Sunday 12 October 2014

The Celestial Temple

We are now in the midst of Mercury's retrograde, one of the horror periods of the year for me. This three week period of Mercury's retrograde which happens three times each years is usually a time for depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts for a sensitive soul like me. Furthermore, this particular period is marked by TWO eclipses, and eclipses themselves are energetically very chaotic for me. Last week I did get to witness the lunar eclipse, the 2nd of the Tetrad of "blood moons" marking the Jewish holidays. We are now in Succot. It is said that this Tetrad of the blood moons will herald difficult times for the Jews, or perhaps massive changes for Jews. Next week will be the Solar Eclipse, which is not visible from here, nevertheless still destined to be a chaotic time for me. I am very sensitive to planetary energies, more sensitive than even most other star seeds.

I recently came across this awesome website the Celestial Temple, and it immediately resonated with me. It is a Sirian star seed site actually based in Australia - Queensland I think, which may explain a lot for some people! LOL! Most people think of those banana benders as being weird. Well I am weird too! So anyway for a while I was a free member of the Celestial Temple, and just this last week I took the plunge and became a paid member. It is only $19 monthly, and this is AUSTRALIAN dollars, so no need to worry about exchange rates!! And I am so glad.

This is not a religion. It is simply a place for energy exchanges. Temples were originally designed as portals for energy exchanges, they were not designed to be religious. It was only through the 3D mindset of humans that Temples later BECAME centers of religion. But originally there were no worship of any deities. The various entities that became the gods and goddesses were revered but never worshipped.

To try keep it as simple as possible, the Celestial Temple is the place where we are empowered to work with the planetary energies through energy transmissions, "light languages" transimissions (basically the languages of ETs, in this instance, Sirians), and self healing. It has already made a difference for me - I self harmed only three times, while usually by now it be at least ten times during this time of Mercury's retrograde!!! A long way to go but it is a start.....

At about the same time, the Astrological forecasts for Virgos would be a change in financial circumstances for the better. That I did not believe. Generally I believe only the negative forecasts, not the positives, cos mainly of my karma - that I would be destined for suffering, depression and heartache on this planet.

Well lo and behold my wage rise finally kicked in this past week, with backpay to June. So now I can breath a bit easier and get ahead even if just by a little bit. It was certainly a chance to reset my very tight budget.

But that was not the miracle. Last week I also applied for a credit card cos I was sent an invite to do so. In the past I had been sent invites for credit cards but was always knocked back. Credit cards being the relatively low interest preference to my very high interest personal loan stemming from Sally's medical expenses, which I am forever extending. Indeed I extended it again just last week since I didn't expect to be accepted for the credit card. The interest rate being about 33% and owing about $3000 on it. And then those evil payday loans with an effective interest rate of about 50%, this keeping me in poverty!! In contrast, credit cards typically have interest rates around 13% with a 55 day interest free period if the balance is paid off within 55 days. So a far more preferable option.

Well anyway, going to the PO box fully expecting to find a rejection letter from the bank, I was delightfully surprised to find three pieces of mail - I had actually been accepted!!!!

When I got back home, there it was indeed, one of the mail contained the credit card, I now have it in my hot little hands. The other was the PIN number, and the 3rd one was the obligatory documentations. I was also surprised at the credit limit they given me, much higher than expected. I didn't put a credit limit on my application, I just wanted to see how much they were willing to give me in the unlikely event of being accepted. Well all I will say is it is way higher than expected, and it effectively given me a safety net in case something major happens, such as, one of my ancient appliances breaking down, or some issue cropping up with the car which is overdue for a service.

So now I can banish those evil payday loans for ever, and can now work on paying off that high interest loan stemming from Sally's medical expenses. The plan is to use the credit card to pay my ongoing household bills, utilities, etc, and in most instances I should be able to pay off the balance within the 55 days thus not paying any interest. This I hope will help me get on top of my budget, and eventually save enough so I won't need credit.

Meanwhile if something does go wrong, such as, with the car, or major unexpected expenses, well a 13% interest rate is way better than the 33% and/or effective 50% interest rate I have been currently subjected to!!! And well, let's put it this way, the credit limit is more than the current worth of my 10 year old Nissan Pulsar!!

Now I just have to visit the bank with my ID documents, set up the online account, and activate the card. This I shall do tomorrow.

So things are finally looking up with the finances..... but as per my karma, when one area of my life improves, another area goes downhill, so in keeping with the karmic balance of my suffering. And the area in which it is going downhill is in regards to Karen. I think I have lost her friendship. I haven't heard from her since that misunderstand I shared about last week, she haven't even acknowledged any of my FaceBook posts. But then our relationship did begin during the Jewish "The Three Weeks" stemming from the destruction of the Temple, and things that begins during "The Three Weeks" are destined for catastrophe and heartache. Uh well..... as they say, karma is a bitch, and a very merciless one in my instance!!!!

It looks like I be losing Caroline as well, though a more slow painful death. She is getting more depressed due to her situation with the hubby, and she tried to commit suicide last week. Most people who tries to commit suicide usually succeeds, which mean, I would eventually succeed, though at this time with the Celestial Temple I am feeling a little better. But it seems the two women in my life who means most to me are slipping from my life.........

We Virgos are so no good at relationships, indeed there are no star sign that are as hopeless in relationships as Virgos..... but I guess I just gotta ride on.......

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