Monday 4 August 2014

Day 21 of The Three Weeks - It Happened Again!!!!!

Last year during The Three Weeks I had driven past a speed camera while I was over the limit. I was certain I would be receiving a speeding ticket in the mail. That mail never came.

So after a whole year of driving within the limit and not having any more scares, today I was on my way to my walking spot when I passed another speed camera, and this time for the first time in a year, I was OVER the limit once again!!!! So now another anxious wait for a possible speeding ticket in the mail. Will I be lucky the 2nd time around?? Only time will tell.......

Anyway it is now Tisha B'Av, the very day the Jewish Temples were destroyed,  the last day of "The Three Weeks" but the most energetically intense day. Today we hear about the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I on August 4. Well 100 years ago that day fell on Tisha B'Av, and the 1st World War led to events that eventually led to the Holocaust!! And with the Gaza conflict turning into a public relation nightmare for the Jews, it makes me wonder what will happen tomorrow!!

As for me personally..... well I dread to think what may happen..... The major incident for this The Three Weeks of 2014 revolved around Karen. We met each other for the first time on the 1st weekend of The Three Weeks, and again on the 2nd weekend. Then she moved house, back in with her son, and this seems destined to seal my fate, that I probably would never see her again. This proving that things starting during "The Three Weeks" is destined for calamities and heartache. Karen will by now be settling into her new abode in York, and being offline for a while.

So just have to get through tomorrow..... until sundown tomorrow night which will mark the end of this "The Three Weeks"...... so just one more long cold dark lonely night and one more day at work.....

Indeed a total eclipse of my heart......... *sigh*

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