camp, I was in shock!!! She basically renounced her ET and star seed beliefs and had gone BACK into religion. Now WHY would anyone who came out of religion and became enlightened would actually be willing to leave this enlightenment behind and go back into religion!!!! She didn't give much away as to how it happened, but I asked questions, and hopefully I will hear back from her.

When I saw her two weeks ago for my birthday she did mention that she started going back to church. And well since I have been going back to church since March thanks to my cousin, I thought nothing of it aside from the fact of another synchronicity. Our lives seems so parallel. As I have gone back to church, she is also going back to church. However I have NOT renounced my star seeds beliefs nor any other forms of spirituality. I see Christianity as being just one aspect of the greater picture. Indeed all forms of spirituality do have common core values, and there are similarities between them all. All are just different parts of the elephant. I do enjoy my times at church, the music and dancing, the energy connects, and etc.

Karen basically told me what most Christians believes about ETs, that they are just "demons" sent to deceive us. Christians have a very limited view of the spirit realm and are very dualistic in their viewpoints. Basically there is the devil, Satan and the demons..... then the angels, and God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is the extent of their knowledge of the spirit realm. So anything else that is revealed about the spirit realm, whether it be ghosts, fae beings, elementals, goblins, ETs, etc, are all lumped as being just different forms of "demons". That is the common viewpoint of devout Christians including most of those at my church.

Now WHY have Karen have gone back to such a belief system after being so enlightened??? Well I really don't know!!! I hope she will tell me the next time I hear from her. Probably one significant factor is that she attends a conservative church, indeed the Salvation Army church in York, while I attend a Charismatic Renewal church who are more in touch with the spirit realm. My church tends to be more accepting of people with alternative viewpoints even if the church officially does not embrace such viewpoints. However the more conservative churches tends to demand specific renouncement of any alternative viewpoints as a condition of church membership.

Whatever the case this obviously changes the dynamics of our friendship. I hope we remain in contact with each other, but it looks like there won't be any more trips to York for me, and even if we do by any chance see each other again, it will be very different. No more talks about ETs and star seed stuff.

Lonely indeed are the star seeds. After 8 years I finally met another star seed in person...... only to lose her to religion!!!!! So now I have to find another star seed within driving distance of this isolated little city, and I hope it won't take me another 8 years!!!!! There are plenty of star seeds on this planet, there are whole groups of them on FaceBook and other social media, only that they are all either on the east coast or overseas. There are no other star seeds even in Western Australia let alone in Perth itself!!!!! Uh well...... it is probably my karma to be a lonely wandering wolf, destined to be ever wandering alone, never to find a place to settle, never to find a place to call home.........

I'm just a lonely star seed, lonely and blue..... ohhhhh all I want is another star seed to share with in person, earth form being female, she doesn't have to be Pleiadean, she can be Sirian, Andromedean, Reticuli, or anywhere.... afterall I am from many other of these star systems...... uh well....... lonely indeed are the star seeds.........

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