Thursday 6 November 2014

Um.... I guess about time I updated......

Oh it's been a while.... so much has happened that I will probably keep ya up to speed in stages.....

I must say, the Celestial Temple is the best thing ever to happen to me in regards to spirituality. At long last a group that resonates totally with me!!! It is a star seed orientated group. The priestess is a Sirian, that is, the Sirius star system, the same star system as where my puddy cat comes from, and just like me she has also been on Lemuria. But this is literally ET technology, and it DOES work.

Last month I took part in the Solar Eclipse energy transmission ceremony with the Celestial Temple, coinciding with the solar eclipse on 23 October. The eclipse was actually visible in America, but regardless of whether we can actually see it from our spot on the planet, its energies still affects us. This transmission ceremony does work. As I sat by my Pleiadean shrine, I was holding my crystals and they grew hot in my hands, energy was going through me, and then I felt my 3rd eye chakra (the middle of the forehead just above the eyes) throbbing..... and for the next week or so I slept like a log.

Now we doing the Attunement transmission for November. We do these monthly attunements each month designed to address the specific planetary and stellar configurations for the month. So now being November, we doing the attunement for November. There are some very interesting planetary and stellar energies happening this month, I won't bore you with the details, but me being so sensitive to these energies well I have much interest in them. I have always been interested in Astronomy and Astrology from an early age. The two are actually connected. There should not be any separation between them. Anyway, as part of this month's energy transmission, we astral-project ourselves to a particular star in the Sagittarius constellation - oh yes me and my very vivid imagination!!! I do really feel as if I am really there.

Last but not least I booked myself for the Divine Blueprint ceremony with Celestial Temple, it basically address our soul makeup based on our natal chart - the planetary and stellar configs at the time of our birth. So I am getting a personalised energy transmission, with particular crystal grids, and other things based on my own natal chart. What is a "crystal grid" many asks?.... well basically a pattern of crystals and other items designed to harness the energies of the crystals to help deal with the planetary energies. Here's the crystal grid for last month's solar eclipse.....

Anyway there will be my very own personal grid for my natal chart..... and most interestingly, there will be a copy of my "soul song".... hmmmm...... I am very curious about that!!!! I am so excited to be receiving this Divine Blueprint energy.

Other things has been happening...... will share more hopefully on this weekend......

Anyway with all this talk about star seeds, ETs and planetary energies, this is what is likely to happen to me..... hahahaha.......

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