Saturday 13 September 2014

Busy Times !!!

This past week I been so busy..... sharing the story of my awakenings through the years on FaceBook.... it was cos someone wanted to know about it.... I always seem to be sharing stories about my life experiences.... always someone who asks about it.....

Uh yes.... my final result in the football tipping was 16th spot, so still made it into the top half. And for close matches which was decided by 6 points or less, my final win-loss ratio is 12-11, with the drawn match being given as a "win" cos everyone who submits a tip on matches that turns out to be drawn receives one point. Anyway I think the Hawks will win the flag but don't quote me.... unless they DO win !!!! ;)

What else been happening..... uhhh yes the puddy cat, my Sirian kin, she has her favorite spot - MY chair!!! Fortunately it is on wheels so I can just shift it out the way and I use my other chair to sit when working on my computer.

Uh yes last weekend..... I did survive Father's Day though not unscathed, I have the scars to prove it.....

So last Saturday night I was at the Dawes-Smith for dinner at my cousin's invite, who I go to church with. A nice change to have someone cook for me, one of many reasons why I miss Mother, she would always invite Sally and I over for dinner. Anyway, they did a roast chicken for me, the first time I ate meat in several months but its ok, it is rude to refuse food offered to me. I choose not to tell any of my family here about my vegetarianism, they are too much in 3D, they won't be able to handle it. I get blank stares each time I share about even slightly spiritual topics with them, such as, telling someone that I go to church but have eclectic belief systems that covers all religions - she just couldn't get her head around such a concept, which is very simple for me, but she just could not figure it out!!!! Uh well its ok, we were all there once upon a time, no judgments passed, it is my call to keep my vibrational energies high enough to raise them up, and they will eventually get it - perhaps a few lifetimes later!! ;) Anyway I did enjoy my time at the Dawes-Smith household, talking computer stuff with Uncle as always, and my cousin must be operating at a higher vibrational energy, she works with Essential Oils, and we talked about the entities that we both see - the ghosts and other such creatures. I'm sure the church we go to have connections with Star Seeds even if they many not know it, they keep on showing pictures of the Pleiades with the words "I am the Lord who healeth thee" - and every Star Seed knows that Pleiadeans are healers. I have been told a few times over the years that I am meant to be a healer, that is, have gift of healing. I have done some informal online classes in Reiki  but nothing formal. These forms of healings across all religions and faiths are all the same - it is basically energy transfer, and the laying of hands assists in this energy transfer. Anyway..... um..... no waffling on.....

So that was Saturday night.... Sunday was Father's Day, and well I wasn't going to attend church cos it was billed as a "Father's Day service", and I just didn't want anything to do with it. I don't know if it is just me, but I feel it is most decidedly an unequally yoked relationship between the spiritual realm and a holiday birthed out of a purely commercial interest by a greetings card company - there is a reason why it is known as a "HallMark holiday". But I had an excuse anyway. I was actually invited over to Justin's house for Father's Day. Justin's house being now our base of operation for family gatherings on Pasco's side, we spent Xmas there. We were told to arrive there mid-morning so I assumed it would be a lunch, however, it turned out to be just a morning tea, we were all out of there by lunch time, which was good cos it meant I had the rest of the day for myself. In years gone by it would be afternoon tea at Mother's, which meant I'd be stressing all morning about going there, then having to survive the afternoon there, and by the time we got home the day was over! This new arrangement is so much better, we get it over and done with before lunchtime. And it was easier to keep true to my vegetarianism cos it was self serve, as meal times at Mother's on such occasions always are. There were spring rolls and quiches on offer, though I must admit that I did eat a couple of the sausage rolls - Mandy (Justin's wife) must have gotten Mother's recipe, she made the best sausage rolls ever!! She makes them with bacon bits with the sausage meat. Back in my meat eating days I would virtually have whole meals out of them!!!! So yeah I did allow myself liberties there, they ARE to die for!!!!! Anyway I am now back on the wagon..... back to my vegetarian ways.

So next weekend..... this planet will complete another of its very high number of revolutions around the Sun since my incarnation to my current life, indeed an extremely high number being 51 such revolutions. And I have a birthday date with Karen..... ooohhhh...... the first birthday I actually looking forward to for a long time..... She said to me, I gotten you a few presents already!.... I thought... A FEW presents??? For most people you only get one present per person for one's birthday!!! I wonder what she has gotten me..... this is gonna be the best birthday ever..... I be going up to York at lunchtime on my birthday, and she is taking me to the Vegan restaurant in town.... well it is a restaurant that has Vegan options. Karen is Vegan which is slightly more strict than Vegetarianism. Vegan means no critter products whatsoever including eggs, milk, etc. I have recently cut out eggs from my diet, but still need the cheese and the chocolates though I don't have as much of either products..... So I be having lunch with Karen, then spending the afternoon with that wonderful soul, angel from Heaven, and then I be with her at the radio station when she does her radio show in the evening. So it be all afternoon and most of the evening with Karen, oh what birthday could be better..... ohhhh..... I just feel so alive when I am with her.... *sigh*......  I haven't had any invites from my Earth family yet, but its ok, I am just so happy to be with Karen. My family will be in shock if they send me an invite for Saturday, they will just assume that I have nothing else planned so will probably leave it to the last minute if they do something for me at all - it will shock them when I tell them that I am already have a date for Saturday, so it will have to be Sunday.... hehehe.....

It looks like all things are set for Caroline to go to London next year for her daughter's college education, what rich Indians do, go to London or some other western city when their children reaches college age. She is set to depart about March or April next year, the school year there is from about June/July, not February as it is here. It seems her hubby won't be accompanying her, she be going alone, so it will mean she will no longer need to be subject to his abuse. She seems to think she will get a job in London, she is actually a qualified nurse, then come to visit me. Well we shall see what happens there. It will be awesome if she does come to visit me, but not quite so desperate since that some of my energies is diverted to Karen..... oh what a situation! At least Karen has no designs for marriage or anything, she is content to remain my soul sister - and I am extremely content when I am with her!!!!!

I finally gotten my vacuum cleaner! Will put it through its paces tomorrow when I start on my desperately needing to be vacuumed carpets, even more so with puddy cat in the house. So will be busy tomorrow, between that and mowing the rest of the lawns. I took the day off work Friday to start on the lawns, I did the whole of the front and half of the back before the battery was spent. I may invest in a 2nd battery, will have to see where I can get it from and how much it is. The battery didn't last as long this time, probably cos some of the weeds were six inches high so needed more power to cut through them - what happens when it rained the past two weekends - but it seems the rains have gone, and it is warming up......

Anyway..... a random vid.... just one of my fav songs from Dire Straits.....


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